# usage:  checkpoint <dbaseprefix>
# eg.,   checkpoint west

cd /u1/rlpowell/csc/cm/data

# get the number of the last checkpoint
num=`cat $CPDIR/$1.last_checkpoint`

# increment by one
num=`expr $num + 1`

# make sure we don't write over an existing one by accident
while ( test -r $CPDIR/$1.flatfile.$num -o -r $CPDIR/$1.flatfile.$num.gz ) do
   num=`expr $num + 1`

echo $num > $CPDIR/$1.last_checkpoint

echo "`date`:  *** shutting down mud $1 for flatfile" >> $CPDIR/$1.log 2>&1
./shutdownmud $1
sleep 5
echo "`date`:  *** writing flatfile to $1.flatfile.$num" >> $CPDIR/$1.log 2>&1
./cm $1 -d $CPDIR/$1.flatfile.$num >> $CPDIR/$1.log 2>&1
gzip -9 $CPDIR/$1.flatfile.$num
sleep 5
echo "`date`:  *** restarting mud $1" >> $CPDIR/$1.log 2>&1
./restart $1