player commands:

drop/throw	<object>
Place an object on the ground.  "drop all" will empty your inventory.

get/take	<object>
Pick up an object.  "get all" will attempt to pick up everything (and
everyone!) in the room.

help		[<topic>]
Give help on a command or function (theoretically).

Go home.

Show what you're carrying.

look/examine	[<object>]
Look at an object.

news		[<topic>]
Give up-to-the-minute mud news on a given topic (theoretically).

page		<player> [ with <message> ]
Tell a player where you are, or give them a short message.

@password/password	<oldpassword> to <newpassword>
Change your password.

pose		<message>
Prepend <message> with your name, and display it to everyone in the

Quit the mud.

Show who is on all the coolmuds in the coolnet.

say		<message>
Say something to everyone in the room.

who/@who	[<player>]
Show who is online, showing how long they've been connected to the mud
("on for") and how long since they last typed a command ("idle").

whisper		<message> to <player>
Send a private message to someone.  If you want the message to be protected
(ie., if it contains the word "to"), enclose it in quotes:

	whisper 	"give it to bob." to fred

Show the current list of wizards.

builder commands:

@addowner	<player> to <object>
Give <player> ownership of <object>.  You must be an owner of <object>.

@addparent	<object1> to <object2>
Add <object1> to the list of parents of <object2>.  You must own <object2>,
and own <object1> or <object1> must be public.

@clone		<object> [ named <name> ]
Create a child of <object>, optionally with the name <name>.  The newly-
created object is passed the "init" message, with the argument <name>.  

@create		<name>
Create a Generic Thing, with the name <name>.  Equivalent to:
	@clone $thing named <name>

@decompile 	<object>
Decompile the object <object> back into readable source form.  This lists
all variables (with initial values), verbs, and methods of the object.
Warning:  this can be quite large, for objects such as $player.

@destroy	<object>
Destroy an existing object.

@dig		<name>
Create a new room, with the name <name>.  Equivalent to:
	@clone $room named <name>

@find		[ <string> ]
Show all objects you own, or all objects you own which match <string>.

@link		<exit> to <room>
Link the exit named <exit> to the room <room> (usually specified by object #).

@list		<method> on <object>
List the source for the method named <method> on the given <object>. 

@open		<exit>	[ to <room> ]
Open an exit, and optionally link it to <room>.

@methods	<object>
List all the methods on <object>, sorted alphabetically.

@mutate		<object> to/into <parent>
Make <parent> the only parent of <object>.  Any existing variables attached
to <object> will still remain attached.  The "init" method is *not* called,
so the object may not get the appropriate variables.

@publish	<object>
Set <object> public, so that anyone may @show, @methods, @list, @clone
etc the object.  Basically allows "world read permission" on the object.
You must own <object>.

@unpublish	<object>
Set <object> non-public, so that only the owner(s) may @show, @methods,
@list, etc it.  You must own <object>.

@rmparent	<parent> from <object>
Remove <parent> from the parents lists of <object>.  <object> retains
any variables inherited from <parent>.

@rmowner	<player> from <object>
Remove ownership of <object> by <player>.  You must own <object>.
Note that when an object has no owners, it may be manipulated/destroyed
by anyone.

@set		<object>.<variable> to <value>
Set the string variable <property> to <value>.  You must own <object>.
(Ed note:  this syntax is grotty, since really means the
method foo, not the variable foo).

@show		<object>
Show the the parents list, and the values of all the variables on
<object>.  Note that any variables which are inherited from parents
will not be shown directly.  You must own <object>, or it must be

@spew		<method> on <object>
Show the internal stack machine code for the method <method> on <object>.
Really only useful for trivia junkies.

@teleport	<object> to <destination>
Move an object to a new location.

@verbs		<object>
Show all the verbs on <object>, and the methods called.

programmer commmands:

eval		<code>
Evaluate one or more statements of COOL code.  The return value is displayed.
	;return "abc" + "def";
	--> "abcdef"

@program	[ <method> on <object> ]
With no arguments, the @program command accepts code for 1 or more COOL
objects.  With arguments, it reprograms the method <method> on <object>.
Code is accepted until a single line containing "." is entered.

@ps	[ -a ]
Show information about tasks running on the mud.  By default, only
tasks running under your control are displayed.  With the -a option,
all tasks are displayed.

@kill		<task>
Halt the task with ID <task>.

@verb		<verb> <method> on <object>
Add a new verb named <verb> to <object>, which will call <method> when

@rmverb		<verb> on <object>
Remove <verb> from <object>.  You must own <object>.

@rmmethod	<method> on <object>
Remove <method> from <object>.  You must own <object>.

@rmvar		<variable> on <object>
Remove <variable> from <object>.  You must own <object>.

wizard commands:

@wizard		<player>
Give <player> wizardly powers.

@dewizard	<player>
Revoke wizardly powers for <player>.

@force		<player> to <command>
Force <player> to execute <command>.

Show memory usage of the mud.

Show object allocation and cache statistics for the mud.

Show all remote objects which are inside local objects.

@boot		<player>
Kick <player> off the mud.

@shout		<message>
Send <message> to all players on the mud.

Shut down the mud.