- That there is a LIST variable on the system object called "players",
  which contains a list of players.
- That there is a LIST variable on the system object called "wizards",
  which contains a list of wizards.  This is checked only by the
  program command.  Wizards may reprogram any object in the dbase.
- That each object has a LIST variable called "owners", which
  indicates which players may reprogram the object.
- That there is an OBJ variable on the system object called "player_class",
  which contains the object to clone for new players.
- That each player object has STR "name" and "password"
  variables, and that the password is stored in crypt()ed format.
- The server expects the following methods on the system object:
    connect_player(OBJ player)	  - called after a player has been connected
    create_player(OBJ player)	  - called after a player has been created
    disconnect_player(OBJ player) - called after a player has been disconnected

NOTE:  The system object is usually #0.  It's #defined in config.h.