UNNOFICIAL Zen's EnvyMud patch Release 0.87j! (Ultra Envy2.2)
Wednesday, 10th December 1997


=== What's next?

I might finish and include these features in the next patch to EnvyMud.
These features are by NO MEANS guaranteed to be coded. You might notice most of
the ideas aren't highly original. You see, my mind is usually useless at having
ideas for what to do if i don't have a set goal :-)

		Full language support.

		Debugging, cleanup, testing, improvement of code. You know...
		Now i am using strstr and strchr in lots of code...

                Different "schools" like in OBLIVION.

		Substitute MOBPrograms for NiMUD scripts. Why? I'll tell you
		why: NiMUD scripts can understand loops, expressions, you can
		assign variables... Need i go on?

		Bulletin Boards (like SMAUG's)

		Automated arena code, including challenge mode.

		Improved auction (like Erwin's idea)

		Add value5 field to objects? Or value10?

		Increase number of mortal levels to 60?

		Now we have OLC the time is right to change the area format
		while keeping compatibility with old areas (you will lose
		some of the new format's features but that's life!).
		Maybe Slash of MZF fame's idea for a new code format?  It has a
		couple of small flaws in my view though.

		Add pose table to class files

                A new class different from the others (no Paladins please)!
		( ideas desperately needed, my mind is void... )

                Even more spells, even more skills.

                Traps (discussed in the Merc mailing list)
		(Useless if we had proper room progs)

		Add a couple more immskills ( never can have enough :-) )

		Online editing of classes & socials (save routine already made)

		RFC 1413 protocol use: well, SMAUG, EOS and Mordor feature
		this, so it should be fairly simple to slam it in Envy2.2
		Of course my knowledge of networking protocols is near zero
		:-) But hey! The old art of cut & paste usually works... With
		a few dozens of modifications...
		There is some info on RFC protocols on:
		(This feature has very little use -- delayed undefinedly)

I guess you are seeing SMAUG mentioned here loads of times huh?  Because it's
just soo nice...  But i like more the feel of Envy you know...  Maybe i'm just
plain nut or something.  Toric (Derek Snider) has done a wonderful job on SMAUG.
I generally feel like Envy is more user friendly, and has cleaner, but sometimes
slower code (Maybe caused by the number of stock areas).  And i have made it
even slower!  Much slower!  Muhahahah... :-)  Just kidding...  It's not as slow
as that.  BTW booting is FASTER than on Envy2.2.  Guess i'm being ultra picky.

- Zen