 *			Eldhamud Codebase V2.2				    *
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
 *          EldhaMUD code (C) 2003-2008 by Robert Powell (Tommi)            *
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
 *                                                                           *
 * Utility macros.
#define UMIN(a, b)		((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define UMAX(a, b)		((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define URANGE(a, b, c)		((b) < (a) ? (a) : ((b) > (c) ? (c) : (b)))
#define LOWER(c)		((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z' ? (c)+'a'-'A' : (c))
#define UPPER(c)		((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z' ? (c)+'A'-'a' : (c))

 * Old-style Bit manipulation macros
 * The bit passed is the actual value of the bit (Use the BV## defines)
#define IS_SET(flag, bit)	((flag) & (bit))
#define SET_BIT(var, bit)	((var) |= (bit))
#define REMOVE_BIT(var, bit)	((var) &= ~(bit))
#define TOGGLE_BIT(var, bit)	((var) ^= (bit))

 * Macros for accessing virtually unlimited bitvectors.		-Thoric
 * Note that these macros use the bit number rather than the bit value
 * itself -- which means that you can only access _one_ bit at a time
 * This code uses an array of integers

 * Here are the extended bitvector macros:
#define xIS_SET(var, bit)	((var).bits[(bit) >> RSV] & 1 << ((bit) & XBM))
#define xSET_BIT(var, bit)	((var).bits[(bit) >> RSV] |= 1 << ((bit) & XBM))
#define xSET_BITS(var, bit)	(ext_set_bits(&(var), &(bit)))
#define xREMOVE_BIT(var, bit)	((var).bits[(bit) >> RSV] &= ~(1 << ((bit) & XBM)))
#define xREMOVE_BITS(var, bit)	(ext_remove_bits(&(var), &(bit)))
#define xTOGGLE_BIT(var, bit)	((var).bits[(bit) >> RSV] ^= 1 << ((bit) & XBM))
#define xTOGGLE_BITS(var, bit)	(ext_toggle_bits(&(var), &(bit)))
#define xCLEAR_BITS(var)	(ext_clear_bits(&(var)))
#define xIS_EMPTY(var)		(ext_is_empty(&(var)))
#define xHAS_BITS(var, bit)	(ext_has_bits(&(var), &(bit)))
#define xSAME_BITS(var, bit)	(ext_same_bits(&(var), &(bit)))

 * Memory allocation macros.
#define CREATE(result, type, number)                                    \
do                                                                      \
{                                                                       \
   if (!((result) = (type *) calloc ((number), sizeof(type))))          \
   {                                                                    \
      perror("malloc failure");                                         \
      fprintf(stderr, "Malloc failure @ %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
      abort();                                                          \
   }                                                                    \
} while(0)

#define RECREATE(result,type,number)                                    \
do                                                                      \
{                                                                       \
   if(!((result) = (type *)realloc((result), sizeof(type) * (number)))) \
   {                                                                    \
      perror("realloc failure");                                        \
      fprintf(stderr, "Realloc failure @ %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
      abort();                                                          \
   }                                                                    \
} while(0)

#define DISPOSE(point)  \
do                      \
{                       \
   if((point))          \
   {                    \
      free((point));    \
      (point) = NULL;   \
   }                    \
} while(0)

#ifdef HASHSTR
#define STRALLOC(point)		str_alloc((point))
#define QUICKLINK(point)	quick_link((point))
#define QUICKMATCH(p1, p2)	(int) (p1) == (int) (p2)
#define STRFREE(point)                                            		\
do                                                                		\
{                                                                 		\
   if((point))                                                    		\
   {                                                              		\
      if( str_free((point)) == -1 )                               		\
         bug( "STRFREEing bad pointer in %s, line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); 	\
      (point) = NULL;                                             		\
   }                                                              		\
} while(0)
#define STRALLOC(point)		str_dup((point))
#define QUICKLINK(point)	str_dup((point))
#define QUICKMATCH(p1, p2)	strcmp((p1), (p2)) == 0
#define STRFREE(point)		DISPOSE((point))

/* double-linked list handling macros -Thoric */
/* Updated by Scion 8/6/1999 */
#define LINK(link, first, last, next, prev) \
do                                          \
{                                           \
   if ( !(first) )                          \
   {                                        \
      (first) = (link);                     \
      (last) = (link);                      \
   }                                        \
   else                                     \
      (last)->next = (link);                \
   (link)->next = NULL;                     \
   if ((first) == (link))                   \
      (link)->prev = NULL;                  \
   else                                     \
      (link)->prev = (last);                \
   (last) = (link);                         \
} while(0)

#define INSERT(link, insert, first, next, prev) \
do                                              \
{                                               \
   (link)->prev = (insert)->prev;               \
   if ( !(insert)->prev )                       \
      (first) = (link);                         \
   else                                         \
      (insert)->prev->next = (link);            \
   (insert)->prev = (link);                     \
   (link)->next = (insert);                     \
} while(0)

#define UNLINK(link, first, last, next, prev)   \
do                                              \
{                                               \
   if ( !(link)->prev )                         \
   {                                            \
      (first) = (link)->next;                   \
      if ((first))                              \
         (first)->prev = NULL;                  \
   }                                            \
   else                                         \
   {                                            \
      (link)->prev->next = (link)->next;        \
   }                                            \
   if ( !(link)->next )                         \
   {                                            \
      (last) = (link)->prev;                    \
      if((last))                                \
         (last)->next = NULL;                   \
   }                                            \
   else                                         \
   {                                            \
      (link)->next->prev = (link)->prev;        \
   }                                            \
} while(0)

#define CHECK_LINKS(first, last, next, prev, type)		\
do {								\
  type *ptr, *pptr = NULL;					\
  if ( !(first) && !(last) )					\
    break;							\
  if ( !(first) )						\
  {								\
    bug( "CHECK_LINKS: last with NULL first!  %s.",		\
        __STRING(first) );					\
    for ( ptr = (last); ptr->prev; ptr = ptr->prev );		\
    (first) = ptr;						\
  }								\
  else if ( !(last) )						\
  {								\
    bug( "CHECK_LINKS: first with NULL last!  %s.",		\
        __STRING(first) );					\
    for ( ptr = (first); ptr->next; ptr = ptr->next );		\
    (last) = ptr;						\
  }								\
  if ( (first) )						\
  {								\
    for ( ptr = (first); ptr; ptr = ptr->next )			\
    {								\
      if ( ptr->prev != pptr )					\
      {								\
        bug( "CHECK_LINKS(%s): %p:->prev != %p.  Fixing.",	\
            __STRING(first), ptr, pptr );			\
        ptr->prev = pptr;					\
      }								\
      if ( ptr->prev && ptr->prev->next != ptr )		\
      {								\
        bug( "CHECK_LINKS(%s): %p:->prev->next != %p.  Fixing.",\
            __STRING(first), ptr, ptr );			\
        ptr->prev->next = ptr;					\
      }								\
      pptr = ptr;						\
    }								\
    pptr = NULL;						\
  }								\
  if ( (last) )							\
  {								\
    for ( ptr = (last); ptr; ptr = ptr->prev )			\
    {								\
      if ( ptr->next != pptr )					\
      {								\
        bug( "CHECK_LINKS (%s): %p:->next != %p.  Fixing.",	\
            __STRING(first), ptr, pptr );			\
        ptr->next = pptr;					\
      }								\
      if ( ptr->next && ptr->next->prev != ptr )		\
      {								\
        bug( "CHECK_LINKS(%s): %p:->next->prev != %p.  Fixing.",\
            __STRING(first), ptr, ptr );			\
        ptr->next->prev = ptr;					\
      }								\
      pptr = ptr;						\
    }								\
  }								\
} while(0)

#define ASSIGN_GSN(gsn, skill)					\
do								\
{								\
    if ( ((gsn) = skill_lookup((skill))) == -1 )		\
	fprintf( stderr, "ASSIGN_GSN: Skill %s not found.\n",	\
		(skill) );					\
} while(0)

#define CHECK_SUBRESTRICTED(ch)					\
do								\
{								\
    if ( (ch)->substate == SUB_RESTRICTED )			\
    {								\
	send_to_char( "You cannot use this command from within another command.\n\r", ch );	\
	return;							\
    }								\
} while(0)

#define NULLSTR(str)         (str[0] == '\0')
#define STRING_NULL          ('\0')

 * Character macros.
#define IS_NPC(ch)		(xIS_SET((ch)->act, ACT_IS_NPC))
#define IS_IMMORTAL(ch)		(get_trust((ch)) >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL)
#define IS_HERO(ch)		(get_trust((ch)) >= LEVEL_HERO)
#define IS_AFFECTED(ch, sn)	(xIS_SET((ch)->affected_by, (sn)))
#define HAS_BODYPART(ch, part)	((ch)->xflags == 0 || IS_SET((ch)->xflags, (part)))

#define CAN_CAST(ch)		((ch)->Class != 2 && (ch)->Class != 3)

#define IS_GOOD(ch)		((ch)->alignment >= 350)
#define IS_EVIL(ch)		((ch)->alignment <= -350)
#define IS_NEUTRAL(ch)		(!IS_GOOD(ch) && !IS_EVIL(ch))

#define IS_AWAKE(ch)		((ch)->position > POS_SLEEPING)
#define GET_AC(ch)		((ch)->armor				    \
				    + ( IS_AWAKE(ch)			    \
				    ? dex_app[get_curr_dex(ch)].defensive   \
				    : 0 ))
#define GET_HITROLL(ch)		((ch)->hitroll				    \

/* Thanks to Chriss Baeke for noticing damplus was unused */
#define GET_DAMROLL(ch)		((ch)->damroll                              \
				    +(ch)->damplus			    \

#define xIS_OUTSIDE(ch)		(!xIS_SET(				    \
				    (ch)->in_room->room_flags,		    \
				    ROOM_INDOORS) && !xIS_SET(               \
				    (ch)->in_room->room_flags,              \

#define NO_WEATHER_SECT(sect)  (  sect == SECT_INSIDE || 	           \
				  sect == SECT_UNDERWATER ||               \
                                  sect == SECT_OCEANFLOOR ||               \
                                  sect == SECT_UNDERGROUND )

#define IS_CLANNED(ch)		(!IS_NPC((ch))				    \
				&& (ch)->pcdata->clan			    \
				&& (ch)->pcdata->clan->clan_type != CLAN_ORDER  \
				&& (ch)->pcdata->clan->clan_type != CLAN_GUILD)

#define IS_ORDERED(ch)		(!IS_NPC((ch))				    \
				&& (ch)->pcdata->clan			    \
				&& (ch)->pcdata->clan->clan_type == CLAN_ORDER)

#define IS_GUILDED(ch)		(!IS_NPC((ch))				    \
				&& (ch)->pcdata->clan			    \
				&& (ch)->pcdata->clan->clan_type == CLAN_GUILD)

#define IS_DEADLYCLAN(ch)	(!IS_NPC((ch))	&& (ch)->pcdata->clan

#define IS_DEVOTED(ch)		(!IS_NPC((ch))	&& (ch)->pcdata->deity)

#define IS_IDLE(ch)		((ch)->pcdata && IS_SET( (ch)->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_IDLE ))

#define IS_PKILL(ch)            ((ch)->pcdata && IS_SET( (ch)->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_DEADLY ))

#define CAN_PKILL(ch)           (IS_PKILL((ch)) && (ch)->level >= 5 && get_age( (ch) ) >= 18 )

#define WAIT_STATE(ch, npulse) ((ch)->wait = npulse)

#define EXIT(ch, door)		( get_exit( (ch)->in_room, door ) )

#define CAN_GO(ch, door)	(EXIT((ch),(door))			 \
				&& (EXIT((ch),(door))->to_room != NULL)  \
                          	&& !IS_SET(EXIT((ch), (door))->exit_info, EX_CLOSED))


#define IS_VALID_SN(sn)		( (sn) >=0 && (sn) < MAX_SKILL		     \
				&& skill_table[(sn)]			     \
				&& skill_table[(sn)]->name )

#define IS_VALID_HERB(sn)	( (sn) >=0 && (sn) < MAX_HERB		     \
				&& herb_table[(sn)]			     \
				&& herb_table[(sn)]->name )

#define IS_VALID_DISEASE(sn)	( (sn) >=0 && (sn) < MAX_DISEASE	     \
				&& disease_table[(sn)]			     \
				&& disease_table[(sn)]->name )

#define IS_PACIFIST(ch)		(IS_NPC(ch) && xIS_SET(ch->act, ACT_PACIFIST))

#define SPELL_FLAG(skill, flag)	( IS_SET((skill)->flags, (flag)) )
#define SPELL_DAMAGE(skill)	( ((skill)->info      ) & 7 )
#define SPELL_ACTION(skill)	( ((skill)->info >>  3) & 7 )
#define SPELL_CLASS(skill)	( ((skill)->info >>  6) & 7 )
#define SPELL_POWER(skill)	( ((skill)->info >>  9) & 3 )
#define SPELL_SAVE(skill)	( ((skill)->info >> 11) & 7 )
#define SET_SDAM(skill, val)	( (skill)->info =  ((skill)->info & SDAM_MASK) + ((val) & 7) )
#define SET_SACT(skill, val)	( (skill)->info =  ((skill)->info & SACT_MASK) + (((val) & 7) << 3) )
#define SET_SCLA(skill, val)	( (skill)->info =  ((skill)->info & SCLA_MASK) + (((val) & 7) << 6) )
#define SET_SPOW(skill, val)	( (skill)->info =  ((skill)->info & SPOW_MASK) + (((val) & 3) << 9) )
#define SET_SSAV(skill, val)	( (skill)->info =  ((skill)->info & SSAV_MASK) + (((val) & 7) << 11) )

/* Retired and guest imms. */
#define IS_RETIRED(ch) (ch->pcdata && IS_SET(ch->pcdata->flags,PCFLAG_RETIRED))
#define IS_GUEST(ch) (ch->pcdata && IS_SET(ch->pcdata->flags,PCFLAG_GUEST))

/* RIS by gsn lookups. -- Altrag.
   Will need to add some || stuff for spells that need a special GSN. */

#define IS_FIRE(dt)		( IS_VALID_SN(dt) &&			     \
				SPELL_DAMAGE(skill_table[(dt)]) == SD_FIRE )
#define IS_COLD(dt)		( IS_VALID_SN(dt) &&			     \
				SPELL_DAMAGE(skill_table[(dt)]) == SD_COLD )
#define IS_ACID(dt)		( IS_VALID_SN(dt) &&			     \
				SPELL_DAMAGE(skill_table[(dt)]) == SD_ACID )
#define IS_ELECTRICITY(dt)	( IS_VALID_SN(dt) &&			     \
				SPELL_DAMAGE(skill_table[(dt)]) == SD_ELECTRICITY )
#define IS_ENERGY(dt)		( IS_VALID_SN(dt) &&			     \
				SPELL_DAMAGE(skill_table[(dt)]) == SD_ENERGY )

#define IS_DRAIN(dt)		( IS_VALID_SN(dt) &&			     \
				SPELL_DAMAGE(skill_table[(dt)]) == SD_DRAIN )

#define IS_POISON(dt)		( IS_VALID_SN(dt) &&			     \
				SPELL_DAMAGE(skill_table[(dt)]) == SD_POISON )

#define NOT_AUTHED(ch)		(!IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->auth_state <= 3  \
			      && IS_SET(ch->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_UNAUTHED) )

#define IS_WAITING_FOR_AUTH(ch) (!IS_NPC(ch) && ch->desc		     \
			      && ch->pcdata->auth_state == 1		     \
			      && IS_SET(ch->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_UNAUTHED) )

 * Object macros.
#define CAN_WEAR(obj, part)	(IS_SET((obj)->wear_flags,  (part)))
#define IS_OBJ_STAT(obj, stat)	(xIS_SET((obj)->extra_flags, (stat)))

 * MudProg macros.						-Thoric
#define HAS_PROG(what, prog)	(xIS_SET((what)->progtypes, (prog)))

 * Description macros.
#define PERS(ch, looker, from)	( can_see( (looker), (ch), (from) ) ?		\
				( IS_NPC(ch) ? (ch)->short_descr	\
				: (ch)->name ) : "someone" )

#define log_string(txt)		( log_string_plus( (txt), LOG_NORMAL, LEVEL_LOG ) )
#define dam_message(ch, victim, dam, dt)	( new_dam_message((ch), (victim), (dam), (dt), NULL) )

#define MANA UMAX(skill->min_mana,100/(2+ch->level-skill->skill_level[ch->Class]))
#define BLOOD UMAX(1,(MANA+4)/8)

#define GET_ADEPT(ch,sn)    (  skill_table[(sn)]->skill_adept[(ch)->Class])
#define LEARNED(ch,sn)	    (IS_NPC(ch) ? 80 : URANGE(0, ch->pcdata->learned[sn], 101))

/* Structure and macros for using long bit vectors */
#define CHAR_SIZE sizeof(char)

typedef char * LONG_VECTOR;

#define LV_CREATE(vector, bit_length)					\
do									\
{									\
	int i;								\
	CREATE(vector, char, 1 + bit_length/CHAR_SIZE);			\
	for(i = 0; i <= bit_length/CHAR_SIZE; i++)			\
		*(vector + i) = 0;					\

#define LV_IS_SET(vector, index)					\
	(*(vector + index/CHAR_SIZE) & (1 << index%CHAR_SIZE))

#define LV_SET_BIT(vector, index)					\
	(*(vector + index/CHAR_SIZE) |= (1 << index%CHAR_SIZE))

#define LV_REMOVE_BIT(vector, index)					\
	(*(vector + index/CHAR_SIZE) &= ~(1 << index%CHAR_SIZE))

#define LV_TOGGLE_BIT(vector, index)					\
	(*(vector + index/CHAR_SIZE) ^= (1 << index%CHAR_SIZE))