                A Guideline for Building Mobs
This is intended as a set of guidelines to those who are just beginning
as Builders.  Nothing here is written in stone, this file is based on my
experience and the online help files.   (Herne the Hunter)

Remember that most important command: SAVEAREA

Populating Your World
Mob making isn't an exact science, I've been told.  There are no hard and
fast rules for making mobs, one must use what resources s/he has to find
a good balance.  Using equal amounts of research into existing mobs,
imagination, and common sense, one can come up with some pretty decent
mobs that will provide hours of enjoyment and adventure.

You can't go at mob-making by thinking things like "I'm gonna murder
those Av's!", those kind of mobs hardly ever work and more often than
not, you will be asked to downgrade them to something sensible.  Mob
strength should be based on the level of the area, and the theme of the
area, keeping in mind what kind of damage a player of the same level
could inflict on the mob. A "Newbie Area" type mob may have only 100 HPs
and do only 5-10 HPs of damage per attack, while a "Super Av" type mob
may have 30000 HPs and do 75-100 points of damage, the trick is to find a
nice balance.

Where to Start
As with objects, it is a good idea to keep a scratch list of the vnums
you've been assigned so that you can cross off those numbers that you've
already used.  The MUD won't let you create a new mob over an existing
vnumber, but you can completely modify a mob once you've created it.
To begin making mobs, you should read and understand the following three
help files; MCREATE, MSET, and MSTAT.  Once you have read these files and
understand the workings of them, you are ready to create your first mob
and begin populating your areas.

Step 1: Making a Mob.
MCREATE                                   (Shortform: MCR)
Syntax: mcreate <vnum> <keywords>
Syntax: mcreate <vnum> [cvnum] <keywords>

Creates a new mobile.  A prototype monster will be created with the
selected vnum, and set up with the plainest of default values.  A
material image of the magical prototype will appear before you, for you
to futher modify with MSET.

You can also use MCREATE to copy an existing mob to a new vnumber.
Example: mcr 1001 1000 man guard kings

This will create a new mob with the vnumber of 1001 with the same stats
as the mob with the vnum 1000, and the keywords of 'man guard kings'.

Step 2: Modifying Your Mob.
Syntax: mset <victim> <field> <value>

Field being one of:
  str int wis dex con cha lck sex class
  gold hp mana move practice align race
  hitroll damroll armor affected level
  thirst drunk full blood flags
  pos defpos part (see BODYPARTS)
  sav1 sav2 sav4 sav4 sav5 (see SAVINGTHROWS)
  resistant immune susceptible (see RIS)
  attack defense numattacks
  speaking speaks (see LANGUAGES)
  name short long description title spec clan
  council quest qp qpa favor deity
For editing index/prototype mobiles:
  hitnumdie hitsizedie hitplus (hit points)
  damnumdie damsizedie damplus (damage roll)
To toggle area flag: aloaded
To toggle pkill flag: pkill

MSET sets the properties of mobiles.

If a mobile has the PROTOTYPE flag, modifying an instance of the mobile
will also modify the index mobile, which all other instances of the
mobile are based on.  (In other words, if a mob is prototype, anything
you do to one copy will affect all other copies with the same vnum.)

[Help Files follow...don't be afraid!]
Step 3: Checking up on your Mobs
Syntax :  mstat <mob or mobvnum>
Example:  mstat stag
          mstat 1000 

MSTAT shows you statistics on a character or mobile.  If a copy of the
mobile is present in the game, you can access it using its vnum.  MSTAT
defaults to the mob in the room with you (assuming it matches the mob
you're searching for).
MLIST                                      (Shortform: MLI)
Syntax: mlist
Syntax:	mlist <first mob>               Example: mlist 1000
Syntax:	mlist <first mob> <last mob>    Example: mlist 1000 1025

This command will list all of the prototype mobs in your area, when used 
with no arguments.  When used with a single argument it will list all 
mobs including and after the argument, and when used with two arguments, 
it will list all mobs including and between the two. 

The Advanced Way of Mob Making
When I make mobs, I take the template that follows and make an ASCII file
for each mob I create.  Then I can upload the file 1 line at a time with
an ASCII uploading-type terminal program or a cut-and-paste will work.
There is no need to send the entire template every time you make a mob,
only send the parts of the mob that you wish to modify. 
(I've included a sample mob-file at the end of this file.)

mcr (vnum) (keywords)        [Try to include at least 1 unique keyword]
mset (keyword) short (short desc)
mset (keyword) long (long desc)
mset (keyword) sex #               [0 Neutral/1 Male/2 Female]
mset (keyword) level #             [Based on your area]
mset (keyword) class #             [See NPC_CLASS]
mset (keyword) race (race)         [See NPC_RACES]
mset (keyword) str 13              [Default Value]
mset (keyword) int 13              [Default Value]
mset (keyword) wis 13              [Default Value]
mset (keyword) dex 13              [Default Value]
mset (keyword) con 13              [Default Value]
mset (keyword) cha 13              [Default Value]
mset (keyword) lck 13              [Default Value]
mset (keyword) gold #              [Based on Area Level]
mset (keyword) align #             [>-350=E, -350-+350=N, +350<=G]
mset (keyword) hitroll #           [+/- Mob's HR]
mset (keyword) damroll #           [+/- Mob's DR]
mset (keyword) hitdie #d#+#        [Mob's HPs - See HP_GUIDELINES]
mset (keyword) damdie #d#+#        [Dmg Mob does - See DMG_GUIDELINES]
mset (keyword) numattacks #        [Number of attacks/round]
mset (keyword) sav1 0              [See SAVINGTHROWS]
mset (keyword) sav2 0              [See SAVINGTHROWS]
mset (keyword) sav3 0              [See SAVINGTHROWS]
mset (keyword) sav4 0              [See SAVINGTHROWS]
mset (keyword) sav5 0              [See SAVINGTHROWS]
mset (keyword) flags (act flags)   [See ACTFLAGS]
mset (keyword) spec (specfuncs)    [See SPEC_FUNCTIONS]
mset (keyword) affected (affects)  [See AFFECTED_BY]
mset (keyword) speaks (languages spoken)    [See LANG_GUIDELINES]
mset (keyword) speaking (language speaking) [See LANG_GUIDELINES]
mset (keyword) part head arms legs heart guts hands feet [See BODYPARTS]
mset (keyword) resistant (resists)     [See RESISTANCES]
mset (keyword) immune (immunes)        [See IMMUNES]
mset (keyword) susceptible (suscepts)  [See SUSCEPTS]
mset (keyword) attack (attacks)        [See ATTACKS]
mset (keyword) defense (defenses)      [See DEFENSES]
mset (keyword) armor (AC)              [Mob's AC without Armor]
mset (keyword) description             [Mob's Description]
(The above 2 lines are intended as a guide for line length when making
 up a mob description.  Delete before sending.)

The Help Files
Classes are represented by their numerical value when using MSET.
     Value | Class           Value | Special NPC Class
     ------+-------------    ------+------------------
       0   | Mage              20  | Baker
       1   | Cleric            21  | Butcher 
       2   | Thief             22  | Blacksmith
       3   | Warrior           23  | Mayor
       4   | Vampire           24  | King
       5   | Druid             25  | Queen
       6   | Ranger
       7   | Augurer
       8   | Paladin*

* Not yet fully implemented

One of the hardest decisions when making a mob.  A mob can have as many
or as few HPs as you want it to, depending on what you're trying to
accomplish with it.  The following table is what *I* use as a guideline
when I'm making mobs (Thanks to Brittany for this):
Mob Level | HPs/Lvl    HPs are expressed as a #d#+# value so that when
----------+--------    the mob repops, the MUD can generate a random
    1-10  |  10        level of HPs.  What this means is;
   11-20  |  25         "(number of dice) x (dice size) + (number)"
   21-30  |  50        So a L1 mob might have 1d10+90 HPs or a range
   31-40  | 100        of 91-100 HPs depending on how it repops.
   41-50  | 200+       If you wish to generate a SPECIFIC level of HPs,
                       say 500 HPs, it would translate to:  1d1+499.

This is the amount of damage a mob will do when it's fighting unarmed.
Much like HPs, the amount of damage a mob can do will vary greatly
depending on what you're trying to accomplish.  Your main goal is to keep
the mob's damage "believable" while at the same time, you want to inflict
some sort of damage on players within the Mob's level range.  I usually
try to make the damage done by a mob comparable to that done by a warrior
of the same level (how you do it is up to you).
Damage is generated the same way as HPs; (numdice)x(dicesize)+(number).
So a mob doing 5d8+12 damage will generate a range of 17-52 points of
damage each time it lands a blow.

A mobile may be any of the following races:
human        elf        dwarf       halfling    pixie       vampire 
half-ogre    half-orc   half-troll  half-elf    gith        ant     
ape          baboon     bat         bear        bee         beetle  
boar         bugbear    cat         dog         dragon      ferret  
fly          gargoyle   gelatin     ghoul       gnoll       gnome   
goblin       golem      gorgon      harpy       hobgoblin   kobold  
lizardman    locust     lycanthrope minotaur    mold        mule 
neanderthal  ooze       orc         rat         rustmonster shadow 
shapeshifter shrew      shrieker    skeleton    slime       snake 
spider       stirge     thoul       troglodyte  undead      wight 
wolf         worm       zombie      bovine      canine      feline
porcine      mammal     rodent      avis        reptile     amphibian 
fish         crustacean insect      spirit      magical     horse 
animal       humanoid   monster     god
** Try to match your Mob's race as close as you can so we don't have
    mobs like, 'a small horse' with a race of Halfling.

A mob might speak more than one language for whatever reason you have. 
All mobs know "common" and "clan" as defaults and it's up to you to set
whatever other language(s) the mob will speak.  Here's a list of the
languages currently available;  Common, Elvish, Dwarven, Pixie, Ogre,
Orcish, Trollese, Rodent, Insectoid, Mammal, Reptile, Dragon, Spiritual,
Magical, Goblin, God, Ancient, Halfling, Clan, Gith.

If you wish for your mob to KNOW more than one language, simply;
mset (mob) speaks (language) (language) (language)

To force a mob to be speaking a certain tongue when it repops, simply;
mset (mob) speaking (language)
Examples;  mset horse speaks mammal
           mset horse speaking mammal
Try to match the language your mob is speaking to it's race, IE: A
'horse' shouldn't repop speaking common.

** NOTE: Anything your mob 'says' or 'emotes' will be shown to players
   in the language the mob is SPEAKING.

Saving throws:
  sav1 - Saving vs. poison or death
  sav2 - Saving vs. wands
  sav3 - Saving vs. paralysis or petrification
  sav4 - Saving vs. breath (dragon breath)
  sav5 - Saving vs. spells or staves

Flag         | Description
sentinel     | Mobile always stays at its post.
scavenger    | Mobile picks up items of value.
aggressive   | Mobile attacks players.
stayarea     | Mobile does not leave its home area.
wimpy        | Mobile flees when low in hits.
practice     | Players can "practice" at this mobile.
immortal     | Mobile is immortal (not implemented).
deadly       | Mobile has a deadly poison (not implemented).
meta_aggr    | Mobile is VERY aggressive (not implemented).
nowander     | Mobile doesn't wander unless attacked.
mountable    | Mobile can be mounted.
prototype    | Mobile is under construction.
running      | Mobile is running (Moves twice as fast).
noassist     | Mobile won't assist other mobs in a fight.

These special functions are available to assign to mobiles.
Use them sparingly:

To add spec:  mset <mob> spec <function> (ex. mset guard spec spec_guard)
  To remove:  mset <mob> spec none

Special Function      | Description
spec_breath_any       | Mobiles breathes 1 of the 5 breaths randomly.
spec_breath_acid      | Mobile has breath of acid.
spec_breath_fire      | Mobile has breath of fire.
spec_breath_frost     | Mobile has breath of frost.
spec_breath_gas       | Mobile has breath of gas.
spec_breath_lightning | Mobile has breath of lightning.
spec_cast_adept       | Mobile casts helpful spells.
spec_cast_cleric      | Mobile casts healing spells.
spec_cast_mage        | Mobile casts offensive spells during battle.
spec_cast_undead      | Mobile casts offensive spells during battle.
                      |  (Mob will also summon those who flee.)
spec_guard            | Mobile attacks KILLERS and THIEVES.
spec_executioner      | Same as above except summons guards to help.
spec_fido             | Mobile eats corpses.
spec_janitor          | Mobile picks up trash.
spec_mayor            | Reserved for the mayor... don't use.
spec_poison           | Mobile poisons during battle.
spec_thief            | Mobile steals gold from players.

The following are affect flags that can be used when osetting an item
(with oset <item> affect affected <affect flag>).  These flags can also
be used when msetting a mobile (mset <mob name> affected <affect flag>).
They may additionally be used to mset players if your level allows it.
Blind          Invisible    Detect_evil  Detect_invis  Detect_magic
Detect_hidden  **Hold**     Sanctuary    Faerie_fire   Infrared
Curse          **Flaming**  Poison       Protect       Paralysis
Sneak          Hide         Sleep        Charm         Flying
Pass_door      Floating     Truesight    Detect_traps  Scrying
Fireshield     Shockshield  Iceshield    Aqua_breath   Possess
Note - Hold and Flaming are current not in use.

Misc body parts:
Head     Arms    Legs    Heart        Brains      Guts        Hands  
Fingers  Ear     Eye     Long_Tongue  Eyestalks   Tentacles   Fins   
Wings    Tail    Scales  Hooves       Haunches    Forelegs    Feet

Used for attacking:
Claws    Horns   Tusks   Tailattack   Sharpscales

Players and mobiles may have resistance, suceptibility or immunity to
certain types of attack:

Fire      Cold      Electricity  Energy     Blunt     Pierce     Slash
Acid      Poison    Drain        Sleep      Charm     Hold       Nonmagic
Plus1     Plus2     Plus3        Plus4      Plus5     Plus6      Magic

[These are in ADDITION to numattacks.]
Bite          Claws        Tail        Sting      Punch        Kick
Trip          Bash         Stun        Gouge      Backstab     Feed
Drain         Firebreath   Frostbreath Acidbreath Lightnbreath Gasbreath
Poison        Nastypoison  Gaze        Blindness  Causeserious Earthquake
Causecritical Curse        Flamestrike Harm       Fireball     Colorspray
** (Some are not implemented).

Parry        Dodge      Heal       Curelight   Cureserious   Curecritical
Dispelmagic  Dispelevil Sanctuary  Fireshield  Shockshield   Shield
Bless        Stoneskin  Teleport   Monsum1     Monsum2       Monsum3
Monsum4      Disarm
(Some are not implemented).

Special Mobs - Shops!
Shops and Repairshops are SPECIAL functions that Mobs do.  A mob must be
specifically set as a shop before it will sell the items in its inventory
or repair an item.  The following help files explain how to make a shop.

Syntax: makeshop <mobile vnum>

Creates a new shop and assigns it to a mobile.
The levels of the items in the shop are picked randomly based on item
type and the level of the area:

              Item Type | Level Range
               default  | 0                             
               pill     | 0 to 10                       
               potion   | 0 to 10                       
               scroll   | value[0] of the scroll
               wand     | 10 to 20                      
               staff    | 15 to 25                      
               armor    | 5 to 15                       
               weapon   | 5 to 15                       

Lets you set certain stats on a shop.

Syntax : shopset <mobile vnum> <field> <value>
Example: shopset 1000 buy1 armor   [Shop will buy armor          ]
         shopset 1000 open 8       [Shop opens at 8am            ]
         shopset 1000 close 21     [Shop closes at 9pm           ]
         shopset 1000 buy 90       [Shop pays 90% of value to BUY]
         shopset 1000 sell 130     [Shop makes 30% profit on SELL]

    Fields | Meaning
    buy#   | Types of items the keeper will buy 
    buy    | Percentage of item's value mob will pay for an obj
    sell   | Percentage of item's value mob will sell an obj at
    open   | Hour shop opens                    
    close  | Hour shop closes                   
    keeper | Vnum of shop keeper                

Syntax: shopstat <mobile vnum>
Shows statistics on a specific mobile's shop.

Syntax: shops
Displays statistics on all the shops in the MUD.

Syntax : shopset <mobile vnum> buy# <value>
Example: shopset 1000 buy1 8         [Mob will buy Treasures]
         shopset 1000 buy1 treasure  [Either form works     ]
1  - light               21 - pen                41 - rune
2  - scroll              22 - boat               42 - runepouch
3  - wand                23 - corpse             43 - match
4  - staff               24 - corpse_pc          44 - trap
5  - weapon              25 - fountain           45 - map
6  - _fireweapon         26 - pill               46 - portal
7  - _missile            27 - blood              47 - paper
8  - treasure            28 - bloodstain         48 - tinder
9  - armor               29 - scraps             49 - lockpick
10 - potion              30 - pipe               50 - spike
11 - _worn               31 - herbcon            51 - disease
12 - furniture           32 - herb               52 - oil
13 - trash               33 - incense            53 - fuel
14 - _oldtrap            34 - fire               54 - shortbow
15 - container           35 - book               55 - longbow
16 - _note               36 - switch             56 - crossbow
17 - drinkcon            37 - lever              57 - projectile
18 - key                 38 - pullchain          58 - quiver
19 - food                39 - button             59 - shovel
20 - money               40 - dial               60 - salve
** (Not all are implemented) 

Repair Shops
When equipment gets damaged, it needs to be repaired, and (so far) only
special repair mobs can do that job.  Currently, repairshops can only
repair armor OR recharge wands/staves, they can't do both.

Syntax:  makerepair <mobvnum>
Automatically gives the mobile the ability to repair damaged equipment.
Use 'repairset' to set the parameters by which the shop will function.

Syntax : repairset <mobile vnum> <field> <value>
Example: repairset 1000 fix1 armor [Mob will repair armor          ]
         repairset 1000 profit 125 [Mob charges 25% more than usual]
         repairset 1000 type 1     [Mob is a standard repair shop  ]
         repairset 1000 open 13    [Mob opens shop at 1pm          ]
         repairset 1000 close 0    [Mob closes shop at 12am        ]

This command allows you to set the following fields for repair shops:

        Fields | Meaning
        fix#   | Types of items the keeper will fix 
               | (armor, weapon, wand, staff - see SHOPVALUES)
        profit | Profit on fixing items 
        type   | Repair shop type      
               |  [type 1 = standard]   
               |  [type 2 = recharge]  
        open   | Hour shop opens       
        close  | Hour shop closes      
        keeper | Vnum of repair shop keeper

Syntax: repairshops
Displays statistics on all the repair shops in the MUD.

Syntax: repairstat <mobile vnum>
Shows statistics on a specific mobile's repair shop.

A Sample Mob File:
-----START FILE-----
mcr 8442 stag deer dun dark
mset stag short A dun coloured stag
mset stag long A dark stag patrols the forest, watching for predators.
mset stag sex 1
mset stag level 20
mset stag class 3
mset stag race mammal
mset stag gold 1000
mset stag align 0
mset stag hitdie 5d10+450
mset stag damdie 2d10+5
mset stag numattacks 2
mset stag flags stayarea wimpy noassist
mset stag affected hide detect_hidden
mset stag speaks mammal
mset stag speaking mammal
mset stag part head heart guts horns forelegs hooves haunches
mset stag resistant charm
mset stag attack kick bash
mset stag defense dodge
mset stag description
A proud dun coloured stag regards you with some trepidation, as it's
ever-twitching nose tests the air in an attempt to catch your scent,
and determine if you're friend or foe.
-----END OF FILE-----