 *  Shadows of Isildur RPI Engine, Production
 *  Publicly Released December 2004
 *  Copyright C. W. McHenry [Traithe], 2004
 *  Getting Started Walkthrough, Part II


The included .sql files are all the necessary files needed to create
and populate the MUD's various database structures. These were created
using mySQL 4.1, and were dumped in 3.23 compatibility mode, so they
SHOULD be compatible with mysql version 3.23 and any newer installs.
They will certainly not work with a different TYPE of database server.

First, you will need to create the database structures. To run the game,
you must first have three allotted databases on your server; a primary
database, a second database for the playerfiles, and a third log database.

The server assumes that these are named "shadows", "shadows_pfiles", and
"server_logs", respectively. To change these defaults, you will need to
edit the variables near the top of ../src/structs.h, and you will need
to edit the .sql file(s) for the corresponding database(s).

On most host servers, since you do not have root access, you'll need to ask
your hosting provider to set up your mysql access to these specifications.

Assuming you're okay with the names, and that the databases have been created
for you to access, here are the first three steps. While in this directory:

1. mysql shadows < primary_database.sql
2. mysql shadows_pfiles < pfiles_database.sql
3. mysql server_logs < log_database.sql

Next, you'll need to populate certain databases with data; specifically,
we've provided you a copy of all our helpfiles so you'll be able to
use them as command guides, and we've also got a pre-made implementor
character and implementor account so you can log into the server.

To populate the tables, in this directory you'll want to type:

4. mysql shadows < helpfiles.sql
5. mysql shadows < admin_account.sql
6. mysql shadows_pfiles < admin_pfile.sql

Congratulations! Your database is setup and populated to run the server.

As a side note, a neat feature you might be interested in is integration
of a phpBB ( system with the MUD. The MUD was written
to mesh with a bulletin board installation; when you install the BB, simply
specify "forum" as the table prefix. This will allow both the MUD server AND
the bulletin board to draw from the same database for account information -
one login for both the forum and the MUD, etc, etc. As of the time of this
writing, our server runs a 2.0.11 phpBB version; compatibility with an earlier
or a later version of the software is not guaranteed.


Next, you will need to edit your ../src/structs.h file to suit your
mysql authentication information, to make sure it can connect on startup.

To fire up the server, change into the pp/ directory, and then type
"./start-server >& /dev/null &" at the prompt. This will start the MUD
up on port 4500, which is the "player port" by default.

To create an additional port, for example, a dedicated builder port,
simply copy the PP directory into a new location beneath the top level.

If you have successfully compiled and run your server by this point, you
will be able to log in using the account name "God", and the password
"adminacct". The level 5 implementor PC is attached to this account,
which you may then use to create other new immortals.

Have fun, and best of luck with your new MUD! Do let us know how things
are progressing, should you decide to try and start one.
