Building: Crafts

The CRAFT command is our craft OLC's equivalent to the OBJECT
and MOBILE commands. Essentially, when entered by itself, it
lists all crafts currently in-game. When given an argument,
and that argument corresponds to the subcraft name of an
existing craft, it opens that craft for editing. Once a craft
is opened for editing, typing CRAFT by itself again will show
all stored information on that craft.

Its first use is to access a player's list of crafts, with:

       craft <player name>

It can also be used to initialize a new craft, using:

       craft new <craft> <subcraft> <command>

Additionally, if you have the craftfile open in your editor,
you can still obtain the full list of crafts using "craft list".
Lastly, it can be used to clone an existing craft. When you have
the craft you wish to clone open in your editor:

       craft clone <new craft> <new subcraft> <new command>

Note that, like everything else, crafts should be developed on
the builder port; they will swap over with the worldfile.

See Also: Butchering Craft_branching Craft_general General_crafts Materials

craft <subcraft> - opens the editor to modify the subcraft

Building: Cset

The CSET command is used to edit a craft that you've already opened 
via the CRAFT command. Syntax is as follows:

cset craft <name> - Change the craft's craft name.
cset subcraft <name> - Change the craft's subcraft name.
cset command <command> - Change the craft's command.
cset delete (!) - Delete the currently open craft.
cset delay X - Sets value of craft's delay timer to X RL hours.
cset race <name> - Add a required racial type to the craft.
cset clan <name> (<rank>) - Add a clan/rank requirement to the craft.
cset sectors <sector> - Add/remove a required room sector.
cset seasons <season> - Add/remove a required season.
cset opening <skill> - Designate as opening craft for that skill.
cset failure <string> - Set the craft's generic failure string.
cset failobjs <string> - Set the list of failure objects produced.
cset phaseX 1st - Set the first person echo for phase X.
cset phaseX 2nd - Set the second person (target) echo for phase X.
cset phaseX 3rd - Set the third person (room) echo for phase X.
cset phaseX failure-1st - Set the first-person failure string for phase X.

cset phaseX failure-2nd - Set the second-person failure string for phase X.
cset phaseX failure-3rd - Set the third-person failure string for phase X.
cset phaseX flag - Toggle the specified flag on phase X.
cset phaseX delete - Delete phase X from the craft.
cset phaseX time - Set the delay interval for phase X.
cset phaseX movecost Y - Set the move point cost for phase X.
cset phaseX skill <skill> - Specify the skill used in phase X.
cset phaseX check YdZ - Specify the die roll of the skill check for phase X.
cset phaseX objectX <VNUMs> <flag> - Set the objects utilized in phase X.
cset phaseX objectX xZ <VNUM> <flag> - set the objects utilized in pahse x, and sets Z number of them

(object1 will be $1, or the first group of objects needed/produced)
(flags are produced, used, in-room, in-inventory, held, wielded, worn)
cset phaseX mob <VNUM> - Set the specified mob to load up on success.