YourMud is a roleplay-intensive environment, in which in-
character behavior is mandatory at all times. As such, it is required 
that all PCs be named in a fitting manner; specifically, their chosen 
names must be suitable for a <insert theme here>  roleplay 
environment. Furthermore, they must be proper names; names formed from 
two or more words, such as "Deathstrider", or "Blackblade" are not 
acceptable, nor are the names of well-known fantasy characters, including 
those from Tolkien's "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

As was mentioned during the account registration process, you are also 
prohibited from using your login name for your character.

Finally, if you are a new player here you should bear in mind that your 
first character will be either a human or a goblin; thus, you should avoid 
using names from other races or cultures.