At this point, you must decide the attributes at which you wish your
character to excel.  Choose carefully with a mind towards the ultimate
goal you wish your character to one day achieve.  The attributes which
are currently a part of the game are:

     str: Strength      - The physical strength of your character.
     dex: Dexterity     - The hand/eye coordination of your character.
     agi: Agility       - The natural agility of your character.
     con: Constitution  - The health and stamina of your character.
     wil: Willpower     - Your character's mental fortitude and faith.
     int: Intelligence  - Your character's reasoning ability.
     aur: Aura          - Your character's affinity for magical energy.

Type the attributes by their three letter initials on one line, in
the order of power and preference you wish.  The first attribute will
be rolled the highest, the last will be rolled the lowest.