
# Skill-name        OV                   LV               CAP

Adunaic        "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Alchemy        "(int + wil) / 2"   "(int + wil) / 4"  "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Angerthas-Daeron "(int + wil) / 2" "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Angerthas-Erebor "(int + wil) / 2" "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Angerthas-Moria "(int + wil) / 2"  "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Arnorian-Tengwar "(int + wil) / 2" "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Atliduk        "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Backstab       "(str + dex) / 2"   "(dex + int) / 4"  "dex*2 + int + agi"
Baking         "(dex + wil) / 2"   "(dex + wil) / 3"  "int*3 + dex + 10"
Barter         "(int + wil) / 2"   "(int + wil) / 3"  "int*3 + wil"
Beleriand-Tengwar "(int + wil) / 2" "int / 3"         "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Black-Speech   "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Block          "(dex + str) / 4"   "(str + dex) / 3"  "str*3 + agi"
Brawling       "(str + dex) / 4"   "(str + dex) / 3"  "str*2 + dex + 10"
Brewing        "(dex + wil) / 2"   "(dex + wil) / 3"  "int*3 + dex + 10"
Certhas-Daeron "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Candlery       "(int + wil) / 2"   "(int + wil) / 3"  "(int + dex) * 2"
Climb          "(str + dex) / 2"   "(str + dex) / 2"  "dex*2 + str + 5"
Cookery        "(dex + wil) / 2"   "(dex + wil) / 3"  "int*3 + dex + 10"
Crossbow       "(dex + agi) / 2"   "(dex + agi) / 4"  "dex*2 + agi + 15"
Dual-Wield     "(dex + str) / 3"   "(str + dex) / 4"  "dex*2 + agi + 5"
Disarm         "(dex + int) / 3"   "(dex + int) / 3"  "dex*3 + agi + int"
Distilling     "(dex + wil) / 2"   "(dex + wil) / 3"  "int*3 + dex + 10"
Dodge          "dex / 2"           "dex / 2"          "agi*2 + dex + 10"
Dunael         "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Dyecraft       "(dex + wil) / 2"   "(dex + wil) / 3"  "dex*2 + int + wil"
Farming        "(con + wil) / 2"   "(con + wil) / 3"  "int*2 + dex + con"
Forage         "(int + wil) / 2"   "(int + wil) / 2"  "int*2 + dex + 5"
Gemcraft       "(int + dex) / 2"   "(int + wil) / 5"  "int*3 + dex + wil"
Glasswork      "(int + dex) / 2"   "(int + wil) / 5"  "int*3 + dex + wil"
Gondorian-Tengwar "(int + wil) / 2" "int / 3"         "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Haradaic       "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Healing        "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 4"          "aur*3 + int + 5"
Heavy-Blunt    "str / 2"           "(str + dex) / 2"  "str*4"
Heavy-Edge     "str / 2"           "str"              "str*3 + dex"
Heavy-Pierce   "(dex + str) / 2"   "(dex + str) / 3"  "str*3 + agi + 5"
Herbalism      "int / 2"           "int / 6"          "int*3 + wil"
Hide           "(int + dex) / 2"   "(int + dex) / 3"  "agi*2 + dex + 7"
Hideworking    "(dex + wil) / 2"   "(dex + wil) / 3"  "(agi + dex) * 2"
Hunt           "(agi + wil) / 2"   "(agi + int) / 3"  "agi*2 + dex + wil + aur"
Khuzdul        "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Labba          "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Light-Blunt    "dex"               "dex / 2"          "dex*3 + agi"
Light-Edge     "dex"               "dex / 2"          "dex*3 + agi"
Light-Pierce   "dex"               "dex / 2"          "dex*3 + agi"
Listen         "int"               "int / 3"          "int*3 + wil + 10"
Literacy       "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Longbow        "(dex + str) / 2"   "(dex + str) / 4"  "dex*2 + str + 15"
Picklock       "(int + dex) / 2"   "(int + dex) / 4"  "int*2 + dex + agi"
Medium-Blunt   "str / 2"           "(str + dex) / 3"  "str*3 + 10"
Medium-Edge    "(dex + str) / 5"   "(str + dex) / 4"  "dex*2 + agi + str"
Medium-Pierce  "dex / 2"           "(str + dex) / 4"  "dex*3 + agi"
Metalcraft     "(str + dex) / 2"   "(str + dex) / 3"  "str*2 + con + dex"
Mining         "(str + dex) / 2"   "(str + dex) / 4"  "(str + con) * 2 + 10"
Nahaiduk       "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Norliduk       "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Northern-Tengwar "(int + wil) / 2" "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Numenian-Tengwar "(int + wil) / 2" "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Orkish         "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Parry          "dex / 2"           "dex / 2"          "agi + dex + str + 9"
Polearm        "(dex + str) / 2"   "(dex + str) / 4"  "str*2 + agi + 10"
Pottery        "(dex + wil) / 2"   "(dex + wil) / 3"  "wil*3 + dex + 7"
Pukael         "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Quenya         "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Quenyan-Tengwar "(int + wil) / 2"  "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Ride           "(aur + agi) / 2"   "aur + agi + dex"  "agi*3 + dex + aur"
Ritual         "(aur + wil) / 4"   "(aur + wil) / 5"  "wil*3 + int"
Rohirric       "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Sail           "int"               "int * 2 / 5"      "int*3 + wil"
Sarati         "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Scan           "(int + wil) / 2"   "(int + aur) / 3"  "int*2 + aur + wil"
Seafaring      ""                  ""                 "int*3 + con"
Search         "(int + aur) / 2"   "(int + aur) / 3"  "int*3 + aur + 11"
Shortbow       "(dex + str) / 2"   "(dex + str) / 4"  "dex*2 + str + 15"
Silvan         "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Sindarin       "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Skin           "(int + dex) / 2"   "(int + dex) / 2"  "dex*2 + int + 13"
Sling          "(dex + str) / 2"   "(dex + agi) / 4"  "dex*2 + agi + 15"
Sneak          "(int + dex) / 2"   "(int + dex) / 4"  "agi*3 + dex"
Staff          "(dex + str) / 2"   "(dex + str) / 3"  "(str + agi) * 2 + 5"
Steal          "(int + dex) / 2"   "(int + dex) / 4"  "dex*2 + agi + int + 9"
Stonecraft     "(str + dex) / 2"   "(str + dex) / 4"  "(str + con) * 2 + 10"
Subdue         "(int+dex+str-35)"  "(int + dex) / 6"  "(int+dex+str-36)*3"
Swim           "(str + con) / 2"   "(str + con) / 2"  "str*2 + con*2 + 10"
Talathic       "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Tengwar        "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "(int + wil) * 2 + 5"
Textilecraft   "(dex + wil) / 2"   "(dex + wil) / 3"  "dex*2 + int + wil"
Throwing       "(dex + str) / 2"   "(dex + str) / 4"  "dex*3 + str"
Tracking       "(aur + int) / 2"   "(wil + int) / 3"  "wil*2 + aur + int"
Umitic         "(int + wil) / 2"   "int / 3"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Westron        "(int + wil) / 2"   "int * 2"          "int * 3 + wil + 5"
Woodcraft      "(dex + wil) / 2"   "(dex + wil) / 3"  "wil*3 + dex + 7"



# Maximum gains per hour
#            Maximum Subtract
#             Gain   per hour

Sneak          4       2
Hide           3       2
Search         2       2
Ritual         2       1
Listen         1       1
Atliduk        5       5
Adunaic        5       5
Haradaic       5       5
Westron        5       5
Dunael         5       5
Labba          5       5
Norliduk       5       5
Rohirric       5       5
Talathic       5       5
Umitic         5       5
Nahaiduk       5       5
Pukael         5       5
Sindarin       5       5
Quenya         5       5
Silvan         5       5
Khuzdul        5       5
Orkish         5       5
Black-Speech   5       5


pulse_violence   1


#   skill        delay
#   ========     =====
    brawling      35
    light-blunt   53
    light-edge    44
    light-pierce  33
    medium-blunt  66
    medium-edge   53
    medium-pierce 54
    heavy-blunt   69
    heavy-edge    55
    heavy-pierce  59
    staff         69
    polearm       66

none any *         $N #S at you with $S #O but misses.
                   You miss $n with your #s.
                   $N misses $n with $S #s.
none advant *      You sidestep $N as $E #S wildly at you!
                   $n sidesteps your wild #s!
                   $n sidesteps $N's wild #s.
none stumble *     You backpedal and trip!
                   $n backpedals and trips!
                   $n trips while backpedaling!
none fumble *      You lose your grip on your #o and drop it!
                   $n loses $s grip on $s #o and drops it!
                   $n loses $s grip on $s #o and drops it!
none nearstumble *  You take a step away from $N's #s and nearly trip!
                   $n steps back from your #s and nearly trips!
                   $n nearly trips while backpedaling.
none nearfumble *  You nearly drop your #o.
                   $n nearly drops $s #o.
                   $n nearly drops $s #o.
block any B        You block $N's #s with your #o.
                   $n blocks your #s with $s #o.
                   $n blocks $N's #s with $s #o.
weaponbreak parry * $N's #O shatters as you forcefully parry it!
                    Your #O shatters against $n's #o!
                    $N's #O shatters against $n's #o!
weaponbreak block * $N's #O shatters against your #o!
                    Your #O shatters against $n's #o!
                    $N's #O shatters against $n's #o!
block shieldbreak *  Your #o shatters beneath the #c #s of $N!
                     Your #c #s destroys $n's #o!
                   $N's #c #s destroys $n's #o!
parry weaponbreak *  You parry $N's #S, but your #o shatters against $s #O!
                     $n's #o shatters against your #O!
                     $n's #o shatters as $e parries the $N's #s.
weaponbreak weaponbreak * Your #o and $N's #O both shatter!
                          Your #O and $n's $o both shatter!
                          $N's #O and $n's #o both shatter!
weaponbreak shieldbreak * Your #o and $N's #O both shatter!
                          Your #O and $n's $o both shatter!
                          $N's #O and $n's #o both shatter!
parry any P        You deftly parry $N's #s with your #o. 
                   $n deftly parries your #s with $s #o.
                   $n deftly parries $N's #s with $s #o.
fumble any *       $N loses his grip on $S #O, which falls to the ground!
                   You lose your grip on your #O, which falls to the ground!
                   $N loses $S grip on $S #O, which falls to the ground!
fumble fumble *    You violently clash with $N, $E drops $S #O, you drop your #o.
                   You violently clash with $n, $e drops $s #o, you drop your #O. 
                   $N violently clashes with $n, $N drops #O, and $n drops #o.
fumble stumble *   $N rushes you and drops $S #O as you fall to the ground.
                   You rush at $n and lose your #O as $e falls to the ground!
                   $N rushes at $n and drops $S #O as $n is sent sprawling to the ground.
fumble nearfumble *   $N drops $S #O as your weapons become tangled!
                   Your #O becomes tangled with $n's #o and you drop it!
                   $N drops $S #O as $e becomes tangled with $n.
fumble nearstumble *  $N drops $S #O as you nearly trip!
                   You drop your #O as $n nearly trips!
                   $n stumbles backwards as $N drops $S #O! 
Hit0 any *         $N #S you#Dwith $S #O.
                   You #s $n#Dwith your #O.
                   $N #S $n#Dwith $S #O.
Hit0 Just_KO *     $N's #s sends you sprawling to the ground, unconscious.
                   Your #s sends $n sprawling to the ground, unconscious.
                   $N sends $n sprawling to the ground with a solid #s.
Hit0 dead *        Your vision fades as $N #S you for the last time!
                   Your final #s kills $n!
                   With a brutal #s of $S #O, $N ends the life of $n!
Hit0 any B         $N #B your #o aside and #S your #L with $S #O.
                   You #b $n's defenses and #s $m on the #L with your #O.
                   $N #B $n's #o aside and #S $s #L with $S #O.
# Devon, I will implement #r as a newline.  You may use that if you wish.
Hit0 any P         You attempt to parry $N's #s, but it catches you#Don the #L.
                   You #b $n's parry, and #s $m#Don the #L.
                   $n attempts to parry, but $N #B $s defenses, and #S $m#Don the #L.
Hit0 any I         Helpless to defend yourself, $N #S you#Don the #L.
                   While helpless to stop you, you #s $n#Don the #L.
                   Unable to defend $mself, $N #S $n#Don the #L.
Hit0 any F         Your foolhardy attack allows $N to #s you on the #L.
                   $n attacks recklessly, allowing you to #s $m on the #L.
                   $n attacks recklessly, allowing $N to #s $m on the #L.
Hit0 any D         $N #S you#Don the #L as you try to dodge.
                   You #s $n#Don the #L as $e dodges out of the way.
                   $N #S $n#Don the #L as $e tries to dodge away.
Hit1 any *         $N #S your #L with $S #O.
                   You #s $n's #L with your #O.
                   $N #S $n's #L with $S #O.
Hit1 Just_KO *     Your vision fades as you slip into unconsciousness.
                   $n slumps unconscious to the ground with your well-placed #s.
                   $n slumps unconscious to the ground after $N's well-placed #s.
Hit1 dead *        With $N's final #s, you fall to the ground, dead!
                   With your final #s, $n falls to the ground, dead!
                   With $S final #s, $N sends $n to the ground, dead.
Hit1 any I         Helpless to defend yourself, $N #S you#Don the #L.
                   While helpless to stop you, you #s $n#Don the #L.
                   Catching $n helpless, $N #S $m#Don the #L.
Hit2 any *         $N #S your #L#Dwith $S #O.
                   You #s $n's #L#Dwith your #O.
                   $N #S $n's #L#Dwith $S #O.
Hit2 Just_KO *     Your vision fades as you slip into unconsciousness.
                   $n slumps unconscious to the ground with your well-placed #s.
                   $n slumps unconscious to the ground after $N's well-placed #s.
Hit2 dead *        $N ends your life with a quick #s of $S #O.
                   You finish off $n with a quick #s of your #O.
                   $N finishes off $n with a quick #s of $S #O.
Hit2 any F         Your frantic attacks allow $N to #s you on the #L.
                   $s frantic attacks leave $n open for your #s to #L.
                   $n's frantic attacks leave $m open for $N's #s to the #L.
Hit2 any I         While you are helpless, $N #S you#Don the #L.
                   You #s $n#Don the #L while $e is utterly helpless.
                   $N #S $n#Don the #L while $e is helpless to stop $M.
Hit3 any *         $N arcs $S #O into the #L of $n.
                   You arc your #O into the #L of $n.
                   $N arcs $S #O into the #L of $n.
Hit3 Just_KO *     $N sends you into darkness with a #c #s.
                   You brutally knock $n to the ground with a #c #s.
                   $N brutally knocks $n to the ground with a #c #s.
Hit3 dead *        With a final, #c #s, $N ends your suffering.
                   You end $n's misery with a final, #c #s.
                   $N ends $n's suffering with a final #c #s.
Hit3 any I         Unable to defend yourself, $N #C #S you#Don the #L.
                   Unable to defend $mself, you #C #s $n on the #L.
                   $N #C #S the helpless $n#Don the #L.
Hit3 any F         Opening yourself with a frantic attack, $N #S you #d on the #L.
                   Opening $mself with a frantic attack, you #s $n #d on the #L.
                   Open after a frantic attack, $N #S $n #d on the #L.
Hit4 any *         With a #c #s, $N drives $S #O into your #L.
                   With a #c #s, you drive your #O into $n's #L.
                   With a #c #s, $N drives $S #O into $n's #L.
Hit4 Just_KO *     You are brutally knocked unconscious by $N's #c #s.
                   You #C #s $n, knocking $m unconscious.
                   $N #C #S $n, knocking $m unconscious!
Hit4 dead *        $N #C #S your #L, sending you to your grave!
                   You #C #s $n's #L, sending them to the grave!
                   $N's #c #s to $n's #L, sends them to the grave!
stumble any *      $N stumbles as $S tries to #s your #L.
                   You stumble as you try to #s $n's #L.
                   $N stumbles as $S tries to #s $n's #L.
stumble stumble *  $N rushes you and you both fall to the ground!
                   You rush at $n and both fall to the ground!
                   $n becomes tangled with $N and both fall!
stumble fumble *   $N trips and falls into you, sending your #o flying!
                   You trip and fall into $n sending $s #o flying!
                   $n loses $s #o as $N trips and falls into $m.
stumble nearstumble *  $N steps in on you and trips over your feet!
                    You step in on $n and trip over $s feet!
                    $N steps in on $n and trips!
stumble nearfumble *  $N steps in on you and trips while you fumble your #o.
                   You step in on $n and trip, causing $m to juggle $s #o.
                   $N steps in on $n and trips! 
nearfumble any *   $N #S wildly at you and nearly fumbles.
                   You #s wildly at $n and nearly fumble.
                   $N #S wildly at $n and nearly fumbles.
nearfumble stumble *  $N nearly drops $S #O as you fall to the ground.
                     You trip and fall as $N nearly drops $S #O.
                     $N fumbles with $S #O as $n falls to the ground!
nearfumble fumble *  You drop your #o when it becomes tangled with $N's #O.
                     $n drops $s #o when your weapons become tangled!
                     $n gets tangled with $N and drops $s #o.
nearfumble nearfumble *  Your #o becomes tangled with $N's #O.
                         Your #O becomes tangled with $n's #o.
                         $n's #o becomes tangled with $N's #O.
nearfumble nearstumble * You nearly trip as $N fumbles with $S #O.
                         You nearly drop your #O as $n nearly trips.
                         $n nearly trips as $N fumbles with $S #O.
nearstumble any *  $N nearly stumbles.
                   You nearly stumble.
                   $N nearly stumbles.
nearstumble stumble *   You trip when your feet become tangled with $N!
                        Your feet become tangled with $n and $e trips!
                        $n's trips when $s feet get tangled with $N!
nearstumble fumble *    $n drops $s #o as you nearly trip!
                        You trip as $N nearly loses his #O!
                        $N nearly trips as $n drops $s #O!
nearstumble nearstumble * You both nearly stumble as $N trips over your feet!
                   You both nearly stumble as you trip over $n's feet!
                   $N closes on $n and both nearly trip!
nearstumble nearfumble *  You nearly drop your #o as $N awkwardly steps in on you.
                   You step in on $n and nearly trip!
                   $n nearly drops $s #o as $N awkwardly charges $m.
dead any *         $N kills you with a #s of $S #O!
                   You kill $n with a #s of your #O!
                   $N kills $n with a #s of $S #O!
