
    Used for the herbalism system, the recipe command allows a detail to
    list and create various item combinations to yield poisons and
    potions.  Currently, only food, herb, and component items can be
    combined to make a useful potion or poison.

    Type "recipe ?" for a complete list of commands and usage.


    The herbalism system is based on in-game plants, which are placed by
    builders in various parts of the game world.  All plants have the "take"
    flag removed.  The plant item must have the oval0 flag set to correspond
    to which herb it yields when it is gathered.

    The plant description should be somewhat ambiguous.  The description of
    an herb should include the actual name of the herb.

    For example:

    (long desc)A low-lying plant grows in the shade of a large oak tree.

    (short desc)some alanal leaves


A board consists of an "board" object and a board definition.  Here is
how to create a board definition:

  > board create 1 staff_news 'News about staff events.'

The example above created the a board named "staff_news" that only players
at trust level 1 or above can read or write to.

The syntax is:

  board create level board-name board-title
  board save                 			(Save board definitions to disk)
  board delete board-name    			(Naturally, delete isn't implemented yet)
  board                     				 ("board" by itself lists existing boards)

After a board is created, it must be saved using the "board save" syntax.

The instructions above simply define the board.  For a player to be able
to use a board, a board object must be created and assigned to an existing

  > oset board name "staff_news board"

is the building command to define an object as a board.  The object must
be of type board, and its first name element must be the name of the
board it represents.

There are a few special predefined boards:

lesser_oracle		- Messages sent here are from the "lesser oracle" dream request.
lesser_answers	- Answers to lesser_oracle requests by staff appear on this board for review of others.

greater_oracle		- Messages sent by "greater oracle" dream request.
greater_answers	- Staff answers to greater oracle.
prescience		- Questions posed by players using the psionic  prescience skill.
prescience_answers 	- Staff answers to prescience.

Staff members may answer lesser/greater oracle questions by using the
reply command:

  > reply board 10

If your reply were to a message on the lesser_oracle board, then message
with the same number would be posted to the lesser_answers board, AND a
dream answer would be attached to the player-requestors pfile.

And, just by the way, once the player receives his/her dream, the player
can type "dreams" to figure out how many dreams he/she has had, and
"dreams <nn>" to review a specific dream.

Unix files
... lib/boards                - directory containing all board information
... lib/boards/board_list     - definition of all boards
... lib/boards/<board>.nnnnnn - A specific message on a board.

Messages are stored as individual unix files in the boards directory.  It
will not hurt the mud to wholesale delete messages from this directory as
long as the board_list file is left in-tact.

    Usage: rcret <direction> <difficulty>
    RCRET creates a secret description which can only be found 
    through a successful use of the SEARCH skill.  The difficulty
    is a number from 0 to 100.  Note: a difficulty of 50 or greater
    will be impossible to find.  A good range is 0-20, with a
    preference to lower numbers.
    Once the command is typed, you will go to the editor for the
    actual description.


   Usage: replace <"object"/"mobile"> <vnum> with <vnum>

   Replace exchanges one equipped item for another across all zones.
   It is a powerful command, and should be used carefully.  Changes
   become permanent after a save and reboot.


 >replace object 10023 with 2501
 >replace mobile 17901 with 5023


  Usage: outfit <mob/char name>

   Outfit forces the named mobile or character to pick up and attempt to
   wear and wield all items on the ground in that room.  It is useful for
   quickly equipping a newly loaded mob.


 >outfit guard


    Usage: object | object <vnum/name>

    This is the base object editing command.  Used with an object name or 
    vnumber it allows the builder to start editing that particular 
    prototype.  When using a name to edit, that object must be in the 
    builders inventory, or in the room.  Once editing a prototype, the current 
    statistics can be displayed by typing "object" alone, without any other 

    Newly OINITED objects are automatically in edit mode.


  >object 10002
  >object sword



   Usage: oset <field> (value)

   Oset is the object editing command which actually changes the
   aspects of a prototype object.  Start editing objects using the OBJECT
   command.  To get a list of all possible fields, type "oset ?"


 >oset name 'sword long sharp'
 >oset oval1 5



     These commands alternately make your immortal visible or invisible
     to mortal eyes.

    This is a list for weapon oval0-6.  See bhelp OVAL for its
      oval0 - corresponds to wielding position;
              0 - primary hand
              1 - secondary hand
              2 - can be used in either hand
              3 - two-handed weapon
      oval1 - corresponds to number of 'dice' rolled, ex: oval1 2
      oval2 - corresponds to size of 'dice' rolled, 
	ex: oval2 4 with the two previous examples, 2d4.
      oval3 - corresponds to type of skill weapon requires;
              1 - club		5 - axe
              2 - spear		6 - whip
              3 - sword		7 - polearm
              4 - dagger
    oval4 - hit theme of the weapon
              0 - stab		3 - bludgeon
              1 - pierce		4 - slash
              2 - chop
    oval5 - delay of hand caused by using weapon.

        Usage: RUNUSED <zone #>
        Gives a list of unused, uninitialized rooms, objects, or mobiles
        for the given zone.
	Usage: RNAME <New room name>
	Changes the name of the room you are currently in.

	Usage: RXCHANGE <old word> [new word | new words]
	Can be used to correct typos, change words, insert words
	or delete words from a room description. Find an experienced
	builder for hints or try it out in a test room as it does not always
	work as expected.

	Usage: MCLONE <from vnum> <to vnum>
	Clones one mob to another. This also works across
	zones, and so is useful for making similar mobs in
	different zones.

	Usage: RPADD <new prog #>
	Adds a room program to the room.  The newly added program
	will be designated as program 1.
	Usage: RPSTAT
	Shows the commands, keywords and programs of all programs in
	the room.
	Usage: RPCMD <Program Number> <word(s)>
	Adds a command word to the room program.  A Command word is
	the first word of a two word trigger for the room.  Usually
	the action verb of a two word phrase.  Multiple words can be
	added using RPCMD
	> rpcmd 1 press push depress

	Usage: RPPROG <Program Number>
	This is used to actually set the program for the room.  You
	will enter the editor after typing this command, and type '@'
	as usual to exit.  The room program is sequential; the first
	line of the program being the first thing which will occur.
	Basic commands available so far are:
	atecho	trans	link	exit 	ostr	vstr   atlook   unlock	
	give	take	load	force	delete  put    unlink   unexit
	There are also a series of if/else combinations:
        	if mexist    if haso    if link    if exit
	Writing room programs can be difficult at first, but sig-
	nificantly increase the "reality" of the game.  A good way
	to learn how to write effective rpprogs is to use existing
	programs.  Use the RPSTAT command to examine other rooms'

	Avendoral is currently undertaking a small project to create real
	documentation for writing room programs, so bug him if you want
	him to finish it earlier.

	Usage: RPAPP <Program Number>
	This command is identical to RAPP except that it allows you
	to append additional lines of code to an existing room prog. 
	Usage: RPKEY <Program Number> <Keyword(s)>
	Sets the second word of a two word "trigger phrase" for a
	room program.  This is usually a word located in the room
	description, and is paired with a RPCMD word(s).
	> rpkey 1 button stone rock
	Usage: OCLONE <from vnum> <to vnum>
	Clones one object to another. This also works across
	zones, and so is useful for making similar objects in
	different zones.

	The following describes the procedure to build a shop:
	1) You must first have, at the very least, a mob MINIT'd.  If
	   you plan on having your shop within a room, i.e. stationary,
	   you should also have that room number RINIT'd with your mob
	   You should also know what sort of items your shop will buy 
	   and sell; food, weapons, etc...
	2) Use the MSET KEEPER command to initialize the shop, syntax is 
	   MSET KEEPER.  If this is not a newly created mob, you will probably
	   want to start editing it with MOB <vnum>.  If the shop is a room, the 
	   FLAG of the keeper should include Sentinel.  Leave this flag out if you
	   want to make a wandering merchant.  For the sake of simplicity
	   you might want to consider making a mob with the same v-number
	   as the room his shop is located.  For example, a shopkeeper
	   whose shop is room 6123 would be minited as mob 6123.
	3) Next, RINIT the store room.  A shop keeper does not keep his
	   goods in his inventory, the items are placed in the store
	   room.  All store rooms are located in Zone-2, and room 2000
	   contains a list of the numbering structure for your store
	   room based on what type of items the keeper will buy/sell.
	   For example; a weapons shop would have a store room number
	   in the range of 2500-2599, armor would be 2200-2299.  Hint:
	   do a "show r 2 2500 2600" to find to find available rooms
	   for your store room within the proper range.
	4) Now use the "LOAD obj <obj vnum>" inside your store room to
	   place the sell-able items in your shopkeepers listing.  A
	   shop should not really contain more than 6-7 items, this
	   should allow a wide enough variety without providing a player
	   with access to too many items in one location.  Now, when you
	   type "list" in the same room as your shop keeper, you should
	   see all the items you just loaded into your store room.
	5) A shop can "reproduce" an unlimited supply of up to five
	   items.  This adds a bit of "reality" to the game.  If you
	   were in a tavern, you should be able to purchase more than
	   one tankard of ale.  The MSET DELIVERY command allows you to 
	   specify which items you want your shop to reproduce.  Note: Some
	   discretion should be used in specifying which items will be 
	   reproduced.  For example, it would be common for a keeper to 
	   produce an unlimited supply of ale, but not for a weapons-maker 
	   to reproduce the finest chain mail, or the best broad-sword without 
	   limit.  Therefore, do not set "quality", "complex", or "unique" items
	6) To set the types of items a shop will purchase from players,
	   use the MSET BUY command.  Note: Some items should not be set
	   with BUY; Trash, Food, Other, and Note. However, setting these items
	   to not be bought with the MSET NOBUY command is a good idea.
	7) Another thing to set when making a shop is its buy and sell
	   profit values.  The MSET DISC command sets the percent value
	   that the keeper will try to purchase the item for.  Example:
	   "MSET DISC 0.75, would mean that the shop keeper
	   would try to buy an item off the player at 75% of its real
	   cost.  Similarly, with MSET MARK  1.1, the keeper will
	   try to sell the item 10% more than its cost.

	Usage: FREEZE <zone>
	Stops all mobile activity updates for the specified zone. Use
	this to prevent mobiles from wandering during build/save periods.
	Use THAW to reverse the affects of this command.
	Usage: RDFLAG <direction> <door flag>
	Toggles the flags for the door in the given direction.
	Currently you can set only set the PICKPROOF flag.  If
	you want to make a door "secret", use the RCRET command.
	Usage:  RDEL <room number>

	Deletes the specified room from the game.  If you use the command again
	on the same room number, the room will not be marked for deletion.  Note
	that this command will only result in the room being deleted permanently
	if the zone is saved.  Also, the world must be rebooted in order for the effect
	to become visible.  You are not able to delete a room# if you are in the room 
	being specified.

	This command should be used with extreme caution, and remember to remove
	all links to and from the room with the RLINKRM command before you RDEL
	the room.

	Usage: MINIT <vnum>
	Creates a new mobile in the current room. You might consider
	using the FREEZE command to keep the mobiles from wandering
	while you edit.  You may use the MUNUSED command to get a list
	of available vnums for the particular zone number.
	Usage: OINIT <vnum> <type | ?>
	If a valid type is given, a new object of that type is created
	and placed in your inventory. If '?' is given as the only
	argument, then the possible types are listed.  The OUNUSED
	command can provide a list of available vnums within the
	specific zone.
	Usage: RAPP
	Allows the addition of text to the end of an existing room
	description.  No arguments are used, you will enter the editor
	to append your additions.  Use the "@" sign to terminate
	for input.
	Usage: RCLONE <source vnum> <target vnum>
	Copies the name, description, sector type, and room flags of
	the source room to the target room. Both rooms must already
	exist and must be in the same zone.
	Usage: RDDESC <direction>
	Adds a description for exit (a door not have to be present)
	in specified direction. You will be prompted for the description
	after entering the command.
	Usage: RDOOR <direction> [keyword(s)]
	Creates a door in the specified direction provided an exit or
	link exists for that direction. A keyword may be specified if
	desired, the default is "door". direction is one of the 
	following: n,s,e,w,u,d. 
	Usage: REDESC <keyword(s)>
	Adds a keyword and extra description for something in the
	current room. After the command with the keyword is given, you
	will be prompted for a description. This is useful for describ-
	ing signs and anything else that need not be an object or will
	not be taken from the room.
	Usage: REXIT <direction> <target room>
	Creates a one way passage in the specified direction to the
	target room. Both rooms must exist. The exit is removed with
	the REXITRM command.
	Usage: REXITRM <direction>
	Removes a one way link to the room in the direction specified,
	See Also: REXIT
	Usage: RDESC
	Allows entry of a new description for the room you are currently
	in.  Rdesc takes no arguments, you will enter the editor to
	enter the description, terminate the editor with the "@" sign.
	Keep in mind that there is no word-wrap, so be sure to enter a
	newline when close to 80 characters.  For adding to the end of
	an existing description, use RAPPEND.

	For further guidelines, refer to the Builder Guidelines Document.
	1) Please place three blank spaces at the start of a new
	2) Room descriptions should avoid any references to
	   "you" and "your".
	3) Room descriptions should be at least 4 lines in length, try
	   to be descriptive; use references to smells and sounds as
	   well as visual perceptions when appropriate.

	There is an option available for this command.  If you type "RDESC REFORMAT", 
	the description will be adjusted so that none of the lines go over 80 columns.
	Usage: RFLAGS [flag/?]
	Toggles the flags for the current room. If no argument is
	given, the current room flags are shown. If a '?' is given
	as the argument, all possible flags are shown.
	Usage: RINIT <Vnum>
	Creates a new room with the supplied virtual number <Vnum>.
	The number must be an unused vnum. Use the goto, rexit or
	rlink commands to get to the new room.  You may use the
	RUNUSED command to get a list of available vnums of rooms for
	a specific zone.
	Usage: RKEY <direction> <key number> <pick penalty>
	Allows the door in the direction given to be locked an unlocked
	using a key with the specified key number. Creation and placement
	of the key is the responsibility of the builder as automation of
	this process would take away from the flexibility of the OLC
	Usage: RLINK <direction> <target room>
	Creates a two way passage in the specified direction between
	the room you are currently in to target room. Both rooms must
	exist. The link is removed by using the RLINKRM command.
	Usage: RLINKRM <direction>
	Removes a two way link between two rooms in the direction
	See Also: RLINK
	Usage: RSECTOR [sectortype | ?]
	Sets the sector type for the room. If no arguments are given,
	this command returns the current sector type. If the argument
	'?' is given then all possible sector types are listed.
	Possible Sector Types:

	Sector Type	Movement Cost	Special
	-----------	-------------	-------
	Inside		1		None
	City		1		None
	Road       	2		None
	Trail		3		None
	Field		4		Allows Camping
	Woods		5		Allows Camping
	Forest		6		Allows Camping
	Hills      	7		Allows Camping
	Mountains	8		None
	Swamp	8		None
	Water_Swim	6		Too Much Encumberance and You Drown
	Water_NoSwim7		None
	Ocean		15		Allows Boats
	Dock		2		Allows You to Exit a Boat
	Reef		15		Causes Damage to a Boat
	Crowsnest	8		Unknown
	Usage: RFLAG [roomtype | ?]

	Toggles the flags for the current room. If no argument is given, the current room flags are 	shown.

	Rflag ? displays a list of all possible flags. Many of the flags are
	simply used to control where a certain mob can go and mean
	nothing by themselves. The flags and their functions are:

	Dark		- Room will be dark even in daytime. Torches still work.
	Light		- Room will always be lighted.
	NoMob		- Mobiles will not move into this room.
	Indoors	- Weather/sunrises/sunsets/etc cannot be seen and the room is 				always dark unless a Light flag is set.
	Lawful		- Crimes commited in this area will flag the criminal.
	NoMagic	- Spells cannot be cast.
	SafeQuit	- Players can quit the game here.
	Fall      	- Anyone entering falls to the room below and cannot climb back 				up. Climb is irrelevant.
	Climb	  	- Requires a climb check to enter room.
	<Diety>   	- Sets the room to be a temple of <Diety>.
	NoMount   	- Mounts cannot be ridden into this room.
	Psave	  	- Objects left in room will save and not disappear.
	Lab       	- Allows alchemy.
	NoMerchant	- Merchants won't wander in to sell their goods.
	Floodable 	- Unknown.

	NoPray and NoMagic don't appear to work, but are never used.

	The following have no effect other than on mobs similarly
	flagged for access with the "mset access TYPE" command:

	Ruins   	Tunnel		Cave		Wild
	Deep		Temple		Road
	Wealthy	Poor			Scum
	Dock		Market		Arena

 show m <zone> [name] 	- Show mobiles in zone, optional name to match.
 show o <zone> [name] 	- Show objects in zone, optional name to match.
 show a               		- Show object, mobile, player, room totals for all non-					empty zones.
 show z               		- Show all zones by name.
 show s               		- Show grand-totals for rooms, objects and mobiles.
 show r <zone>[low][high] 	- Show names and exit information for all rooms in zone.
 show p			- Show a list of the "real" names of all players.
 show u <zone>		- Show a list of rooms within a specified zone that have
				no descriptions.  Shop storage rooms will be prefaced with
				an 'S'.
 show stat			- Show current statistics for the game including number of
				mobiles, total rooms, total undescribed rooms, and other 					information.
    **NOTE: information given by show o and show m is based on the master
            for that obj/mob. 
	Usage: THAW <zone>
	Re-enables mobile activity updates in the specified zone.
	Mobiles will wander and perform special functions as in
	normal game play. This command is used in conjunction with
	the FREEZE command.
	No arguments. This saves the entire world, from zone 0-99.
	Use of this command is restricted to trust level 5 users and
	should not be used by the normal builder. Use ZSAVE to save
	your zone. This will use as much CPU time as it can as it is
	meant as an emergency save tool for use in time constrained
	situation. Be prepared to endure very heavy lag until the
	entire world is saved.
	Usage: ZLIFE <minutes>
	Sets the time between resets in minutes.
	Usage: ZMODE <mode>
	Sets the reset mode for zone you are currently in.
	Mode is one of the following:
                                 0 - Never reset
                                 1 - Reset if no players in zone
                                 2 - Reset always
	Usage: ZNAME <name>
	Sets the name for zone you are currently in.
	Usage: ZREBOOT <zone> 
	Full purge and reset of all rooms as determined by the last
	saved configuration.
	Usage: ZRELOAD <zone>  
	Purges all objects and mobiles from zone specified and reloads
	them in the same manner as the last reboot.
	Usage: RESET <zone>  
	Resets the specified zone, no purging is done.
	Usage: ZSAVE <zone>
	Saves the rooms, mobiles and objects in the specified zone. Only
	mobiles and objects that belong to that zone will be saved (SEE
	ZONE LAYOUT for info on what belongs to what). Currently only
	one level of recursion is saved for containers, therefore a bag
	inside a box inside a chest will not save properly, but coins stored
	inside a bag carried by a character save a expected.

	Usage: SET <option

	The BHELP of SET only shows immortal commands.  If you wish to
	see player commands, type HELP SET.

	SET Options only available to immortals:

	immenter	- The message seen when you enter a room via GOTO.
	immleave	- The message seen when you leave a room via GOTO.
	visedit		- Sets you so that you enter the fullscreen visual editor
			during a oset desc, mset desc, or rdesc.
	anonymous	- Sets you so that you do not show up on the "who" list.
	Lines ##	- Set the number of lines to be displayed on the screen.
			Affects VISEDIT.
	Colums ##	- Set the number of columns to be displayed on the screen.
			Affects VISEDIT.

	See Also:  VISEDIT

	Visedit is the full-screen, visual editor component of the Harshlands OLC
	system.  It is quite powerful and is similar in many ways to the 'vi' editor
	seen on UNIX and other Operating Systems.
		@		Exit editor	
?		Lists help screen
i		Enter insert mode
d		delete current line
j		down
k		up
o		insert line below
O		Insert line above
x		delete character
m		display map
<ctrl-L>	refresh screen

		N,S,E,W,U,D	Move
	MSET is used to do modifications to mobs and players.  Typing mset ?
	will give you the help list, which is shown below


	mset [mob-vnum]		Optionally specify mob vnum
	name				"keywords"
	short				"a short name"
	long				"The long desc"
	desc				Enter a full description

	params that take a simple numberic value:
	access, armor | ac, clan1, clan2, moves, state (-1..4)
	piety, natural, str, dex, int, wil, con, aur, bite,
	height, frame, room (pc's only)

	conds		<drunk #> <full #> <thirst #>   You must use all three
	circle		<0..9>	
	dam		<#d#>			Natural damage attack
	[fightmode]    <frantic | aggressive | normal | cautious | defensive>
	helm		<room-vnum>
	hp | hits	<hit-points>	
	skinobj	<obj-vnum>		What corpse skins into
	attack		<attack-type>		Natural attack type: claw, etc
	allskills | noskills			Gives/removes every skills
	delete					Delete a mob.

	'position-types'			Type: tags position-types
	'deity'					Type: tags deity
	'races'					Type: tags races
	'skills'		<percent>		Type: tags skills
	'action-bits'				Type: tags action-bits
	'affected-bits'				Type: tags affected-bits
	dpos 'position-types'			Default position

	trudge, paced, walk, jog, run, sprint

	keeper					Associate shop with mob
	markup	<number>		To sell multiplier
	discount	<number>		To buy multiplier
	econ_markup1,2,3 <number>	To sell econ flagged multiplier
	econ_discount1,2,3 <number>	To buy econ flagged multiplier
	nobuy		<econ flag>		Won't buy flagged item
	econ1,2,3	<econ flag>		econ_markup/discount flags
	shop					Shop room number
	store					Store room number	
	trades "'item-type' ... "		Types of items traded
	delivery "<ovnum> ..."		Objects replaced after buy
