11 Jul, 2009, Runter wrote in the 61st comment:
Votes: 0
Chris Bailey said:
I am still offering my assistance in the world of Ruby. Have you done what I've suggested yet? Download the software that I mentioned earlier and you will have a mud running within the hour, and then I will start helping you add the features you want. Last chance =)

It's a trap.
11 Jul, 2009, Chris Bailey wrote in the 62nd comment:
Votes: 0
Dang you caught me. But really, it wouldn't hurt me any to answer questions through PM or on the forum. =)
11 Jul, 2009, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 63rd comment:
Votes: 0
IMO, which may not count as much to anyone, is that dub probably wont understand the benefit of ruby vs c / c++ until he gets his feet wet.

dub, you seem like a cool guy, and i think its cool you want to run a mud
but these guys are right, its just not going to be any fun if you cant even
make a WHO command. what if something bombs? what if your coder quits? what
about your players? how will you manage player requests?

dont give up though, dont take it as just being mean. personally i think that as a community we could be more welcoming and try to attract new developers, which i guess you could say most of us do, its sort a (tough love) kinda thing. but if your more concerned with making it YOUR way, then your muds gonna bomb, cause your first concern should be your players, cause dude, otherwise its just going to be you and your NPCs :wink:
11 Jul, 2009, Runter wrote in the 64th comment:
Votes: 0
I say he should get a book and first work on the example/exercise projects that most of them have. Honestly, until someone can understand the concepts and language nuances that make simple program building successful then they'll have a hard, long road to understanding how to make a MUD.
11 Jul, 2009, Dubstack wrote in the 65th comment:
Votes: 0
Runter said:
I say he should get a book and first work on the example/exercise projects that most of them have. Honestly, until someone can understand the concepts and language nuances that make simple program building successful then they'll have a hard, long road to understanding how to make a MUD.

This why I request help by finding a coder I want to learn be for I start and as for players I got all my friends who have friends who all love Final Fantasy.
11 Jul, 2009, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 66th comment:
Votes: 0
Honestly, who dosn't love final fantasy? My point was that anyone can attract some friends or players to their mud, but you might consider that some muds out there have been around for years, and the reason they are successful is that they have a team of experienced coders and builders. Now, finding good builders is half the battle, but the conversion of ideas into game-logic isn't as easy as you may think.

example: say you want to implement the "materia system"? you can play ff7 all day and have an idea of how to do this, but even for an experienced coder, adding a system like this can take a long time. meanwhile, there are other things that your builders will have to have a minor understanding on, such as some sort of MudProg / Scripting type of system, where if your in the same room as "Zell" he can do cool stuff like:

mud> Zell is practicing his fighting moves here.
mud> Tifa has arrived from the east.
mud> Zell stops practicing and looks nervously at Tifa
mud> Tifa has left to the west.
mud> Zell starts practicing again.

Now dub, this is a very barebones contrived example of MobProgs, which pretty much any stock ROM / SMAUG can accomplish easily, are you expecting that the coder you "hire" create all your scripting as well?

And what do you mean by "hire"? are you going to pay someone? is their payment being a part of your mud? if so, i dont seem to see the post where you explained why thats worth anyones time?
11 Jul, 2009, Dubstack wrote in the 67th comment:
Votes: 0
I know how to build lol that's just a greet command, and there is a "materia system" on this website so the coder just got add it in but I am sure that it is not as easy as changing a few numbers and add the bluff or what ever you want to call it. Plus the code I got is system the mob obj and shops are all made inside the code the mud I want is a map mud so if I tell someone simple make a field and a forest in it 100 rooms at the most needed. This mud is sure to have lots of bugs but than again what mud doesn't have a bug here or there. I my not be the sharps tool in the tool box but I can do my job and do it well.
11 Jul, 2009, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 68th comment:
Votes: 0
ok then, but having bugs and fixing bugs aren't the same thing.
if you dont understand even what a datastructure is, you are going to get very frustrated with your "programmer" for hire.
compare it to a person that wants to pay someone to build them a house vs. someone who knows how to build a house that hires
someone else to do it: You may say "I want a wet bar in this room" and if the "home builder" tells you "sorry, there's no water source in that room"
you might get upset, thinking (this is my home dangit! i want it how i want it) as where an experienced "home builder" wouldnt even consider putting a "wet bar" in a room that didn't have plumbing.


haha, i'm sorry, but this says it all:

Dubstack said:
anyhow what is OOP?

Well, i tried (shrug). I honestly hope the best for you :lol: and your mud.
I guess we all have to do things the hard way before we learn.
11 Jul, 2009, Dubstack wrote in the 69th comment:
Votes: 0
My goal is to make a custom Final Fantasy game. My game has a Story line and has an end something some mud's don't have is a end, or more less a story line player's can really play in be in. The idea that my mud is based on is the world around Final Fantasy each race class quest and job you do will tell part of the story soon you will find yourself in the story as it is being to play out.

This is a simple quest I have thought up

Accept quest <Name> (will call it notebook)
{Accept Quest Notebook}
Mob say 'Info' (Will Call the mob Bob)
Bob says 'A notebook was stolen by some Goblins last night.'
wait 3 seconds
Bob Says 'I head they where going south by the river, that's your best bet'
you go south by the river which is done by looking at your map when you exit to the world map to find the river.
You walk for a few minutes
you look for a few minutes
you find the mob hideout
you enter mob hideout
you start killing the mobs till one drops a notebook
take notebook back to "Bob"
Give "Bob" notebook
Level up!

This would be a basic quest not to hard other quest will much longer that quest should take you about 5-10 minutes. This mud is meant to be long this isn't some mud you can log on and get to be the strongest in a few weeks or months give or take how long the mud has been running. <—(Not my mud I mean others) My mud will be long it is like real life you start with nothing and work your way up.

Here is example of a level 20 char take you maybe 2-3 weeks ti get there.

(Level 20 normally even if they are weak will have a full set of eq for there class and all most all there skills learned, this doesn't mean they are master {You have to master skills in my mud}.

1. Full set of Class equipment

2. One whole town who loves you or hate.

3. You should have made it to at less level 18 in job quest

4. Have at less 15 Fame in roleplay (if you roleplay{Fame gives you upgrades}.)

5. You should own at less one house in one town in your kingdom.

6. {This one is if your a bad guy} (If your a bad guy you will do bad guy quest) Kill someone in your kingdom who is important.

This are just examples stuff can change cause the coder or I can do it but this are ideas.
Maybe this will give you a better idea of my mud.
11 Jul, 2009, Tonitrus wrote in the 70th comment:
Votes: 0
As has already been heavily implied, if not stated outright, most programmers (the ones I know, at least) don't like doing things if they are not interesting in and of themselves. I don't generally like thinking about something for more than 10-30 seconds if it isn't inherently interesting. Explaining things to other people can fall into the range of "interesting", but trying to teach people things when they don't have at least a basic grasp of them is at best disinteresting and at worst hopelessly frustrating. I consider the fact that you've had someone offer to help teach you Ruby a small miracle, and something you should probably exploit.

There's also a fairly interesting online introduction to Ruby that you can try in your browser. I don't even like Ruby, and I found it fairly entertaining.

It is available at: http://tryruby.hobix.com/
(Edit: Naturally, that link doesn't seem to work properly for me, at the moment. Bug or something. Try again later, I guess?)

I personally don't think the things people have said to you so far are particularly harsh. I've been hacking mud code for at least 4 years, and I have nothing to show for it. Even if you somehow snare in a coder, the second you lose him, your mud will become stagnant. It's important for you to learn at least the basics (on your own), so that you can at least bluff your way through things if you have to.

With a little bluffing, some revision control, frequent commits/backups, and a fair amount of cursing and kicking, you can learn to do a lot, even if you end up without coders or people to help you.
12 Jul, 2009, David Haley wrote in the 71st comment:
Votes: 0
To use the teach-a-man-to-fish analogy, you are not only asking for a fish, and asking to learn how to fish, but when pointed to sources for you to learn (e.g. where to get a fishing pole, where to learn how to use it) you utterly refuse to put your own time into it.

People have no reason to put time into you when you won't put time into yourself. Not for free, at least.

You will find that people here can be incredibly helpful and patient with people who are really trying to learn. You will also find, if you have not found so already, that the same people will not react well at all to somebody who won't put their own time on the line.

You really need to work on your post structure. It's not just to respect some grammar rules in the sky. You are trying to communicate with us. You want to make it easy for us to understand you. If it is hard to understand you, we are likely to either misunderstand you or simply not bother reading your posts. You are showing that you do not think that it's worth your time to improve your communication to help save our time. In other words, it's not about respecting grammar just for the sake of grammar, it's about respecting the people you are talking to by making an earnest effort at communicating properly.
13 Jul, 2009, Dubstack wrote in the 72nd comment:
Votes: 0
I think that is a little harsh to say your telling me you give me links to learn to code but at the same time I am trying to tell you I don't understand it, meaning even if I were to read it all I wouldn't understand it. You can send me tons of links and I will look them all over but if I don't have someone to teach me what each value means than it is pointless to even read it.
13 Jul, 2009, Cratylus wrote in the 73rd comment:
Votes: 0
Dubstack said:
I think that is a little harsh to say your telling me you give me links to learn to code but at the same time I am trying to tell you I don't understand it, meaning even if I were to read it all I wouldn't understand it. You can send me tons of links and I will look them all over but if I don't have someone to teach me what each value means than it is pointless to even read it.

ChrisBailey has officially and explicitly offered to be your sensei.

You have an offer on the table.

You need to start reading these posts for comprehension.

Respond to ChrisBailey's offer.

If you don't want ChrisBailey's help, then do what you are told and download
a simple codebase. Get Coffeemud, and if you have trouble, come back and
ask for specific help on the specific problem.

Here is an example.

Good question:
I've read the docs for Coffeemud and tried to XYZ but I'm getting error 123. I
looked on google but there's no hits. What should I do?

Bad question:
Can someone plz XYZ my Coffeemud lol


PS It is not harsh to tell you to RTFM. Harsh comes after you insist on not RTFM.
It's ok that it's hard. Remember that. "It's hard" is not an excuse to avoid RTFM.
People here have had to read documentation written as if it were
intended to be deciphered through cryptology and animal sacrifice. You have
the luxury of having 1,000 online FAQ's and dummies guides for utter beginners.
Please stop acting like you are a helpless baby, and maybe then people will
feel like helping.
13 Jul, 2009, Hades_Kane wrote in the 74th comment:
Votes: 0
Dubstack said:
My goal is to make a custom Final Fantasy game. My game has a Story line and has an end something some mud's don't have is a end, or more less a story line player's can really play in be in…

I'm not trying to shamelessly plug my game, honest.

I do, however, think that one of the problems in the community is that there are a lot of people with a lot of similar ideas out there, but few people seem willing to play or contribute or build or work with other people on a game that isn't there's. I think if more people would be willing to collaborate on similar projects, we'd see higher quality MUDs and less splintering of the already sparse pool of players out there.

I don't know you, and I don't know how much effort you've put into checking out other Final Fantasy games, but you've mentioned that you and your friends love Final Fantasy and have some ideas you'd like to see… have you guys tried checking out other Final Fantasy games to see if any of them is to your liking? There are currently 10 listed at the MUD Connector, and others in development I'm sure. I think you might should consider contributing to one of these games and see if you can't find what it is you are looking for.

Now for the part that isn't a shameless plug…

I've been developing a Final Fantasy game for literally years now. We aren't listed at the MUD Connector, and the only site I've added a listing to is here (back when the site first opened and then added a MUD listing, I wanted to try to help it by adding another listing). One of the core elements of our game is going to be a playable storyline that will have an end. In regards to the storyline, players will actually be able to "beat" the game, with a series of quests that span the entire world, linking areas and story elements together, revealing the extensive background that we've crafted for our world, revealing the plots of the villains and whatnot. We have a base of 4 classes, and through progression and actions in the storyline, the player will be able to "promote" to a variety of options based on their base class. For every major decision in the story, the player will have options on how to complete it, and based on their actions their alignment will be modified. This plays into the options they have when they class promote. We don't have the storyline implemented yet, but we've already got over 94 completed areas and are close to implementing the story up to just after class promotion. We have an extensively customized magic system, some very interesting modifications and additions to our regular combat system, 9 starting races with ways to become a vampire, werewolf, or undead/unsent. As a coder, one of my -main- concerns is adding and enhancing our OLC to make building the best and most versatile experiences that a builder could ask for.

You can check out some information on the game at http://www.eotmud.com or connect to the MUD at eotmud.com port 4000

You might take a bit of time to learn about my game and see if it might be close enough to what you are wanting to make and see if you might be interested in playing or even helping contribute to the game. I've been at this for YEARS and I will be seeing this to completion.

If you decide it isn't to your liking, and if you decide none of the other FF games are to your liking, I sincerely wish you the best. The more higher quality FF games out there, the better it is for all of us running FF games :p
13 Jul, 2009, KaVir wrote in the 75th comment:
Votes: 0
Chris Bailey said:
I am still offering my assistance in the world of Ruby. Have you done what I've suggested yet? Download the software that I mentioned earlier and you will have a mud running within the hour, and then I will start helping you add the features you want.

Cratylus said:
Get Coffeemud, and if you have trouble, come back and ask for specific help on the specific problem.

Hades_Kane said:
I've been developing a Final Fantasy game for literally years now…You might take a bit of time to learn about my game and see if it might be close enough to what you are wanting to make and see if you might be interested in playing or even helping contribute to the game.

Three great offers there, Dubstack. I suggest you pick one and go with it.
13 Jul, 2009, David Haley wrote in the 76th comment:
Votes: 0
Dubstack said:
I think that is a little harsh to say your telling me you give me links to learn to code but at the same time I am trying to tell you I don't understand it, meaning even if I were to read it all I wouldn't understand it. You can send me tons of links and I will look them all over but if I don't have someone to teach me what each value means than it is pointless to even read it.

It sounds like you are giving up and declaring defeat before having even given it an earnest attempt. This stuff doesn't come overnight or in a week or two. Some people go to college to learn to program. People here will help you learn, but only if you help yourself and you help us help you. Maybe if you have specific issues with things in basic, intro guides that you don't understand, you could let us know and explain what is confusing you and why. Then we can help you.
13 Jul, 2009, Confuto wrote in the 77th comment:
Votes: 0
Dubstack said:
I think that is a little harsh to say your telling me you give me links to learn to code but at the same time I am trying to tell you I don't understand it, meaning even if I were to read it all I wouldn't understand it. You can send me tons of links and I will look them all over but if I don't have someone to teach me what each value means than it is pointless to even read it.

Find yourself a non-Programmer's tutorial for a particular language, follow that tutorial and put real, solid effort into learning what it's trying to teach you. If you really don't understand something then come onto the forums and, as Cratylus and other have suggested, ask a specific question.

An excellent non-Programmer's intro to P...
As above, but for Ruby.

Rather than simply assuming you won't understand the content of the above websites, how about you actually follow one of those links and give it a go? You may well be surprised.

Frankly, you're approaching this whole thing with a bad attitude. You're ignoring the advice of some of the most prominent MUD developers on these forums and you're essentially asking for someone else to do all your work for you. If, as you say, you can read all the programming tutorials available and not understand a thing about them then having a teacher is not going to help you.
13 Jul, 2009, Frenze wrote in the 78th comment:
Votes: 0
almost a year and I'm still not an expert at coding, but when I started I could hardly put a patch in without breaking down and crying. You know what my latest coding project was? A vehicle code from scratch, although I needed help on a few things, just from installing patches I got to be able to do something much more complex. But I have to agree you should stop at walden's or hit up Barn's and Noble and get your self a book on whatever language you use. I would suggest a book on unix commands too but a little googling will give you all the info you want. And remember, as a coder, google is prolly your most useful tool, I haven't had one error I couldn't google and find a solution too, althouth somtiomes i still need to ask for help because I don't understand the error but there are answers because people have always had the problem before.
13 Jul, 2009, Cratylus wrote in the 79th comment:
Votes: 0
KaVir said:
Three great offers there, Dubstack. I suggest you pick one and go with it.

OMAGAWD no, I wasn't offerin my time. I was pawning him off on
Coffeemud. If I were offering my time I would have suggested Dead Souls.
The reason I didn't do that is that I am familiar with the way the
dubstacks of the world deal with DS. Rather than go through the
detailed, explicit, helpful, newbie-friendly docs, faqs, and
helpfiles, they insist on having me type out in real-time the
exact same thing in a chat, so they don't have to read.

Except, of course, they read it when I type in real time, so that's
very frustratin. What they're doing instead is using me to save
themselves research time, and using up my time for it. This never
ends in success that I've seen.

I am aggressively pro newbie. I love them to pieces. My project lives
or dies by them. But there is an offshoot of the newbie species that
exists at the expense of the worthwhile branch. That offshoot needs
to be dealt with quickly and firmly, so that the newbies with a
chance to prosper can thrive.

Generally these are folks who mean well, so I try not to be mean,
but from what I've seen they're usually much, much younger than they
claim (or behave like they are very very young). They have a set of
expectations about the world spoon-feeding them anything that will be
on the test. They lack the tools needed to be self-sufficient, they
tend to ask the same question so many times it's easier and faster to
just write the code for them than to have them know how to
do it themselves.

It's not their fault. I'm not saying these things to mock them. I am
simply saying that although some 13 year olds do indeed master
themselves to the point of coding major projects or building primitive
hard drives in their garage (I've seen that!), typically they need
a kind of hand holding that is not only impractical, but frankly
often impossible online.

Dubstack, if you're serious, and can't understand written docs, then
reading what I type for you in a chat isn't likely to help either,
because that also is written documentation. It that's really
what is happening, I strongly, no-fooling suggest you take some
not-for-credit college courses in programming. If what you need is
a real person talking to you for real, explaining to you what you
need to know, then you just may have to pay for that.

That, by the way, is not harsh. Unless real life is harsh. In that
case I guess it is harsh.

13 Jul, 2009, Dubstack wrote in the 80th comment:
Votes: 0
David Haley said:
Dubstack said:
I think that is a little harsh to say your telling me you give me links to learn to code but at the same time I am trying to tell you I don't understand it, meaning even if I were to read it all I wouldn't understand it. You can send me tons of links and I will look them all over but if I don't have someone to teach me what each value means than it is pointless to even read it.

It sounds like you are giving up and declaring defeat before having even given it an earnest attempt. This stuff doesn't come overnight or in a week or two. Some people go to college to learn to program. People here will help you learn, but only if you help yourself and you help us help you. Maybe if you have specific issues with things in basic, intro guides that you don't understand, you could let us know and explain what is confusing you and why. Then we can help you.

Well here are a few question's
This is step by step of how I do it in the shell

cd FFT

pico startup_FFTacticsMUD


set binpath = /home/damien/FFTacticsMUD/bin
set port = 1987

cd $binpath

if ( -e shutdown.txt ) rm -f shutdown.txt

set index = 1000
set logfile = ../log/$index.log
if( ! -e $logfile ) break
@ index++

./FFTacticsMUD_exe $port >&! $logfile

if ( -e shutdown.txt ) then
rm -f shutdown.txt
exit 0
sleep 5

I put the start file into bin. I believe that is what it is asking for than I go to src

cd ..

cd src

I type "make" and I get this

admin.cpp:426: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:427: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:428: error: 'ostrstream' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:428: error: expected `;' before 'ost'
admin.cpp:429: error: 'ost' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:429: error: 'ends' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:436: error: 'class CH' has no member named 'name'
admin.cpp:440: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'int'
admin.cpp:440: error: initializing argument 1 of 'bool DESC::write(int)'
admin.cpp:445: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:445: error: 'class CH' has no member named 'name'
admin.cpp:445: error: 'class DESC' has no member named 'host'
admin.cpp:445: error: 'endl' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:450: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:450: error: 'endl' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:453: error: 'ostrstream' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:453: error: expected `;' before 'ost_port'
admin.cpp:454: error: 'ost_port' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:454: error: 'ends' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:455: error: 'ost_control' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:458: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp: In function 'void copyover_recover()':
admin.cpp:463: error: 'string' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:463: error: expected `;' before 'name'
admin.cpp:465: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'int'
admin.cpp:465: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void log_string(int)'
admin.cpp:466: error: 'ifstream' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:466: error: expected `;' before 'file'
admin.cpp:468: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:470: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'int'
admin.cpp:470: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void log_string(int)'
admin.cpp:471: error: 'exit' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:475: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:475: error: 'name' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:475: error: 'host' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:480: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'int'
admin.cpp:480: error: initializing argument 2 of 'bool write_to_desc(short int , int)'
admin.cpp:487: error: 'class DESC' has no member named 'host'
admin.cpp:491: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'int'
admin.cpp:491: error: initializing argument 1 of 'bool DESC::write(int)'
admin.cpp:495: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'int'
admin.cpp:495: error: initializing argument 1 of 'bool DESC::write(int)'
admin.cpp:496: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:501: error: 'class CH' has no member named 'socket'
admin.cpp:502: error: 'class CH' has no member named 'login'
admin.cpp:502: error: 'str_time' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:507: error: 'file' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:508: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'int'
admin.cpp:508: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void log_string(int)'
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:512: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:512: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_finger(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:512: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void do_finger( CH*, int)'
commands.h:82: error: after previous specification in 'void do_finger(CH*, int)'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_finger(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:516: error: request for member 'empty' in 'argument', which is of non- class type 'int'
admin.cpp:517: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:526: error: 'ostrstream' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:526: error: expected `;' before 'ost'
admin.cpp:527: error: 'ost' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:527: error: 'ends' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:538: error: invalid operands of types 'const char*' and 'const char [1 4]' to binary 'operator+'
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:545: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:545: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_tell(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:545: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void do_tell(CH *, int)'
commands.h:39: error: after previous specification in 'void do_tell(CH*, int)'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_tell(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:546: error: 'string' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:546: error: expected `;' before 'arg'
admin.cpp:549: error: 'arg' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:549: error: 'split' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:551: error: request for member 'empty' in 'argument', which is of non- class type 'int'
admin.cpp:552: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:561: error: 'class CH' has no member named 'name'
admin.cpp:562: error: 'class CH' has no member named 'name'
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:566: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:566: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_delplayers(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:566: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void do_delplay ers(CH*, int)'
commands.h:98: error: after previous specification in 'void do_delplayers(CH*, i nt)'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_delplayers(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:570: error: request for member 'empty' in 'argument', which is of non- class type 'int'
admin.cpp:571: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:580: error: 'ostrstream' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:580: error: expected `;' before 'ost'
admin.cpp:581: error: 'ost' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:581: error: 'ends' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:585: error: 'ios' has not been declared
admin.cpp:590: error: 'ios' has not been declared
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:597: error: expected ',' or '…' before 'query'
admin.cpp:597: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'string' with no type
admin.cpp: In function 'void mysql(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:598: error: 'query' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:609: error: 'ostrstream' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:609: error: expected `;' before 'ost'
admin.cpp:610: error: 'ost' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:610: error: 'query' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:610: error: 'ends' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:616: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:616: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_mysql(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:616: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void do_mysql(C H*, int)'
commands.h:80: error: after previous specification in 'void do_mysql(CH*, int)'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_mysql(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:617: error: request for member 'empty' in 'argument', which is of non- class type 'int'
admin.cpp:618: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:626: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:626: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_beep(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:626: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void do_beep(CH *, int)'
commands.h:27: error: after previous specification in 'void do_beep(CH*, int)'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_beep(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:630: error: invalid operands of types 'const char*' and 'const char [1 4]' to binary 'operator+'
admin.cpp:634: error: 'class CH' has no member named 'name'
admin.cpp:635: error: 'class CH' has no member named 'name'
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:639: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:639: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_chlist(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:642: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:645: error: 'class CH' has no member named 'name'
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:650: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:650: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_createobj(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:650: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void do_createo bj(CH*, int)'
commands.h:71: error: after previous specification in 'void do_createobj(CH*, in t)'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_createobj(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:653: error: request for member 'empty' in 'argument', which is of non- class type 'int'
admin.cpp:654: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:659: error: 'class OBJ' has no member named 'name'
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:663: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:663: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_destroy(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:663: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void do_destroy (CH*, int)'
commands.h:73: error: after previous specification in 'void do_destroy(CH*, int) '
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_destroy(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:666: error: request for member 'empty' in 'argument', which is of non- class type 'int'
admin.cpp:667: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:672: error: 'class OBJ' has no member named 'name'
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:677: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:677: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_disable(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:677: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void do_disable (CH*, int)'
commands.h:78: error: after previous specification in 'void do_disable(CH*, int) '
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_disable(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:681: error: request for member 'empty' in 'argument', which is of non- class type 'int'
admin.cpp:682: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:691: error: 'ostrstream' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:691: error: expected `;' before 'ost'
admin.cpp:692: error: 'ost' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:692: error: 'ends' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:700: error: 'ios' has not been declared
admin.cpp:703: error: invalid operands of types 'const char*' and 'const char [2 3]' to binary 'operator+'
admin.cpp:707: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp: At global scope:
admin.cpp:714: error: 'string' has not been declared
admin.cpp:714: error: default argument for 'int argument' has type 'const char [ 1]'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_enable(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:714: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void do_enable( CH*, int)'
commands.h:79: error: after previous specification in 'void do_enable(CH*, int)'
admin.cpp: In function 'void do_enable(CH*, int)':
admin.cpp:718: error: request for member 'empty' in 'argument', which is of non- class type 'int'
admin.cpp:719: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
admin.cpp:728: error: 'ostrstream' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:728: error: expected `;' before 'ost'
admin.cpp:729: error: 'ost' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:729: error: 'ends' was not declared in this scope
admin.cpp:737: error: 'ios' has not been declared
admin.cpp:740: error: invalid operands of types 'const char*' and 'const char [2 2]' to binary 'operator+'
admin.cpp:744: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
main.h: In function 'void zap(T&) [with T = CH*]':
admin.cpp:446: instantiated from here
main.h:88: error: 'assert' was not declared in this scope
main.h: In function 'void zap(T&) [with T = OBJ*]':
admin.cpp:673: instantiated from here
main.h:88: error: 'assert' was not declared in this scope
make: *** [admin.o] Error 1

If anyone could help me fix this cause I do not understand why I get so many errors like so to this code. I would be very happy in kissing their ass for helping me do this.

Confuto said:
Dubstack said:
I think that is a little harsh to say your telling me you give me links to learn to code but at the same time I am trying to tell you I don't understand it, meaning even if I were to read it all I wouldn't understand it. You can send me tons of links and I will look them all over but if I don't have someone to teach me what each value means than it is pointless to even read it.

Find yourself a non-Programmer's tutorial for a particular language, follow that tutorial and put real, solid effort into learning what it's trying to teach you. If you really don't understand something then come onto the forums and, as Cratylus and other have suggested, ask a specific question.

An excellent non-Programmer's intro to P...
As above, but for Ruby.

Rather than simply assuming you won't understand the content of the above websites, how about you actually follow one of those links and give it a go? You may well be surprised.

Frankly, you're approaching this whole thing with a bad attitude. You're ignoring the advice of some of the most prominent MUD developers on these forums and you're essentially asking for someone else to do all your work for you. If, as you say, you can read all the programming tutorials available and not understand a thing about them then having a teacher is not going to help you.

As for this quote Having a teacher would help cause if I don't understand something I can ask a question unlike if I was reading a book it just wouldn't talk to me about the simple question I have.