0 g 100
* we don't want him to tell this to mobs.
if %actor.is_pc%
  * only greet players coming from the south.
  if %direction% == south
    *wait 1 second, always give the player time before you start sending text.
    wait 1 sec
    say Can you help me, %actor.name%?
    wait 1 sec
    say An apprehensive ogre has something of mine.
    wait 1 sec
    say If you slay him I'll give you all the coins I can spare.
    wait 1 sec
    say Please, bring me the apprehension he has stolen.
    wait 2 sec
    emote looks to the east.
0 f 100
say you got the best of me %actor.name%.
* load some apprehension
%load% obj 1300
* reload the mob for the next questor
%load% mob 1311
0 j 100
* check if this was indeed the right object
if %object.vnum% == 1300
  wait 1 sec
  say Thank you, %actor.name%
  %send% %actor% %self.name% gives you a gold piece.
  %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% is rewarded for his valor.
  nop %actor.gold(1)%
  wait 5 sec
  %purge% %object%
  * this wasn't the right object - don't accept it
  say I don't want that - bring me back my apprehension.
  return 0
0 n 100
wait 3 sec
say I'm back. Did you really think you could kill me so easily?
0 g 100
if %direction% == south
  wait 1 sec
  emote snaps to attention as you approach.
  wait 1 sec
  say Admittance to the city is 10 coins.
0 m 1
* This is a comment. Always use amplifying comment to explain your Triggers!
* If actor gives 10 coins or more
if %amount% >= 10
  * if actor gives more than 10 then give them change
  if %amount% > 10
    eval change %amount% - 10
    give %change% coin %actor.name%
  * otherwise they must have given exactly 10 coins, open the gate.
  say thank you.
  wait 1 sec
  unlock gate 
  wait 1 sec
  open gate 
  wait 10 sec 
  close gate 
  wait 1 sec
  lock gate 
  * else they gave too few! be nice and refund them
  say only %amount% coins, I require 10.
  give %amount% coin %actor.name%
0 m 1
* No Script
0 e 0
The gate is opened from~
wait 5 sec 
close gate 
wait 1 sec
lock gate 
0 e 0
leaves north.~
wait 1 sec
close gate 
wait 1 sec
lock gate 
0 g 100
if %direction% == south
  if %actor.varexists(solved_example_quest_zone_0)%
    wait 1 sec
    say you have already completed this quest.
    wait 1 sec
    say Hello, %actor.name%. Could you find me the magic eight ball?
    say Please say yes, %actor.name%.
0 d 1
if %actor.varexists(solved_example_quest_zone_0)%
  wait 1 sec
  say Perfect, %actor.name%. I'll make this easy. It is to the east.
  wait 3 sec
  say I'd go get it myself, but I'm lazy and you need the exercise.
  wait 1 sec
0 j 100
wait 1 sec
if (%object.vnum% == 47) && !%actor.varexists(solved_example_quest_zone_0)%
  wait 1 sec
  say Thank you, %actor.name%. Here is a few experience points and some gold.
  nop %actor.exp(50)%
  nop %actor.gold(50)%
  say Finally, now I can get some answers.
  wait 1 sec
  emote shakes the magic eight ball vigorously.
  wait 1 sec
  emote does not seem too pleased with his answer.
  set solved_example_quest_zone_0 1
  remote solved_example_quest_zone_0 %actor.id%
  %purge% %object%
elseif %object.vnum% == 47
  say you already solved this quest, keep it.
  return 0
  say I don't want that!
  junk %object.name%
2 g 100
wait 2 sec
%echoaround% %actor% A magic eight ball drops from the sky striking %actor.name% on the head.
%send% %actor% A magic eight ball drops from the sky striking you on the head.
%load% obj 47
%damage% %actor% %random.5%
Obj Command Restorative Comfy Bed Sleep - 1401~
1 c 4
if %cmd.mudcommand% == sleep && bed /= %arg%
  %force% %actor% sleep
  set laying_in_comfy_bed_14 1
  remote laying_in_comfy_bed_14 %actor.id%
  %send% %actor% The bed is extremely comfortable.
  return 0
Obj Random Restorative Comfy Bed - 1401~
1 b 100
if %random.char%
  set actor %random.char%
  if %actor.varexists(laying_in_comfy_bed_14)%
    %damage% %actor% -10
    %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% seems refreshed from sleeping in the comfy bed.
    %send% %actor% You dream peacefully and seem magically refreshed.
Obj Command Restorative Comfy Bed Wake - 1401~
1 c 4
if %cmd.mudcommand% == wake && %actor.varexists(laying_in_comfy_bed_14)%
  %force% %actor% wake
  rdelete laying_in_comfy_bed_14 %actor.id%
  %send% %actor% You sit on the edge of the bed feeling much better.
  %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% sits up on the edge of the bed looking refreshed.
  return 0
0 q 100
* Check to see if the person is not carrying the magic eight ball
if !%actor.has_item(47)%
  * They are not carrying it. So stop them and give them one.
  * Return 0 ignores their command to go west. They stay in the room.
  return 0
  wait 1 sec
  say You forgot your magic eight ball. Take this one.
  * Loads the object to the actors inventory.
  %load% obj 47 %actor%
  %send% %actor% %self.name% gives you the magic eight ball.
Attach Example~
2 b 100
%echo% This trigger commandlist is not complete!
%at% 1233 %echo% %self.vnum% %self.id%
%echo% %self.vnum% %self.id%
Command Draw~
1 c 100
* this trigger is meant for a card table or something similiar
set CARDOBJ 700
eval inroom %self.room%
* find what room the object is in.
eval obj %inroom.contents%
* find the first object in the room
while %obj%
  * while an object is in the room
  if %obj.vnum% == %CARDOBJ%
    set CARDISHERE 1
    * if the object is here, remember!
    %send% %actor%  There is already a face up Adventure card here!
    * if its here stop the trig and let the player know
    %send% %actor% You reach into the Adventure deck and select the top card...
    %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% reaches into the Adventure deck and selects the top card...
    %load% obj %CARDOBJ%
    * if it isn't here load one
  set next_obj %obj.next_in_list%
  * find the next object for the while to loop
  set obj %next_obj%
Random Content Generation~
2 d 100
eval start 1
while %start% < 12
set opening1 Upon opening the pack a strong vanilla note hits me,
set opening2 A slight hint of vanilla hits me as I open the pack,
set opening3 There was a slight hint of vanilla when I opened the pack,
set opening4 Opening the pack I was treated to a lovely vanilla scented 
set opening5 This particular pouch smells rather sweet, possibly vanilla, 
set opening6 First let me say that this pouch was really sweet smelling,
set opening7 This sweet smelling pouch made me wonder about the quality of the 
set opening8 I had a bit of trouble with the tin, 
set look1 but inside was an excellent well rubbed tobacco.
set look2 and inside I was treated to a nice well rubbed tobacco.
set look3 but I found a nice rubbed tobacco inside.
set look4 but it produced a nice pinch of reddish tobacco.
set look5 yet it was filled with beautiful flakes of tobacco.
set look6 but the tobacco was too lightly packed. It was uneven and packed 
funny into the pipe.
set look7 and I couldn't help noticing how great this would be for the room 
set look8 and yet I found an excellent nugget of tobacco waiting inside.
set moisture1 It was a bit wet at first,
set moisture2 It was pretty damp out of the pack,
set moisture3 The pack had far too much dampness to it,
set moisture4 It was deliciously moist,
set moisture5 It was a little wet for my tastes,
set moisture6 There was no way this would light in my pipe,
set drying1 but I let it sit on a napkin for %random.3% hours.
set drying2 but I air-dried it and it turned out fine.
set drying3 so I put it in a napkin for a bit to make it smokeable.
set drying4 so I wrapped it in a napkin and forgot about it for a few hours.
set drying5 so being me, I tried lighting it as it was. Big mistake. My next 
batch I let sit out before lighting up.
set drying6 but this was easily fixed by letting it dry out on my desk.
set drying7 but I like my tobacco a bit on the wet side, so I only aired it 
for 20 minutes.
set drying8 and it took a while to dry, but it lit beautifully afterwards.
set mix1 A well honed mix of Virginia and Burley, this mix stood the test of 
set mix2 This mix suited my briar quite well as I'd smoked plenty of 
Virginia/Burley in the past in it.
set mix3 It was worth it, this is an excellent mix of Virginia and Burley.
set mix4 I quite enjoyed the Virginia notes inside of the Burley base of this 
set mix5 Your standard Virginia and Burley mixed, this particular mix stands
set mix6 A pleasant Virginia/Burley, although nothing out of the ordinary.
set mix7 I could taste a strong note of Burley on this particular specimen, 
but not sure what else.
set mix8 As always, this excellent blend worked well for my morning pipe.
set burn1 The burn on this batch was rather mild flavored, but not any more 
than you'd normally suspect.
set burn2 Rather mild, but quite aromatic. I quite liked this pouch.
set burn3 Nice and mild, but with a slight kick to it. I was enjoying it so 
much I went a bit too fast.
set burn4 Rather bland flavor to be honest, but I like my tobacco strong and 
my coffee black.
set burn5 A bit on the softer side as far as burn goes, but a rich, smooth 
set burn6 Great mild taste, but pretty well beginner only.
set burn7 The tobacco itself had a mild taste, but would make an excellent 
pipe for after dessert.
set burn8 I didn't pack my pipe properly, so I didn't get to enjoy this as 
much as I'd have liked to.
set price1 Definitely worth the price.
set price2 Pretty cheap tobacco, but for good reason.
set price3 I think given the flavor and quality of the tobacco the price 
matches up.
set price4 The price is pretty reasonable for what you're getting. It's an 
excellent beginners pouch.
set price5 A nice starter-oriented price. This tobacco won't break the bank 
and is mild enough to start with, but any true conniseur will move on soon.
set price6 With today's gas prices, I don't know why I spend so much on 
tobacco. Must be the addiction.
set price7 Excellently priced, as usual.
set price8 This bowl really took me back to my college days when I first tried 
this mix.
set openingamt 8
set lookamt 8 
set moistureamt 6
set dryamt 8
set mixamt 8
set burnamt 8
set priceamt 8
set opening %opening^random.8^%
set look %look^random.8^%
set moisture %moisture^random.6^%
set drying %drying^random.8^%
set mix %mix^random.8^%
set burn %burn^random.8^%
set price %price^random.8^%
eval which %random.6%
if %which% == 1
%echo% %opening% %look% %moisture% %drying% %mix% %burn% %price%
if %which% == 2
%echo% %opening% %look% %mix% %burn% %price%
if %which% == 3
%echo% %opening% %look% %moisture% %drying% %burn% %price%
if %which% == 4
%echo% %opening% %look% %moisture% %drying% %mix% %burn%
if %which% == 5
%echo% %opening% %look% %mix% %burn%
if %which% == 6
%echo% %opening% %look% %mix% %burn% %price%
eval start %start%+1
Room Global Random Example~
2 ab 100
* Fires whether a player is in the room or not.
%echo% The trigger fires now!
Room Random Example~
2 b 100
* Fires only when a player is in the room.
%echo% The trigger fires now!
* Example by Snowlock
* %echo% The pungent fumes burn your lungs!
* set target_char %self.people%
* while %target_char%
*   set tmp_target %target_char.next_in_room%
*   %damage% %target_char% 3
*   set target_char %tmp_target%
* done
Room Command Example~
2 c 100
if %cmd.mudcommand% == look && test /= %arg%
  %echo% The trigger works!
  %force% %actor% applaud
  %send% %actor% Look at what?
* Portal example with arguments: enter
* if portal /= %arg%
* %send% %actor% You enter the portal.
* %echoaround% %actor.name% %actor.name% bravely steps into the portal.
* %teleport% %actor% 3001
* %force% %actor% look
* %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% steps through a portal.
* else 
* %send% %actor% Enter what?!
* end
Room Speech Example~
2 d 100
%echo% The trigger fires now!
Room Zone Reset Example~
2 f 100
%echo% The trigger fires now!
Room Enter Example~
2 g 100
%echo% The trigger fires now!
Room Drop Example~
2 h 100
%echo% %actor.name% tries to drop object type: %object.type%
if %object.type% == TRASH
  %echo% No Littering!
  return 0
Room Cast Example~
2 p 100
%echo% %actor.name% tried to cast spellnumber: %spell%: %spellname% on %vict.name% %obj.name%.
return 0
Room Leave Example~
2 q 100
%echo% %actor.name% tries to leave to the %direction%.
return 0
Room Door Example~
2 r 100
if %cmd% == open
  %echoaround% %actor% As %actor.name% tries to %cmd% the door to the %direction% a bucket of water dumps on his head.
  %send% %actor% Splash!!
  %send% %actor% A bucket of water drops on top of your head as you open the door.
  %damage% %actor% 10
  %echo% The door slams shut again.
  detach 1459 %self.id%
  return 0
Mob Global Random Example~
0 ab 100
say The trigger fires now!
Mob Random Example~
0 b 100
* No Script
* This I just threw in because it is a random trig and does not normally have an actor.
set actor %random.char%
wait 1 sec
say Hey!  You don't belong here!
emote mumbles, 'Now what was that spell...'
wait 1 sec
switch %random.3%
  case 1
    dg_cast 'harm' %actor%
  case 2
    dg_cast 'magic missle' %actor%
    say That wasn't right...
    mecho A failed spell backfires on the mage!
    mdamage %self% 10
Mob Command Example~
0 c 100
say The trigger fires now!
say triggered by %actor.name%
Mob Speech Example~
0 d 0
say speech: %speech%
say car: %speech.car%
say cdr: %speech.cdr%
eval text %speech.car%
say %text%
Mob Action Example~
0 e 0
has entered the game.~
eval inroom %self.room%
%zoneecho% %inroom.vnum% %self.name% shouts, 'HELP!! Someone please rescue me!!'
Mob Death Example~
0 f 100
%echo% %self.name% curses %actor.name% before drawing %self.hisher% final breath.
Mob Greet Example~
0 g 100
* To make a trigger fire only on players use:
if %actor.is_pc%
   say Hello, and welcome, %actor.name%
* Check what direction they came from.
if %direction%
  say Hello, %actor.name%, how are things to the %direction%?
* If the character popped in (word of recall, etc) this will be hit
  say Where did YOU come from, %actor.name%?
Mob Greet-All Example~
0 h 100
say Hello, and welcome, %actor.name%
Mob Entry Example~
0 i 100
* first find the room the mob is in and put the value in %inroom%
eval inroom %self.room%
* then check on the rooms vnum
if (%inroom.vnum% == 1233)
  say I, %self.name%, declare this room Rumble's.
Mob Receive Example~
0 j 100
if (%object.vnum% == 1300)
  %purge% %object%
  say thanks!
  nop %actor.gold(1)%
  say I don't want that!
  return 0
Mob Fight Example~
0 k 100
context %self.id%
if (%already_fighting%)
  wait 10
  unset already_fighting
  dg_cast 'magic missile' %actor.name%
  set already_fighting 1
  global already_fighting
Mob Hitprcnt Example~
0 l 50
context %self.id%
if (%have_shouted%)
  return 0
  %echo% %self.name% shouts 'HELP! I'm under ATTACK! HELP!'
  set have_shouted 1
  global have_shouted
Mob Bribe Example~
0 m 1
say thank you, step inside.
wait 2 sec
%echoaround% %actor% %self.name% pushes %actor.name% through a concealed door.
%send% %actor% %self.name% helps you through a concealed door.
%teleport% %actor% 1300
Mob Load Example~
0 n 100
   switch %random.5%
  case 1
    %load% obj 3010
    wield dagger
  case 2
    %load% obj 3011
    wield sword
  case 3
    %load% obj 3012
    wield club
  case 4
    %load% obj 3013
    wield mace
  case 5
    %load% obj 3014
    wield sword
    * this should be here, even if it's never reached
Mob Memory Example Part 1~
0 g 100
* This must be set by another trigger first before the mem trigger can be used.
mremember %actor.name%
say I'll remember you now, %actor.name%
Mob Memory Example Part 2~
0 o 100
wait 4 s
poke %actor.name%
say i've seen you before, %actor.name%.
mforget %actor.name%
Mob Cast Example~
0 p 100
if (%spellname%==magic missile)
  %echo% %self.name% is protected by a shield spell negating %actor.name%s Magic Missile.
  return 0
  %echo% %self.name%s shield spell doesn't protect %self.himher% from %actor.name%s magic.
  return 1
Mob Leave Example~
0 q 100
if (%actor.level% > 10)
  say You may not leave here, %actor.name%.
  %send% %actor% %self.name% prevents you from leaving the room.
  %echoaround% %actor% As %actor.name% tries to leave the room, %self.name% stops %actor.himher%.
  return 0
Mob Door Example~
0 r 100
say %actor.name% do not try to %cmd% the door to the %direction% again. Or else!
return 0
Obj Global Random Example~
1 ab 100
%echo% The trigger fires now!
Obj Random Example~
1 b 100
%echo% The trigger fires now!
eval actor %self.worn_by%
if !%actor%
%send% %actor% Ichiban's blade thirsts for blood.
Obj Command Example~
1 c 7
* Numeric Arg: 7 means obj can be worn, carried, or in room.
if ("%arg%" == "closet")
%load% mob 1307
%send% %actor% Open What?
Obj Timer Example~
1 f 100
* %echo% The trigger fires now!
* otimer 3
%echo% The ice cream melts away.
%purge% %self%
Obj Get Example~
1 g 100
if (%actor.level% < 31)
  %transform% 1398
  return 0
  %echo% You hear, 'Please put me down, %actor.name%'
Obj Drop Example~
1 h 100
if (%actor.level% < 31)
  return 0
Obj Give Example~
1 0 100
if (%actor.level% < 31)
  return 0
Obj Wear Example~
1 j 100
if (%actor.str% < 17)
  return 0
%send% %actor% send to actor.
%echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% echoaround actor
%damage% %actor% 100
Obj Remove Example~
1 l 90
return 0
Obj Load Example~
1 n 100
%echo% %self.name% appears out of nowhere.
Obj Leave Example~
1 q 100
%echo% My trigger commandlist is not complete!
Nested If Example~
0 q 100
* In this nested if example anyone leaving north will be checked for passage.
if %direction% == NORTH
  * If it is a male over 18 let them pass.
  if %actor.sex% == MALE
    if %actor.age% > 18
      say Welcome.
      say let me see your ID.
      return 0
    * If a female over 18 or less than 18 but charisma above 16 let them pass.
  elseif %actor.sex% == FEMALE
    if %actor.age% > 18
      say welcome.
      if %actor.cha% > 16
        say don't tell anyone I let you in.
        say let me see your ID.
        return 0     
    * Don't let nuetrals pass
  elseif %actor.sex% == NUETRAL
    say what the heck are you?
    return 0
Room Global Example~
2 d 100
set global_example_actor %actor.name%
global global_example_actor
set global_example_speech %speech%
global global_example_speech
%echo% saving globals
Room Global Example II~
2 b 100
%echo% %global_example_actor% said: %global_example_speech%
mob load test~
0 c 100
%load% mob 1300
Object Command Parser~
1 c 3
*Ideally we need an object speech trig. This is the workaround.
if %cmd% == say || %cmd% == gossip
  * evaluate the first word
  eval word %arg.car%
  * evaluate the rest of the string
  eval rest %arg.cdr%
  * while there is a first word keep going
  while %word%
    %echo% the first word is: %word%
    %echo% the remaining text is: %rest%
    eval word %rest.car%
    eval rest %rest.cdr%
  return 0
new trigger~
0 g 100
if %arg% == delete
  say Deleted all quest flags!
  rdelete found_treasure %actor.id%
  rdelete worthy_oceana %actor.id%
  rdelete receive_oceana %actor.id%
  rdelete aloha_welcome %actor.id%
elseif %arg% == add
  say Added quest flags!
  set receive_oceana 1
  remote receive_oceana %actor.id%
  set found_treasure 1
  remote found_treasure %actor.id%
  set worthy_oceana 1
  remote worthy_oceana %actor.id%
  say Invalid command! Please Add or delete?