Q: How do I create my main immortal?
A: If this is the first time you unpacked the code etc... after you create
      your character type FIRSTIMM. The command is only useful once.
   If you want to allow this command to work again you can create a file in
      your system directory called firstimm.

Q: What about adding in a template/menu driven system for creating mobiles/objects?
A: If you go with a template and add in for it to use that template for the mobile
      and the only thing that went into the area files was what template to use
      that could be nice and save some space etc... Would need to be done just
      right though to be worth it.
   The menu driven is a waste of time and space to keep current.

Q: Why not add in a way to read other muds area files?
A: There is a converter that will convert areas that SmaugFUSS can read
   over to LoP. It is a seperate program so it doesn't eat up resources
   or be around for more then when you want to use it.

Q: Why is the mud so bare?
A: I personaly hate seeing nothing but stock areas etc... on most muds.
      At one time all that came with LoP was limbo.are and later I added
      in Darkhaven to give people a chance to test it out some so they
      can see what it has to offer.

Q: Are there any known bugs that haven't been fixed?
A: There is one where if you use like mpat mpgoto etc... it changes
      the list of the mobiles in the room and can cause a program to
      fire twice. The problem comes from having a mobile in the room with
      say an allgreet program that fires when someone enters. If in that
      program it uses like "mpat <vnum> do something" it will remove the
      mobile from the room and then when it puts them back they are at
      the end of the list of characters in the room and so it will fire
      the program again. (Stock Smaug issue).

Q: Why haven't alot of cool snippets out there been added?
A: Have to leave some stuff out so you have something to add.
      A snippet is a great way to learn how to code. So if you are new to
      coding it is great to need something that is in a snippet so you
      can work on adding it and learning things as you go.

Q: Are there questions you have been asked and haven't included here?
A: Yea, tons of them that I don't recall currently.
   By the next release of the codebase I will probably have a lot more listed.

Q: Why haven't you changed the crapy weather system?
A: Might one of these days, because the stock one kind of sucks :P.

Q: Why don't areas save a backup like smaug?
A: I found this to normaly be useless.
   If you want a backup make sure you keep a recent backup of everything.

Q: Why doesn't hotboot save all data like smaug?
A: This was just something to make hotboot look more meaningfull.
   There can be alot of issues on tight quotas with doing this so I went with just saving descriptors.

Q: Will there ever be a final release of LOP?
A: Yea, one of these days.

Q: Whats the max amount of gold a person can have?
A: 2,000,000,000 (2 Billion).
      Same max for stuff dealing with gold in auction.
      Same max for amount of gold you can drop.
      Same max for amount of gold on ground.
      Same max for amount of gold you can give.
   Can hold up to 10 Sextillion in bank accounts.

Q: One day, will all the help files and documents that are needed be included?
A: Yea, I will eventually get around to adding everything that is needed :).

Q: How do you punish people since you removed hell?
A: If I'm going to hell someone I just ban them :).

Q: What does it take to make a great mud?
A: Wouldn't everyone like to know?
   This is one of those questions that more or less depends on the perception of the one asking and the one answering.
   I've seen a lot of successfull muds and a lot of failing muds and everything between the two.
   A lot fail from lack of changes, a lot fail from to many changes.
   A lot fail from it being to easy, a lot fail from it being to hard.
   A lot fail from to many players, a lot fail from not enough players.
   So what does this mean? Well you have to have balance more or less I think.
   RoD for example is one of the busiest muds that I've seen and while it's so busy it's one of the few things it has
      going for it. The changes there are rare and until you get high enough to do stuff and earn respect it's kind of boring.
      You can also get to max level very easily even with your first character. The server is so busy that a lot of the cool
      and useful stuff had to be stopped because of the spam/lag it caused. Unless they finaly added some of the stuff back in.
      An example of that would be with the locate object spell having to be disabled because locating a sword would kick you and
      probably cause a great deal of lag. It is also hard to enjoy some of the great things that is offered because you have hundreds
      (if not more) people going after it sometimes.
   So everything has its good and bad points. Some of the more active muds out there are closer to stock then others. So sometimes
      people don't want a different mud they want the same with less players to get in there way lol.

   Here are a few things that will cause you to loose players that you should try to avoid:
      Crashing alot.
         No one likes playing just a few mins and having to relog.
      Major bugs.
         No one likes to have to keep redoing things because of bugs.
      Downing things that people are use to.
         If you down something when players are use to it they get mad lol.
      Over upping things.
         There is a limit and eventually you will hit it and fast if you over up things.
         Like having a super strong level 5 sword that is already at the maxes it makes it so
            they never get to upgrade and if you down it later they will be mad so this is a no win deal.
      Lack of interaction.
         People are on to play and interact.
      To many people doing the same thing.
         No one enjoys waiting and fighting to get one nice piece of equipment that is rare and super hard to get.
            RoD had quite a few things you could only get after a reboot/crash and everyone went after it at the same time.

   So here are a few suggestions:
      Fix any crashing issue or major bug ASAP, with as little down time as possible.
      Don't over do object stats etc... because one day you might have to down some.
         I think one of the first things anyone should do is start with a building guideline on objects so it keeps everything good.
      Balance for classes and races is another important thing. Otherwise everyone will pick the strongest race and class.
      Keeping players entertained so they stay so that new ones have people to interact with is important also.
      A good varity of things for people to do so they aren't constantly going against each other is also important.
         When you limit things so much it makes things super rare and someone will always be going after it to exploit it.