This file is going to be a simple document explaining some things about banks in LoP...

Usage: bank <account> delete/balance
Usage: bank <account> share <name>
Usage: bank <account> create/deposit/withdraw <amount>/all
Usage: bank <account> transfer <amount> <account>
This allows you to create a bank account and manage it.
Only ones with access to the account can do things with it.

Anyone may create a bank account.
There is no limit on how many accounts someone may create.
Only the creator of the account can set who has access to the gold in the account.
   (Can be removed from the list the same way they were added).
   (Only characters with valid pfiles can be added).
Transactions are saved (Currently only saves the last 20 per account).
   (Shown when someone looks at the balance in the account).
Anyone with access to the account can withdraw, and transfer from it.
Gold may be transfered from an account (that the person has access to) to any other account.
Intrest is gained on all gold in each account.
   (Given at the end of every mud month).
   (Currently .0003 per gold).
Max gold for each bank account is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10 Sextillion).
When empty the account is closed.
Only the creator may delete the account.
   (All money in the account is lost when it is deleted).
Anyone may deposit gold into any account.
   (Only someone with access to it sees how much gold is in after the deposit).