Added in top_explorer to track explorer rooms.
Fixed a slight issue with dir_w not being set to 0.
Made it easier to change the default time it takes for a mud hour to pass.
   (Also increased it a .50 for the range).
Made it so resets are checked after all areas are loaded.
   (Was reporting things as issues when the needed things just hadn't been loaded yet).
Found that in some cases using MSL instead of MIL on strings you fopen may cause an odd crash in cygwin.
   (No clue why, but simply changing the MSL to MIL on it stopped the crashing so fixed all I found that used MSL).
Found and fixed an issue with it closing a descriptor because of the inbuf being full.
Started adding in some extra stuff that isn't really used yet.
   (I've still got to figure out the best way to handle area controlled vnums).
Fixed a couple extra things here and there that I've ran across and just don't remember lol.

Removed can_learn_language, show_big_nums, toggle_bexit_flag, parse_bet, can_oedit, smush_tilde, save_all_chistorys, getcolor, show_hash.
   (These are no longer being used).
Removed sysdata.ident_retries.
   (Wasn't being used).
Modified sysdata.morph_opt.
   (Use to only save on shutdown, now will work like an autosave while setting morphs).
Added in so more stuff got renamed when changing names.
   (Added rename_clan_member, rename_council_member, rename_deity_worshipper, rename_in_banks).
Added in so names are removed more when the pfile is destroyed, player deletes, pfile cleaner deletes pfile.
   (Added in a remove_from_everything).
Made it so notes can be to non pfiles.
   (Use to allow only "all" or a valid pfile).
Modified placement of things here and there.
Fixed two possible leaks from fread_strings.
   (One in act_comm.c-(fread_phistory) and one in polymorph.c-(fread_morph)).
Added in more for nations in do_who.
Modified do_mix to fix it not allowing more then one spell to be mixed.
   (Now uses "mix <spell> [<spell>] [<spell>]").
      (First one 100% success, Second 75% success, Third 50% success).
Added and Modified a few help files.
Made it so if you try to delete a bank account, you have to specify which account to delete.
Made it so just typing bank shows all the accounts you have access too.
Fixed add_phistory so it would actually work like it should.
Modified damage to handle the magical/non-magical part for ris for weapons.
   (Stopped the other places from doing it and instead just let damage handle it).
Made it so you can't createfire or makefire in water sectors.
Added an ACT_NOSLICE for mobiles so you can set up mobiles you don't want to have corpses that can be sliced.
Added an ACT_NOBLOOD for mobiles so you can set up mobiles you don't want leaving a pool of blood when they die.
Added in so you can't run while in the wilderness.
   (One day should make it so you can).
Added in an aset <area filename> noload.
   (Will toggle if the area filename is added in the area list or not).
Fixed a crashing issue in can_use_channel.
Made it so it won't let you duplicate names using makehightable.
Made it so channels only show up if characters are playing.
   (If you want it to show while your editing etc... you will have to modify it).
Added in for do_who to show how many different ips have connected since hotboot/reboot.
Added in for bti to give a quick overview on login to immortals.

Added in ITEM_CONTINUOUS_FIRE for objects.
   (Used so one item can be fired continuously).
   (Should work for projectiles or any other item they throw).
   (NPCs also get continuous fire for everything instead of having to use programs to do it).
      (Don't have to put continuous fire on something for a mobile to utilize it).
   (The copy object it creates and fires is stripped of continous fire).
Added in for mmpmload to have a max so it doesn't keep loading mobiles crazily.
   (This can cause massive lag once 1k+ of the same mobile has been summoned into a room).
Added in AFLAG_NOSHOW for areas.
   (Used to keep an area from showing up on area command).
Took out where money value 0 got set to obj->cost in create_object.
Stopped it from setting you fighting the supermob when a room/object used mpdamage on you.
Stopped instaroom and instazone from adding charmed mobiles to the resets.
   (This was annoying if you had a pet in the room/zone and used instaroom/instazone).
Modified unfoldarea quite a bit to fix issues.
   (Use to be able to do like unfoldarea ../player/r/Remcon and make the mud exit).
   (Use to be able to unfoldarea on areas already loaded).
   (Duplicated vnums of rooms/mobiles/objects would make the mud exit).
   (Filename of areas loaded this way was shown as $ in the mud).
Changed unfoldarea name to loadarea, since loadarea isn't used in LoP.
   (Not sure why unfoldarea was the name of a command used to load areas).
      (Other then the fact that loadarea was already taken).
   (If set on a mobile the mobile will purge it's inventory on death).
      (Doesn't purge the mobile gold).
      (Will save the trouble of using a death program to do it).
Modified enchant code some.
   (Added in so you can loose all enchantments when enchanting something).
   (Added in so stats can be affected also (increases and decreases one at a time)).
   (Fixed in issue in is_ris).
   (Made it so ris can be higher/lower then 1/-1 (increases and decreases one at a time)).
Modified spell_energy_drain so it goes by how much damage was done.
Modified spell_earthquake some to use characters in the room instead of all in mud.
   (Still uses all in mud to handle the area message).
      (Easy to stop that though if you want to).
Added a RubiksFinished highscore table.
   (Added in for it to work also of course).
Added in a RIS_ABDAMAGE.
   (This allows the character to receive/loose hp based on the damage they do to someone).
   (I would suggest being careful on using it much like over using drain on objects casting it each hit).
   (If your abdamage is - then you loose additional hp every hit you do, if + you gain hp every hit you do).
Added in so channels can be set as adult channels.
   (Also added in an achat (adult chat) channel).
   (So you can flag players as adults so they can access the channels).
   (Figure this would be handy for swear channels etc...).
Added in Kayle's MProg Variable Expansion.
   (Added some more to it and used a switch to limit the number of ifs it compares the string to).
Added in so mprog_do_ifcheck uses some switch statements to limit the number of ifs it compares the string to.
Modified dice_parse to use Uppercase letters for victim and lowercase for character.
   (Got the idea from some snippet I seen, but never downloaded or looked at how they did it).
Updated some help files.
Added function echo_to_all_printf.
Added function interpret_printf.
Added the fix for sockets.
Added in so if your using trapset and the room is already trapped you might set it off.
Added in so you can bury an exit.
Fixed it showing some exits it shouldn't if they haven't been dug out.
Added in a base_info for exits that is only changed when setting them.
   (Always annoying to loose the default way because someone does instaroom and someone had opened a door etc...).
Stopped handling doors with the reset system.
   (Well sort of, it uses the reset system to reset all the doors in all the rooms back to the base_info).
Added in wilderness stuff.
   (I have tried to cover most the things on this, but I am only human so watch out for possible issues on it).
   (If you have some ideas on ways to improve it by all means let me know).
Added in so you can use RESET ADD OBJ/MOB/GIVE/EQUIP <VNUM> [<wearloc>].
   (EQUIP and GIVE will give/equip the object to the mob above them in the reset list).
Fixed yell sending mobile yells to the entire mud.
Fixed quite a few problems here and there that I haven't added in the changes.lst.

1.39 (Revision 1)
Fixed traps being set using reset to work correctly.
Reset area will reset the traps.
Added in some bug messages.
Added in a default trap (Feel free to set it how you want, can even suggest default stuff for it for next release).
Made it so all characters can't see an immortal character leave the room when they're sneaking
Made it so you can't fire ranged weapons in water.
Changed do order to only stop the use of mp at the begining of the first word.
Added so you can set age/height/weight using mset.
Added in so mposet can increase/decrease value0-5 by a specified number.
Action_desc is set on all corpses now to show who got the kill.
Skin can be used on npcs and pcs as long as you got the final blow.
   (Maybe one day add in something to make some use out of the skins).
Added in a message informing players if they are sparing someone and the other one is out to kill them.
Made it so you can change MEL (Max_Editor_line) and changing MSL (Max_String_Length) changes editor stuff easier.
   (The overall max size of a string is MSL so this would probably need increased for the stuff to be bigger).
   (You are also limited by the MEL on how many lines the string has, increasing it is good for long programs that need more lines).
Added in so you know how much of the maxes your using while in the editor.
Added in an ACT_NOKILL so mobiles can be set to fight but not kill.
Added in an ACT_NODEATH so mobiles can kill and not be killed.
   (Use ACT_NOKILL and ACT_NODEATH if you want them to fight, but not kill or be killed).
Added in the fix for move_char allowing people to move when they shouldn't be able to.
Fixed it so more of the mprog checks can understand !=.
Fixed up quite a few issues in polymorph.
   (A memory leak and quite a few other things, probably still a lot more to do on this one).
   (Made it so it modifies the max hp, mana, move instead of just the current).
Added in 2010 to the headers for LoP.
   (Lol, kind of late, but better late then never).

Added in some more information displayed by ostat.
Added more info displayed by show_object.
Fixed an issue where show_object only showed 2 spells on salves instead of 3.
Added in a rubik's cube players can play.
Fixed a crashing issue in mobiles using bribe programs when they get bribed.
Modified the bribe programs so that location of the program wont matter.
   (If you have more then 1 bribe program on the mobile etc...).
Fixed a looping issue in teleport looping if trying to send to the room already in.
Modified do_get, do_put, do_look, do_empty, do_zap, do_examine, do_fill, do_drink, do_recite,
   do_pull, do_push, do_apply. (May be a few others that need done sometime, but this covers some of the main ones).
   (So you can specify room/inventory/worn).
Included Hanaisse's reset information.
   (Found in the doc folder).
Modified drop_coins to fix it allowing gold to go -.
Modified get_obj to fix it keeping objects hanging around that it couldn't access.
   (Also added in a check in object_update (since it scans all objects in game) to give a bug message if an object
      isn't in a room, carried by someone, or in another object).
Fixed some possible issues in save_pfile_backup.
Removed index_mobile->position. (This is more or less what defposition is for).
   Modified the rest of the code to handle the change. (Lets hope I got it all lol).
   Added in for mstat to show defposition for a mobile if it is different then their current position.
Made it so when invokeing objects it doesn't set the level to your trust.
   (Since objects are level based and trust is permission based this was pointless).
Modified mprog_greet_trigger to do a temporary list. (Seems to work fine this way).
   (If everything goes good and no bugs are found might need to do something similar in other places).
   (This was done to fix it so that if your using mpat etc... in a greet program it wouldn't fire the program twice).
Removed a MWRESET that was left over from testing.
Fixed in issue in banks that allowed you to create an account with gold you didn't have.
Made it so trust permission uses name in pfile and god file instead of the number.
   (Will make it easier for ones who want to add to the permission levels since if using numbers it can get crazy to deal with).
Added in so commands can be set to a group and the group(s) can be bestowed to who you want to have those commands.
Added in so commands people have access to (via bestow etc...) should show up in the commands list.
   (Wonder how long that was missing lol).

1.38 (Revision 2)
Took out all the NStat 0 stuff in darkhaven.are.
Added in so it gives index mobiles a default of 13 for perm_stats on loading.

1.38 (Revision 1)
Changed the Makefile to what it should be.
   (g++-4 to g++).

Authorize changes:
   (Removed mpapply and mpapplyb).
   (Removed not_auth and other stuff to do with auth).
   (No longer restricted until authorized).
      (Only restricted if your name has been denied, until you use name to change your name).
   (Can still be turned off/on using CSET WAITFORAUTH).
CSet changes:
      (Used to make it easier to change the groupping level difference).
      (Set it to -1 to turn off grouping).
   Added in a CSET GROUPALL.
      (If ON it will make it so pkills can group with peacefuls).
   Added in a CSET ASHELPS.
      (Used to auto save help files when something is changed if turned on).
Gold Changes:
   Gold on hand max decreased back to 2billion.
   Gold in bank max increased to 10sextillion.
Trivia changes:
   Added in so you actually get glory for trivia.
   Added in so it tells everyone the correct answer when a trivia question is answered correctly.
   Changed uncorrectly to incorrectly in trivia.
Channel changes:
   Added in so all mortal channels are turned on at creation.
   Added in so when you use firstimm or immortalize you get all channels turned on.
Other changes:
   Made hotbooting only delete oldest log if higher then 1025 instead of deleting them all.
   Made the mud create backups of pfiles before doing pfile_cleanup. (Puts them in backup directory, only keeps 10 newest pfiles).
   Fixed it so check_parse_name checks for .., /, \.
   Added in so lockers will try to load in the room your in instead of the last room.
   Added in a run code.
   Modified mpdamages so resistants can be set to be checked.
   Added in so areas keep list of all characters in them. (Used it for get_char_area).
   Fixed a bug where affect_join wasn't working right.
   Fixed it so RESET RANDOM # worked.
   Added in a way to read notes you haven't read yet. (NOTE UNREAD).
   Fixed it so look and get won't say corpses are closed.
   Added in so immortals don't get disconnected for idling.
   Added in so pcflags can be modified on players using mset.
   Fixed an issue where npcs less then level 2 couldn't die.
   Fixed a few other issues that I already forgot.
   Added and modified some help files.
   Added/modified a few other things here and there.

(Done in 1.36, but not on list)
   Removed races directory from imc directory.
   Commented out CYGWIN in the Makefile.
Added and modified some help files.
Can now set if a channel will scramble based on what people speak online.
   (Channels that use the online channels anyways).
Fixed a slight possible issue in do_dig.
   (It wasn't using the right if checks but it worked right).
   (Also made it show what direction you were trying to dig out).
Tossed in so lodge_projectile will use check_shieldblock.
Added in dynamic mpdamage's can be created and used online.
   (Like mpdamage $n fire 50).
Added in so channel history for each character saves in pfiles.
   (For yell, say, tell, fchat).
Added in so lockers can be shared.
Added in for resistances to be % based.
   (Removed immune, absorb, susceptible).
   (If < 0 in a resistant you are susceptible to it).
   (If > 0 and < 100 in a resistant you are resistant to it).
   (If 100 in a resistant you are immune to it).
   (If > 100 in a resistant you will absorb it).
Added in so skills/spells/etc... can be set as magical or not.
Added some more stuff to handle_check.
Added in a SF_CANDOALL so you can do all the stuff with that one.
   (Same as setting a spell/skill as:).
   (Set up a lot of the defensive spells to candoall).
Removed min_level from skills. (It wasn't saved or set on load etc...).
Made it so it won't cost as much havoc if someone changes the stat order etc...
   (Probably takes up more space etc... but a little easier to not have it go nuts if stats are changed).
Added in so pets/mobiles that have stat changes gets their stats saved.
Added so immortals can look at others say/tell/yell/fchat/whisper history.
Added a get_char_area and using it for do_track.
Added in so skills can have requirements for stats to use.
   (Can practice it for now but can't use it till you have the stats it requires).
Found and fixed an issue with spell_sectors.
   (It was not allowing it when it should have allowed it).

Fixed an issue in message sent when following someone.
Objects with the same extra descriptions can now be groupped.
Objects with the same affects can now be groupped.
Fixed an issue with quiver object in game.
Added hlog and hsearch commands.
   (Used to look and search host log information).
Added in for MSSP data to be cleaned up on shutdown.
Fixed up do_slice and make_corpse.
   (So slice would work).
Modified do_cook just a little.
Modified detect_poison just a little.
Added do_taste (Skill for tasting food).
Added do_smell (Skill for checking food).
Modified auth code just a bit to save over copyover/reboot.
Modified is_outside check.
Fixed up a few possible issues.
Added a HACKED_FILE so it is easier to see hacking attempts.
Added a way to change a mod_stat on a player.
   (So if you have a spell or something that isn't set right and
    increases someone's mod_stat forever).
Redone track so it gives a good list of the directions instead of just the first one.
Fixed an issue in stop_summoning.
Made it so you may sell an item for less then it is worth.
Fixed up a few issues with parsing descriptions.
Made get_dir return -1 if it shouldn't return a direction instead of returning 0.
Added more stuff to get_check.
Fixed up fread_double so it worked with decimals.
Fixed it sending Supress to room sometimes.
   (Two skills had Supress in for miss_room).
Removed it taking off 1 charisma if not wearing something on arms.
   (Now it only takes off if nothing on body and legs).
Added a Features.lst.
   (Can turn it on and off with config).
   (Used to show or not show your msn/email/yahoo/gtalk to everyone).
Updated some help files.
Modified exit display to show the keyword on things that use the keyword.
   (As long as it's not a closed door or a window it will show the direction).
Modified compass display to show secret exits as long as they are open.
Modified Darkhaven area some.
Added trapset skill.
Fixed an issue in traps.
   (TRAP_ENTER_ROOM was going off when exiting the room).
   (Traps that have a v3 of 0 are now seen, since not really set).
Fixed a possible issue with area status.
Modified how the lockers are saved some.
   (Decided to do it more like the corpses).
      (Less hassle this way and not as annoying as checking all room objects).
   (If you wish to use old locker files you need to open them up and).
      (Change the first #OBJECT to #LOCKER).

Removed enchant weapon spell.
Removed enchant armor spell.
Removed disenchant weapon spell.
Removed disenchant armor spell.
Added enchant spell.
   (Gives random enchantments (Good and Bad)).
   (Can be cast more then once per object).
Added disenchant spell.
   (Removes only enchantments on the object).
Modified alot of the reset code and other stuff.
   (To make resets work alot better).
   (Resets keep a pointer to what ch or obj it resets).
   (Characters and Objects that are created by reset have a pointer to the reset that created them).
Added so "reset rlist" shows the resets for the room.
Added so "reset room" will reset the room your in.
Added in so descriptions can be parsed to control what it shows.
   (Have to do a help file for this sometime when I get done with it).
Added a HASH_LINK and HASH_UNLINK for dealing with hashes a little easier.
Fixed socials so it keeps the socials where you put them in the list.
Added in Keberus' mssp snippet.
Added in hitroll and damroll to useglory.
Fixed it so adding armor class using useglory doesn't affect enchantments.
Fixed issues with increase_gold and increase_balance.
Got rid of some unneeded things here and there.
Added in fclear and flineclear.
Added log (logspeech) to fshow.

Added a keep alive timer to imc.
Modified do_arealist (to show free vnums better).
Added in so races wear locations can be restricted.
   (Will allow you to disable them from wearing things there).
Fixed issues in sset.
Added in get_percent in comm.c.
Modified fchat history to work sort of like yell history.
   (Without yell's area based limits).
Changed killed data to a double linked list.
   (Uses sysdata.maxkillhistory now).
Added in fchat color setting.
Removed areaversion from saving to files.
   (Not really needed with the area format changes).
Added in skilltable command.
   (Like cmdtable only for skills (Doesn't show Personals/Herbs)).
Updated color themes to 113 (to include fchat color).
Added and modified some help files.
Fixed an issue in loading reqskill name for a skill not yet loaded.
   (It now gets the information and finds the skill after all skills are loaded).
Updated licenese.txt to include 2009.
Changed minhit and maxhit to ints.
Added in for hpmanamove to save and load for pets.
Modified sudoku a little.
   (Resets starttime when quit/completed. Doesn't save stuff thats still 0 to pfile).
Made it so you can advance all of someones classes at once.
Added in so objects can have descriptions.
Fixed a possible memory leak in fread_obj.
Made it so the max amount of auctions each person has can be set online.
   (Uses sysdata.maxauction now).
Added and modified help files.
Modified do_group.
Modified do_restore.
Modified show_condition.
Fixed it so stat_gain doesn't take away hp if your above your max.
Modified mpxmset.
Removed a few spells/skills.
Added Affects:
   (AFF_NOMOVE: can't move).
   (AFF_SILENCE: can't cast spells).
Modified coin handling on drop and going into corpses and get.
Made it so you can "drop all gold" to drop all gold on hand.
Modified object 2 and 3 for changes (Limbo.are objects).
Made it so gold on char and in banks is changed by billions instead of millions.
Think I finaly got the following around fixed.
Modified bank code and fixed some issues.
Made it so you can handle more then 2bil on gold things (drop, give, bank, split, mset).
   (Max on those things for gold is 2 Quintillion (2,000,000,000,000,000,000).

1.33 Update
Fixed an issue in timeinfo.c.
Fixed an issue with sudoku.

Fixed in issue in locker code.
Fixed a memory leak in news code.
Added in trivia code.
Fixed an issue in the hunt, hate and fear code.
Modified how the hunt, hate, fear and summon stuff works.
Tossed in so calendar auto updates when some things change.
Added and modified some help files.
Updated headers in source files to include 2009.
Modified imc.config to use port 5000 instead of 9000.
Added in fchat (Friend Chat) channel.
Modified give program some.
   (It will now allow use of vnums and more then one item name at a time).
Fixed an issue with spells affecting stats.
   (Some would put blindness and invisible on instead).
Added some variables for programs to use.
Modified display of affects some in mstat.
Changed it so instead of slots for weaponspells it uses the names in files.
Changed version over to sysdata.

Fixed an issue in do_bodybag.
Fixed an issue in do_gift.
Added in ITEM_NOCONTAINER for items.
   (Makes it so the item can't be put in a container).
Updated help files.
Modified do_prompt and do_fprompt to show the default prompts.
Modified do_ostat some.
Modified do_bamfin and do_bamfout.
   (Now allows you to place your name where you want in them).
Modified progbug some.
   (Changed the order and tossed the mob->description through strip_cr).
Modified do_destroy some.
   (It now checks trust levels).
Fixed an issue in do_rdig.
Got it to compile clean in 4.3.2 g++

Added in for personal spells/skills.
Fixed a few things in oset.
Fixed a few things dealing with deleteing spells/skills online.
Added in so cset can be set to autosave when you change things.
Added and modified some help files.
Manged to get a clean compile with -Wwrite-strings on.
Added in so the highscore tables are included in the download.
Added in so commands can be set to autosave when you change something.
Added in so socials can be set to autosave when you change something.
Added in so spells/skills/etc... can be set to autosave when you change something.
Added in SF_NOMOUNT (to stop you from doing some spells/skills while mounted).
Added in so pets can make use of spec_funs.
Modified do_mstat.
Modified what gets saved into area files a bit to cut down on size etc...
Added a count for objects and characters in a room.
Modified do_look to show a combined list (kind of) for characters if more than 10 in room.
Modified do_practice so you can see various parts (practice [spell/skill/weapon/tongue/personal]).
Fixed a possible crashing issue in quest.c (amazing how long some things go unnoticed).
Changed pc corpses to notake.
Modified some stuff in build.c.
Fixed it so you can continue editing if you are reconnecting to your character and were editing.
  (That is one old stock bug that has been around for ages)
Added in so you can have a spell/skill affect someone's waitstate.
Fixed an issue on how it handled hitting in one_hit.
Tossed in so mobiles can set players race/class in mpmset (for ones that might want to do in-game creation).
Groups are now done as a list (Could save some time on lots of stuff this way, on a busy mud).
NPCs can join partys easier and gain levels.
Pet levels are now saved in pfiles.
Added random item flag to make it so items can be created with random stats.

Modified Claw and Bite.
Fixed a lot of issues here and there.
Made it so commands and skills keep their own help data.
Added and modified some help files.
Added in an easy way to do multiclassing
   (Just use 'cset multiclass <#>' to set it for how many classes players can pick on creation)
   Modified alot of things for this.
Added in for pcdata to be kept in a double linked list.
Added in so clans, deities, nations, councils can be deleted on the mud.
Modified how autogold and autoloot work.
Modified gain_exp, exp worth, and made adepting spells/skills/etc... give exp.
Modified how played time is done.
Modified do_stat and do_statreport some.
Modified handle_stat.
Made it so the random number gets updated once in awhile.
Made it so pushup and situp work for everyone.
Made it so there is a chance of getting luckier.
Fixed possible issues in get_damroll and get_hitroll.
Made it so you can get blood splattered on yourself and equipment.
Made it so blood on an object at obj_update gets changed to being a blood stain.
Made it so you can wash blood off yourself and objects.
Made it so you can get stains off equipment.
Added in so you can see a count of how many commands and socials are in the mud when using 'memory' command.
Made it so that instead of "auctioning" being put as the note text it puts "auctioning\r\n".
Made it so when you look at an auctioned item it sets it as you have read that note.
Made it so when you die you aren't summoned by what killed you.
Made it so if your mounted on a pet it saves in pfiles etc...
Made it so if your mounted and the pet goes to sleep/rest you dismount.
Added in a pc_regen.
Fixed olist, mlist, rlist.
Made Corpses leave objects on the ground when they decay.
Made Sacrifice give gold for objects inside objects.
Modified darkhaven.are.
Modified fish code.
Added update_ris (used to stop being resistant and susceptible to something at once etc... (Mortals only)).
Added spell_lookup (used to stop seeing so many "That isn't a spell" when doing like 'cast trollish'.
Added for some pet info to be shown in score (Hate not knowing where my pet was).
Added so you can use the log command on a mobile (Sometimes you need to check what a mobile is doing).
Made it so race languages uses an EXT_BV instead of an int.
Added in rpcopy (works like mpcopy and opcopy, only for rooms).
Added in some documentation.

Separated the release from the mud.
Added in more stock classes and races.
Added in more stock spells and skills.
Modified Elevate
Modified Mset
Modified QSort
Modified Setrace
Cset skipclasses defaults to off (Meaning classes are picked on creation)
Fixed issues in skills.c

Added and modified some help files
Added absorb stuff
Added friends list
Added sysdata.expmulti
Added grub code
Made use of first_corpse
Added in so mob_index_data keeps a list of characters using it
Added in so obj_index_data keeps a list of objects using it
Added in so explorer rooms give exp when entering (1 time)
Added in exphistory (To see the rooms people have explored)
Changed grey to gray (gray is typically used in the US instead of grey (BOREDOM lol))
Modified bank so if you empty out your account transfering gold it will close the account
Added aexit command
Modified victory code
Added in code_check (This checks to see if some things aren't set correctly)
Added some spells/skills

Added removeshop and removerepairshop commands
Fixed fletch spell
Fixed name and pcrename
Modified authorize to work without programs that use mpapply and mpapplyb
Fixed a somewhere exit issue
Modified wizlist
Fixed do_flee
Modified help code
Fixed rd_parse
Modified do_smoke
Modified do_equipment
Fixed leaks in skills
Modified do_calendar
Added in so projectiles can get lodged in parts of the body
Added so you can dislodge projectiles from your body
Added so you can connect objects together
Changed where it reset_colors on characters logging in
Added ROOM_BFS_MARK and fixed an issue in track.c
Removed sysdata.room_halloffallen
Objects with quest flag save past death traps
Added in do_throw code
Fixed do_order issue
Made it so object affects save different in player files
Made it so pet's affects are saved in player files
Added in so stats can be adjusted by spells and objects

Added get_eq_location for use in damage function
Added so skills/spells can have a previous skill/spell requirement
Modified slot to default to -1
Fixed all known bugs
Modified so any room can be set as a storage room
Modified quest code
Removed resort_skill_table, to many possible problems in resorting the table
   as you go with things, Just use hotboot/reboot to make it sort it in correctly
Added in so you can set a skill type as deleted and it not save which is a good
   way of having it remove it on reboot/hotboot

Modified pfile_cleanup (to clean up lockers)
Added and modified helpfiles
Modified quest code
Modified mapout code
Modified act_string code
Added rdig code
Modified Darkhaven area
Fixed a bug in the reset code
Fixed a bug in the pet code
Added support for more then one pet
Added sysdata.maxpet so max pet could be set online
Modified examine code
Modified it so that a weapon in any wearloc can do damage
Removed home_vnum from CHAR_DATA
Added in for a restore of hp, mana, movement on level
Modified check_counter code
Fixed a bug in adjust_room_light
Modified highscore code
Modified score display

Added in gemote (Global emote)
Modified emote
Modified socials (so it could do Global socials)
Added some colors
Modified channels to work with ignore
Modified permission levels on some channels
Modified permission levels on some commands
Updated source headers to include 2008
Updated skill code to handle correct when adding skills/spells/etc...
Modified highscore code
Modified hint code
Added and updated help files
Modified cook code
Modified eat code
Modified board code
Modified auction code
Modified do_areas code
Modified starting channels
Fixed a lot of bugs
Added in lockers
Modified shop code
Modified repair code
Modified help_fix code
Added un_fix_help code
Modified help code
Modified dig code
Modified pick code
Modified rlist olist mlist code
Added vlist code
Added Darkhaven area (manually)
(DEFINED) Room vnums can be set using cset
Added so pkill can be picked on creation
Modified new_damage_message

Added fish code, commands and help files
Modified act_string in comm.c
Updated VARIABLES help file
Added changes.lst (this file) to release
Changed whats shown when you hold an object in your hands
Fixed an issue in disenchanting a weapon
Fixed an issue in the transfer code

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Added in transfer code
Modified color code
Changed autogold
Added autosplit
Updated races
Added back in picking classes on creation
Added in cset option so picking classes can be skipped
Added max_stats for races
Added in similar command code
Made compress a useable command
Made race wherenames settable online
Added NOPDELETE code
Added holiday code
Removed tamp code
Updated help files

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Updated help files
Modified skills
Modified commands
Modified channels
Modified consider
Added smartsac, noinduct code
Removed findnote code
Removed rolldie code
Added corpse retrieve code
Modified owhere code
Modified restore code
Modified ipcompare code
Modified board code
Modified triggers
Modified clan code
Modified council code
Modified hint code
Modified speed code
Added multiplaying limit code
Modified damage messages
Modified deity code

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Added groupaffects
Added hint code
Added firstimm code
Removed admin pfile
Modified gold handling
Modified bank code
Modified armor code
Modified color code
Modified quest code
Modified highscore code
Modified commands
Modified time data
Updated help files

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Modified gold handling
Modified bank code
Added highscore code
Modified deity code
Modified pick code
Modified commands
Updated help files

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Added in so objects can have an owner
Added in compass, suicide, solo, noassist, noscrap code
Added locate, claim, call, gift code
Modified areas
Removed economy in areas
Changed auction code to use auction board
Modified channel code
Removed hum, dark, evil, lootable on objects
Added shieldblock, counter code
Removed mp_deposit, mp_withdrawl code
Modified mud wide reset code
Modified hide code
Modified mud time data to be dynamic
Added calendar and calendarcheck code
Modified commands
Updated help files
Modified skills

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Updated help files
Modified commands
Removed watch code
Added quest code
Added reward code
Modified auction code
Removed spec_guard
Removed spec_executioner
Added chop code
Added makefire code
Modified practice
Changed how logging a character is handled
Added msn, yahoo, gtalk, email fields
Added rchance code for resets
Changed how commands are coded (Uses CMDF(command))
Removed project code
Modified score code
Modified worth code
Added mud wide reset code
Added open and close programs
Modified hotboot code
Removed code for orders and guilds
Modified item code
Modified channel code
Modified color code
Modified source headers
Removed attacker, thief, killer flags
Modified area format
Modified editor code
Modified board code
Modified bank and gold code
Modified ban code
Removed hell and unhell code
Removed litterbug code
Removed balzhur code
Removed fixchar code
Removed pardon and mppardon code

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Updated help files
Modified channel code
Modified commands
Added speed code
Added birthday code
Added marriage code
Removed absorb code (was like immune/resistant/suscept)

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Removed switch code
Removed nuisance code
Removed loadarea code
Removed comments code
Modified class code
Modified race code
Modified council code
Modified skill code
Modified mapout code
Added corpses command
Added pfile cleanup code
Added some socials
Modified commands
Updated help files

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Modified clan code
Modified nation code
Updated help files
Updated commands
Updated spells/skills
Updated languages

Alot of minor changes to code format
Removed fixed code
Found and fixed various bugs
Removed alot of socials
Removed services.c
Removed simple_damage
Made it so you can't use create spring in a nodrop room
Made it so you can't use create fire in a nodrop room
Made it so you can't use create food in a nodrop room
Changed social indexing
Modified clan code

Alot of minor changes to code format
Removed planes
Changed immortal host to just host for everyone
Modified last command
Found and fixed various bugs

Alot of minor changes to code format
Added more checks to keep down possible problems
Found and fixed various bugs

Alot of minor changes to code format
Added in bank code
Added in nations code
Modified bug, typo, idea to bti
Added in sudoku game
Found and fixed various bugs