LOP 1.32 Readme

A few quick notes about this version.

Areas written for anything other than the later LOP code probably won't work considering the area format changes.

Installing and using the code

It should be fairly a straightforward process to install the mud.
Using either Cygwin or a *nix flavor, unpack the tgz file (which you probably already have if you're reading this).

1. Compiling

On a Linux based system:
Change to the lop/src directory.
Open Makefile.
Make sure the Cygwin definition is commented out and save the file if needed.
Type: make

On Cygwin:
Change to the lop/src directory.
Open the Makefile.
Make sure the Cygwin definition is uncommented and save the file if needed.
Type make

On FreeBSD:
Change to the lop/src directory.
Open Makefile.
Make sure the Cygwin definition is commented out and save the file if needed.
Type: gmake
BSD compiling is probably not compatible with pmake.

2. Starting up

After the compile finishes, open the startup file and change the port number to the one you plan to use.
Then type: nohup ./startup &

This will launch the mud in the background, telling it to ignore when you disconnect from your session.

3. First immortal

Log in to the mud and create a character, after creating your character type firstimm
this will advance your character and set it up to an Implementor.

4. Start having some fun! :)