RaM Fire Updated/
 * RAM $Id: update.c 67 2009-01-05 00:39:32Z quixadhal $

 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

*       ROM 2.4 is copyright 1993-1998 Russ Taylor                         *
*       ROM has been brought to you by the ROM consortium                  *
*           Russ Taylor (rtaylor@hypercube.org)                            *
*           Gabrielle Taylor (gtaylor@hypercube.org)                       *
*           Brian Moore (zump@rom.org)                                     *
*       By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the     *
*       ROM license, in the file Rom24/doc/rom.license                     *

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "merc.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "act.h"
#include "interp.h"
#include "magic.h"
#include "tables.h"

/* used for saving */
int                     save_number = 0;

 * Advancement stuff.
void advance_level( CHAR_DATA *ch, bool hide )
    int                     add_hp = 0;
    int                     add_mana = 0;
    int                     add_move = 0;
    int                     add_prac = 0;

    ch->pcdata->last_level = ( ch->played + ( int ) ( current_time - ch->logon ) ) / 3600;

    set_title( ch, "the %s",
               title_table[ch->iclass][ch->level][ch->sex == SEX_FEMALE ? 1 : 0] );

    add_hp =
        con_app[get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_CON )].hitp +
        number_range( class_table[ch->iclass].hp_min, class_table[ch->iclass].hp_max );
    add_mana =
        number_range( 2,
                      ( 2 * get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_INT ) +
                        get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_WIS ) ) / 5 );
    if ( !class_table[ch->iclass].fMana )
        add_mana /= 2;
    add_move = number_range( 1, ( get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_CON )
                                  + get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_DEX ) ) / 6 );
    add_prac = wis_app[get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_WIS )].practice;

    add_hp = add_hp * 9 / 10;
    add_mana = add_mana * 9 / 10;
    add_move = add_move * 9 / 10;

    add_hp = UMAX( 2, add_hp );
    add_mana = UMAX( 2, add_mana );
    add_move = UMAX( 6, add_move );

    ch->max_hit += add_hp;
    ch->max_mana += add_mana;
    ch->max_move += add_move;
    ch->practice += add_prac;
    ch->train += 1;

    ch->pcdata->perm_hit += add_hp;
    ch->pcdata->perm_mana += add_mana;
    ch->pcdata->perm_move += add_move;

    if ( !hide )
        ch_printf( ch,
                   "You gain %d hit point%s, %d mana, %d move, and %d practice%s.\r\n",
                   add_hp, add_hp == 1 ? "" : "s", add_mana, add_move,
                   add_prac, add_prac == 1 ? "" : "s" );

void gain_exp( CHAR_DATA *ch, int gain )
    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) || ch->level >= LEVEL_HERO )

    ch->exp = UMAX( exp_per_level( ch, ch->pcdata->points ), ch->exp + gain );
    while ( ch->level < LEVEL_HERO && ch->exp >=
            exp_per_level( ch, ch->pcdata->points ) * ( ch->level + 1 ) )
        ch_printf( ch, "You raise a level!!  " );
        ch->level += 1;
        log_balance( ch, "%s gained level %d", NAME( ch ), ch->level );
        wiz_printf( ch, NULL, WIZ_LEVELS, 0, 0, "$N has attained level %d!", ch->level );
        advance_level( ch, false );
        save_char_obj( ch );


 * Regeneration stuff.
int hit_gain( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    int                     gain = 0;
    int                     number = 0;
    int                     sn = -1;

    if ( ch->in_room == NULL )
        return 0;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
        gain = 5 + ch->level;
        if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_REGENERATION ) )
            gain *= 2;

        switch ( ch->position )
                gain /= 2;
            case POS_SLEEPING:
                gain = 3 * gain / 2;
            case POS_RESTING:
            case POS_FIGHTING:
                gain /= 3;

        gain = UMAX( 3, get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_CON ) - 3 + ch->level / 2 );
        gain += class_table[ch->iclass].hp_max - 10;
        number = number_percent(  );

        if ( ( sn = skill_lookup( "fast healing" ) ) == -1 )
            log_error( "Can't find the \"%s\" skill in %s?", "fast healing",
                       __FUNCTION__ );
        else if ( number < get_skill( ch, sn ) )
            gain += number * gain / 100;
            if ( ch->hit < ch->max_hit )
                check_improve( ch, sn, true, 8 );

        switch ( ch->position )
                gain /= 4;
            case POS_SLEEPING:
            case POS_RESTING:
                gain /= 2;
            case POS_FIGHTING:
                gain /= 6;

        if ( ch->pcdata->condition[COND_HUNGER] == 0 )
            gain /= 2;

        if ( ch->pcdata->condition[COND_THIRST] == 0 )
            gain /= 2;


    gain = gain * ch->in_room->heal_rate / 100;

    if ( ch->on != NULL && ch->on->item_type == ITEM_FURNITURE )
        gain = gain * ch->on->value[3] / 100;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_POISON ) )
        gain /= 4;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_PLAGUE ) )
        gain /= 8;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_HASTE ) || IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SLOW ) )
        gain /= 2;

    return UMIN( gain, ch->max_hit - ch->hit );

int mana_gain( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    int                     gain = 0;
    int                     number = 0;
    int                     sn = -1;

    if ( ch->in_room == NULL )
        return 0;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
        gain = 5 + ch->level;
        switch ( ch->position )
                gain /= 2;
            case POS_SLEEPING:
                gain = 3 * gain / 2;
            case POS_RESTING:
            case POS_FIGHTING:
                gain /= 3;
        gain = ( get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_WIS )
                 + get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_INT ) + ch->level ) / 2;
        number = number_percent(  );

        if ( ( sn = skill_lookup( "meditation" ) ) == -1 )
            log_error( "Can't find the \"%s\" skill in %s?", "meditation", __FUNCTION__ );
        else if ( number < get_skill( ch, sn ) )
            gain += number * gain / 100;
            if ( ch->mana < ch->max_mana )
                check_improve( ch, sn, true, 8 );
        if ( !class_table[ch->iclass].fMana )
            gain /= 2;

        switch ( ch->position )
                gain /= 4;
            case POS_SLEEPING:
            case POS_RESTING:
                gain /= 2;
            case POS_FIGHTING:
                gain /= 6;

        if ( ch->pcdata->condition[COND_HUNGER] == 0 )
            gain /= 2;

        if ( ch->pcdata->condition[COND_THIRST] == 0 )
            gain /= 2;


    gain = gain * ch->in_room->mana_rate / 100;

    if ( ch->on != NULL && ch->on->item_type == ITEM_FURNITURE )
        gain = gain * ch->on->value[4] / 100;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_POISON ) )
        gain /= 4;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_PLAGUE ) )
        gain /= 8;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_HASTE ) || IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SLOW ) )
        gain /= 2;

    return UMIN( gain, ch->max_mana - ch->mana );

int move_gain( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    int                     gain = 0;

    if ( ch->in_room == NULL )
        return 0;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
        gain = ch->level;
        gain = UMAX( 15, ch->level );

        switch ( ch->position )
            case POS_SLEEPING:
                gain += get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_DEX );
            case POS_RESTING:
                gain += get_curr_stat( ch, STAT_DEX ) / 2;

        if ( ch->pcdata->condition[COND_HUNGER] == 0 )
            gain /= 2;

        if ( ch->pcdata->condition[COND_THIRST] == 0 )
            gain /= 2;

    gain = gain * ch->in_room->heal_rate / 100;

    if ( ch->on != NULL && ch->on->item_type == ITEM_FURNITURE )
        gain = gain * ch->on->value[3] / 100;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_POISON ) )
        gain /= 4;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_PLAGUE ) )
        gain /= 8;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_HASTE ) || IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SLOW ) )
        gain /= 2;

    return UMIN( gain, ch->max_move - ch->move );

void gain_condition( CHAR_DATA *ch, int iCond, int value )
    int                     condition = 0;

    if ( value == 0 || IS_NPC( ch ) || ch->level >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL )

    condition = ch->pcdata->condition[iCond];
    if ( condition == -1 )
    ch->pcdata->condition[iCond] = URANGE( 0, condition + value, 48 );

    if ( ch->pcdata->condition[iCond] == 0 )
        switch ( iCond )
            case COND_HUNGER:
                ch_printf( ch, "You are hungry.\r\n" );

            case COND_THIRST:
                ch_printf( ch, "You are thirsty.\r\n" );

            case COND_DRUNK:
                if ( condition != 0 )
                    ch_printf( ch, "You are sober.\r\n" );


 * Mob autonomous action.
 * This function takes 25% to 35% of ALL Merc cpu time.
 * -- Furey
void mobile_update( void )
    CHAR_DATA              *ch = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *ch_next = NULL;
    EXIT_DATA              *pexit = NULL;
    int                     door = 0;

     * Examine all mobs. 
    for ( ch = char_list; ch != NULL; ch = ch_next )
        ch_next = ch->next;

        if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) || ch->in_room == NULL || IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_CHARM ) )

        if ( ch->in_room->area->empty && !IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_UPDATE_ALWAYS ) )

         * Examine call for special procedure 
        if ( ch->spec_fun != 0 )
            if ( ( *ch->spec_fun ) ( ch ) )

        if ( ch->pIndexData->pShop != NULL )           /* give him some gold */
            if ( ( ch->gold * 100 + ch->silver ) < ch->pIndexData->wealth )
                ch->gold += ch->pIndexData->wealth * number_range( 1, 20 ) / 5000000;
                ch->silver += ch->pIndexData->wealth * number_range( 1, 20 ) / 50000;

         * Check triggers only if mobile still in default position
        if ( ch->position == ch->pIndexData->default_pos )
             * Delay 
            if ( HAS_TRIGGER( ch, TRIG_DELAY ) && ch->mprog_delay > 0 )
                if ( --ch->mprog_delay <= 0 )
                    mp_percent_trigger( ch, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRIG_DELAY );
            if ( HAS_TRIGGER( ch, TRIG_RANDOM ) )
                if ( mp_percent_trigger( ch, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRIG_RANDOM ) )

         * That's all for sleeping / busy monster, and empty zones 
        if ( ch->position != POS_STANDING )

         * Scavenge 
        if ( IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_SCAVENGER )
             && ch->in_room->contents != NULL && number_bits( 6 ) == 0 )
            OBJ_DATA               *obj = NULL;
            OBJ_DATA               *obj_best = NULL;
            int                     max = 1;

            for ( obj = ch->in_room->contents; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
                if ( CAN_WEAR( obj, ITEM_TAKE ) && can_loot( ch, obj )
                     && obj->cost > max && obj->cost > 0 )
                    obj_best = obj;
                    max = obj->cost;

            if ( obj_best )
                obj_from_room( obj_best );
                obj_to_char( obj_best, ch );
                act( "$n gets $p.", ch, obj_best, NULL, TO_ROOM );

         * Wander 
        if ( !IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_SENTINEL )
             && number_bits( 3 ) == 0
             && ( door = number_bits( 5 ) ) < MAX_EXIT
             && ( pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door] ) != NULL
             && pexit->u1.to_room != NULL
             && !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED )
             && !IS_SET( pexit->u1.to_room->room_flags, ROOM_NO_MOB )
             && ( !IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_STAY_AREA )
                  || pexit->u1.to_room->area == ch->in_room->area )
             && ( !IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_OUTDOORS )
                  || !IS_SET( pexit->u1.to_room->room_flags, ROOM_INDOORS ) )
             && ( !IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_INDOORS )
                  || IS_SET( pexit->u1.to_room->room_flags, ROOM_INDOORS ) ) )
            move_char( ch, door, false );


 * Update the weather.
void weather_update( void )
    char                    buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA        *d = NULL;
    int                     diff = 0;

    switch ( ++time_info.hour )
        case 5:
            weather_info.sunlight = SUN_LIGHT;
            strcat( buf, "The sun rises in the east.\r\n" );

        case 6:
            weather_info.sunlight = SUN_RISE;
            strcat( buf, "The day has begun.\r\n" );

        case 19:
            weather_info.sunlight = SUN_SET;
            strcat( buf, "The sun slowly disappears in the west.\r\n" );

        case 20:
            weather_info.sunlight = SUN_DARK;
            strcat( buf, "The night has begun.\r\n" );

        case 24:
            time_info.hour = 0;

    if ( time_info.day >= 35 )
        time_info.day = 0;

    if ( time_info.month >= 17 )
        time_info.month = 0;

     * Weather change.
    if ( time_info.month >= 9 && time_info.month <= 16 )
        diff = weather_info.mmhg > 985 ? -2 : 2;
        diff = weather_info.mmhg > 1015 ? -2 : 2;

    weather_info.change += diff * dice( 1, 4 ) + dice( 2, 6 ) - dice( 2, 6 );
    weather_info.change = UMAX( weather_info.change, -12 );
    weather_info.change = UMIN( weather_info.change, 12 );

    weather_info.mmhg += weather_info.change;
    weather_info.mmhg = UMAX( weather_info.mmhg, 960 );
    weather_info.mmhg = UMIN( weather_info.mmhg, 1040 );

    switch ( weather_info.sky )
            log_reset( "Weather_update: bad sky %d", weather_info.sky );
            weather_info.sky = SKY_CLOUDLESS;

        case SKY_CLOUDLESS:
            if ( weather_info.mmhg < 990
                 || ( weather_info.mmhg < 1010 && number_bits( 2 ) == 0 ) )
                strcat( buf, "The sky is getting cloudy.\r\n" );
                weather_info.sky = SKY_CLOUDY;

        case SKY_CLOUDY:
            if ( weather_info.mmhg < 970
                 || ( weather_info.mmhg < 990 && number_bits( 2 ) == 0 ) )
                strcat( buf, "It starts to rain.\r\n" );
                weather_info.sky = SKY_RAINING;

            if ( weather_info.mmhg > 1030 && number_bits( 2 ) == 0 )
                strcat( buf, "The clouds disappear.\r\n" );
                weather_info.sky = SKY_CLOUDLESS;

        case SKY_RAINING:
            if ( weather_info.mmhg < 970 && number_bits( 2 ) == 0 )
                strcat( buf, "Lightning flashes in the sky.\r\n" );
                weather_info.sky = SKY_LIGHTNING;

            if ( weather_info.mmhg > 1030
                 || ( weather_info.mmhg > 1010 && number_bits( 2 ) == 0 ) )
                strcat( buf, "The rain stopped.\r\n" );
                weather_info.sky = SKY_CLOUDY;

        case SKY_LIGHTNING:
            if ( weather_info.mmhg > 1010
                 || ( weather_info.mmhg > 990 && number_bits( 2 ) == 0 ) )
                strcat( buf, "The lightning has stopped.\r\n" );
                weather_info.sky = SKY_RAINING;

    if ( buf[0] != '\0' )
        for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next )
            if ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING
                 && IS_OUTSIDE( d->character ) && IS_AWAKE( d->character ) )
                send_to_char( buf, d->character );


 * Update all chars, including mobs.
void char_update( void )
    CHAR_DATA              *ch = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *ch_next = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *ch_quit = NULL;
    int                     sn = -1;

     * update save counter 

    if ( save_number > 29 )
        save_number = 0;

    for ( ch = char_list; ch != NULL; ch = ch_next )
        AFFECT_DATA            *paf = NULL;
        AFFECT_DATA            *paf_next = NULL;

        ch_next = ch->next;

        if ( ch->timer > 25 )
            ch_quit = ch;

        if ( ch->position >= POS_STUNNED )
             * check to see if we need to go home 
            if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->zone != NULL && ch->zone != ch->in_room->area
                 && ch->desc == NULL && ch->fighting == NULL
                 && !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_CHARM ) && number_percent(  ) < 5 )
                act( "$n wanders on home.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
                extract_char( ch, true );

            if ( ch->hit < ch->max_hit )
                ch->hit += hit_gain( ch );
                ch->hit = ch->max_hit;

            if ( ch->mana < ch->max_mana )
                ch->mana += mana_gain( ch );
                ch->mana = ch->max_mana;

            if ( ch->move < ch->max_move )
                ch->move += move_gain( ch );
                ch->move = ch->max_move;

        if ( ch->position == POS_STUNNED )
            update_pos( ch );

        if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
            OBJ_DATA               *obj = NULL;

            if ( ( obj = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_LIGHT ) ) != NULL
                 && obj->item_type == ITEM_LIGHT && obj->value[2] > 0 )
                if ( --obj->value[2] == 0 && ch->in_room != NULL )
                    act( "$p goes out.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
                    act( "$p flickers and goes out.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
                    extract_obj( obj );
                else if ( obj->value[2] <= 5 && ch->in_room != NULL )
                    act( "$p flickers.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );

            if ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) && ( ch->desc != NULL ) )
                ch->timer = 0;

            if ( ++ch->timer >= 12 )
                if ( ch->was_in_room == NULL && ch->in_room != NULL )
                    ch->was_in_room = ch->in_room;
                    if ( ch->fighting != NULL )
                        stop_fighting( ch, true );
                    act( "$n disappears into the void.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
                    ch_printf( ch, "You disappear into the void.\r\n" );
                    if ( ch->level > 1 )
                        save_char_obj( ch );
                    char_from_room( ch );
                    char_to_room( ch, get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_LIMBO ) );

            if ( !IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) && !IS_NEWBIE( ch ) )
                gain_condition( ch, COND_DRUNK, -1 );
                gain_condition( ch, COND_FULL, ch->size > SIZE_MEDIUM ? -4 : -2 );
                gain_condition( ch, COND_THIRST, -1 );
                gain_condition( ch, COND_HUNGER, ch->size > SIZE_MEDIUM ? -2 : -1 );

        for ( paf = ch->affected; paf != NULL; paf = paf_next )
            paf_next = paf->next;
            if ( paf->duration > 0 )
                if ( number_range( 0, 4 ) == 0 && paf->level > 0 )
                    paf->level--;                      /* spell strength fades with time */
            else if ( paf->duration < 0 )
                if ( paf_next == NULL
                     || paf_next->type != paf->type || paf_next->duration > 0 )
                    if ( paf->type > 0 && skill_table[paf->type].msg_off )
                        ch_printf( ch, "%s\r\n", skill_table[paf->type].msg_off );

                affect_remove( ch, paf );

         * Careful with the damages here,
         *   MUST NOT refer to ch after damage taken,
         *   as it may be lethal damage (on NPC).

        if ( ( sn = skill_lookup( "plague" ) ) == -1 )
            log_error( "Can't find the \"%s\" skill in %s?", "plague", __FUNCTION__ );

        if ( is_affected( ch, sn ) && ch != NULL )
            AFFECT_DATA            *af = NULL;
            AFFECT_DATA             plague;
            CHAR_DATA              *vch = NULL;
            int                     dam;

            if ( ch->in_room == NULL )

            act( "$n writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from $s skin.",
                 ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
            ch_printf( ch, "You writhe in agony from the plague.\r\n" );
            for ( af = ch->affected; af != NULL; af = af->next )
                if ( af->type == sn )

            if ( af == NULL )
                REMOVE_BIT( ch->affected_by, AFF_PLAGUE );

            if ( af->level == 1 )

            plague.where = TO_AFFECTS;
            plague.type = sn;
            plague.level = af->level - 1;
            plague.duration = number_range( 1, 2 * plague.level );
            plague.location = APPLY_STR;
            plague.modifier = -5;
            plague.bitvector = AFF_PLAGUE;

            for ( vch = ch->in_room->people; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
                if ( !saves_spell( plague.level - 2, vch, DAM_DISEASE )
                     && !IS_IMMORTAL( vch )
                     && !IS_AFFECTED( vch, AFF_PLAGUE ) && number_bits( 4 ) == 0 )
                    ch_printf( vch, "You feel hot and feverish.\r\n" );
                    act( "$n shivers and looks very ill.", vch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
                    affect_join( vch, &plague );

            dam = UMIN( ch->level, af->level / 5 + 1 );
            ch->mana -= dam;
            ch->move -= dam;
            damage( ch, ch, dam, sn, DAM_DISEASE, false );
        else if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_POISON ) && ch != NULL
                  && !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SLOW ) )

            AFFECT_DATA            *poison = NULL;

            if ( ( sn = skill_lookup( "poison" ) ) == -1 )
                log_error( "Can't find the \"%s\" skill in %s?", "poison", __FUNCTION__ );

            poison = affect_find( ch->affected, sn );

            if ( poison != NULL )
                act( "$n shivers and suffers.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
                ch_printf( ch, "You shiver and suffer.\r\n" );
                damage( ch, ch, poison->level / 10 + 1, sn, DAM_POISON, false );

        else if ( ch->position == POS_INCAP && number_range( 0, 1 ) == 0 )
            damage( ch, ch, 1, TYPE_UNDEFINED, DAM_NONE, false );
        else if ( ch->position == POS_MORTAL )
            damage( ch, ch, 1, TYPE_UNDEFINED, DAM_NONE, false );

     * Autosave and autoquit.
     * Check that these chars still exist.
    for ( ch = char_list; ch != NULL; ch = ch_next )
        ch_next = ch->next;

        if ( ch->desc != NULL && ch->desc->socket % 30 == save_number )
            save_char_obj( ch );

        if ( ch == ch_quit )
            do_function( ch, &do_quit, "" );


 * Update all objs.
 * This function is performance sensitive.
void obj_update( void )
    OBJ_DATA               *obj = NULL;
    OBJ_DATA               *obj_next = NULL;
    AFFECT_DATA            *paf = NULL;
    AFFECT_DATA            *paf_next = NULL;

    for ( obj = object_list; obj != NULL; obj = obj_next )
        CHAR_DATA              *rch = NULL;
        const char             *message = NULL;

        obj_next = obj->next;

         * go through affects and decrement 
        for ( paf = obj->affected; paf != NULL; paf = paf_next )
            paf_next = paf->next;
            if ( paf->duration > 0 )
                if ( number_range( 0, 4 ) == 0 && paf->level > 0 )
                    paf->level--;                      /* spell strength fades with time */
            else if ( paf->duration < 0 )
                if ( paf_next == NULL
                     || paf_next->type != paf->type || paf_next->duration > 0 )
                    if ( paf->type > 0 && skill_table[paf->type].msg_obj )
                        if ( obj->carried_by != NULL )
                            rch = obj->carried_by;
                            act( skill_table[paf->type].msg_obj,
                                 rch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
                        if ( obj->in_room != NULL && obj->in_room->people != NULL )
                            rch = obj->in_room->people;
                            act( skill_table[paf->type].msg_obj, rch, obj, NULL, TO_ALL );

                affect_remove_obj( obj, paf );

        if ( obj->timer <= 0 || --obj->timer > 0 )

        switch ( obj->item_type )
                message = "$p crumbles into dust.";
            case ITEM_FOUNTAIN:
                message = "$p dries up.";
            case ITEM_CORPSE_NPC:
                message = "$p decays into dust.";
            case ITEM_CORPSE_PC:
                message = "$p decays into dust.";
            case ITEM_FOOD:
                message = "$p decomposes.";
            case ITEM_POTION:
                message = "$p has evaporated from disuse.";
            case ITEM_PORTAL:
                message = "$p fades out of existence.";
            case ITEM_CONTAINER:
                if ( CAN_WEAR( obj, ITEM_WEAR_FLOAT ) )
                    if ( obj->contains )
                        message =
                            "$p flickers and vanishes, spilling its contents on the floor.";
                        message = "$p flickers and vanishes.";
                    message = "$p crumbles into dust.";

        if ( obj->carried_by != NULL )
            if ( IS_NPC( obj->carried_by ) && obj->carried_by->pIndexData->pShop != NULL )
                obj->carried_by->silver += obj->cost / 5;
                act( message, obj->carried_by, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
                if ( obj->wear_loc == WEAR_FLOAT )
                    act( message, obj->carried_by, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        else if ( obj->in_room != NULL && ( rch = obj->in_room->people ) != NULL )
            if ( !( obj->in_obj && obj->in_obj->pIndexData->vnum == OBJ_VNUM_PIT
                    && !CAN_WEAR( obj->in_obj, ITEM_TAKE ) ) )
                act( message, rch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
                act( message, rch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );

        if ( ( obj->item_type == ITEM_CORPSE_PC || obj->wear_loc == WEAR_FLOAT )
             && obj->contains )
        {                                              /* save the contents */
            OBJ_DATA               *t_obj = NULL;
            OBJ_DATA               *next_obj = NULL;

            for ( t_obj = obj->contains; t_obj != NULL; t_obj = next_obj )
                next_obj = t_obj->next_content;
                obj_from_obj( t_obj );

                if ( obj->in_obj )                     /* in another object */
                    obj_to_obj( t_obj, obj->in_obj );

                else if ( obj->carried_by )            /* carried */
                    if ( obj->wear_loc == WEAR_FLOAT )
                        if ( obj->carried_by->in_room == NULL )
                            extract_obj( t_obj );
                            obj_to_room( t_obj, obj->carried_by->in_room );
                        obj_to_char( t_obj, obj->carried_by );

                else if ( obj->in_room == NULL )       /* destroy it */
                    extract_obj( t_obj );

                else                                   /* to a room */
                    obj_to_room( t_obj, obj->in_room );

        extract_obj( obj );


 * Aggress.
 * for each mortal PC
 *     for each mob in room
 *         aggress on some random PC
 * This function takes 25% to 35% of ALL Merc cpu time.
 * Unfortunately, checking on each PC move is too tricky,
 *   because we don't the mob to just attack the first PC
 *   who leads the party into the room.
 * -- Furey
void aggr_update( void )
    CHAR_DATA              *wch = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *wch_next = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *ch = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *ch_next = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *vch = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *vch_next = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA              *victim = NULL;

    for ( wch = char_list; wch != NULL; wch = wch_next )
        wch_next = wch->next;
        if ( IS_NPC( wch )
             || wch->level >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL
             || wch->in_room == NULL || wch->in_room->area->empty )

        for ( ch = wch->in_room->people; ch != NULL; ch = ch_next )
            int                     count = 0;

            ch_next = ch->next_in_room;

            if ( !IS_NPC( ch )
                 || !IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_AGGRESSIVE )
                 || IS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_SAFE )
                 || IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_CALM )
                 || ch->fighting != NULL
                 || IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_CHARM )
                 || !IS_AWAKE( ch )
                 || ( IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_WIMPY ) && IS_AWAKE( wch ) )
                 || !can_see( ch, wch ) || number_bits( 1 ) == 0 )

             * Ok we have a 'wch' player character and a 'ch' npc aggressor.
             * Now make the aggressor fight a RANDOM pc victim in the room,
             *   giving each 'vch' an equal chance of selection.
            count = 0;
            victim = NULL;
            for ( vch = wch->in_room->people; vch != NULL; vch = vch_next )
                vch_next = vch->next_in_room;

                if ( !IS_NPC( vch )
                     && vch->level < LEVEL_IMMORTAL
                     && ch->level >= vch->level - 5
                     && ( !IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_WIMPY ) || !IS_AWAKE( vch ) )
                     && can_see( ch, vch ) )
                    if ( number_range( 0, count ) == 0 )
                        victim = vch;

            if ( victim == NULL )

            multi_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED );


 * Handle all kinds of updates.
 * Called once per pulse from game loop.
 * Random times to defeat tick-timing clients and players.
void update_handler( void )
    static int              pulse_area = 0;
    static int              pulse_mobile = 0;
    static int              pulse_violence = 0;
    static int              pulse_point = 0;

    if ( --pulse_area <= 0 )
        pulse_area = PULSE_AREA;
         * number_range( PULSE_AREA / 2, 3 * PULSE_AREA / 2 ); 
        area_update(  );

    if ( --pulse_mobile <= 0 )
        pulse_mobile = PULSE_MOBILE;
        mobile_update(  );

    if ( --pulse_violence <= 0 )
        pulse_violence = PULSE_VIOLENCE;
        violence_update(  );

    if ( --pulse_point <= 0 )
        wiznet( "TICK!", NULL, NULL, WIZ_TICKS, 0, 0 );
        pulse_point = PULSE_TICK;
/* number_range( PULSE_TICK / 2, 3 * PULSE_TICK / 2 ); */
        weather_update(  );
        char_update(  );
        obj_update(  );

    aggr_update(  );
    tail_chain(  );