 * DikuMUD (C) 1990, 1991 by:                                                *
 *   Sebastian Hammer, Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik Staefeldt, Tom Madsen,   *
 *   and Katja Nyboe.                                                        *
 * MERC 2.1 (C) 1992, 1993 by:                                               *
 *   Michael Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                       *
 * SMAUG 1.4 (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998 by: Derek Snider.                    *
 *   Team: Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Rennard, Swordbearer, *
 *         gorog, Grishnakh, Nivek, Tricops, and Fireblade.                  *
 * SMAUG 1.7 FUSS by: Samson and others of the SMAUG community.              *
 *                    Their contributions are greatly appreciated.           *
 * LoP (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 by: the LoP team.                          *
 *			     Special boards module			     *

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "h/mud.h"

void show_obj( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj );
void decrease_gold( CHAR_DATA *ch, int bamount, int amount );
bool has_gold( CHAR_DATA *ch, int billions, int amount );
void free_note( NOTE_DATA *pnote );

/* Defines for voting on notes. -- Narn */
#define VOTE_NONE 0
#define VOTE_OPEN 1
#define VOTE_CLOSED 2

#define VOTE_YES 0
#define VOTE_NO 1
#define VOTE_ABSTAIN 2

typedef struct board_data BOARD_DATA;

struct board_data
   BOARD_DATA *next, *prev;
   NOTE_DATA *first_note, *last_note;
   char *note_file;        /* Filename to save notes to */
   char *read_group;       /* Can restrict a board to a */
   char *post_group;       /* council, clan, guild etc */
   char *extra_readers;    /* Can give read rights to players */
   char *extra_removers;   /* Can give remove rights to players */
   short min_read_level;   /* Minimum level to read a note */
   short min_post_level;   /* Minimum level to post a note */
   short min_remove_level; /* Minimum level to remove a note */
   short max_posts;        /* Maximum amount of notes allowed */
   short num_posts;        /* Number of notes on this board */

BOARD_DATA *first_board, *last_board;

typedef struct auction_data AUCTION_DATA;
struct auction_data
   AUCTION_DATA *next, *prev;
   char *auctstr;
   int count;
   int type;

AUCTION_DATA *first_auction, *last_auction;

bool is_note_to( CHAR_DATA *ch, NOTE_DATA *pnote );
void note_attach( CHAR_DATA *ch );
void note_remove( BOARD_DATA *board, NOTE_DATA *pnote );
void do_note( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *arg_passed, bool IS_MAIL );

bool can_read( CHAR_DATA *ch, BOARD_DATA *board )
   if( !board )
      return false;

   if( get_trust( ch ) >= board->min_read_level )
      return true;

   if( board->read_group )
      if( ch->pcdata->clan && !str_cmp( ch->pcdata->clan->name, board->read_group ) )
         return true;
      if( ch->pcdata->council && !str_cmp( ch->pcdata->council->name, board->read_group ) )
         return true;
      if( ch->pcdata->nation && !str_cmp( ch->pcdata->nation->name, board->read_group ) )
         return true;
   if( board->extra_readers )
      if( is_name( ch->name, board->extra_readers ) )
         return true;
   return false;

bool can_remove( CHAR_DATA *ch, BOARD_DATA *board )
   if( get_trust( ch ) >= board->min_remove_level )
      return true;

   if( board->extra_removers )
      if( is_name( ch->name, board->extra_removers ) )
         return true;
   return false;

bool can_post( CHAR_DATA *ch, BOARD_DATA *board )
   if( !board )
      return false;

   if( get_trust( ch ) >= board->min_post_level )
      return true;

   if( board->post_group )
      if( ch->pcdata->clan && !str_cmp( ch->pcdata->clan->name, board->post_group ) )
         return true;
      if( ch->pcdata->council && !str_cmp( ch->pcdata->council->name, board->post_group ) )
         return true;
      if( ch->pcdata->nation && !str_cmp( ch->pcdata->nation->name, board->post_group ) )
         return true;
   return false;

BOARD_DATA *get_board( CHAR_DATA *ch, int bnum )
   BOARD_DATA *board;
   int bcount = 0;

   for( board = first_board; board; board = board->next )
      if( !can_read( ch, board ) && !can_post( ch, board ) && !can_remove( ch, board ) )
      if( ++bcount == bnum )
         return board;
   return NULL;

void free_board( BOARD_DATA *board )
   NOTE_DATA *pnote, *next_note;

   STRFREE( board->extra_readers );
   STRFREE( board->extra_removers );
   STRFREE( board->read_group );
   STRFREE( board->post_group );
   STRFREE( board->extra_readers );
   STRFREE( board->extra_removers );
   STRFREE( board->note_file );

   for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = next_note )
      next_note = pnote->next;
      UNLINK( pnote, board->first_note, board->last_note, next, prev );
      free_note( pnote );
   UNLINK( board, first_board, last_board, next, prev );
   DISPOSE( board );

void free_boards( void )
   BOARD_DATA *board, *board_next;

   for( board = first_board; board; board = board_next )
      board_next = board->next;
      free_board( board );

/* board commands. */
void write_boards_txt( void )
   BOARD_DATA *tboard;
   FILE *fp;

   if( !( fp = fopen( BOARD_FILE, "w" ) ) )
      bug( "%s: can't open %s for writing!", __FUNCTION__, BOARD_FILE );
   for( tboard = first_board; tboard; tboard = tboard->next )
      if( !tboard->note_file )
      fprintf( fp, "Filename            %s~\n", tboard->note_file );
      if( tboard->min_read_level )
         fprintf( fp, "Min_read_level      %d\n", tboard->min_read_level );
      if( tboard->min_post_level )
         fprintf( fp, "Min_post_level      %d\n", tboard->min_post_level );
      if( tboard->min_remove_level )
         fprintf( fp, "Min_remove_level    %d\n", tboard->min_remove_level );
      if( tboard->max_posts )
         fprintf( fp, "Max_posts           %d\n", tboard->max_posts );
      if( tboard->read_group )
         fprintf( fp, "Read_group          %s~\n", tboard->read_group );
      if( tboard->post_group )
         fprintf( fp, "Post_group          %s~\n", tboard->post_group );
      if( tboard->extra_readers )
         fprintf( fp, "Extra_readers       %s~\n", tboard->extra_readers );
      if( tboard->extra_removers )
         fprintf( fp, "Extra_removers      %s~\n", tboard->extra_removers );
      fprintf( fp, "End\n" );
   fclose( fp );
   fp = NULL;

BOARD_DATA *find_board( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   BOARD_DATA *board;

   if( ( board = get_board( ch, ch->pcdata->onboard ) ) )
      return board;

   return NULL;

bool is_note_to( CHAR_DATA *ch, NOTE_DATA *pnote )
   if( !str_cmp( ch->name, pnote->sender ) )
      return true;

   if( is_name( "all", pnote->to_list ) )
      return true;

   if( is_immortal( ch ) && ( is_name( "imm", pnote->to_list ) || is_name( "immortal", pnote->to_list ) ) )
      return true;

   if( is_avatar( ch ) && ( is_name( "av", pnote->to_list ) || is_name( "avatar", pnote->to_list ) ) )
      return true;

   if( is_name( ch->name, pnote->to_list ) )
      return true;

   if( is_clanned( ch ) && is_name( ch->pcdata->clan->name, pnote->to_list ) )
      return true;

   if( is_nationed( ch ) && is_name( ch->pcdata->nation->name, pnote->to_list ) )
      return true;

   if( is_counciled( ch ) && is_name( ch->pcdata->council->name, pnote->to_list ) )
      return true;

   return false;

void note_attach( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   NOTE_DATA *pnote;

   if( ch->pnote )

   CREATE( pnote, NOTE_DATA, 1 );
   pnote->next = pnote->prev = NULL;
   pnote->sender = QUICKLINK( ch->name );
   pnote->to_list = NULL;
   pnote->subject = NULL;
   pnote->text = NULL;
   pnote->first_vote = pnote->last_vote = NULL;
   pnote->obj = NULL;
   pnote->first_bid = pnote->last_bid = NULL;
   pnote->first_read = pnote->last_read = NULL;
   ch->pnote = pnote;

void gnote_attach( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   NOTE_DATA *gnote;

   if( !ch || !ch->pcdata || ch->pcdata->gnote )

   CREATE( gnote, NOTE_DATA, 1 );
   gnote->next = gnote->prev = NULL;
   gnote->sender = QUICKLINK( ch->name );
   gnote->to_list = NULL;
   gnote->subject = NULL;
   gnote->text = NULL;
   gnote->first_vote = gnote->last_vote = NULL;
   gnote->obj = NULL;
   gnote->first_bid = gnote->last_bid = NULL;
   gnote->first_read = gnote->last_read = NULL;
   ch->pcdata->gnote = gnote;

void write_board( BOARD_DATA *board )
   FILE *fp;
   char filename[256];
   NOTE_DATA *pnote;
   VOTE_DATA *vote;
   BID_DATA *bid;
   READ_DATA *read;

   snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s%s", BOARD_DIR, board->note_file );
   if( !board->first_note )
      remove_file( filename );
   /* Rewrite entire list. */
   if( !( fp = fopen( filename, "w" ) ) )
      perror( filename );
   for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
      if( !pnote->text || !pnote->sender || !pnote->posttime )
      if( pnote->sender )
         fprintf( fp, "Sender      %s~\n", pnote->sender );
      if( pnote->posttime )
         fprintf( fp, "PostTime    %ld\n", pnote->posttime );
      if( pnote->to_list )
         fprintf( fp, "To          %s~\n", pnote->to_list );
      if( pnote->subject )
         fprintf( fp, "Subject     %s~\n", pnote->subject );
      if( pnote->voting )
         fprintf( fp, "Voting      %d\n", pnote->voting );
      for( vote = pnote->first_vote; vote; vote = vote->next )
         fprintf( fp, "Vote        %s~ %d\n", vote->name, vote->vote );
      for( bid = pnote->first_bid; bid; bid = bid->next )
         fprintf( fp, "NBid        %s~ %d %d\n", bid->name, bid->bbid, bid->bid );
      for( read = pnote->first_read; read; read = read->next )
         fprintf( fp, "Read        %s~\n", read->name );
      if( pnote->aclosed )
         fprintf( fp, "%s\n", "AClosed" );
      if( pnote->acanceled )
         fprintf( fp, "%s\n", "ACanceled" );
      if( pnote->sfor || pnote->sforb )
         fprintf( fp, "NSFor       %d %d\n", pnote->sforb, pnote->sfor );
      /* Save the obj here */
      if( pnote->obj )
         if( pnote->autowin || pnote->autowinb )
            fprintf( fp, "NAutoWin    %d %d\n", pnote->autowinb, pnote->autowin );
         fwrite_obj( NULL, pnote->obj, fp, 0, OS_AUCTION, false );
      fprintf( fp, "Text\n%s~\n", strip_cr( pnote->text ) );
      fprintf( fp, "%s", "End\n\n" );
   fclose( fp );
   fp = NULL;

BID_DATA *has_bidded( NOTE_DATA *pnote, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   BID_DATA *bid;

   if( !pnote )
      return NULL;
   for( bid = pnote->first_bid; bid; bid = bid->next )
      if( !str_cmp( bid->name, ch->name ) )
         return bid;
   return NULL;

BID_DATA *check_high_bid( NOTE_DATA *pnote )
   BID_DATA *bid, *ubid = NULL;

   for( bid = pnote->first_bid; bid; bid = bid->next )
      if( !ubid )
         ubid = bid;
      if( bid->bbid > ubid->bbid )
         ubid = bid;
      if( bid->bbid == ubid->bbid && bid->bid > ubid->bid )
         ubid = bid;
   return ubid;

void show_bids( NOTE_DATA *pnote, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   BID_DATA *bid, *hbid = NULL;

   if( !( hbid = check_high_bid( pnote ) ) )
      send_to_char( "There are currently no bids.\r\n", ch );
   ch_printf( ch, "%s has the highest bid of %d.\r\n", hbid->name, hbid->bid );
   for( bid = pnote->first_bid; bid; bid = bid->next )
      if( bid == hbid )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s bidded %s.\r\n", bid->name, show_big_nums( bid->bbid, bid->bid ) );

READ_DATA *has_read( NOTE_DATA *pnote, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   READ_DATA *read;

   if( !pnote )
      return NULL;
   for( read = pnote->first_read; read; read = read->next )
      if( !str_cmp( read->name, ch->name ) )
         return read;
   return NULL;

int get_new_notes( BOARD_DATA *board, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   NOTE_DATA *note;
   READ_DATA *read;
   int nnew = 0;

   if( !ch )
      return nnew;

   /* If NULL check all boards */
   if( !board )
      for( board = first_board; board; board = board->next )
         if( !can_read( ch, board ) )
         for( note = board->first_note; note; note = note->next )
            if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_IMM && !is_note_to( ch, note ) )
            if( !( read = has_read( note, ch ) ) )
      if( can_read( ch, board ) )
         for( note = board->first_note; note; note = note->next )
            if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_IMM && !is_note_to( ch, note ) )
            if( !( read = has_read( note, ch ) ) )
   return nnew;

void show_unread_notes( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   int nnew = get_new_notes( NULL, ch );

   if( nnew > 0 )
      ch_printf( ch, "&[board]There %s &[board2]%d &[board]note%s on the boards you haven't read.\r\n",
         nnew == 1 ? "is" : "are", nnew, nnew != 1 ? "s" : "" );

void add_read( NOTE_DATA *pnote, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   READ_DATA *read;

   if( !pnote )
   if( ( read = has_read( pnote, ch ) ) )
   CREATE( read, READ_DATA, 1 );
   read->name = STRALLOC( ch->name );
   LINK( read, pnote->first_read, pnote->last_read, next, prev );

void add_bid( NOTE_DATA *pnote, CHAR_DATA *ch, int bamount, int amount )
   BID_DATA *bid;

   if( !pnote )
   if( ( bid = has_bidded( pnote, ch ) ) )
      bid->bid = amount;
   CREATE( bid, BID_DATA, 1 );
   bid->name = STRALLOC( ch->name );
   bid->bbid = bamount;
   bid->bid = amount;
   LINK( bid, pnote->first_bid, pnote->last_bid, next, prev );

/* Have they voted on it already? */
VOTE_DATA *has_voted( NOTE_DATA *pnote, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   VOTE_DATA *vote;

   for( vote = pnote->first_vote; vote; vote = vote->next )
      if( !str_cmp( vote->name, ch->name ) )
         return vote;
   return NULL;

void add_vote( NOTE_DATA *pnote, CHAR_DATA *ch, short type )
   VOTE_DATA *vote;

   if( !pnote )
   /* See if they already voted if so update the note and the way they voted on it */
   if( ( vote = has_voted( pnote, ch ) ) )
      if( vote->vote == VOTE_YES )
      if( vote->vote == VOTE_NO )
      if( vote->vote == VOTE_ABSTAIN )
      vote->vote = type;
   CREATE( vote, VOTE_DATA, 1 );
   vote->name = STRALLOC( ch->name );
   vote->vote = type;
   LINK( vote, pnote->first_vote, pnote->last_vote, next, prev );

void free_vote( VOTE_DATA *vote )
   if( !vote )
   STRFREE( vote->name );
   DISPOSE( vote );

void free_votes( NOTE_DATA *pnote )
   VOTE_DATA *vote, *nextvote;

   if( !pnote )
   for( vote = pnote->first_vote; vote; vote = nextvote )
      nextvote = vote->next;
      UNLINK( vote, pnote->first_vote, pnote->last_vote, next, prev );
      free_vote( vote );

void free_bid( BID_DATA *bid )
   if( !bid )
   STRFREE( bid->name );
   DISPOSE( bid );

void free_bids( NOTE_DATA *pnote )
   BID_DATA *bid, *nextbid;

   if( !pnote )
   for( bid = pnote->first_bid; bid; bid = nextbid )
      nextbid = bid->next;
      UNLINK( bid, pnote->first_bid, pnote->last_bid, next, prev );
      free_bid( bid );

void free_read( READ_DATA *read )
   if( !read )
   STRFREE( read->name );
   DISPOSE( read );

void free_reads( NOTE_DATA *pnote )
   READ_DATA *read, *nextread;

   if( !pnote )
   for( read = pnote->first_read; read; read = nextread )
      nextread = read->next;
      UNLINK( read, pnote->first_read, pnote->last_read, next, prev );
      free_read( read );

void free_note( NOTE_DATA *pnote )
   STRFREE( pnote->text );
   STRFREE( pnote->subject );
   STRFREE( pnote->to_list );
   STRFREE( pnote->sender );
   pnote->obj = NULL;
   free_bids( pnote );
   free_votes( pnote );
   free_reads( pnote );
   DISPOSE( pnote );

void note_remove( BOARD_DATA *board, NOTE_DATA *pnote )
   if( !board )
      bug( "%s: null board", __FUNCTION__ );

   if( !pnote )
      bug( "%s: null pnote", __FUNCTION__ );

   UNLINK( pnote, board->first_note, board->last_note, next, prev );
   free_note( pnote );
   write_board( board );

CMDF( do_noteroom )
   BOARD_DATA *board;
   char arg[MSL], arg_passed[MSL];

   mudstrlcpy( arg_passed, argument, sizeof( arg_passed ) );

   switch( ch->substate )
      case SUB_WRITING_NOTE:
         do_note( ch, arg_passed, false );

         argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
         if( !str_cmp( arg, "write" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "to" )
         || !str_cmp( arg, "subject" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "show" ) )
            do_note( ch, arg_passed, false );

         if( !( board = find_board( ch ) ) )
            send_to_char( "There is no bulletin board here to look at.\r\n", ch );

         do_note( ch, arg_passed, false );

void do_note( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *arg_passed, bool IS_MAIL )
   char arg[MIL];
   const char *color1, *color2;
   BOARD_DATA *board;
   int vnum, anum, first_list;
   NOTE_DATA *pnote = NULL;
   bool mfound = false;

   if( is_npc( ch ) )

   if( !ch->desc )
      bug( "%s: no descriptor", __FUNCTION__ );

   switch( ch->substate )

      case SUB_EDITING_NOTE:
         if( !( pnote = ( NOTE_DATA * ) ch->dest_buf ) )
            bug( "%s: NULL ch->dest_buf", __FUNCTION__ );
         if( !( board = find_board( ch ) ) )
            bug( "%s: NULL BOARD", __FUNCTION__ );
         STRFREE( pnote->text );
         pnote->text = copy_buffer( ch );
         stop_editing( ch );
         write_board( board );

      case SUB_WRITING_NOTE:
         if( ch->dest_buf != ch->pcdata->gnote )
            bug( "%s: ch->dest_buf != ch->pcdata->gnote", __FUNCTION__ );
         STRFREE( ch->pcdata->gnote->text );
         ch->pcdata->gnote->text = copy_buffer( ch );
         stop_editing( ch );

   color1 = color_str( AT_NOTE, ch );
   color2 = color_str( AT_NOTE2, ch );

   set_char_color( AT_NOTE, ch );
   arg_passed = one_argument( arg_passed, arg );

   if( arg == NULL || arg[0] == '\0' || !str_cmp( arg, "list" ) )
      if( !( board = find_board( ch ) ) )
         send_to_char( "There is no board here to look at.\r\n", ch );

      if( !can_read( ch, board ) )
         send_to_char( "You can't make any sense of the cryptic scrawl on this board...\r\n", ch );

      if( ( first_list = atoi( arg_passed ) ) )
         if( first_list < 1 )
            send_to_char( "You can't read a note before 1!\r\n", ch );

      set_pager_color( AT_NOTE, ch );
      vnum = 0;
      ch_printf( ch, "Notes on the %s board.\r\n", board->note_file ? board->note_file : "(Not Set)" );

      if( !board->first_note )
         ch_printf( ch, "%sThere are no notes on this board.\r\n", color2 );

      for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
         if( !is_note_to( ch, pnote ) && get_trust( ch ) < PERM_IMM )

         if( first_list && vnum < first_list )

         if( vnum > ( first_list + 15 ) )
            send_to_pager( "Only 15 notes are displayed at a time.\r\n", ch );

         mfound = true;
         pager_printf( ch, "%s%3d%s> %s%10.10s %s%12.12s %sto %s%-12.12s %s: %s%15.15s%3s\r\n",
            color2, vnum, color1, color2, shorttime( pnote->posttime ),
            color2, pnote->sender ? pnote->sender : "(No Sender)", color1,
            color2, pnote->to_list, color1, color2, pnote->subject ? pnote->subject : "(No Subject)",
            ( pnote->subject && strlen( pnote->subject ) > 15 ) ? "..." : "" );
         if( pnote->voting != VOTE_NONE )
            pager_printf( ch, "     %sVoting (%s%s%s):",
               color1, color2, pnote->voting == VOTE_OPEN ? "Open" : "Closed", color1 );
            if( pnote->yesvotes )
               pager_printf( ch, " %sYes: %s%3d", color1, color2, pnote->yesvotes );
            if( pnote->novotes )
               pager_printf( ch, " %sNo: %s%3d", color1, color2, pnote->novotes );
            if( pnote->abstentions )
               pager_printf( ch, " %sAbstain: %s%3d", color1, color2, pnote->abstentions );
            send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

      act( AT_ACTION, "$n glances over the notes.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CANSEE );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "read" ) )
      if( !( board = find_board( ch ) ) )
         send_to_char( "There is no board here to look at.\r\n", ch );

      if( !can_read( ch, board ) )
         send_to_char( "You can't make any sense of the cryptic scrawl on this board...\r\n", ch );

      if( is_number( arg_passed ) )
         anum = atoi( arg_passed );
         send_to_char( "Note read which number?\r\n", ch );

      set_pager_color( AT_NOTE, ch );
      vnum = 0;
      for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
         if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_IMM && !is_note_to( ch, pnote ) )
         if( ++vnum != anum )
         pager_printf( ch, "%s[%s%3d%s] %s%s%s: %s%s\r\n%s\r\n%sTo: %s%s\r\n",
            color1, color2, vnum, color1, color2, pnote->sender, color1, color2, pnote->subject,
            distime( pnote->posttime ), color1, color2, pnote->to_list );
         if( pnote->yesvotes || pnote->novotes || pnote->abstentions )
            pager_printf( ch, "%sVotes: Yes: %s%d %sNo: %s%d %sAbstain: %s%d\r\n",
               color1, color2, pnote->yesvotes, color1, color2, pnote->novotes, color1, color2, pnote->abstentions );
         pager_printf( ch, "%s~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~`~.~\r\n", color1 );
         pager_printf( ch, "%s%s", color2, pnote->text );
         add_read( pnote, ch );
         write_board( board );
         act( AT_ACTION, "$n reads a note.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CANSEE );
      send_to_char( "No such note.\r\n", ch );

   /* Voting added by Narn, June '96 */
   if( !str_cmp( arg, "vote" ) )
      char arg2[MIL];

      arg_passed = one_argument( arg_passed, arg2 );

      if( !( board = find_board( ch ) ) )
         send_to_char( "There is no bulletin board here.\r\n", ch );
      if( !can_read( ch, board ) )
         send_to_char( "You can't vote on this board.\r\n", ch );

      if( is_number( arg2 ) )
         anum = atoi( arg2 );
         send_to_char( "Note vote which number?\r\n", ch );

      vnum = 1;
      for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote && vnum < anum; pnote = pnote->next )
         if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_IMM && !is_note_to( ch, pnote ) )
      if( !pnote )
         send_to_char( "No such note.\r\n", ch );

       * If you're the author of the note and can read the board you can open 
       * and close voting, if you can read it and voting is open you can vote.
      if( !str_cmp( arg_passed, "open" ) )
         if( str_cmp( ch->name, pnote->sender ) )
            send_to_char( "You aren't the author of this note.\r\n", ch );
         pnote->voting = VOTE_OPEN;
         act( AT_ACTION, "$n opens voting on a note.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CANSEE );
         send_to_char( "Voting opened.\r\n", ch );
         write_board( board );
      if( !str_cmp( arg_passed, "close" ) )
         if( str_cmp( ch->name, pnote->sender ) )
            send_to_char( "You aren't the author of this note.\r\n", ch );
         pnote->voting = VOTE_CLOSED;
         act( AT_ACTION, "$n closes voting on a note.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CANSEE );
         send_to_char( "Voting closed.\r\n", ch );
         write_board( board );

      if( pnote->voting != VOTE_OPEN )
         send_to_char( "Voting is not open on this note.\r\n", ch );

      if( !str_cmp( arg_passed, "yes" ) )
         add_vote( pnote, ch, VOTE_YES );
         act( AT_ACTION, "$n votes on a note.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CANSEE );
         send_to_char( "Ok.\r\n", ch );
         write_board( board );
      if( !str_cmp( arg_passed, "no" ) )
         add_vote( pnote, ch, VOTE_NO );
         act( AT_ACTION, "$n votes on a note.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CANSEE );
         send_to_char( "Ok.\r\n", ch );
         write_board( board );
      if( !str_cmp( arg_passed, "abstain" ) )
         add_vote( pnote, ch, VOTE_ABSTAIN );
         act( AT_ACTION, "$n votes on a note.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CANSEE );
         send_to_char( "Ok.\r\n", ch );
         write_board( board );

      /* Lets display the results if we get this far */
         int voted, col;
         VOTE_DATA *vote;

         for( voted = 0; voted < 3; voted++ )
            col = 0;
            pager_printf( ch, "%s Votes:\r\n", voted == 0 ? "Yes" : voted == 1 ? "No" : "Abstain" );
            for( vote = pnote->first_vote; vote; vote = vote->next )
                if( vote->vote == voted )
                    pager_printf( ch, "   %10.10s", vote->name );
                    if( ++col == 3 )
                       col = 0;
                       send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );
            if( col != 0 )
               send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "write" ) )
      if( ch->substate == SUB_RESTRICTED )
         send_to_char( "You can't write a note from within another command.\r\n", ch );
      gnote_attach( ch );
      ch->substate = SUB_WRITING_NOTE;
      ch->dest_buf = ch->pcdata->gnote;
      start_editing( ch, ch->pcdata->gnote->text );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "edit" ) )
      if( !( board = find_board( ch ) ) )
         send_to_char( "There is no board here to look at.\r\n", ch );

      if( !can_read( ch, board ) )
         send_to_char( "You can't make any sense of the cryptic scrawl on this board...\r\n", ch );

      if( is_number( arg_passed ) )
         anum = atoi( arg_passed );
         send_to_char( "Note edit which note?\r\n", ch );

      set_pager_color( AT_NOTE, ch );
      vnum = 0;
      for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
         if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_IMM && !is_note_to( ch, pnote ) )

         if( ++vnum != anum )

          if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_IMM && str_cmp( ch->name, pnote->sender ) )
             send_to_char( "You can't edit that note.\r\n", ch );

          ch->substate = SUB_EDITING_NOTE;
          ch->dest_buf = pnote;
          start_editing( ch, pnote->text );
          act( AT_ACTION, "$n starts editing a note.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CANSEE );
      send_to_char( "No such note.\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "subject" ) )
      if( !arg_passed || arg_passed[0] == '\0' )
         send_to_char( "What do you wish the subject to be?\r\n", ch );
      gnote_attach( ch );
      if( !ch->pcdata->gnote )
         send_to_char( "You have no note in progress\r\n", ch );
      STRSET( ch->pcdata->gnote->subject, arg_passed );
      send_to_char( "Ok.\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "to" ) )
      if( !arg_passed || arg_passed[0] == '\0' )
         send_to_char( "Please specify an addressee.\r\n", ch );

      arg_passed[0] = UPPER( arg_passed[0] );
      if( !str_cmp( arg_passed, "all" ) || valid_pfile( arg_passed ) )
         gnote_attach( ch );
         if( !ch->pcdata->gnote )
            send_to_char( "You have no note in progress\r\n", ch );
         STRSET( ch->pcdata->gnote->to_list, arg_passed );
         send_to_char( "Ok.\r\n", ch );
         send_to_char( "No player exists by that name.\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "show" ) )
      if( !ch->pcdata->gnote )
         send_to_char( "You have no note to show\r\n", ch );
      ch_printf( ch, "To: %s\r\n", ch->pcdata->gnote->to_list ? ch->pcdata->gnote->to_list : "(Not Set)" );
      ch_printf( ch, "Subject: %s\r\n", ch->pcdata->gnote->subject ? ch->pcdata->gnote->subject : "(Not Set)" );
      ch_printf( ch, "%s\r\n", ch->pcdata->gnote->text ? ch->pcdata->gnote->text : "(Not Set)" );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "post" ) )
      if( !ch->pcdata->gnote )
         send_to_char( "You have no note to show\r\n", ch );

      if( !( board = find_board( ch ) ) )
         send_to_char( "There is no bulletin board here to post your note on.\r\n", ch );

      if( !can_post( ch, board ) )
         send_to_char( "A magical force prevents you from posting your note here...\r\n", ch );

      if( board->num_posts >= board->max_posts )
         send_to_char( "There is no room on this board to post your note.\r\n", ch );

      if( !ch->pcdata->gnote->to_list )
         send_to_char( "You haven't put who the note is to.\r\n", ch );

      if( !ch->pcdata->gnote->subject )
         send_to_char( "You haven't put a subject for the note.\r\n", ch );

      if( !ch->pcdata->gnote->text )
         send_to_char( "You haven't put any text in the note.\r\n", ch );

      CREATE( pnote, NOTE_DATA, 1 );
      pnote->posttime = current_time;
      pnote->text = STRALLOC( ch->pcdata->gnote->text );
      STRFREE( ch->pcdata->gnote->text );
      pnote->to_list = STRALLOC( ch->pcdata->gnote->to_list );
      STRFREE( ch->pcdata->gnote->to_list );
      pnote->subject = STRALLOC( ch->pcdata->gnote->subject );
      STRFREE( ch->pcdata->gnote->subject );
      pnote->sender = STRALLOC( ch->pcdata->gnote->sender );
      STRFREE( ch->pcdata->gnote->sender );
      DISPOSE( ch->pcdata->gnote );
      ch->pcdata->gnote = NULL;
      pnote->voting = 0;
      pnote->yesvotes = 0;
      pnote->novotes = 0;
      pnote->abstentions = 0;
      pnote->first_vote = pnote->last_vote = NULL;
      pnote->first_bid = pnote->last_bid = NULL;
      pnote->first_read = pnote->last_read = NULL;
      pnote->obj = NULL;
      pnote->autowinb = 0;
      pnote->autowin = 0;
      pnote->aclosed = false;
      pnote->acanceled = false;
      pnote->sforb = 0;
      pnote->sfor = 0;

      LINK( pnote, board->first_note, board->last_note, next, prev );
      write_board( board );

      /* Send the message about a note being posted to the mud */
      act( AT_ACTION, "$n posts a note.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_OTHERS );
      send_to_char( "You post your note on the board.\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "clear" ) )
      if( !ch->pcdata->gnote )
         send_to_char( "You have no note in progress\r\n", ch );
      STRFREE( ch->pcdata->gnote->text );
      STRFREE( ch->pcdata->gnote->subject );
      STRFREE( ch->pcdata->gnote->to_list );
      STRFREE( ch->pcdata->gnote->sender );
      ch->pcdata->gnote->obj = NULL;
      free_votes( ch->pcdata->gnote );
      free_bids( ch->pcdata->gnote );
      free_reads( ch->pcdata->gnote );
      DISPOSE( ch->pcdata->gnote );
      ch->pcdata->gnote = NULL;
      send_to_char( "Note cleared.\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "remove" ) )
      if( !( board = find_board( ch ) ) )
         send_to_char( "There is no board here to take a note from!\r\n", ch );

      if( !is_number( arg_passed ) )
         send_to_char( "Note remove which number?\r\n", ch );

      if( !can_read( ch, board ) )
         send_to_char( "You can't make any sense of what's posted here, let alone remove anything!\r\n", ch );

      anum = atoi( arg_passed );
      vnum = 0;
      for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
         if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_IMM && !is_note_to( ch, pnote ) )
         if( ++vnum != anum )
         if( !is_note_to( ch, pnote ) && !can_remove( ch, board ) )
            send_to_char( "You aren't able to remove that note!\r\n", ch );
         note_remove( board, pnote );
         ch_printf( ch, "Note %d removed.\r\n", vnum );
         /* Send the message to the mud */
         act( AT_ACTION, "$n removes a note.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_OTHERS );

      send_to_char( "No such note.\r\n", ch );

   send_to_char( "Huh?  Type 'help note' for usage.\r\n", ch );

BOARD_DATA *read_board( FILE *fp )
   BOARD_DATA *board;
   const char *word;
   bool fMatch;
   char letter;

      letter = getc( fp );
      if( feof( fp ) )
         fclose( fp );
         return NULL;
   while( isspace( letter ) );
   ungetc( letter, fp );

   CREATE( board, BOARD_DATA, 1 );

   for( ;; )
      word = feof( fp ) ? "End" : fread_word( fp );
      fMatch = false;

      switch( UPPER( word[0] ) )
         case '*':
            fMatch = true;
            fread_to_eol( fp );

         case 'E':
            KEY( "Extra_readers", board->extra_readers, fread_string( fp ) );
            KEY( "Extra_removers", board->extra_removers, fread_string( fp ) );
            if( !str_cmp( word, "End" ) )
               board->num_posts = 0;
               board->first_note = NULL;
               board->last_note = NULL;
               board->next = NULL;
               board->prev = NULL;
               return board;

         case 'F':
            KEY( "Filename", board->note_file, fread_string( fp ) );

         case 'M':
            KEY( "Min_read_level", board->min_read_level, fread_number( fp ) );
            KEY( "Min_post_level", board->min_post_level, fread_number( fp ) );
            KEY( "Min_remove_level", board->min_remove_level, fread_number( fp ) );
            KEY( "Max_posts", board->max_posts, fread_number( fp ) );

         case 'P':
            KEY( "Post_group", board->post_group, fread_string( fp ) );

         case 'R':
            KEY( "Read_group", board->read_group, fread_string( fp ) );
      if( !fMatch )
         bug( "%s: no match: %s", __FUNCTION__, word );
         fread_to_eol( fp );
   free_board( board );
   return NULL;

NOTE_DATA *read_note( FILE *fp )
   NOTE_DATA *pnote;
   VOTE_DATA *vote;
   BID_DATA *bid;
   READ_DATA *read;
   const char *word;
   bool fMatch;
   char letter;

   /* Have to see if we are at the end of the file */
      letter = getc( fp );
      if( feof( fp ) )
         fclose( fp );
         return NULL;
   while( isspace( letter ) );
   ungetc( letter, fp );

   CREATE( pnote, NOTE_DATA, 1 );
   pnote->yesvotes = 0;
   pnote->novotes = 0;
   pnote->abstentions = 0;
   pnote->first_vote = pnote->last_vote = NULL;
   pnote->first_bid = pnote->last_bid = NULL;
   pnote->first_read = pnote->last_read = NULL;
   pnote->obj = NULL;
   pnote->autowinb = 0;
   pnote->autowin = 0;
   pnote->aclosed = false;
   pnote->acanceled = false;
   pnote->sforb = 0;
   pnote->sfor = 0;

   for( ;; )
      word = feof( fp ) ? "End" : fread_word( fp );
      fMatch = false;

      switch( UPPER( word[0] ) )
         case '*':
            fMatch = true;
            fread_to_eol( fp );

         case '#':
            if( !strcmp( word, "#OBJECT" ) )   /* Objects  */
               fread_obj( NULL, pnote, fp, OS_AUCTION );
               fMatch = true;

         case 'A':
            if( !str_cmp( word, "AClosed" ) )
               pnote->aclosed = true;
               fMatch = true;
            if( !str_cmp( word, "ACanceled" ) )
               pnote->acanceled = true;
               fMatch = true;
            KEY( "AutoWin", pnote->autowin, fread_number( fp ) );

         case 'B':
            if( !str_cmp( word, "Bid" ) )
               CREATE( bid, BID_DATA, 1 );
               bid->name = fread_string( fp );
               bid->bbid = 0;
               bid->bid = fread_number( fp );
               if( !valid_pfile( bid->name ) )
                  free_bid( bid );
                  LINK( bid, pnote->first_bid, pnote->last_bid, next, prev );
               fMatch = true;

         case 'E':
            if( !strcmp( word, "End" ) )
               pnote->next = NULL;
               pnote->prev = NULL;
               return pnote;

         case 'N':
            if( !str_cmp( word, "NSFor" ) )
               pnote->sforb = fread_number( fp );
               pnote->sfor = fread_number( fp );
               fMatch = true;
            if( !str_cmp( word, "NAutoWin" ) )
               pnote->autowinb = fread_number( fp );
               pnote->autowin = fread_number( fp );
               fMatch = true;
            if( !str_cmp( word, "NBid" ) )
               CREATE( bid, BID_DATA, 1 );
               bid->name = fread_string( fp );
               bid->bbid = fread_number( fp );
               bid->bid = fread_number( fp );
               if( !valid_pfile( bid->name ) )
                  free_bid( bid );
                  LINK( bid, pnote->first_bid, pnote->last_bid, next, prev );
               fMatch = true;

         case 'P':
            KEY( "PostTime", pnote->posttime, fread_time( fp ) );

         case 'R':
            if( !str_cmp( word, "Read" ) )
               CREATE( read, READ_DATA, 1 );
               read->name = fread_string( fp );
               if( !valid_pfile( read->name ) )
                  free_read( read );
                  LINK( read, pnote->first_read, pnote->last_read, next, prev );
               fMatch = true;

         case 'S':
            KEY( "SFor", pnote->sfor, fread_number( fp ) );
            KEY( "Sender", pnote->sender, fread_string( fp ) );
            KEY( "Subject", pnote->subject, fread_string( fp ) );

         case 'T':
            KEY( "To", pnote->to_list, fread_string( fp ) );
            KEY( "Text", pnote->text, fread_string( fp ) );

         case 'V':
            if( !str_cmp( word, "Vote" ) )
               CREATE( vote, VOTE_DATA, 1 );
               vote->name = fread_string( fp );
               vote->vote = fread_number( fp );
               if( !valid_pfile( vote->name ) )
                  free_vote( vote );
                  LINK( vote, pnote->first_vote, pnote->last_vote, next, prev );
                  if( vote->vote == VOTE_NO )
                  if( vote->vote == VOTE_YES )
                  if( vote->vote == VOTE_ABSTAIN )
               fMatch = true;
            KEY( "Voting", pnote->voting, fread_number( fp ) );
      if( !fMatch )
         bug( "%s: no match: %s", __FUNCTION__, word );
         fread_to_eol( fp );
   free_note( pnote );
   return NULL;

/* Load boards file. */
void load_boards( void )
   FILE *board_fp, *note_fp;
   BOARD_DATA *board;
   NOTE_DATA *pnote;
   char notefile[256];

   first_board = last_board = NULL;

   if( !( board_fp = fopen( BOARD_FILE, "r" ) ) )

   while( ( board = read_board( board_fp ) ) )
      LINK( board, first_board, last_board, next, prev );
      snprintf( notefile, sizeof( notefile ), "%s%s", BOARD_DIR, board->note_file );
      log_string( notefile );
      if( ( note_fp = fopen( notefile, "r" ) ) )
         while( ( pnote = read_note( note_fp ) ) )
            LINK( pnote, board->first_note, board->last_note, next, prev );

void board_stat( CHAR_DATA *ch, BOARD_DATA *board )
   if( !board )
      send_to_char( "No such board to see.\r\n", ch );

   ch_printf( ch, "\r\n&GFilename: &W%-15.15s &GRead: &W%s  &GPost: &W%s  &GRemove: &W%s\r\n",
      board->note_file, perms_flag[board->min_read_level], perms_flag[board->min_post_level],
      perms_flag[board->min_remove_level] );
   ch_printf( ch, "&GMaxpost:        &W%-3d\r\n", board->max_posts );
   ch_printf( ch, "&GPosts:          &W%d\r\n", board->num_posts );
   ch_printf( ch, "&GRead_group:     &W%s\r\n", board->read_group ? board->read_group : "None" );
   ch_printf( ch, "&GPost_group:     &W%s\r\n", board->post_group ? board->post_group : "None" );
   ch_printf( ch, "&GExtra_readers:  &W%s\r\n", board->extra_readers ? board->extra_readers : "None" );
   ch_printf( ch, "&GExtra_removers: &W%s\r\n", board->extra_removers ? board->extra_removers : "None" );

CMDF( do_bset )
   BOARD_DATA *board;
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL], buf[MSL];
   int value, bcount = 0;
   bool found, create = false;

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );

   set_char_color( AT_NOTE, ch );
   if( arg1 == NULL || arg1[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: bset <board filename> [create]\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Usage: bset <board filename> <field> <value>\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "\r\nField being one of:\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "  post     read        remove     post_group     extra_removers\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "  maxpost  read_group  filename   extra_readers\r\n", ch );

   value = atoi( argument );
   found = false;

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "create" ) )
      create = true;

   bcount = atoi( arg1 );
   if( !( board = get_board( ch, bcount ) ) )
      bcount = 0;
      for( board = first_board; board; board = board->next )
         if( !can_read( ch, board ) && !can_post( ch, board ) && !can_remove( ch, board ) )
         if( !str_cmp( board->note_file, arg1 ) )
      if( !board && !create )
         send_to_char( "No such board.\r\n", ch );

   if( arg2 == NULL || arg2[0] == '\0' )
      board_stat( ch, board );

   if( create )
      if( board )
         send_to_char( "There is already such a board.\r\n", ch );

      arg1[0] = UPPER( arg1[0] );
      if( !can_use_path( ch, BOARD_DIR, arg1 ) )

      CREATE( board, BOARD_DATA, 1 );
      if( !board )
         bug( "%s: failed to CREATE board.", __FUNCTION__ );
      LINK( board, first_board, last_board, next, prev );
      board->note_file = STRALLOC( arg1 );
      board->first_note = NULL;
      board->last_note = NULL;
      board->read_group = NULL;
      board->post_group = NULL;
      board->extra_readers = NULL;
      board->extra_removers = NULL;
      write_boards_txt( );
      ch_printf( ch, "%s board created.\r\n", board->note_file );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "read" ) )
      board->min_read_level = URANGE( 0, value, ( PERM_MAX - 1 ) );
      write_boards_txt( );
      ch_printf( ch, "Read level set to %s.\r\n", perms_flag[board->min_read_level] );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "read_group" ) )
      STRSET( board->read_group, argument );
      write_boards_txt( );
      ch_printf( ch, "Read_group %s.\r\n", board->read_group ? "set" : "cleared" );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "post_group" ) )
      STRSET( board->post_group, argument );
      write_boards_txt( );
      ch_printf( ch, "Post_group %s.\r\n", board->post_group ? "set" : "cleared" );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "extra_removers" ) )
      if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
         send_to_char( "No names specified.\r\n", ch );
      if( !str_cmp( argument, "none" ) )
         STRFREE( board->extra_removers );
         if( board->extra_removers )
            snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s %s", board->extra_removers, argument );
            snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s", argument );
         STRSET( board->extra_removers, buf );
      write_boards_txt( );
      send_to_char( "Done.  (extra removers set)\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "extra_readers" ) )
      if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
         send_to_char( "No names specified.\r\n", ch );
      if( !str_cmp( argument, "none" ) )
         STRFREE( board->extra_readers );
         if( board->extra_readers )
            snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s %s", board->extra_readers, argument );
            snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s", argument );
         STRSET( board->extra_readers, buf );
      write_boards_txt( );
      send_to_char( "Done.  (extra readers set)\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "filename" ) )
      char filename[1024];

      if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
         send_to_char( "No filename specified.\r\n", ch );
      argument = capitalize( argument );
      if( !can_use_path( ch, BOARD_DIR, argument ) )
      if( board->note_file )
         snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s%s", BOARD_DIR, board->note_file );
         if( !remove( filename ) )
            send_to_char( "Old board file deleted.\r\n", ch );
      STRSET( board->note_file, argument );
      write_boards_txt( );
      send_to_char( "Done.  (board's filename set)\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "post" ) )
      board->min_post_level = URANGE( 0, value, ( PERM_MAX - 1 ) );
      write_boards_txt( );
      ch_printf( ch, "Post set to %s. (minimum posting level)\r\n", perms_flag[board->min_post_level] );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "remove" ) )
      board->min_remove_level = URANGE( 0, value, ( PERM_MAX - 1 ) );
      write_boards_txt( );
      ch_printf( ch, "Remove set to %s. (minimum remove level)\r\n", perms_flag[board->min_remove_level] );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "maxpost" ) )
      board->max_posts = URANGE( 1, value, 999 );
      write_boards_txt( );
      ch_printf( ch, "Maxpost set to %d. (maximum number of posts)\r\n", board->max_posts );

   do_bset( ch, (char *)"" );

CMDF( do_boards )
   BOARD_DATA *board;
   int bcount = 0, nnew = 0;
   const char *b1, *b2;

   if( !ch )

   b1 = color_str( AT_BOARD, ch );
   b2 = color_str( AT_BOARD2, ch );

   set_char_color( AT_BOARD, ch );
   if( !first_board )
      send_to_char( "There are no boards yet.\r\n", ch );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      for( board = first_board; board; board = board->next )
         if( !can_read( ch, board ) && !can_post( ch, board ) && !can_remove( ch, board ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "%s%d%s> %s%-15.15s %sPosts: %s%3d", b2, ++bcount,
            b1, b2, board->note_file ? board->note_file : "(Not Set)", b1, b2, board->num_posts );
         nnew = get_new_notes( board, ch );
         if( nnew > 0 )
            pager_printf( ch, "%s(%s%3d%s)", b1, b2, nnew, b1 );
            send_to_pager( "     ", ch );
         if( is_immortal( ch ) )
            pager_printf( ch, " %sRead: %s%4s %sPost: %s%4s %sRmv: %s%4s %sMax: %s%3d",
               b1, b2, perms_flag[board->min_read_level], b1, b2, perms_flag[board->min_post_level],
               b1, b2, perms_flag[board->min_remove_level], b1, b2, board->max_posts );
         send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

   bcount = atoi( argument );
   if( !( board = get_board( ch, bcount ) ) )
      bcount = 0;
      for( board = first_board; board; board = board->next )
         if( !can_read( ch, board ) && !can_post( ch, board ) && !can_remove( ch, board ) )
         if( !str_cmp( board->note_file, argument ) )
      if( !board )
         send_to_char( "No such board to switch to.\r\n", ch );

   ch->pcdata->onboard = bcount;
   ch_printf( ch, "Switched to board %s%d%s> %s%s.\r\n",
      b2, ch->pcdata->onboard, b1, b2, board->note_file ? board->note_file : "(Not Set)" );
   ch_printf( ch, "%sYou %s%s %sread the messages on this board.\r\n",
      b1, b2, can_read( ch, board ) ? "can" : "can't", b1 );
   ch_printf( ch, "%sYou %s%s %spost messages on this board.\r\n",
      b1, b2, can_post( ch, board ) ? "can" : "can't", b1 );
   ch_printf( ch, "%sYou %s%s %sremove messages on this board.\r\n",
      b1, b2, can_remove( ch, board ) ? "can" : "can't", b1 );

/* Find the auction board */
BOARD_DATA *get_auction_board( void )
   BOARD_DATA *board = NULL;

   for( board = first_board; board; board = board->next )
      if( !str_cmp( board->note_file, "Auction" ) )
   return board;

int count_auctions( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   BOARD_DATA *board = get_auction_board( );
   NOTE_DATA *pnote, *pnote_next = NULL;
   int count = 0;

   if( !board || !ch )
      return 0;
   for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote_next )
      pnote_next = pnote->next;
      if( pnote->aclosed )
      if( !str_cmp( pnote->sender, ch->name ) )
   return count;

void check_auction( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   BOARD_DATA *board = get_auction_board( );
   NOTE_DATA *pnote, *pnote_next = NULL;
   BID_DATA *bid, *bid_next = NULL, *chbid = NULL;
   int count = 0;
   bool asave = false;

   if( !board || !ch )

   for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote_next )
      pnote_next = pnote->next;
      chbid = check_high_bid( pnote );

      /* Closed and no bets give object back to seller */
      if( pnote->aclosed )
         /* If it was canceled return object to seller */
         if( pnote->acanceled )
            if( pnote->obj && !str_cmp( pnote->sender, ch->name ) )
               set_char_color( AT_AUCTION, ch );
               act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before you, and hands you $p.", ch, pnote->obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
               act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before $n, and hands $m $p.", ch, pnote->obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
               obj_to_char( pnote->obj, ch );
               pnote->obj = NULL;
               pnote->sforb = 0;
               pnote->sfor = 0;
               pnote->acanceled = false;
               if( !pnote->first_bid )
                  UNLINK( pnote, board->first_note, board->last_note, next, prev );
                  free_note( pnote );
                  asave = true;
               asave = true;
         if( ( pnote->sfor || pnote->sforb ) && !str_cmp( pnote->sender, ch->name ) )
            set_char_color( AT_AUCTION, ch );
            if( !can_hold_gold( ch->bgold, ch->gold, pnote->sforb, pnote->sfor ) )
               send_to_char( "The auctioneer has some gold for you, but you can't hold that much gold currently.\r\n", ch );
            act_printf( AT_ACTION, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR, "The auctioneer materializes before you, and hands you %s gold.", show_big_nums( pnote->sforb, pnote->sfor ) );
            act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before $n, and hands $m some gold.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
            increase_gold( ch, pnote->sforb, pnote->sfor );
            asave = true;
         if( !pnote->first_bid )
            if( !pnote->obj && !pnote->sfor && !pnote->sforb )
               UNLINK( pnote, board->first_note, board->last_note, next, prev );
               free_note( pnote );
               asave = true;
            if( !pnote->acanceled && pnote->obj && !str_cmp( pnote->sender, ch->name ) )
               set_char_color( AT_AUCTION, ch );
               act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before you, and hands you $p.", ch, pnote->obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
               act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before $n, and hands $m $p.", ch, pnote->obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
               obj_to_char( pnote->obj, ch );
               pnote->obj = NULL;
               UNLINK( pnote, board->first_note, board->last_note, next, prev );
               free_note( pnote );
               asave = true;

      for( bid = pnote->first_bid; bid; bid = bid_next )
         bid_next = bid->next;

         if( str_cmp( bid->name, ch->name ) )

         /* Autowin has been reached handle it correctly */
         if( ( pnote->autowin > 0 || pnote->autowinb > 0 ) && compare_big_nums( pnote->autowinb, pnote->autowin, bid->bbid, bid->bid ) )
            to_channel_printf( "auction", PERM_ALL, "%s has won the auction for %s.", ch->name, pnote->subject );
            pnote->sforb = bid->bbid;
            pnote->sfor = bid->bid;
            pnote->aclosed = true;
            asave = true;

         /* No more bidding give out what it should to the character */
         if( pnote->aclosed )
            if( chbid && bid == chbid && !pnote->acanceled )
               /* give the object and remove them from the list */
               if( pnote->obj )
                  set_char_color( AT_AUCTION, ch );
                  act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before you, and hands you $p.", ch, pnote->obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
                  act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before $n, and hands $m $p.", ch, pnote->obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
                  obj_to_char( pnote->obj, ch );
                  pnote->obj = NULL;
                  UNLINK( bid, pnote->first_bid, pnote->last_bid, next, prev );
                  free_bid( bid );
                  asave = true;
               else /* object is already gone */
                  set_char_color( AT_AUCTION, ch );
                  if( !can_hold_gold( ch->bgold, ch->gold, bid->bbid, bid->bid ) )
                     send_to_char( "The auctioneer has some gold for you, but you can't hold that much gold currently.\r\n", ch );
                  act_printf( AT_ACTION, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR, "The auctioneer materializes before you, and hands you %s gold.", show_big_nums( bid->bbid, bid->bid ) );
                  act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before $n, and hands $m some gold.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
                  increase_gold( ch, bid->bbid, bid->bid );
                  UNLINK( bid, pnote->first_bid, pnote->last_bid, next, prev );
                  free_bid( bid );
                  asave = true;
               set_char_color( AT_AUCTION, ch );
               if( !can_hold_gold( ch->bgold, ch->gold, bid->bbid, bid->bid ) )
                  send_to_char( "The auctioneer has some gold for you, but you can't hold that much gold currently.\r\n", ch );
               act_printf( AT_ACTION, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR, "The auctioneer materializes before you, and hands you %s gold.", show_big_nums( bid->bbid, bid->bid ) );
               act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before $n, and hands $m some gold.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
               increase_gold( ch, bid->bbid, bid->bid );
               UNLINK( bid, pnote->first_bid, pnote->last_bid, next, prev );
               free_bid( bid );
               asave = true;
         /* Not highest bidder so go ahead and refund their bid */
         if( chbid && bid != chbid )
            set_char_color( AT_AUCTION, ch );
            if( !can_hold_gold( ch->bgold, ch->gold, bid->bbid, bid->bid ) )
               send_to_char( "The auctioneer has some gold for you, but you can't hold that much gold currently.\r\n", ch );
            act_printf( AT_ACTION, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR, "The auctioneer materializes before you, and hands you %s gold.", show_big_nums( bid->bbid, bid->bid ) );
            act( AT_ACTION, "The auctioneer materializes before $n, and hands $m some gold.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
            increase_gold( ch, bid->bbid, bid->bid );
            UNLINK( bid, pnote->first_bid, pnote->last_bid, next, prev );
            free_bid( bid );
            asave = true;

   /* save the auction board if you need to */
   if( asave )
      write_board( board );
      save_char_obj( ch );

void set_auction_list( OBJ_DATA *list, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   AUCTION_DATA *auction;
   OBJ_DATA *obj, *tmpobj = NULL;
   char astr[MSL * 2];

   for( obj = list; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
      if( obj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE
      && ( can_see_obj( ch, obj )
      || ( is_obj_stat( obj, ITEM_INVIS ) && is_obj_stat( obj, ITEM_GLOW )
      && !is_obj_stat( obj, ITEM_BURIED ) && !is_obj_stat( obj, ITEM_HIDDEN ) ) )
      && ( obj->item_type != ITEM_TRAP || IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_DETECTTRAPS ) ) )
         snprintf( astr, sizeof( astr ), "%s", format_obj_to_char( obj, ch, true ) );

         if( obj->in_obj )
            tmpobj = obj->in_obj;
            mudstrlcpy( astr, "   ", sizeof( astr ) );
            while( tmpobj->in_obj )
               mudstrlcat( astr, "   ", sizeof( astr ) );
               tmpobj = tmpobj->in_obj;
            mudstrlcat( astr, format_obj_to_char( obj, ch, true ), sizeof( astr ) );

         for( auction = first_auction; auction; auction = auction->next )
            if( !strcmp( auction->auctstr, astr ) )
               auction->count += obj->count;

         CREATE( auction, AUCTION_DATA, 1 );
         auction->auctstr = STRALLOC( astr );
         auction->type = obj->item_type;
         auction->count = obj->count;
         LINK( auction, first_auction, last_auction, next, prev );

         if( obj->first_content )
            set_auction_list( obj->first_content, ch );

void show_auction_list( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   AUCTION_DATA *auction, *auction_next;

   for( auction = first_auction; auction; auction = auction_next )
      auction_next = auction->next;

      switch( auction->type )
            set_char_color( AT_OBJECT, ch );

         case ITEM_BLOOD:
            set_char_color( AT_BLOOD, ch );

         case ITEM_MONEY:
         case ITEM_TREASURE:
            set_char_color( AT_YELLOW, ch );

         case ITEM_COOK:
         case ITEM_FOOD:
         case ITEM_FISH:
            set_char_color( AT_HUNGRY, ch );

         case ITEM_DRINK_CON:
         case ITEM_FOUNTAIN:
            set_char_color( AT_THIRSTY, ch );

         case ITEM_FIRE:
            set_char_color( AT_FIRE, ch );

         case ITEM_SCROLL:
         case ITEM_WAND:
         case ITEM_STAFF:
            set_char_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );

      send_to_char( auction->auctstr, ch );

      if( auction->count != 1 )
         ch_printf( ch, " (%d)", auction->count );
      send_to_char( "\r\n", ch );

      UNLINK( auction, first_auction, last_auction, next, prev );
      STRFREE( auction->auctstr );
      DISPOSE( auction );

void auction_update( void )
   CHAR_DATA *ch;

   for( ch = first_char; ch; ch = ch->next )
      if( is_npc( ch ) )
      check_auction( ch );

CMDF( do_auction )
   BOARD_DATA *board = NULL;
   NOTE_DATA *pnote = NULL;
   BID_DATA *chbid = NULL;
   OBJ_DATA *obj = NULL;
   char arg[MSL];
   int count = 0, start = 0, shown = 0, bcount = 0;

   if( !ch )

   if( !( board = get_auction_board( ) ) )
      send_to_char( "There is no auction board to use.\r\n", ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( arg == NULL || arg[0] == '\0' || !str_cmp( arg, "list" ) )
      if( !board->first_note )
         send_to_char( "There is nothing currently being auctioned.\r\n", ch );

      argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
      if( is_number( arg ) )
         start = atoi( arg );
      for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
         chbid = check_high_bid( pnote );

         if( start > 0 && count < start )

         if( shown == 0 )
            pager_printf( ch, "###  %12.12s %25.25s %12.12s %25s %15.15s\r\n",
               "Seller", "AutoWin", "High Bidder", "Bid", "Object" );

         pager_printf( ch, "%3d> %12.12s %25s",
            count, pnote->sender ? pnote->sender : "(No Sender)",
            show_big_nums( pnote->autowinb, pnote->autowin ) );

         pager_printf( ch, " %12.12s %25s %15.15s%3s\r\n",
            chbid ? chbid->name : "(No Bidder)",
            chbid ? show_big_nums( chbid->bbid, chbid->bid ) : "0",
            pnote->subject ? pnote->subject : "(No Subject)",
            ( pnote->subject && strlen( pnote->subject ) > 15 ) ? "..." : "" );

         if( ++shown > 15 )
            if( pnote->next )
               send_to_pager( "Only 15 auctions are displayed at a time.\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Usage: auction\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Usage: auction <#>\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Usage: auction <#> close\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Usage: auction <#> bid <amount>\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Usage: auction <object> <autowin>\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Usage: auction list <start #>\r\n", ch );

   if( is_number( arg ) )
      int unote = atoi( arg );

      argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
      for( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
         if( ++count < unote )
         if( !pnote->obj )
         if( !str_cmp( arg, "close" ) )
            if( str_cmp( pnote->sender, ch->name ) && !is_immortal( ch ) )
               send_to_char( "Only the seller may close an auction.\r\n", ch );
            if( ( chbid = check_high_bid( pnote ) ) )
               pnote->sforb = chbid->bbid;
               pnote->sfor = chbid->bid;
            to_channel_printf( "auction", PERM_ALL, "%s has closed the auction for %s.", ch->name, pnote->subject );
            pnote->aclosed = true;
            STRSET( pnote->subject, "Closed" );
            auction_update( );
            write_board( board );
         if( !str_cmp( arg, "cancel" ) )
            if( str_cmp( pnote->sender, ch->name ) && !is_immortal( ch ) )
               send_to_char( "Only the seller may cancel an auction.\r\n", ch );
            to_channel_printf( "auction", PERM_ALL, "%s has canceled the auction for %s.", ch->name, pnote->subject );
            pnote->aclosed = true;
            pnote->acanceled = true;
            STRSET( pnote->subject, "Canceled" );
            auction_update( );
            write_board( board );
         if( !str_cmp( arg, "bid" ) )
            if( !str_cmp( pnote->sender, ch->name ) )
               send_to_char( "You can't bid on something your auctioning.\r\n", ch );

            chbid = check_high_bid( pnote );
            argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
            if( !is_number( arg ) )
               send_to_char( "You have to enter an amount to bid.\r\n", ch );
            get_big_num( arg, &bcount, &count );

            if( ( bcount <= 0 && count <= 0 ) || !has_gold( ch, bcount, count ) )
               ch_printf( ch, "You can't bid %d gold.\r\n", count );
            if( chbid )
               if( !str_cmp( chbid->name, ch->name ) )
                  send_to_char( "You already have the highest bid.\r\n", ch );
               if( compare_big_nums( chbid->bbid, ( chbid->bid + 99 ), bcount, count ) )
                  ch_printf( ch, "The lowest bid you can make on it currently is %s.\r\n", show_big_nums( chbid->bbid, ( chbid->bid + 100 ) ) );
            add_bid( pnote, ch, bcount, count );
            decrease_gold( ch, bcount, count );
            to_channel_printf( "auction", PERM_ALL, "%s has bidded %s gold on %s.", ch->name, show_big_nums( bcount, count ), pnote->subject );
            auction_update( );
            write_board( board );
         if( pnote->obj )
            show_obj( ch, pnote->obj );
            if( pnote->obj->first_content )
               set_auction_list( pnote->obj->first_content, ch );
               show_auction_list( ch );
            send_to_char( "This auction has already been closed.\r\n", ch );
         show_bids( pnote, ch );
         add_read( pnote, ch );
      send_to_char( "No such number on auction to look at.\r\n", ch );

   if( !( obj = get_obj_carry( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "You aren't carrying that.\r\n", ch );

   if( obj->timer > 0 )
      send_to_char( "You can't auction objects that are decaying.\r\n", ch );

   if( count_auctions( ch ) >= sysdata.maxauction )
      ch_printf( ch, "You can only have up to %d auctions going at a time.\r\n", sysdata.maxauction );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   count = 0;
   if( arg != NULL && arg[0] != '\0' && is_number( arg ) )
      get_big_num( arg, &bcount, &count );
      if( count <= 0 && bcount <= 0 )
         send_to_char( "You can't auction an object with an auto win of 0 or lower.\r\n", ch );
   separate_obj( obj );
   obj_from_char( obj );

   CREATE( pnote, NOTE_DATA, 1 );
   pnote->next = pnote->prev = NULL;
   pnote->sender = QUICKLINK( ch->name );
   pnote->to_list = STRALLOC( "all" );
   pnote->subject = QUICKLINK( obj->short_descr );
   pnote->text = STRALLOC( "auctioning\r\n" );
   pnote->first_vote = pnote->last_vote = NULL;
   pnote->first_bid = pnote->last_bid = NULL;
   pnote->obj = obj;
   pnote->posttime = current_time;
   pnote->voting = 0;
   pnote->yesvotes = 0;
   pnote->novotes = 0;
   pnote->abstentions = 0;
   pnote->first_vote = pnote->last_vote = NULL;
   pnote->first_bid = pnote->last_bid = NULL;
   pnote->first_read = pnote->last_read = NULL;
   pnote->autowinb = bcount;
   pnote->autowin = count;
   LINK( pnote, board->first_note, board->last_note, next, prev );
   write_board( board );
   to_channel_printf( "auction", PERM_ALL, "%s has auctioned %s.", ch->name, pnote->subject );