File Name : texas.txt

To start a game of Texas hold 'em poker, type 'start texas hold 'em' (or use 
the number for the game).  Once other players have joined via the 'play' 
command you should type 'deal'.  To test the game out against a computer 
opponent, type 'recall', 'south', 'west' and 'play templar'.

Once the dealer types 'deal', each player gets 2 cards and the game begins.

In round 1, each player has the chance to make a bet or fold.

In round 2 a card is burnt, a 'flop' is dealt (3 shared cards are drawn), and 
then each player can bet or fold.

In round 3 a card is burnt, a 'turn' is dealt (1 shared card is drawn), after 
which each player can bet or fold.

In round 3 a card is burnt, a 'river' is dealt (1 shared card is drawn), after 
which each player can bet or fold.

Note that in a real game, the shared cards are placed face-up in the middle 
of the table.  From a coding perspective, however, it was easier to handle 
this by giving each player their own copy of each shared card.  Of course the 
end result is exactly the same.

A 'burnt' card is one which is taken from the top of the deck and discarded.