File Name : poker.txt

To start a game of draw poker, type 'start draw poker'.  Once other players 
have joined via the 'play' command you should type 'deal'.  To test the game 
out against a computer opponent, type 'recall' and 'play executioner'.

Once the dealer types 'deal', each player gets 5 cards and the game begins.

In round 1, each player has three choices.  They may either fold (give up, by 
typing 'fold'), call (match the current bet, or defer to the next player if 
the bet is 0, by typing 'bet call'), or raise the bet (by typing 'bet <gold>').

Once every player has made their choice, the game moves on to round 2.  In this
round, each player may discard up to 4 cards (via the 'discard' command) and 
then type 'draw' to replace them, or they may type 'stick' to stick with their 
current hand.

Round 3 works exactly the same as round 1, with each player chosing to either 
fold, call, or raise the bet.  At the end of this round, the game is over, all
hands will be revealed and the winner will receive the gold from the pot.