File Name : blackjack.txt

To start a game of blackjack, type 'start blackjack'.  Before other players 
can join, you must first set a minimum bet by typing 'bet <amount>'.  After 
you've done that, other players can join through the 'play' command, and when 
you're ready to play you can type 'deal'.  To test this game out against a 
computer opponent, type 'recall', 'north' and 'play healer'.

Blackjack doesn't really have rounds, but it does allow bets to be placed 
before the cards are revealed.  To reflect this, I've implemented blackjack 
as a 2-round game, where the first round is only for bets.

Once the dealer types 'deal', each player gets 2 cards and the game begins.  
Note that these cards are initially placed face-down, and only one of the 
dealer's cards is revealed.

In round 1, each player has the option of placing a bet.

In round 2, each player may hit (take another card) by typing 'draw', stand 
(take no more cards) by typing 'stick', double down (double the wager, take 
exactly one more card, then stand) by typing 'double' or fold (give up) by 
typing 'fold'.

You could of course change them to have the appropriate command names, but I 
was trying to keep the system as generic as possible.

Note that the split (double the wager and control two hands) option was not 
supported due to time constraints.

Unlike the poker games, in blackjack each player plays separately against the 
dealer, so that the dealer can both win and lose in the same game.  If you 
draw against the dealer, you get your money back.  If you beat the dealer you 
get your money back, and the same again as a bonus.  If you beat the dealer 
with a blackjack (2 cards adding to 21) you get 3:2 on your bet.