It may not be anywhere close to the advertised 6MB, but that jump from 40 to 4564 has got to feel like you're flying on pure jet fuel compared to the old model T you'd been driving. :wink: :lol:
I still wonder, how much would using a USB Cord instead of the Ethernet Cable really affect speeds? Also any programs that are free (or have easily attained serial/cracked versions) that can effectively clean up registries or otherwise increase speed?
Still seems way low, here's still my current best speeds.
For me, my connection to the cable company is sitting at 10mbps so either would make no real difference as far as internet goes, though internally, I'm running at 100mbps because upgrading to 1gbps really wouldn't be worth the cost for me, we already can transfer anything over our lan fast enough to not matter anyway. :shrug:
So essentially their identical for a 6 mbps connection?
Yup, for me at least. Whether I use USB or ethernet, I"m still connecting through a cable modem that can only handle 10mbps which exceeds the 6mbps already anyway. *shrug*
Fizban said:
There we go…. The damned tech support hooked it up wrong. When the guy came out to hook up the DVR he noticed that it wasn't set up right…
From the look of things, either USB or Ethernet should exceed the bandwidth of most cable connections so it shouldn't matter. Since I wasn't sure of what USB was capable of I did a quick search and came up with this:
USB 2.0 has a raw data rate at 480Mbps, and it is rated 40 times faster than its predecessor interface, USB 1.1, which tops at 12Mbps. never has been very accurate with the speeds it reports, i was showing as under 512k connection the other day tried another speed test site and i was at almost 20 meg. So thats probably the reason for the variance over the browsers. Also the Latency is varying perhaps alot of people were testing their speed on that server? Or perhaps your isp was pretty busy at the time you made the tests? Or were you downloading something.. theres several reasons for the variance