BTW, Scandum, is that a FiOS link you have there? If so I'm insanely jealous :)
I cheated and just googled up that image. You however have reason to be very jealous.
Back in the 80s my socialistic government decided to waste a lot of money in an effort to provide the entire nation with cable television. So they replaced the backbone copper network with a fiber one. Pretty much every street in Holland has a fiber access point. I currently have ADSL1 for 30 euro a month which is good for 8 mbit down, but if I wanted to I can upgrade to ADSL2 and get 24 mbit down for 50 euros a month.
Several cities including Amsterdam and Rotterdam are planning to extend the fiber network from the street to the premises.
Aidan: Your school's got it backwards.. guess you could always do your downloading at home and your uploading at school. :tongue: Scandum: I don't know about Samson, but I'm certainly jealous enough. :lol: Bexar: You may have a point, but even what you're showing looks way better than what I've got. :wink:
no clue what metsuro was talking about, down in phoenix cox is pretty much the best here, and i rarely have connectivitey issues, its out maybe two to four times a year.
In the DC area, Cox was pretty good when it was up, but it'd routinely go down up to 10 hours daily. Of course, that was back in 2000 through 2002, I haven't tried them since because I no longer live there. Where I do live, Comcast is great, as you can see, maybe not the best upload/download I could hope for, but very respectable and I only see outages about three or four times a year usually, and then usually not for more than a couple of hours.
I live in Virginia beach, near norfolk close to kempsville, and they run the cables underground, so if any water gets near the cable the signal weakens to the point it just drops out. I've spoken to them a few times about it, and they say there isn't really anything they can do about it. So I usually lose my connection once a day cause this used to be a swamp, and its still kinda sinking, but they arn't bad, but they aren't the best here. Verizon offers fiber optics for the same price, and they run the fiber into your house, right to a box for converting, and then to you. So its not like cox's fiber where they run it to the hubs transfer to coax and then run coax to your home. And its even the same price, or if you want to go all out for 200 a month you can get like… I forget the numbers I'll go look them up again.
Edit: This is what offered. Up to 5 Mbps/2 Mbps $39.99
Up to 15 Mbps/2 Mbps ( Same price and speeds we currently get but unstable with cox ) $49.99
Verizon fiber would really be a godsend for me, and just about anyone in their service zone really. The only major sticking point is that they absolutely do not allow servers. You have no idea how entertaining it is to see the look on the FiOS rep's face when I have to politely decline to sign up for fiber, and then pointing out the clause in the ToS that forbids running servers. When I asked him if they could make exceptions, all I got was a blank stare. So he called his tech people and they were just as clueless.
If they'd just pull their heads out of their asses then our entire neighborhood could dump copper and go 100% fiber. Myself and 2 other people down the block are the last holdouts because of the server restrictions. Of course this could all be solved if Verizon would open up the lines to resellers the way DSL is now.
Well if they did allow it I'm sure it'd be a more expensive setup. I tried to get a cell phone with them, and they wanted me to make a 1k deposit for a 200 dollar phone. Now if thats how they started out, think their land based is gonna be much different? lol.
Those deposits they ask for, if they ask, are dependent on your credit rating. When mine was in the shitter Sprint tried to make me pay for cell service 2 years in advance before they'd take me. I told them to get bent. Went back 3 years later and they didn't have a problem. During that 3 years I had done much to improve my rating, which eventually led to financing a car and from there I was home free.
Regardless, I don't know that they'd ask for the same kind of deposit on the fiber connection since the upgrade would also mean your phone service is converted over at the same time. If you're paying on your phone bill then they probably won't care too much. The nice thing about FioS is that you can add the digital TV service for another $30-$50 and have all of that stuff on one bill, usually cheaper than buying phone, internet, and satellite separately.
problem is They dont offer fiber internet to here, only tv and phone. Cox offers the bundle package so we get tv net and phone from them. And I got sprint with no credit and only a 50 dollar deposit with a two year contract. Then I upgraded to a family plan because my mom wanted a razor and I got some deal to buy one and get the second for 50 dollars, and it was only a 50 dollar deposit on each again. The only problem is they dont have a 100% service area anywhere unless its near schools. But yea anyway main topic, they dont offer fiber net here yet. *sigh*
I don't know, Metsuro, for the prices you cited earlier, I'd switch to verizon fiber from Comcast in a heartbeat, but that no server clause is annoying. With comcast they've told me that they really don't watch specifically for servers and as long as I don't tell them about my running any and they get no complaints they really don't care, but it is in their contract too. If someone were to complain, the only impact would be that my bill would increase because they'd switch to me to business instead of residential. *shrug*