Hey Pedlar, while it's certainly got no bearing on this thread, the speedtest.net ersults you have in your signature got me curious, here's my result: I had to do the test from my windows box, not my server, because when I tried on the server it seems my flash is too old to complete the upload portion of the test. *shrug* ..but my latency was much lower from the server too.
Wow, Zeno, and Davion, you guys have great looking speeds going on there.. Tyche, on the other hand.. you just got a really bad one there because you were also downloading via ftp or something.. right?
Wow, Scandum, that's some incredible set of numbers. :ghostface:
Metsuro, yours looks pretty decent there, I've used Cox before when I was living in Fairfax, VA and, at the time, there couldn't have been a worse ISP, nice to see that degree of improvement. :grinning:
Samson.. now I understand why you enjoy being online from work. :lol: :blues:
Cox still sucks I lose internet atleast 2-3 times a day, I beg to switch to verizons fiber, but they dont even offer it here yet… so I have to wait some time… and its the same price so my parents dont see a reason to switch… even though its a constant connection *tear* I think the number was a bit off do to down loading on my xbox and pc at the same time I could be wrong though.
Still, not bad numbers given what I recall Cox service to be like between 2000 and 2002… but having a stable connection does very much go a long way toward making up for minor differences in speed or even latency in my book too.
I had to do the test from my windows box, not my server, because when I tried on the server it seems my flash is too old to complete the upload portion of the test. *shrug* ..but my latency was much lower from the server too.