Can we trade downloads (You can keep your upload).
Ha, well it's not as good as it seems. Shaw provides something called speedburst which temporarily boosts the speed of your downloads. Unfortunately, it doesn't work to will with torrents. In fact, they try to stop you from using torrents completely by constantly disconnecting your connection when they're running. Used to get really annoying when I was seeding Gentoo all the time. But there's ways around it (like using the port for their internet phone and encrypting the torrent :P)
Seems Comcast really did do something when we agreed to pay for the bandwidth upgrade this time:
Bah, yeah mine is still slower, but, it was also a 'free' upgrade.
04 Oct, 2008, The_Fury wrote in the 105th comment:
Votes: 0
Davion said:
Fizban said:
Can we trade downloads (You can keep your upload).
Ha, well it's not as good as it seems. Shaw provides something called speedburst which temporarily boosts the speed of your downloads. Unfortunately, it doesn't work to will with torrents. In fact, they try to stop you from using torrents completely by constantly disconnecting your connection when they're running. Used to get really annoying when I was seeding Gentoo all the time. But there's ways around it (like using the port for their internet phone and encrypting the torrent :P)
My isp does the same thing, change of port fixed it. After a chain of emails to them and to the ombudsman it seems they can do anything they like. People go on about China and its blocking content, we do the exact same thing in Australia by restricting the traffic of certain ports and applications, my local member and minister for telecommunications took offense to me likening the 2 together. If it was not for a contract with my current Isp i would have left them already.
Can we trade downloads (You can keep your upload).
Ha, well it's not as good as it seems. Shaw provides something called speedburst which temporarily boosts the speed of your downloads. Unfortunately, it doesn't work to will with torrents. In fact, they try to stop you from using torrents completely by constantly disconnecting your connection when they're running. Used to get really annoying when I was seeding Gentoo all the time. But there's ways around it (like using the port for their internet phone and encrypting the torrent :P)
My isp does the same thing, change of port fixed it. After a chain of emails to them and to the ombudsman it seems they can do anything they like. People go on about China and its blocking content, we do the exact same thing in Australia by restricting the traffic of certain ports and applications, my local member and minister for telecommunications took offense to me likening the 2 together. If it was not for a contract with my current Isp i would have left them already.
Luckily mine doesn't have speedburst. Well not 'lucky' perhaps, but luckily that 8200ish was without it, I wouldn't mind if I got above that with it and that once it slowed down. And luckily mine doesn't seem to have any issue with me downloading torrents or anything else along those lines.
04 Oct, 2008, David Haley wrote in the 107th comment:
Votes: 0
The situation in China and the one you're describing are really quite different. Whereas in the former, it is the government doing the restriction, in the latter it is a private entity that you are buying services from. Sure, it stinks, but it's nothing at all like government censorship. You're free to change ISPs if you like. You just don't want to in this case because you'd have to pay the termination fee.
I know it's a little late. But I hadn't noticed any Mediacom numbers so here's two. I did one right after the other. I really wish they wouldn't put a cap on the UL to 1mb.
This is from Maxthon ( an IE shell ).
Second was from Google Chrome.
05 Oct, 2008, The_Fury wrote in the 109th comment:
Votes: 0
I am very jealous at the speeds some of you guys are getting. We still have only slow dls, no dsl2 or better on my exchange.
I am curious as to how accurate this speedtest thing is, firstly it thinks im in rural western Australia and if i use the Perth test site i hit 3000kbs which is 2 times the capacity of my 1.5meg/256K dsl. is prolly one of the most inaccurate speed test sites on the internet, a couple of months ago it was showing that i had a 40meg connection (double what i am on atm)
I find it amusing how people think if the info the site gives as a true representation of their speeds is prolly one of the most inaccurate speed test sites on the internet, a couple of months ago it was showing that i had a 40meg connection (double what i am on atm)
I find it amusing how people think if the info the site gives as a true representation of their speeds
Largely depends which of their servers you use.
05 Oct, 2008, David Haley wrote in the 114th comment:
Votes: 0
Since this was over the wireless network, I'm wondering if plugging in via Cat-5 would speed things up. :-)
It would, if your connection is faster than your wireless, which frankly is pretty unlikely. :wink: (Unless of course your wireless doesn't have a very good packet loss rate.) is prolly one of the most inaccurate speed test sites on the internet, a couple of months ago it was showing that i had a 40meg connection (double what i am on atm)
I find it amusing how people think if the info the site gives as a true representation of their speeds
Largely depends which of their servers you use.
it's definitely not accurate on the download speed, my home connection ranked higher than my VPS (which I used to download a 500 mb file in 9 minutes). I prefer the site, it seems a bit more accurate.
11 Oct, 2008, quixadhal wrote in the 118th comment:
Votes: 0
Just for amusement, check these out.
To interpret these…. my ping times defy the laws of physics, in that the server in Kalamazoo (where I live, less than 5 miles away) is slower than Stanton, which is halfway across the state. Yet, the download bandwidth from the other side of the country is 25% higher.
Or it's just really flaky… :)
11 Oct, 2008, David Haley wrote in the 119th comment:
Votes: 0
Latency and bandwidth are pretty different concepts. A satellite connection, for instance, could have very large latency, and yet much, much faster bandwidth.
Compare with sending an envelope via an airplane vs. sending a crate via a ship. The second has much higher bandwidth, but much higher latency.
And besides, it's always dangerous to try to map network topography to physical geography.