Revision  22
CanRead   Kline~
CanWrite  Kline~
Flags     2 4 EOL
Keyword   none~
LevLabel  @@R[@@eSYSTEM@@R]@@N~
LevRange  1 120
Name      Limbo~
Number    1
Owner     Kline~
ResetMsg  off~
ResetRate 15
VnumRange 1 100

Vnum  1
Desc  You are floating in a formless void; detached from all sensation of physical matter. A swirling, glowing, light surrounds you as it  fades into the darkness around you without any trace of edges or shadow.~
Flags 3 4 5 9 11 15 17 18 EOL
Name  @@WLimbo@@N~
Sect  11
Desc       There are steaming puff-droppings here.~
Keyword    dropping~

Vnum  2
Desc  Unfortunately you have been transferred to jail for breaking one of our rules.  We are very laid back here but certain things must be adhered to. As you look around this cold, damp, bleak looking cell take some time to reflect on your crime and, hopefully, with an apology and repentance you'll be able to again enjoy our wonderful realm.~
Flags 3 4 5 9 11 14 15 17 18 19 EOL
Name  @@dJail@@N~
Sect  11

Vnum      1
AcMod     0
Act       17 19 29 30 EOL
Affected  524288
Alignment 0
Cast      0
Clan      0
Class     3
Def       0
Desc      ~
DrMod     0
HrMod     0
Level     1
LongDesc  @@yP@@buff @@dthe @@aM@@cagic @@rD@@Gragon @@dfly's around lazily in the void...@@N~
PCast     0
PlrName   puff magic dragon~
Position  0
PSkills   0
Race      8
RaceMods  0
Resist    0
Sex       1
ShortDesc @@yP@@buff @@dthe @@aM@@cagic @@rD@@Gragon@@N~
Skills    0
SMagic    0
SpecFun   (null)
Suscept   0
WMagic    0

Vnum      2
AcMod     0
Act       17 18 19 21 29 30 EOL
Affected  1680062
Alignment -1000
Cast      1024
Clan      0
Class     2
Def       0
Desc      The Dark Stalker is a product of the Dark Powers.  It's only purpose in life is to search out it's victim, and try and kill it. It looks dark, powerful, and ready to kill.~
DrMod     0
HrMod     0
Level     80
LongDesc  A Dark Stalker stands here, searching for it's prey.~
PCast     0
PlrName   dark stalker~
Position  0
PSkills   0
Race      0
RaceMods  66049
Resist    0
Sex       1
ShortDesc the Dark Stalker~
Skills    17928
SMagic    0
SpecFun   (null)
Suscept   0
WMagic    0

Vnum       1
Durability 9
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   One miserable gold coin.~
Name       coin gold~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  a gold coin~
Speed      4.00
Type       20
Values     1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       2
Durability 67
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   A pile of gold coins.~
Name       coins gold~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  %d gold coins~
Speed      1.01
Type       20
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       3
Durability 8
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   The corpse of %s is lying here.~
Name       corpse~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  corpse of %s~
Speed      4.00
Type       23
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       4
Durability 31
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   The corpse of %s is lying here.~
Name       corpse~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  corpse of %s~
Speed      4.00
Type       24
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       5
Durability 42
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   The severed head of %s is lying here.~
Name       head~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  head of %s~
Speed      3.20
Type       13
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       6
Durability 31
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   The torn-out heart of %s is lying here.~
Name       heart~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  heart of %s~
Speed      3.32
Type       13
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       7
Durability 14
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   The sliced-off arm of %s is lying here.~
Name       arm~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  arm of %s~
Speed      3.12
Type       13
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       8
Durability 86
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   The sliced-off leg of %s is lying here.~
Name       leg~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  leg of %s~
Speed      3.00
Type       13
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       9
Durability 95
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   The sloppy brain of %s has plopped out here.~
Name       sloppy brain~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  sloppy brain of %s~
Speed      4.00
Type       13
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       10
Durability 46
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   A delicious @@am@@ya@@ag@@yi@@ac @@mm@@pu@@mshr@@poo@@mm@@N is here.~
Name       magic mushroom~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  a @@aM@@ya@@ag@@yi@@ac @@mM@@pu@@mshr@@poo@@mm@@N~
Speed      3.04
Type       19
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  24 EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       11
Durability 82
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   A @@ybright@@N ball of @@blight@@N shimmers in the air.~
Name       bright ball light~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  a @@ybright@@N ball of @@blight@@N~
Speed      2.21
Type       1
Values     0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  16 24 EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       12
Durability 18
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   A @@am@@ya@@ag@@yi@@ac@@ya@@al @@lspr@@Bi@@lng@@N flows from the ground here.~
Name       magical spring~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  a @@am@@ya@@ag@@yi@@ac@@ya@@al @@lspr@@Bi@@lng@@N~
Speed      2.30
Type       25
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       13
Durability 42
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   A @@am@@ya@@ag@@yi@@ac@@ya@@al @@Wwindow@@N floats before you. Where does it look?~
Name       magical window~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  a @@am@@ya@@ag@@yi@@ac@@ya@@al @@Wwindow@@N~
Speed      2.44
Type       7
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       14
Durability 55
ExtraFlags 1 3 7 EOL
ItemApply  257
Level      50
LongDesc   @@Ra F@@ei@@Rr@@ee @@RBl@@ea@@Rd@@ee@@N smolders on the ground.~
Name       fireblade fire blade~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  @@Ra F@@ei@@Rr@@ee @@RBl@@ea@@Rd@@ee@@N~
Speed      2.80
Type       5
Values     0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  16 24 EOL
Weight     1
Location   19
Modifier   35
Location   18
Modifier   26

Vnum       15
Durability 46
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   A small @@bb@@yu@@bndl@@ye @@Nof @@Gf@@roo@@Gd@@N sits here.

Name       small food bundle~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  a small @@bb@@yu@@bndl@@ye @@Nof @@Gf@@roo@@Gd@@N~
Speed      2.13
Type       19
Values     5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  24 EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       16
Durability 34
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   A @@am@@ya@@ag@@yi@@ac@@ya@@al @@cbe@@aa@@cc@@ao@@cn@@N floats gently before you.

Name       magical beacon~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  a @@am@@ya@@ag@@yi@@ac@@ya@@al @@cbe@@aa@@cc@@ao@@cn@@N~
Speed      1.44
Type       6
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  24 EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       17
Durability 4
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   ~
Name       magical portal~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  a @@am@@ya@@ag@@yi@@ac@@ya@@al @@bp@@yo@@brt@@ya@@bl@@N~
Speed      4.00
Type       7
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       19
Durability 52
ExtraFlags 1 2 EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   @@dA small, living figurine lies here, groaning in agony@@N.

Name       soul figurine~
ObjFun     objfun_soul_moan
ShortDesc  @@da small, living figurine@@N~
Speed      4.00
Type       28
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  24 EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       18
Durability 27
ExtraFlags 1 2 EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      1
LongDesc   @@dA flask filled with an @@eevil@@d dark liquid lies here, screaming faintly.@@N

Name       soul potion~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  @@dA @@eSoul @@dPotion@@N~
Speed      1.33
Type       10
Values     70 118 221 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  24 EOL
Weight     1

Vnum       20
Durability 48
ExtraFlags 1 7 20 EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      120
LongDesc   A staff of @@RE@@el@@lem@@Be@@an@@Wtal Expl@@ao@@Bs@@li@@eo@@Rn@@N glows brightly.

Name       staff elemental explosion~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  a staff of @@RE@@el@@lem@@Be@@an@@Wtal Expl@@ao@@Bs@@li@@eo@@Rn@@N~
Speed      1.01
Type       4
Values     120 10 10 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  16 24 EOL
Weight     1
Location   17
Modifier   -175
Location   13
Modifier   88
Location   24
Modifier   -10

Vnum       21
Durability 30
ExtraFlags EOL
ItemApply  1
Level      80
LongDesc   @@dA @@lSecurity @@dPass@@N lies here discarded.

Name       security pass~
ObjFun     (null)
ShortDesc  @@lSecurity @@dPass@@N~
Speed      2.33
Type       9
Values     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
WearFlags  16 24 EOL
Weight     1
Location   17
Modifier   -117
Location   13
Modifier   58
Location   24
Modifier   -7
M 1 1 1 (null)
