1. Copy telopt.c tables.c msdp.c and telnet.h to your mud's source directory.

2. Update the macro and external function calls in tables.c to use the
   ones that your mud uses.

3. Update the header file in your mud with the data provided in mud.h.
   This may be a bit of work to merge them correctly. If your mud
   already has most of the definitions you'd want to update telopt.c

4. Update your Makefile and add tables.o msdp.o and telopt.o

5. Next you need to edit comm.c to add a call to translate telopts. In
   Merc 2.2 this would go as following:

   find the line that states:

   nRead = read( d->descriptor, d->inbuf + iStart, sizeof( d->inbuf ) - 10 - iStart );

   And replace the for loop it's in with the following:

   for( ;; )
      char bufin[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
      int nRead;

      nRead = read( d->descriptor, bufin, sizeof( bufin ) - 10 - iStart );
      if( nRead > 0 )
         iStart += translate_telopts(d, bufin, nRead, d->inbuf + iStart);

         if( d->inbuf[iStart - 1] == '\n' )
      else if( nRead == 0 )
         log_string( "EOF encountered on read." );
         return FALSE;
      else if( errno == EWOULDBLOCK )
         perror( "Read_from_descriptor" );
         return FALSE;

6. Define the mud_data structure from mud.h and populate it with data in db.c
   during boot time. Most of this data is already gathered in db.c, but not
   globally available.

7. Read the other documentation files for further instructions.