The xterm 256 color standard has been in existence as of 1999 and is supported
by pretty much all xterm emulating terminals and a large number of MUD clients.

MTH provides a 256 color snippet in the color.c file. To use it tunnel output
through the substitute_color() function before sending it to the client. The
snippet defines 32 distinct colors using ^a to ^Z codes, as well as codes for
using the full 256 color range.

Details on use are found in color.c

Xterm 256 color support is detected using the MTTS standard, and by checking
for the -256color suffix when a client reports its generic terminal type. If
this is the case it sets the COMM_FLAG_256COLORS bitflag on the d->comm_flags

In Lola 1.4 the implementation looks something like this:

char *ansi_translate_text( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *text_in )
        char ansi_translate_buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        static char xterm_translate_buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        char *pti, *pto;
        int color;

        pti  = text_in;
        pto  = ansi_translate_buffer;

        if (ch->desc == NULL)
                return "";

        color = 0;

        if (HAS_BIT(ch->pcdata->vt100_flags, VT100_ANSI))
                color = 16;

                if (HAS_BIT(ch->desc->comm_flags, COMM_FLAG_256COLORS))
                        color = 256;

        substitute_color(ansi_translate_buffer, xterm_translate_buffer, color);

        return( xterm_translate_buffer );

One issue is that the player cannot explicitly select ansi or xterm color mode.

One solution is to allow the player to set their color configuration to either
0, 1, 16, or 256. If set to 0 color is disabled, if set to 16 ansi colors are
used, if set to 256 xterm colors are used, and if set to 1 the mud will use
automatic color mode detection.