The End Of Record option provides the means to mark the end of a prompt
so clients know that all data has arrived and can be displayed. 

In order to enable EOR edit tables.c, find the EOR entry, and change the
flag from 0 to ANNOUNCE_WILL. This change will cause the announce_support()
function to send IAC WILL EOR when called. 

If in response IAC DO EOR is received from the client the COMM_FLAG_EOR
flag will be set on d->comm_flags. When sending a prompt and other lines
not terminated by a newline you should check if COMM_FLAG_EOR is set,
and if the case call send_eor() after sending the prompt, which will
send IAC EOR to the client.

If you want to guarantee that IAC EOR is send in the same packet you
have to append IAC EOR to the end of the output buffer before sending it.

In Lola 1.4 this looks like this, check for '\n' instead of '\r' if your
mud uses \r\n rather than \n\r as the new line marker:

     if (d->outtop)
          if (d->outbuf[d->outtop - 1] != '\r')
               d->outbuf[d->outtop++] = IAC;
               d->outbuf[d->outtop++] = EOR;