new object $help_coldc_types_strings: $help_coldc_types;

var $has_name name = ['prop, "String", "String"];
var $help_node body = <$ctext_frob, [[<$format, ["p", [], [], 'do_p]>, "A ", <$format, ["i", [], ["string"], 'do_i]>, " is a sequence of printable characters. A string is logically true if it is not empty. A string is denoted in ColdC by enclosing the printable characters within double quote characters (", <$format, ["tt", [], ["\""], 'do_tt]>, "). To include a double quote inside a string precede it with a backslash. Any other occurance of a backslash in a string has no special meaning. The following are some examples of strings: ", <$format, ["dfn", [], [<$format, ["quote", [], ["\n\"foo\"\n\"\\\"foo\\\" is a metasyntactic variable.\"\n\"The backslash (`\') is a much-abused character in many languages.\""], 'do_quote]>], 'do_dfn]>, <$format, ["p", [], [], 'do_p]>, "See Also: ", <$format, ["link", [["node", "$help_funcs_str"]], ["String Functions"], 'do_link]>], #[['links, #[["String Functions", "$help_funcs_str"]]]]]>;
var $help_node index = $help_index_driver;
var $help_node links = #[["String Functions", $help_funcs_str]];
var $help_node nolist = 0;
var $root created_on = 853698066;
var $root flags = ['variables, 'methods, 'code, 'core];
var $root inited = 1;
var $root managed = [$help_coldc_types_strings];
var $root manager = $help_coldc_types_strings;