new object $help_coldc_methods_access: $help_coldc_methods;

var $has_name name = ['prop, "Access", "Access"];
var $help_node body = <$ctext_frob, [[<$format, ["p", [], [], 'do_p]>, "It is possible to restrict what calls a method by setting the method's access. By default all methods are ", <$format, ["i", [], ["public"], 'do_i]>, " methods. The available settings for method access are: ", <$format, ["dfn", [["nobound", 1], [" ", 1], ["ind", "4"]], [<$format, ["table", [["cols", "15%,85%"]], [<$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], [<$format, ["tt", [], [<$format, ["b", [], ["public"], 'do_b]>], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["This access state is the default. A public method can be called by any object."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], [<$format, ["tt", [], [<$format, ["b", [], ["protected"], 'do_b]>], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Protected methods can only be called by the defining object, or descendants of the defining object (sender() must be this())."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], [<$format, ["tt", [], [<$format, ["b", [], ["private"], 'do_b]>], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Private methods can only be called by the object they were defined on (caller() must be this())."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], [<$format, ["tt", [], [<$format, ["b", [], ["root"], 'do_b]>], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Root methods can only be called by the ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["$root"], 'do_tt]>, " object (caller() must be ", <$format, ["tt", [], ["$root"], 'do_tt]>, ")."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], [<$format, ["tt", [], [<$format, ["b", [], ["driver"], 'do_b]>], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["Driver methods can only be called by the driver."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>, <$format, ["tr", [], [<$format, ["td", [], [<$format, ["tt", [], [<$format, ["b", [], ["frob"], 'do_b]>], 'do_tt]>], 'do_td]>, <$format, ["td", [], ["This access state only allows ", <$format, ["link", [["node", "$help_coldc_methods_frob"]], ["Frobbed Method Calls"], 'do_link]>, "."], 'do_td]>], 'do_tr]>], 'do_table]>], 'do_dfn]>, <$format, ["p", [], [], 'do_p]>, "Method access can be manipulated using the functions ", <$format, ["tt", [], [<$format, ["link", [["node", "$help_coldc_func_method_access"]], ["method_access()"], 'do_link]>], 'do_tt]>, " and ", <$format, ["tt", [], [<$format, ["link", [["node", "$help_coldc_func_set_method_access"]], ["set_method_access()"], 'do_link]>], 'do_tt]>, "."], #[['this, $help_coldc_methods_access]]]>;
var $help_node index = $help_index_driver;
var $help_node links = #[["Frobbed Method Calls", $help_coldc_methods_frob]];
var $help_node nolist = 0;
var $root created_on = 854665867;
var $root flags = ['variables, 'methods, 'code, 'core];
var $root inited = 1;
var $root managed = [$help_coldc_methods_access];
var $root manager = $help_coldc_methods_access;