new object $editor_session: $misc;

var $editor_session client_data = 0;
var $editor_session finisher = 0;
var $editor_session finisher_object = 0;
var $editor_session line = 0;
var $editor_session modified = 0;
var $editor_session sender = 0;
var $editor_session text = 0;
var $root created_on = 820684587;
var $root flags = ['methods, 'code, 'fertile, 'core, 'variables];
var $root inited = 1;
var $root managed = [$editor_session];
var $root manager = $editor_session;

public method ._parse_range() {
    arg what, @allow;
    var start, end, range;
    if (what == "%")
        what = "1-$";
    what = strsub(what, "$", tostr(listlen(text)));
    what = strsub(what, ".", tostr(line));
    what = strsub(what, ",", "-");
    allow = allow ? 1 : 0;
    if (!what) {
        start = (end = line);
    } else {
        range = (> $parse_lib.range(what) <);
        start = range[1];
        if (start == 'specific)
            throw(~range, "Illegal range.");
        end = ((range[2]) == 'single) ? start : (range[2]);
    if ((start < 1) || ((end > (listlen(text) + allow)) || (end < start)))
        throw(~range, "Illegal range.");
    return [start, end];

public method .abort_cmd() {
    arg @args;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    return "Aborted. Editor cleared.";

public method .after_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, what;
    var offset;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    if (line > listlen(text))
        offset = line - listlen(text);
    if (what || match_regexp(cmd, "^[^a-z]")) {
        modified = 1;
        text = insert(text, (line + 1) - offset, what);
        line += 2 - offset;
        return ("Line " + (line - 1)) + " added.";
    } else {
        return .read_text(1 - offset, sender());

public method .append_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, what;
    var offset;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    modified = 1;
    if (line > listlen(text)) {
        text += [what];
        return ("Line " + listlen(text)) + " added.";
    } else if (line == 1) {
        text = [line] + text;
        line = 2;
        return "Line 1 added.";
    } else {
        text = replace(text, line, (text[line]) + what);
        return ("Appended to line " + tostr(line)) + ".";

public method .cleanup_session() {
    (> .perms(sender()) <);
    if (type(text) == 'symbol)
        return 1;
    return !modified;

public method .compile_errors() {
    arg @err;
    var m;
    if ((m = regexp(err[1], "Line ([0-9]+)"))) {
        line = toint(m[1]);
        return [.list_cmd("", "", m[1])] + err;
    return err;

public method .copy_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, args;
    var m, range, toline, copy, start, end;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    if ((m = match_template(args, "* to *")))
        [range, m, toline] = m;
    else if (listlen((m = explode(args))) > 1)
        [range, toline] = m;
        toline = args;
    if (!toline)
        return "Copy to where?";
    toline = toint(toline);
    if ((toline < 1) || (toline > (listlen(text) + 1)))
        return ((("Line " + toline) + " is outside the possible range (1 .. ") + (listlen(text) + 1)) + ").";
    if (range) {
        if (!(range = (| ._parse_range(args, 'allow) |)))
            return "Illegal range, cannot copy.";
    } else if (line > listlen(text)) {
        return "Illegal range, cannot copy.";
    } else {
        range = [line, line];
    [start, end] = range;
    copy = sublist(text, start, (end - start) + 1);
    text = listgraft(text, toline, copy);
    line = toline + listlen(copy);
    if (start == end)
        return ((("Line " + start) + " copied to line ") + toline) + ".";
    return ((((("Lines " + start) + " .. ") + end) + " copied to line ") + toline) + ".";

public method .delete_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, what;
    var start, end, gone, foo, len;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    catch any
        start = ._parse_range(what);
        return "Illegal range, can't delete.";
    [start, end] = start;
    len = end - start;
    gone = sublist(text, start, (end - start) || 1);
    text = sublist(text, 1, start - 1) + sublist(text, end + 1);
    modified = 1;
    line = start;
    return ((((((("Deleted " + ((end - start) + 1)) + " line") + ((end == start) ? "" : "s")) + " (\"") + ((gone[1]).chop(20))) + "\"), current line is ") + line) + ".";

public method .fill_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, what;
    var start, end, width;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    what = what.explode();
    catch any
        start = ._parse_range(what[1]);
        return "Illegal range, can't fill.";
    end = start[2];
    start = start[1];
    width = ((what.length()) > 1) ? ((what[2]).to_number()) : 75;
    text = ((text.subrange(1, start - 1)) + (((text.subrange(start, (end - start) + 1)).join(" ")).wrap_lines(width))) + (text.subrange(end + 1));
    modified = 1;
    line = start;
    return ("Fill completed. Current set to " + tostr(start)) + ".";

public method .help_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, what;
    var parse;
    what = what.trim();
    if (!what)
        return ["Editor commands (use 'help <cmd>' for detailed information):"] + (((($editor_parser.commands()).keys()).vcolumnize(3, (sender().linelen()) - 5)).prefix("    "));
    parse = $editor_parser.parse(sender(), what, $null_parser);
    if ((parse[1]) in ['ok, 'failed])
        return ("Unable to find editor command '" + what) + "'.";
    return ($editor_parser.command_help())[parse[3]];

public method .insert_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, what;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    modified = 1;
    if (what || match_regexp(cmd, "^[^a-z]")) {
        text = insert(text, line, what);
        return ("Line " + tostr(line - 1)) + " added.";
    } else {
        return .read_text(0, sender());

public method .is_resumable() {
    return type(text) != 'symbol;

public method .line_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, number;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    number = number.trim();
    catch ~nonum
        number = (number == "$") ? (text.length()) : (number.to_number());
        return "You must set to a line number.";
    if ((number < 1) || (number > ((text.length()) + 1)))
        return "Out if range.";
        line = number;
    return ("Current line set to " + tostr(line)) + ".";

public method .list_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, rangestr;
    var start, end, out, i, str, l, lineno, rows, lines, diff;
    (> .perms(caller(), $user, definer()) <);
    if (text == [])
        return "There is no text.";
    rangestr = rangestr.trim();
    l = text.length();
    if (!rangestr) {
        rows = sender().get_rows();
        start = line - (rows / 2);
        end = line + (rows / 2);
        if (start < 1) {
            end -= start;
            start = 1;
    } else {
        catch any
            [start, end] = ._parse_range(rangestr);
            return "Illegal list range.";
    out = [];
    rows = (end - start) + 1;
    for i in [start .. end] {
        if (i > l)
        if (i == line)
            lineno = (("=>" + i).right(5)) + ": ";
            lineno = (tostr(i).right(5)) + ": ";
        lines = (lineno + (text[i])).wrap_lines(sender.linelen(), "         ");
        if ((listlen(out) + listlen(lines)) > rows) {
            if (listlen(out) >= rows)
            diff = rows - listlen(out);
            diff = (listlen(out) + listlen(lines)) - rows;
            out += sublist(lines, 1, (listlen(lines) - diff) - 1);
            out += [((("[.." + (diff.to_english_text())) + " more row") + ((diff > 1) ? "s" : "")) + "]"];
        out += lines;
    if (i >= l) {
        if ((i == line) && (i == (l + 1)))
            out += ["=>[End]"];
            out += [" [End]"];
    return out;

public method .mcp_upload() {
    arg newtext;
    var err;
    (> .perms(sender()) <);
    if ((> (err = sender.do_save(finisher_object, finisher, newtext, client_data)) <) == 'clear) {
        return "Done. Editor cleared.";
    if (type(err) != 'list)
        modified = 0;
    return err ? err : "Save completed.";

public method .move_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, args;
    var m, range, toline, move, start, end;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    if ((m = match_template(args, "* to *")))
        [range, m, toline] = m;
    else if (listlen((m = explode(args))) > 1)
        [range, toline] = m;
        toline = args;
    if (!toline)
        return "Copy to where?";
    toline = (| ._parse_range(toline, 'allow) |);
    if ((!toline) || ((toline[1]) != (toline[2])))
        return "Invalid move destination reference.";
    toline = toline[1];
    if (range) {
        if (!(range = (| ._parse_range(args, 'allow) |)))
            return "Illegal range, cannot move.";
    } else if (line > listlen(text)) {
        return "Illegal range, cannot move.";
    } else {
        range = [line, line];
    [start, end] = range;
    if ((toline == start) || ((toline == end) || ((toline > start) && (toline < end))))
        return "Source and destination lines conflict.";
    move = sublist(text, start, (end - start) + 1);
    if (toline > end) {
        text = listgraft(text, toline, move);
        text = sublist(text, 1, start - 1) + sublist(text, end + 1);
        line = toline;
    } else {
        text = sublist(text, 1, start - 1) + sublist(text, end + 1);
        text = listgraft(text, toline, move);
        line = toline + listlen(move);
    if (start == end)
        return ((("Line " + start) + " moved to line ") + toline) + ".";
    return ((((("Lines " + start) + " .. ") + end) + " moved to line ") + toline) + ".";

public method .quit_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, @args;
    var ans;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    if (modified) {
        ans = sender.prompt("Discard changes? [yes] ");
        if (!(ans.is_boolean()))
            return "Ok.  Editor not cleared.";
    return "Done. Editor cleared.";

private method .read_text() {
    arg offset, sender;
    var newtext, start;
    if ((> (newtext = sender.read()) <)) {
        if (newtext == 'aborted)
        modified = 1;
        text = listgraft(text, line + offset, newtext);
        start = line + offset;
        line = (line + (newtext.length())) + offset;
        if (listlen(newtext) == 1)
            return ("Line " + start) + " added.";
        return ((("Lines " + start) + " to ") + (start + listlen(newtext))) + " added.";
    } else {
        return "Text unchanged.";

public method .save_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, args;
    var result, m;
    (> .perms(caller(), $user, this()) <);
    if ((m = match_template(args, "as *")))
        return "Save as support is not yet completed.";
    if ((> (result = sender.do_save(finisher_object, finisher, text, client_data)) <) == 'clear) {
        return "Done. Editor cleared.";
    if ((result[1]) == 'failure)
        return .compile_errors(@result[2]);
    modified = 0;
    return (result[2]) + ["Save completed."];

public method .sed() {
    arg start, end, search, replace, opts;
    var x, line, changed;
    for x in [start .. end] {
        line = strsed(text[x], search, replace, opts);
        if (strcmp(line, text[x])) {
            text = replace(text, x, line);
    return changed;

public method .send_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, args;
    var err, m, list, recip, subj, mail, ismail, ret, cd, out;
    (> .perms(caller(), $user, this()) <);
    ismail = client_data && ((client_data[1]) == 'mail);
    if ((m = match_template(args, "to *")))
        args = m[2];
        args = args.trim('left);
    list = [];
    for recip in (args.explode_english_list()) {
        if (recip == "me") {
            list = setadd(list, sender());
        } else {
            catch ~listnf
                list = list.setadd((> $mail_lib.match_mail_recipient(recip) <));
                sender().tell(("The recipient \"" + recip) + "\" is invalid.");
    if (!list) {
        if (ismail)
            list = client_data[2];
            return "No recipients specified.";
    if (ismail) {
        cd = client_data;
        cd = replace(cd, 2, list);
    } else {
        cd = ['mail, list, ""];
    ret = (> sender()._edit_mail_callback(text, cd) <);
    if ((ret[1]) == 'success) {
        if (ismail)
        return [ret[2], "Done. Editor Cleared."];
    } else {
        return ret[2];

public method .session_name() {
    var tmp;
    // cruft this up at a later time
    switch (finisher) {
        case '_edit_method_callback:
            return ((("Method " + (client_data[1])) + ".") + (client_data[2])) + "()";
        case '_edit_messages_callback:
            return "Messages on " + (finisher_object.namef('ref));
        case '_edit_mail_callback:
            return "Mail for " + (((client_data[2]).mmap('mail_name)).to_english());
            tmp = strsed(tostr(finisher), "_edit_", "");
            tmp = strsed(tmp, "_callback", "");
            return "%l/%l".format(finisher_object.name(), tmp);

public method .startup() {
    arg fin_object, finish_method, initial_text, cdata;
    (> .perms(sender()) <);
    if (type(initial_text) == 'string)
        initial_text = [initial_text];
    sender = sender();
    finisher = finish_method;
    finisher_object = fin_object;
    text = initial_text;
    line = 1;
    modified = 0;
    client_data = cdata;
    if ((| (sender().local_editor()) == 'mcp |)) {
        // Next time, when you have a clever idea about edit name, check
        // it for non-method editting sessions
        sender.tell([(("#$# edit name: " + (.session_name())) + " upload: @mcp-upload-session ") + (.name()), @text, "."]);
        text = 'mcp;
        return 0;
    } else {
        return 1;

public method .startup_sender(): nooverride  {
    return sender;

public method .store_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, @args;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    return sender.store_editor();

public method .sub() {
    arg start, end, search, replace, opts;
    var x, line, changed, i;
    for x in [start .. end] {
        line = strsub(text[x], search, replace, opts);
        if (strcmp(line, text[x])) {
            text = replace(text, x, line);
    return changed;

public method .subst_cmd() {
    arg cmd, tmpl, args;
    var start, end, opts, changed, sep, h, range;
    (> .perms(caller(), 'command) <);
    h = ($editor_parser.command_help())['subst_cmd];
    if (!args)
        return h;
    sep = args[1];
    args = substr(args, 2);
    args = explode(args, sep, 'keep_blanks);
    if ((!args) || (listlen(args) < 2))
        return h + ["", "! Invalid number of arguments."];
    if (text == [])
        return h + ["", "! There is no text to search and replace in."];
    if (listlen(args) > 2) {
        [opts, range] = (args[3]).regexp("([gsci]*)(.*)");
        if ((!range) && (listlen(args) > 3))
            range = args[3];
    } else {
        opts = "";
    if (range) {
        catch any
            start = ._parse_range(range);
            return h + ["", "! " + ((traceback()[1])[2])];
        [start, end] = start;
    } else {
        start = line;
        end = line;
    if (cmd == "sed")
        changed = .sed(start, end, args[1], args[2], opts);
        changed = .sub(start, end, args[1], args[2], opts);
    modified = changed;
    if (changed == 1)
        return changed + " line changed.";
    else if (changed > 1)
        return changed + " lines changed.";
        return "No lines changed.";