#AREA  {10 26} Manx    Goblin Caves~

The Sentry to the Goblin Caves~
The Sentry to the Goblin Caves stands at attention here.
He looks like a powerful man that could easily defeat an opponent.
The Sentry to the Goblin Caves tells you, 'Abandon all hope ye who enter here'
2 128 500 S
19 3 0 10d10+100 10d10+100
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

An Ancient Wizard~
An Ancient Wizard stands here as to prevent you from entering the caves.
You realize as you look upon this wizened Wizard, that you must defeat him in 
combat before you can enter the caves.  Why waste the effort, you should really 
take the easy way out and leave.
2 8192 0 S
10 3 0 10d9+50 10d9+70
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
34 8192 0 S
10 3 40 2d7+1 2d7+5
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
34 8192 0 S
10 3 40 2d7+1 2d7+5
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
10 3 40 2d7+1 2d7+5
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
10 3 40 2d7+1 2d7+5
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
10 3 40 2d7+1 2d7+5
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
10 3 40 2d7+1 2d7+5
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
10 3 40 2d7+1 2d7+5
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

A Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
12 3 20 3d11+5 3d17+9
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

A Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
12 3 20 3d11+5 3d17+9
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

A Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
13 3 20 3d11+5 3d17+9
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

A Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
13 3 20 3d11+5 3d17+9
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

A Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
13 3 0 6d9+11 6d9+15
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

A Goblin Soldier~
A Loyal soldier to the Goblin King stands at attention here.
You have never in your life seen anything so ugly!!!
32 8192 0 S
13 3 0 6d9+11 6d9+15
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

goblin king~
Goblin King~
The Goblin King is here ordering you to kneel.
As you bow toward this king you end up falling over in a fit of laughter.
2 8192 0 S
23 3 40 9d17+11 9d17+15
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

goblin captain~
Captain of the Goblin Soldiers~
The Captain of the Goblin Soldiers stands here.
The Captain of the Goblin Guard appears to be drunk...
32 8192 0 S
17 3 40 2d7+1 2d7+5
1000 900
0 goblin~ 1

captive creature~
Captive of the Goblins~
A poor defenseless creature is here, urging you to look at it.
The Creature tells you, 'Please kill me, my life is over and i can't take the 
torture anymore.  In return i shall give you the key to a secret doorway that 
leads to the king.  This door is .....'.  The poor creature faints.
2 8192 0 S
1 3 40 2d7+1 2d7+5
1000 900
0 animal~ 1


key granite~
a granite key~
The key to the Goblin Caves lies here.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0

key stone~
a stone key~
A strange stone key is here.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0

A Jailor's key~
The key to some horrible place of torture is here.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0

key dust~
a secret looking key~
There is some dust on the ground here.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0

sword goblin~
a Goblin Sword~
A plain but affective Goblin Sword lies here.~
5 512 8192|1
0~ 10~ 25~ 3~
20 100 3
19 1

a Goblin Breast Plate~
Some plain looking armor lies here.~
9 512 8|1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
20 100 3

a Goblin Sentry's Sword~
A deadly looking Goblin Sentry's sword~
5 1024 8192|1
0~ 10~ 25~ 3~
20 100 3
19 3

Base of the Mountain~
You are standing at the base of the Infamous Goblin Caves.
0 1024 4
0 0 5278
0 0 20001
On the Mountain Path~
You are walking along an old and dusty path.
0 0 4
0 0 20002
0 0 20000
On the Mountain Path~
You are walking along an old and dusty path.
0 0 4
0 0 20003
0 0 20001
On the Mountain Path~
You are walking along an old and dusty path.
0 0 4
0 0 20004
0 0 20002
Path to the Caves~
After your long climb you notice that there appears to be a door to North
0 0 4
0 0 20005
0 0 20003
Atop the mountain and before the caves~
You appear to be halfway to the Cave entrance.
0 0 0
0 0 20006
0 0 20004
At the entrance~
Before you stands the entrance to the Infamous Goblin Caves.  Legend has it 
that many a brave adventurer has set foot within, but few have ever returned.  
However, you think to yourself "Yeah as if!!"...
0 0 0
0 0 20005
A huge granite door is here daring you to enter.
2 20000 20007
A huge granite door is here daring you to enter.
Within the Entrance~
You stand inside the entrance to some very dank, dark and smelly caves.
0 9 0
0 0 20008
A huge granite door is here daring you to enter.
2 20000 20006
A huge granite door is here providing your only escape out, until you finish 
off the Goblin King.
You stand in one of the many hallways that traverse the caves.
0 9 0
0 0 20012
0 0 20009
0 0 20007
You come to a turn in the hall, it goes in a southward direction to what 
appears to be a door.
In the distance you hear a mumbling that sounds very much like voices......
0 9 0
0 0 20010
0 0 20008
End of the Hallway~
You have finally reached the end of the hallway.  And although it appears to 
be a dead end, there seems to be something very odd about the east wall...  
Also there are sounds coming from that direction as well.
0 9 0
0 0 20009
A strange looking wall.
1 20001 20011
I don't know how you did it, but you have reached the armory of the Goblins, 
there are several useful (albeit basic) pieces of armor on the floor.  Against 
the east wall there is a huge fire burning steadily, obviously for the 
0 9 0
A strange looking wall.
1 20001 20010
You have reached an intersection in the hallway.  To the west, you can just
make out a door at the end of the hallway.  To the north, you can hear moans
and voices talking.  You also hear the footsteps of several creatures walking
about, grunting to each other.
0 9 0
0 0 20017

0 0 20008

0 0 20013
You are walking down a narrow hallway made of stone.  Slime coats the walls,
as well as blood stains.  Some of the blood on the walls is very fresh!  As
if someone had been through here today!  To the west you see a cell door, and 
to the east, you can see an intersection.
0 9 0
0 0 20012
0 0 20014
End of the Hallway~
You have reached the end of the hallway.  Rooms lie to the north, and to the
west, the room to the west is barred by a door.  Very faintly, you can hear
grunts, and mumbling from all around, as if the walls were alive!
0 9 0
0 0 20015
0 0 20013
A dark, metal cell door lies upon the west wall.
cell door~
1 20002 20016
Guard Room~
You have entered a guard room.  Its furnishings are crude, and unimpressive.
In general, there are a few tables, a couple chairs but nothing much else that
seems important.  There is a large pile of dung in the corner of the room, 
which smells particularly bad.  Rusted swords lay about, and it seems that a
strange game involving sticks had been played upon the table.
0 9 0
0 0 20014
Dark Cell~
You are standing in a dark, and dank cell.  There is barely any light coming
from the hallway.  Slime covers everything in sight, and there is a small and
rotted bench on the far wall.  Rats scurry back and forth, and almost attack
you as you walk through the sludge.  A hallway leads east from this cell.
0 9 0
A dark, metal cell door lies upon the west wall.
cell door~
1 20002 20014
You have come to another intersection in the dungeon.  Hallways lead off to
the east, and to the south.  Mumbling and footsteps can be heard in the far
distance, as well as the very faint sound of water rushing.  You cannot tell
exactly where it is coming from, but it is a definite sound.
0 9 0
0 0 20018
0 0 20012
You have reached a small alcove in the dungeon.  There is nothing interesting
to be said here.  It's a small, oddly-carved niche in the wall, which has been
smoothed out, and used as storage.  There is a small bench against the north 
wall, and a few strange rocks, but other than that, there is nothing strange.
0 9 0
Secret Doorway
1 20003 20019
0 0 20017
You have entered a newer part of the dungeon, made only recently!  A dark, and
twisting stairway leads downwards into darkness.  From below, you can hear the
sounds of voices, and rushing water.  A passage leads back to the west.
0 9 0
Secret Doorway
1 20003 20018
0 0 20020
Lower caves~
You have reached the bottom of the stairway.  The walls here are made of very
smooth stone, almost as if it had been eroded away by large amounts of quickly
moving water.  In the distance, you can hear footsteps, but they are almost
covered by the incessant roar of a waterfall nearby!
0 9 0
0 0 20021
0 0 20019
Eroded Hallway~
You have reached a very smooth hallway, which is also caused by erosion, or at
you believe this to be so.  To the east, there is a narrow passage, and to the
south you can make out a cave-like entrance.  The sound of the waterfall is
quite loud here, and seems to be coming from all around.
0 9 0
0 0 20020
0 0 20026
0 0 20022
Cavern Entrance~
You have come to the entrance of a very large cavern.  Inside, you can hear
the sound of water rushing quickly.  The walls of the cavern are extraordinarily
smooth, due to the effects of erosion.  This cavern sends a chill through your
spine, and you can feel evil within it.  A passage leads south into the dark
cavern, and north to a hallway.
0 9 0
0 0 20021
0 0 20023
Dark Tunnel~
You are walking through a dark tunnel running north, and east.  Pools of water
lie at your feet, and a heavy dampness lies in the air.  The cool spray of
water seems to be coming from the far east, as does the roaring sound of the
waterfall.  To the north, lies the entrance to this cavern underground.
0 9 0
0 0 20022
0 0 20024
Cavern Opening~
You are crawling along a dark tunnel, and to the east you see an immense
cavern, and the sounds of the waterfall are deafening.  Vapor and dampness
cover the walls, and the rocks are slippery.  To the west, there is another
dark tunnel, which looks considerably drier.
0 9 0
0 0 20025
0 0 20023
Great Waterfall~
You are standing on a large rock, which looks over the cliff.  Gallons of water
flow over the edge, falling hundreds of feet to the bottom of the cavern below.
The sound of the waterfall is deafening, and you clench your ears to cut the
noise down.  You notice a series of rocks, following the cliff downwards.
To the north, the river continues.
0 9 0
0 0 20028
0 0 20024
0 0 20029
Underground River~
You have come to a very large, underground river.  The water is quite deep in
places, and is moving rather quickly to the south.  From the south, a fresh
cloud of water vapor covers your body in a cool dampness.  The river is at a
dangerously wild state.  A passage leads back to the west.
0 9 0
0 0 20027
0 0 20021
Underground Pool~
You are standing on a small ledge of rock, which follows it's way along these
cavern walls.  Before you lies the largest pool of water you have ever seen.
It seems to span the entire cavern, and the waters splash back and forth, as
a mighty river from the north pours into the room.  As you look east, you see
that a larger river seems to be flowing eastward, very quickly.
0 9 0
0 0 20026
0 0 20028
Underground River~
You have come to a large river, spanning the cavern.  To the south, the river
seems to soar off of the cliff, forming a large waterfall, over a drop of at
least a hundred feet.  The swirling river waters are extremely swift, and deep
even near the edge.  To the west you see a large pool, from which this river
seems to originate.
0 9 0
0 0 20025
0 0 20027
Below Waterfall~
You have arrived on the cavern floor, just near the waterfall.  From here, you
notice that there is a small path, leading into a large cavern to the south,
just behind the waterfall.  You can hear the strange noises of grunts, and
screaming coming from within the cave.  A set of rocks lies against the wall
of the cliffside here.
0 9 0
0 0 20030
0 0 20025
Large Cave~
You have reached a large, smooth cave, behind the waterfall.  A small fire
burns in the center of the room.  The walls are very smooth, and there is no
water to be found.  Bones litter the floor, and there are several tables set
up in the room.  Against the northern wall, there is a large, stone throne, 
and against the western wall, you see a rather large chest.  Also, you notice
a smaller cave to the east.
0 9 0
0 0 20029
0 0 20031
Storage Cave~
You have entered a large, storage cave of some kind.  Rocks, rusted weaponry,
and all other kinds of junk litter the floor.  There is really nothing of great
value here.  This cave is completely dry, and it almost feels warm.  A larger
cave opens up to the west.
0 9 0
A large, glowing portal lies against the south wall.
1 0 20000
0 0 20030

D 0 20006 5 2
D 0 20007 4 2
D 0 20010 1 2
D 0 20011 3 2
D 0 20016 1 2
D 0 20014 3 2
D 0 20018 1 2
D 0 20019 3 2
D 0 20031 2 1
O 0 20005 0 20011
O 0 20004 0 20011
M 0 20000 1 20000
E 1 20006 0 16
M 0 20001 1 20006
G 1 20000 100
M 0 20002 1 20007
E 1 20004 0 16
G 1 20001 100
M 0 20003 1 20007
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20004 1 20009
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20005 1 20011
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20006 1 20012
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20007 1 20018
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20008 1 20014
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20009 1 20021
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20010 1 20023
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20011 1 20025
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20012 1 20027
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20013 1 20029
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20014 1 20031
E 1 20004 0 16
E 1 20005 0 5
M 0 20015 1 20030
E 1 20004 0 16
M 0 20016 1 20015
E 1 20004 0 16
E 1 20005 0 5
G 1 20002 100
M 0 20017 1 20016
G 1 20003 100



*updated 1/7/95 by Zelda

*Spelling errors fixed:

*    room#20000  imfamous should be infamous
*    room#20022  extrodinarily should be extraordinarily
*    room#20027  eastwards should be eastward
