#AREA     {15 35} Andi    The Astral Plane~

astral guardian~
The Astral Guardian~
A grey figure guards the entrance to the astral plane.
You see a slate grey vaguely humanoid shape, devoid of any true features.
It stands before you with arms folded, seemingly uninterested in you.
1|2|64 8|32|128|8192 0 S
37 -20 -15 37d37+370 8d12+100
100000 600000
8 human~ 0
A pitch-black nightmare~
A nightmare is here, kicking at you with its flaming hooves.
The nightmare is a wholly evil being, sent out by the rulers of the lower 
planes to torment mortals.  It vaguely resembles a horse, with a hide blacker
than the darkest night, and hooves that burn with unholy fires.
1|32|64 8|512|524288 -1000 S
18 2 -2 18d18+180 5d3+10
6000 32000
8 animal~ 0
night hag~
An evil night hag~
A night hag reaches out to steal your soul.
You see a shadowy creature with long talons and an evil grin, whose sole 
purpose is to hunt down and slay mortals in order to obtain souls for her foul
master to torment.
1|4|32|64 8|512 -1000 S
24 0 -1 24d24+240 5d5+5
12500 67500
8 undead~ 2
stalker invisible~
An invisible stalker~
You see a wavy distortion in the air.
You see only a wavy distortion in the air.  You reach out to touch it, and
feel nothing, not even the slightest of motions.
1|64 2|524288 200 S
17 3 0 17d17+170 2d7+6
1000 19000
8 undead~ 0
soulless one~
A poor soulless being~
The soulless one wanders mindlessly.
This unfortunate being has had its very soul torn from its body.  It now roams
mindlessly, unaware of its surroundings.
1|64|128 0 0 S
10 8 5 10d10+100 1d6+2
250 7500
8 undead~ 0
githyanki hunter~
A githyanki hunter~
A githyanki hunter searches for signs of the githzerai.
You see a leathery-skinned humanoid creature that stands almost as tall as a
normal man.  Like all githyanki, his teeth are fanged and his eyes hollow
and sunken.
1|4|64|128 512 -500 S
11 6 6 11d11+110 1d5+4
1000 8000
8 githyanki~ 1
githyanki warrior~
A githyanki warrior~
You see a humanoid figure clad in splinted armor.
You see a leathery-skinned humanoid creature that stands as tall as a normal
man.  Like all githyanki, his teeth are fanged and his eyes hollow and sunken.
He is clad in ornately designed splinted armor, and wields a sword that
whistles through the air as it slices towards your neck.
1|4|64 512 -500 S
15 4 6 15d15+150 1d5+6
2500 15000
8 githyanki~ 1
githyanki guardian~
A githyanki guardian~
A humanoid figure clad in splinted armor blocks your way.
You see a leathery-skinned humanoid creature that stands as tall as a normal
man.  Like all githyanki, his teeth are fanged and his eyes hollow and sunken.
He is clad in ornately designed splinted armor, and wields a sword that
whistles through the air as it slices towards your neck.
1|2|4|32 512 -500 S
15 4 6 15d15+150 1d5+6
6000 15000
8 githyanki~ 1
githyanki knight~
A githyanki knight~
A tall figure armored in black observes you quietly.
You see a leathery-skinned humanoid creature that stands a full foot taller
than a normal man.  His features are obscured by a suit of ornately designed
splinted armor -- you only hear the hissing of his breath and the scraping
of his sword against its scabbard as it is unsheathed.
1|4|64 512 -750 S
25 -2 6 25d25+250 1d5+15
10000 90000
8 githyanki~ 1
githyanki protector~
A githyanki protector~
A black knight of the githyanki protects his queen.
You see a leathery-skinned humanoid creature that stands a full foot taller
than a normal man.  His features are obscured by a suit of ornately designed
splinted armor -- you only hear the hissing of his breath and the scraping
of his sword against its scabbard as it is unsheathed.
1|2|4|32 512 -750 S
25 -2 6 25d25+250 1d5+15
10000 90000
8 githyanki~ 1
githyanki gish~
An evil gish~
A small githyanki laughs at your through fanged teeth.
You see a leathery-skinned humanoid creature that stands nearly as tall as a
normal man.  Like all githyanki, his teeth are fanged and his eyes hollow and
sunken.  The gish are well-versed in the arcane arts, unlike the normal gith
people.  You notice this from the blast of lightning headed towards you.
1|4|64|128 512 -600 S
11 6 6 11d11+110 1d5+2
3000 12500
8 githyanki~ 1
githyanki gish~
An evil gish~
A gish laughs as flame leaps from his hands towards your face.
You see a leathery-skinned humanoid creature that stands nearly as tall as a
normal man.  Like all githyanki, his teeth are fanged and his eyes hollow and
sunken.  The gish are well-versed in the arcane arts, unlike the normal gith
people.  You notice this from the blast of lightning headed towards you.
1|4|32|64 512 -600 S
11 6 6 11d11+110 1d5+2
3000 12500
8 githyanki~ 1
githyanki warlock~
A warlock of the Gith~
A humanoid figure stands here, holding a silvery sword.
You see a leathery-skinned creature, clad all in black and bearing a silvery-
colored sword.  Like all githyanki, his teeth are fanged and his eyes hollow
and sunken.  As you turn to flee, you feel the impact of a fireball against
your back.
1|32|64 8|16|512 -900 S
20 0 2 20d20+200 1d5+8
10000 55000
8 githyanki~ 1
githyanki lich queen~
The lich-queen~
The evil lich-queen of the Gith reaches out to destroy you.
The lich-queen of the githyanki was once human, but no longer.  Her skin has
completely shrunken around her skull, held together solely by the force of
unholy magic and the powers of this plane of existence.  The cold glare of her
hollow eyes sends you into paroxysms of fright.
1|2|32 8|16|32|128|512 -1000 S
30 -8 -8 30d30+300 4d5+20
100000 475000
8 githyanki~ 2
lord gith~
Lord Gith~
Lord Gith suddenly forms from a cloud of blackness.
He stares right through you with deadly, cold eyes.
Lord Gith is the dead savior of the githyanki people, the warrior who led them
to freedom from their former enslavers, the mind flayers.  He has been dead
for centuries and stands before you now due to an unholy alliance with powers
beyond mortal ken.

He gestures towards you.  You feel your heart tremble and your throat begin
to tighten.  You are about to die.
1|2|32 2|8|32|512 -1000 S
35 -15 -10 35d35+350 10d3+50
5000 750000
8 githyanki~ 1
An insubstantial ghost~
A ghost wanders here, intent on destroying all life.
The ghost makes no sound.  It is a shadowy shell of its former self, cursed
now to roam forever without rest.  The mind of this creature has been twisted
and destroyed in this torment, and it now envys and intends to destroy all the
true living beings it encounters, including you.
1|32|64 512|524288|1048576 -1000 S
16 2 0 16d16+160 2d9+2
1000 19000
8 undead~ 0
githzerai prisoner~
An imprisoned githzerai~
A githzerai plots his escape plan.
You see a conniving humanoid, a descendant of a race of humans once enslaved
by the mindflayers and related to the githyanki.  Unfortunately, the two races
are bitter enemies, and this one happened to get caught.  He intends to escape.
1|64 512 -350 S
10 8 8 10d10+100 1d4+4
0 6000
8 githyanki~ 1
mindflayer prisoner~
A tortured mindflayer prisoner~
A mindflayer lies here, scarred from the torture inflicted by the Gith.
You see a formerly tall humanoid creature, with four tentacles hanging from the
middle of its head.  It is hunched over, bent and scarred from torture inflicted
by the githyanki.  It cringes as you approach.
1|2 0 0 S
8 13 2 8d8+80 2d4+3
0 3000
8 mindflayer~ 0
dragon red slave~
The enslaved red dragon~
A giant red dragon is chained here, his breath heating the furnace.
The mighty scaled beast has been magically bound and subdued by the residents
of the keep.  Nevertheless, he is still an impressive sight, some twenty feet
in length with an even more massive wingspan.  He watches you, smoke drifting
from his open mouth.
1|2 8|512 -500 S
28 -3 -6 28d28+280 3d5+25
5000 350000
8 dragon~ 1
fire furnace flame~
A massive blast of fire~
The fires of the furnace burn away at your skin!
The fire feeds on your skin like a living being, licking out at your hair.
1|2|32|64 512 0 S
13 5 5 13d13+130 3d3+3
5000 10000
8 object~ 0

hammer sledge grey~
a massive slate-grey sledgehammer~
The ground cracks under the weight of a grey hammer lying here.~
5 512|1024 8193
0~ 4~ 8~ 8~
55 1000000 5000
2 -2
18 -3
19 10
hammer sledge grey~
This massive hammer is incredibly hard, heavy, and utterly grey and featureless.
scroll violet~
a violet scroll~
A rolled piece of violet parchment lies on the floor.~
2 256 1
15~ armor~ bless~ shield~
1 2500 250
scroll violet~
The scroll is written on soft violet parchment that has a pleasing smell to it.
tablet scroll black~
a black etched tablet~
Lying on the ground is a jet black stone tablet.~
2 16 1
30~ summon~ charm person~ ~
5 15000 5000
tablet scroll black~
The tablet is an unreflective black rectangular piece of stone, with strange
writings etched deep into its surface.
scroll githyanki~
a scroll with githyanki writings on it~
You see a scroll written in an alien tongue.~
2 0 1
24~ lightning bolt~ lightning bolt~ ~
1 7500 2500
scroll githyanki~
The scroll has writings on it that you cannot comprehend.
amulet demon~
a small demon's amulet~
A small amulet lies here in the dirt.~
3 16|128 16385
25~ 5~ 5~ energy drain~
5 20000 5000
3 -1
4 -1
amulet demon~
The amulet is a small circular object made from some bizarre metallic alloy.
It is inscribed with various symbols and raised images of snakes, tortured
victims, and other things too horrible to describe.

Stenciled in the center is an unpronounceable name which it would behoove you
not to utter aloud.
talisman devil~
a devilish talisman~
On the ground is a small talisman which radiates a tangible evil.~
4 16|128 16389
25~ 5~ 5~ flamestrike~
5 21000 4500
13 -10
talisman devil~
The talisman is a red circular stone object hanging from a metallic chain.  It
seems to pulse with a life of its own, and you feel uncomfortable being
anywhere near it.

Engraved in the center is one word.  Merely reading the word induces fright.
knife silvery~
a silvery knife~
A flat-bladed silvery knife lies here.~
5 0 8193
0~ 2~ 4~ 2~
3 1000 250
18 1
19 1
knife silvery~
The knife is forged from a strange silvery metal the likes of which you have
never seen in your own world.  It is incredibly sharp and hard, yet feels
almost fluid to the touch.
dagger silvery~
a silvery dagger~
A sharp-looking silvery dagger lies here.~
5 0 8193
0~ 3~ 4~ 11~
3 1500 375
18 2
19 1
dagger silvery~
The dagger is forged from a strange silvery metal the likes of which you have
never seen in your own world.  It is incredibly sharp and hard, yet feels
almost fluid to the touch.
sword thin~
an extremely sharp and thin sword~
Light glints off the edge of a razor-sharp sword.~
5 0 8193
0~ 4~ 4~ 1~
3 2000 450
2 1
18 1
19 3
sword thin~
The sword is forged from a strange silvery metal.  It barely measures an inch
across at its widest point, yet it is totally inflexible and razor-sharp.  It
could probably cut through stone.
sword thin two two-handed~
a thin two-handed sword~
A heavy yet thinly bladed two-handed sword lies here.~
5 0 8193
0~ 6~ 4~ 3~
16 5000 750
18 2
19 4
sword thin two two-handed~
The sword is forged from a strange silvery metal.  It barely measures two
inches across at its widest point, yet it is totally inflexible and razor
sharp.  It could probably cut through stone.
sword silvery~
a silvery sword~
A silvery sword gleams unnaturally with an alien light.~
5 1 8193
0~ 5~ 4~ 3~
13 10000 750
2 2
18 4
19 2
sword silvery~
The sword is forged from a strange silvery metal the likes of which you have
never seen in your own world.  It is incredibly sharp and hard, yet feels
almost fluid to the touch.
flail barbed iron~
an iron barbed flail~
A rusty iron flail with wicked barbs on it tears at the ground.~
5 2|16|64 8193
0~ 5~ 5~ 5~
14 20000 1000
18 3
19 7
flail barbed iron~
This hideous weapon has claimed many lives.  You can tell from the bloodstains
dried into the iron and from the residue of flesh that hangs from the many
barbs on it.
sword gith~
The unholy sword of the githyanki~
You feel tendrils of evil emanating from a wicked blade.~
5 16|128|4096 8193
0~ 10~ 3~ 3~
25 100000 5000
1 2
3 -2
4 -1
18 8
sword gith~
The blade of this sword is a featureless gray.  As you touch it you feel an
evil presence reaching out to consume your soul.

Maybe picking it up wasn't such a good idea.
stone flame~
a bright flaming stone~
The room is lit by a hot blue flame coming from a small stone.~
1 0 16385
0~ 0~ -1~ 0~
1 5000 25
17 -2
23 -5
stone flame~
This stone burns with an flame that emits great heat, yet it can be held with
ease.  The flame creates a light that allows you to see for miles.
powder astral~
some astral powder~
Twinkling powder floats before your eyes.~
8 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 5000 10
powder astral~
You see the residue of the astral plane.
vest splint~
a splint mail vest~
An intricately fashioned splint mail vest lies here.~
9 0 9
7~ 0~ 0~ 0~
45 5000 300
vest splint~
This splint mail has been expertly and ornately fashioned from the highest
quality of steels.
skirt splint~
a splint mail skirt~
An intricately fashioned splint mail skirt lies here.~
9 0 33
7~ 0~ 0~ 0~
20 1000 150
skirt splint~
This splint mail has been expertly and ornately fashioned from the highest
quality of steels.
sleeves splint~
a pair of splint mail sleeves~
A pair of intricately fashioned splint mail sleeves lie here.~
9 0 257
7~ 0~ 0~ 0~
15 1000 150
sleeves splint~
This splint mail has been expertly and ornately fashioned from the highest
quality of steels.
gauntlets ornate~
a pair of ornately designed gauntlets~
A pair of painstakingly designed ornate gauntlets lie here.~
9 0 129
7~ 0~ 0~ 0~
5 19000 500
1 2
18 1
19 1
gauntlets ornate~
These gauntlets have been expertly and ornately fashioned from the highest
quality of steels.
vest cracked leather~
a decaying vest made from cracked leather~
A decaying hunk of cracked leather has been discarded here.~
9 0 9
9~ 0~ 0~ 0~
5 50 500
17 -6
24 -2
vest cracked leather~
The ancient vest is barely intact.  All of the leather has cracked and dried
to a husk.  It is covered with stains, burns, scorch marks, and blood.
potion violet~
a violet potion~
A tall glass flask holds a translucent violet fluid.~
10 0 1
18~ invis~ protection~ detect evil~
2 1000 200
potion violet~
The violet fluid inside shifts and swirls.
potion vial murky~
a vial of murky fluid~
A small vial contains a murky, sludge-like substance.~
10 0 1
15~ blindness~ shield~ ~
1 750 150
potion vial murky~
The murky liquid inside this vial looks a lot like sewer water.
potion silvery~
a silvery-colored potion~
An octagonal vial holds a silvery-colored fluid that reflects light.~
10 0 1
20~ detect invis~ detect magic~ detect poison~
2 1500 300
potion silvery~
The octagonal vial contains a silvery-colored liquid that shimmers in the light.
mint chocolate~
a tasty-looking chocolate mint~
Someone has dropped a delicious-looking chocolate mint here.~
26 0 1
35~ refresh~ heal~ ~
0 1000 1000
mint chocolate~
This mint is made from the finest of chocolates, surrounding a cool peppermint
interior that must be savored, not swallowed.
a black pentagram~
A small black metal pentagram has been left here.~
18 32 16385
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
10 0 5000
The pentagram is a small circular hoop that surrounds a five-pointed star.
Inscribed on its exterior loop are markings in an alien tongue.
pouch rotting~
a rotting pouch~
A small pouch rots away on the floor here.~
20 0 1
13600~ 0~ 0~ 0~
100 0 0
pouch rotting~
You think you see glints of metal through the holes...
rusted sword~
a rusted sword~
A rusted sword is on the floor.~
5 0 1|8192
0~ 3~ 3~ 3~
10 0 0
18 -2
19 5
rusted sword~
This sword looks quite rusted, but that makes it nice and dangerous!

The Bottom of the Rainbow~
   You are standing before a shimmering rainbow arching high up into the
sky.  You feel somehow separated from the natural world, even though the
temple spire is only a few meters below you.
19 0 1
The rainbow extends above you, fading out of existence only meters away.
0 -1 1901
You can see the Temple of Midgaard below you.
0 -1 1036
The rainbow softly glows with beams of light, in colors that defy 
On the Rainbow~
   You are standing on the rainbow, surrounded by many beams of multicolored
light.  Through the bottom of the rainbow you can barely make out the Temple
of Midgaard, which is now quite far away.
19 0 5
The rainbow extends far above you, slowly fading into darkness.
0 -1 1902
The rainbow extends below you towards Midgaard.
0 -1 1900
The rainbow softly glows with beams of light, in colors that defy 
On the Rainbow~
   You are standing on the rainbow, surrounded by many beams of multicolored
light.  Through the bottom of the rainbow you see the City of Midgaard and the 
land surrounding it.  It seems to be miles below you.
19 0 5
The rainbow extends far above you, slowly fading into darkness.
0 -1 1903
The rainbow extends below you towards the land you once knew as home.
0 -1 1901
The rainbow softly glows with beams of light, in colors that
defy description.
On the Rainbow~
   You are standing on the rainbow, surrounded by many beams of multicolored
light.  The rainbow extends above and below you as far as you can see.
19 0 5
The rainbow extends far above you.  You see a glowing white light at the 
rainbow's end.
0 -1 1904
The rainbow extends far below you, slowly fading into darkness.
0 -1 1902
The rainbow brightly glows with beams of light, in colors that defy any
On the Rainbow~
   You are nearing the end of the rainbow.  The beams of multicolored
light have begun to merge and solidify.  All around you you see glowing
starlike motes of dust.  Ahead of you is a bridge.
19 0 5
The rainbow extends above you, merging into a brilliant glowing
0 -1 1905
The rainbow extends far below you, slowly fading into darkness.
0 -1 1903
The rainbow brilliantly glows with beams of blinding light, in colors that 
sweep together and merge before your eyes.
motes star stars dust~
The star-like motes dance before your eyes.  They are incredibly beautiful yet
intangible -- your hand passes right through them.
The colors of the rainbow seem to converge into a glowing bridge that leads
to a massive white gate.
The Glowing Bridge at the Rainbow's End~
   After a long climb you have reached the end of the rainbow.  The brilliant
colors have twisted and merged into a beautiful glowing bridge that leads
toward a massive white gate to the north.  All around you is a soft, peaceful 
glow interrupted only by the passing of starlike dust motes before your eyes.
19 0 1
The bridge leads on to a massive white gate.  You see a large grey figure
standing there.
0 -1 1906
The bridge disassociates into a beautiful spectrum of colors that
drop out of sight below you.
0 -1 1904
The rainbow seems to be forming directly from the light of the bridge.  It
drops out of sight below you.
motes star stars dust~
The star-like motes dance before your eyes.  They are incredibly beautiful yet
intangible -- your hand passes right through them.
The bridge glows with an unearthly light.
The gate towers tens of feet above your heads.  Beyond it is a field of utter
blackness, from which the motes of light seem to issue forth.
The Astral Gate~
   Here the bridge ends before a massive, pearly-colored gate beyond which
you can see a field of blackness filled with silvery snake-like tendrils,
stars, and occasional flashes of of light.
19 0 1
Through the gate you see a massive field of blackness that extends as far
as you can see.
1 -1 1907
The bridge extends towards the rainbow, which drops out of sight
below you.
0 -1 1905
You see a huge, glowing gate wrought from an incredibly hard translucent 
material.  Each of the intricately carved bars of this mighty gate are about 
as thick as a man's wrist, rising from the floor to a height of forty feet.  
A plaque is inset into the wall next to one side of the gate.
The plaque reads: 

`Let this gate stand to protect mortal man for all time against the perils of 
the outer planes of existence and the creatures fair and foul that dwell within.

Into the Astral Plane~
   You step through the gate, and into another reality...

   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is very disorienting, although it is not too late to return
through the gate to the south.
19 4 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1908
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1909
The astral gate leads back to your world.
1 -1 1906
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1910
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1911
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1912
From here the pearly-colored gate seems very small and insubstantial.  Through
its bars you can see the Astral Guardian, protecting your world from the perils
of this plane of existence.
Exploring the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is very disorienting, and it is difficult to maintain your 
bearings and sense of direction.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1913
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1910
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1907
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1912
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1914
Exploring the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is very disorienting, and it is difficult to maintain your 
bearings and sense of direction.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1914
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1916
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1907
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1910
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1911
Exploring the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is very disorienting, and it is difficult to maintain your 
bearings and sense of direction.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1915
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1907
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1908
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1913
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1909
Exploring the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is very disorienting, and it is difficult to maintain your 
bearings and sense of direction.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1916
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1912
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1917
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1909
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1907
Exploring the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is very disorienting, and it is difficult to maintain your 
bearings and sense of direction.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1917
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1908
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1911
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1907
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1915
Roaming the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is somewhat disorienting.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1918
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1915
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1908
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1920
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1914
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1910
Roaming the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is somewhat disorienting.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1919
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1917
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1909
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1918
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1908
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1913
Roaming the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is somewhat disorienting, though your instincts say you are 
close to home.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1920
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1922
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1910
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1913
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1912
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1916
Roaming the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is somewhat disorienting, though your instincts say you are 
close to home.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1921
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1919
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1911
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1909
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1915
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1917
Roaming the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is somewhat disorienting, though your instincts say you are 
close to home.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1922
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1911
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1912
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1914
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1916
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1921
Wandering the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is highly disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1909
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1914
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1913
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1919
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1933
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1936
Wandering the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is highly disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1910
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1918
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1914
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1916
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1934
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1938
Wandering the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is highly disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1911
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1913
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1915
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1921
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1935
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1940
Wandering the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is highly disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1912
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1920
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1916
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1942
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1917
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1933
Wandering the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is highly disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1912
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1917
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1915
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1944
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1934
Travelling the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1924
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1928
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1937
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1926
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1932
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1935
Travelling the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1925
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1929
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1923
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1933
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1930
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1939
Travelling the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1941
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1927
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1924
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1934
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1928
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1930
Travelling the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1931
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1923
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1927
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1935
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1943
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1929
Travelling the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself floating in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting.  Nearby you see a large silvery
strand of light.
   Most exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1926
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1932
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1933
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1925
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1931
You see a tangible strand of silvery light.
0 -1 1944
Traversing the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself deep within in a dark field filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting, and you are having trouble 
keeping your sense of direction.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1909
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1947
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1934
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1923
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1945
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1925
Traversing the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself deep within in a dark field filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting, and you are having trouble 
keeping your sense of direction.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1930
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1949
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1935
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1924
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1926
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1946
Traversing the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself deep within in a dark field filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting, and you are having trouble 
keeping your sense of direction.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1947
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1933
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1929
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1945
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1925
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1924
Traversing the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself deep within in a dark field filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting, and you are having trouble 
keeping your sense of direction.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1932
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1934
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1926
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1948
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1946
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1927
Traversing the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself deep within in a dark field filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is extremely disorienting, and you are having trouble 
keeping your sense of direction.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1949
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1935
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1931
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1927
The astral field leads off into the depths.
0 -1 1948
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1923
Lost in the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself in in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is incredibly disorienting, and you are having trouble 
keeping your senses straight.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1927
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1924
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1930
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1921
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1918
Lost in the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself in in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is incredibly disorienting, and you are having trouble 
keeping your senses straight.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1928
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1925
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1931
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1922
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1919
Lost in the Astral Plane~
   You find yourself in in a field of blackness, filled with tiny tendrils
of silvery light and insubstantial shining motes of dust.  The weightlessness
of this environment is incredibly disorienting, and you are having trouble 
keeping your senses straight.
   All exits lead off into the astral field.
19 0 2
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1929
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1926
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1932
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1923
The astral field leads off into infinity.
0 -1 1920
Walking the Silvery Strand~
   You are standing atop a silvery strand of light that twists and turns
through the astral field.
19 0 2
The strand of light twists and turns out of sight.
0 -1 1937
You see the infinite expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1918
Walking the Silvery Strand~
   You are standing atop a silvery strand of light that twists and turns
through the astral field.
19 0 2
You see the infinite expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1923
The strand of light twists and turns out of sight.
0 -1 1936
Walking the Silvery Strand~
   You are standing atop a silvery strand of light that twists and turns
through the astral field.
19 0 2
The strand of light twists and turns out of sight.
0 -1 1939
You see the infinite expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1919
Walking the Silvery Strand~
   You are standing atop a silvery strand of light that twists and turns
through the astral field.
19 0 2
The strand of light twists and turns out of sight.
0 -1 1938
You see the infinite expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1924
Walking the Silvery Strand~
   You are standing atop a silvery strand of light that twists and turns
through the astral field.  
19 0 2
The strand of light twists and turns out of sight.
0 -1 1941
You see the infinite expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1920
Walking the Silvery Strand~
   You are standing atop a silvery strand of light that twists and turns
through the astral field.
19 0 2
You see the infinite expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1925
The strand of light twists and turns out of sight.
0 -1 1940
Walking the Silvery Strand~
   You are standing atop a silvery strand of light that twists and turns
through the astral field.
19 0 2
The strand of light twists and turns out of sight.
0 -1 1943
You see the infinite expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1921
Walking the Silvery Strand~
   You are standing atop a silvery strand of light that twists and turns
through the astral field.
19 0 2
The strand of light twists and turns out of sight.
0 -1 1942
You see the infinite expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1926
Walking the Silvery Strand~
   You are standing atop a silvery strand of light that twists and turns
through the astral field.
19 0 2
You see the endless expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1927
You see the infinite expanse of the astral field.
0 -1 1922
Deep Within the Astral Plane~
   You have travelled deep inside the astral field.  Here the fabric of the
field has become twisted and warped due to the proximity of another plane of
existence.  Some of the tendrils of light that line the astral field have been
warped and twisted into portals to other worlds.
   Take care before you step through one -- you might never return.
19 0 2
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1946
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1930
The nexial link has been blocked by the gods for your protection.
0 -1 -1
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1949
Through the nexial link you can see a stony keep.
0 -1 1950
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1928
Deep Within the Astral Plane~
   You have travelled deep inside the astral field.  Here the fabric of the
field has become twisted and warped due to the proximity of another plane of
existence.  Some of the tendrils of light that line the astral field have been
warped and twisted into portals to other worlds.
   Take care before you step through one -- you might never return.
19 0 2
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1933
The nexial link has been blocked by the gods for your protection.
0 -1 -1
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1945
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1947
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1929
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1931
Deep Within the Astral Plane~
   You have travelled deep inside the astral field.  Here the fabric of the
field has become twisted and warped due to the proximity of another plane of
existence.  Some of the tendrils of light that line the astral field have been
warped and twisted into portals to other worlds.
   Take care before you step through one -- you might never return.
19 0 2
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1934
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1946
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1930
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1928
The nexial link has been blocked by the gods for your protection.
0 -1 -1
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1948
Deep Within the Astral Plane~
   You have travelled deep inside the astral field.  Here the fabric of the
field has become twisted and warped due to the proximity of another plane of
existence.  Some of the tendrils of light that line the astral field have been
warped and twisted into portals to other worlds.
   Take care before you step through one -- you might never return.
19 0 2
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1935
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1931
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1949
The nexial link has been blocked by the gods for your protection.
0 -1 -1
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1947
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1932
Deep Within the Astral Plane~
   You have travelled deep inside the astral field.  Here the fabric of the
field has become twisted and warped due to the proximity of another plane of
existence.  Some of the tendrils of light that line the astral field have been
warped and twisted into portals to other worlds.
   Take care before you step through one -- you might never return.
19 0 2
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1948
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1945
The astral field leads on into the depths.
0 -1 1932
The astral field leads on into infinity.
0 -1 1929
You see the plane of Nirvana.
0 -1 8100
The nexial link has been blocked by the gods for your protection.
0 -1 -1
Inside the Githyanki Keep~
  You are standing just inside a nexial portal that leads out onto the
Astral Plane.  It seems that you have found the lair of the Githyanki,
the once-human followers of Lord Gith.  Ahead of you stands a steel door
leading into the keep hewn from stone.
19 4 0
You see a rusty steel door which leads into the keep.
1 -1 1951
Below you is the nexial portal that leads into the astral plane.
0 -1 1945
The door is made from a set of rusting steel plates set deep into the stone.
A guard station~
   This is a small building just inside the keep.  Doors lead out to the east
and west.  Some small weapons hang on hooks on the walls, for use in defense
of the keep.
   Doors stand in all directions save north.
19 8 0
You see an iron door which leads out onto a grey stone road.
door iron~
1 -1 1961
You see a rusty steel door which leads out to the nexial link.
1 -1 1950
You see an iron door which leads out onto a grey stone road.
door iron~
1 -1 1952
The door is made from a set of rusting steel plates set deep into the stone.
door iron~
The door is made from a set of iron plates set deep into the stone.
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
   The cobblestone road turns to the north, ending to the east at an iron door.
19 0 1
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1953
You see an iron door which leads into a small stone building set into the wall
of the keep.
door iron~
1 -1 1951
door iron~
The door is made from a set of iron plates set deep into the stone.
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
   The cobblestone road continues to the north and south.  Doors to the east
and west lead into stone buildings.
19 0 1
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1954
You see a small stone building with a wooden door.
door wooden~
1 -1 1962
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1952
An iron door blocks your entrance into a large stone building.
door iron~
1 -1 1969
door wooden~
The door is thick, made from a knotted and twisted greyish wood.
door iron~
The door is fashioned from many iron plates and set deep into the stone wall.
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
  The cobblestone road turns to the south and continues on to the east.
19 0 1
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1955
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1953
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
  The cobblestone road continues to the east and west.  To the north you see a 
massive building and a pair of large doors.
19 0 1
Looming before you is a forbidding pair of metal doors.
doors metal~
1 -1 1974
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1956
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1954
doors metal~
The doors are formed from a silvery substance that feels very hard yet almost
slippery to the touch.  They are covered in images in bas-relief, depicting
scenes of combat between humans and strange tentacle-mouthed humanoids.
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
  The cobblestone road continues to the east and west.  A door to the south
leads into a tall stone building.
19 0 1
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1957
You see a tall stone building with a wooden door.
door wooden~
1 -1 1964
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1955
door wooden~
The door is thick, made from a knotted and twisted greyish wood.
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
   The cobblestone road turns to the west and continues to the south.  A door
to the north leads into a tall stone building.
19 0 1
You see a tall stone building with a wooden door.
door wooden~
1 -1 1973
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1958
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1956
door wooden~
The door is thick, made from a knotted and twisted greyish wood.
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
   The cobblestone road continues to the north and south.  To the east is a
door in a large stone building.
19 0 1
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1957
An iron door blocks your entrance into a large stone building.
door iron~
1 -1 1967
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1959
door iron~
The door is made from many hammered iron plates, set deep into the stone wall.
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
   The cobblestone road continues to the north and south.
19 0 1
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1958
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1960
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
   The cobblestone road turns to the north and continues on to the west.  To
the east is a door in a large stone building.
19 0 1
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1959
An iron door blocks your entrance into a large stone building.
door iron~
1 -1 1965
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1961
door iron~
The door is made from many hammered iron plates, set deep into the stone wall.
A grey road~
   The ground beneath your feet is a uniformly grey cobblestone.  A dull red
sun hangs in an orange sky above your head; you hear none of the sounds you
would commonly associate with a normal city.
   The cobblestone road goes on to the east, ending to the west at an iron door.
A door to the north leads into a small stone building.
19 0 1
You see a small stone building with a wooden door.
door wooden~
1 -1 1963
The grey cobblestones continue.
0 -1 1960
You see an iron door which leads into a small stone building set into the wall
of the keep.
door iron~
1 -1 1951
door wooden~
The door is thick, made from a knotted and twisted greyish wood.
door iron~
The door is made from a set of iron plates set deep into the stone.
A small building~
   You have stepped inside a dimly lit building, which apparently serves as
living quarters for several githyanki gish.  The walls are heavy stone blocks, 
covered with panels of strangely knotted and twisted wood.  A couple of candles
burn dimly in sconces here and there.
19 8 0
The wooden door leads back out onto the grey cobblestone road.
door wooden~
1 -1 1953
door wooden~
The door is thick, made from a knotted and twisted greyish wood.
A small building~
   You have stepped inside a dimly lit building, which apparently serves as
living quarters for several githyanki gish.  The walls are heavy stone blocks, 
covered with panels of strangely knotted and twisted wood.  A couple of candles
burn dimly in sconces here and there.
19 8 0
The wooden door leads back out onto the grey cobblestone road.
door wooden~
1 -1 1961
door wooden~
The door is thick, made from a knotted and twisted greyish wood.
A large dwelling~
   You have stepped inside a dimly lit building with vaulted ceilings and high
windows.  The walls are heavy stone blocks that rise tens of feet above your
head, covered with panels of strangely knotted and twisted wood.  On the floor
are charcoal stencils of pentagrams and various other ominous sigils.
19 8 0
The wooden door leads back out onto the grey cobblestone road.
door wooden~
1 -1 1956
door wooden~
The door is thick, made from a knotted and twisted greyish wood.
The Githyanki Weaponry~
   A large chamber, full of weapons in various states of completion.  Strange
glowing blocks of silvery metal are being pounded and rolled out into deadly 
razor-sharp knives, daggers, and swords.
   Sounds of hammering and blasts of heat and strange smells come from the open
doorway to the north.  An iron door stands to the west.
19 8 0
You see a massive forgeroom, lit by a white-hot furnace.
0 -1 1966
The iron door leads back out onto the grey cobblestone road.
door iron~
1 -1 1960
door iron~
The door is made from many hammered iron plates, set deep into the stone wall.
The Forge~
   In the center of the room is a massive furnace which emits great gouts of
heat and a strange smell which comes from the melting of the silvery metal used
by the githyanki.  A large trough of icy water stands to the west, used for 
quenching hot metal.
   Doorways stand to the north and south.  The furnace door lies to the east.
19 8 0
You see the armoury.
0 -1 1967
Through the grille in the furnace door you see only flames.
door furnace~
1 -1 1968
You see the weaponry.
0 -1 1965
door furnace~
The entire furnace is glowing white-hot to the touch.
The furnace door looks too hot to even attempt to open.
The Githyanki Armoury~
   A large chamber, full of suits of armor in various states of completion.  In
this chamber the hard steels of the githyanki are shaped into ornately fashioned
suits of mail.
   Sounds of hammering and blasts of heat and strange smells come from the open
doorway to the south.  An iron door stands to the west.
19 8 0
You see a massive forgeroom, lit by a white-hot furnace.
0 -1 1966
The iron door leads back out onto the grey cobblestone road.
door iron~
1 -1 1958
door iron~
The door is made from many hammered iron plates, set deep into the stone wall.
Inside the furnace~
   You gasp for breath and choke on toxic sulphur and brimstone.  The sweat
on your forehead is instantly vaporized by the flames that surround you.  You
begin to feel faint and dizzy from the heat...

... you'd better leave before you pass out and burn to a cinder!
19 8 0
The flames blind you and obscure your vision.
0 -1 1968
The flames blind you and obscure your vision.
0 -1 -1
The flames blind you and obscure your vision.
0 -1 1968
The flames blind you and obscure your vision.
door furnace~
1 -1 1966
A guard station~
   You are standing in a small, fairly empty building that serves as the prison
for the keep.  The building is small because the githyanki do not make a habit 
of taking prisoners, and those that they do capture do not last long.
   The cellblock lies to the west and the grey stone road is to the east.
19 8 0
You see an iron door which leads back out onto the grey cobblestone road.
door iron~
1 -1 1953 
You see the cellblock.
0 -1 1970
door iron~
The door is fashioned from many iron plates and set deep into the stone wall.
The cellblock~
   A torch flickers in the western wall, providing some illumination for this
dim corridor.  Some whips, manacles, and chains hang on the walls -- they seem
to have been used recently.
   Cell doors stand to the north and south.  The guard station is to the east.
19 8 0
You see a small cell.
door cell~
1 -1 1971
You see the guard station.
0 -1 1969
You see a small cell.
door cell~
1 -1 1972
door cell~
The cell door is wooden and about 4' high, with a slot in the bottom to pass
food underneath to the prisoner.
A cramped cell~
  You are in a tiny, cold, dank cell.
  The only exit is back through the door to the south.
19 8 0
You see the cellblock.
door cell~
1 -1 1970
door cell~
The cell door is wooden and about 4' high, with a slot in the bottom to pass
food underneath to the prisoner.
A tiny cell~
   You are in a cold, dank, cramped cell.
   The only exit is back through the door to the north.
19 8 0
You see the cellblock.
door cell~
1 -1 1970
door cell~
The cell door is wooden and about 4' high, with a slot in the bottom to pass
food underneath to the prisoner.
A large dwelling~
   You have stepped inside a dimly lit building with vaulted ceilings and high
windows.  The walls are heavy stone blocks that rise tens of feet above your
head, covered with panels of strangely knotted and twisted wood.  On the floor
are charcoal stencils of pentagrams and various other ominous sigils.
19 8 0
The wooden door leads back out onto the grey cobblestone road.
door wooden~
1 -1 1957
door wooden~
The door is thick, made from a knotted and twisted greyish wood.
South End of the Hall~
   This is a massive stone hall, lit by flaming blue stones set into the walls.
Massive suits of armor line the walls, holding weapons fashioned from a strange
silvery metal.
   The great hall continues to the north and ends in a pair of huge metal doors
to the south.
19 8 0
The great hall continues to the north.
0 -1 1975
The metal doors lead out onto the grey cobblestone road.
doors metal~
1 -1 1955
armor suits~
The suits of armor are very intricately and ornately fashioned splint mail.
Massive pole arms, spears, mighty swords, all kinds of death-dealing devices.
doors metal~
The doors are formed from a silvery substance that feels very hard yet almost
slippery to the touch.  They are covered in images in bas-relief, depicting
scenes of combat between humans and strange tentacle-mouthed humanoids.
North End of the Hall~
   This is a massive stone hall, lit by flaming blue stones set into the walls.
Massive suits of armor line the walls, holding weapons fashioned from a strange
silvery metal.
   The great hall continues to the south.  An archway leads into a dimly lit
room to the north.
19 8 0
You think you can see some steps leading up to an altar...
mist door~
1 -1 1976
The great hall continues to the south.
0 -1 1974
armor suits~
The suits of armor are very intricately and ornately fashioned splint mail.
Massive pole arms, spears, mighty swords, all kinds of death-dealing devices.
arch archway door~
The archway is shrouded in a strange black mist that obscures your vision.
The Altar Chamber~
  Your eyes have trouble adjusting to the dim lighting.  All around you are
columnar statues of githyanki turned towards the altar standing at the top
of a series of steps.
19 9 0
The steps lead north and up to a massive sacrificial altar.
0 -1 1977
You think you can see the hall.
mist door~
1 -1 1975
arch archway door~
The archway is shrouded in a strange black mist that obscures your vision.
Before the Altar~
   You have climbed the mighty steps of the altar chamber and stand before a
huge altar use to pay tribute to Lord Gish, long-dead ruler of the githyanki.
The altar is covered in blood and radiates unspeakable power that is absorbed
by the horrible presence which stands before you.
19 9 0
The steps lie to the south, leading back down to the altar chamber floor.
0 -1 1976
The floor of the altar is pockmarked with small holes, draining blood.
1 -1 1978
The altar is a huge sacrificial altar covered in bloodstains.
blood bloodstains stains~
The stains of blood run down off the altar towards your feet, oozing quietly.
hole holes~
The holes have passed countless amounts of blood down below the altar.
A Gateway to the Underworld~
   You step through the tiny hole in the altar, and stand before a swirling
field of blackness.  Through the field you can hear the howls of lost souls
and long-dead beings.
19 9 1
You see the altar chamber.
1 -1 1977
You look down into the field of blackness, and feel a tangible wave of evil wash
over you.  Stepping into the field would be a bad idea.
2 1924 1979
The blood drips from above your head and falls through the field...
field gateway~
The field pulses and feeds on the blood dripping from above.

A tangible wave of hatred washes over you, striking fear into your very soul.
Utter darkness and despair~
  It is pitch black...

  You are overwhelmed by the sensation of death and horrible pain as a shape
begins to coalesce before you.
19 1 9

* Randomize the astral plane maze
 * 3-d maze for rooms 8 to 44 (astral plane and silvery strands)
  R 0 1908 6
  R 0 1909 6
  R 0 1910 6
  R 0 1911 6
  R 0 1912 6
  R 0 1913 6
  R 0 1914 6
  R 0 1915 6
  R 0 1916 6
  R 0 1917 6
  R 0 1918 6
  R 0 1919 6
  R 0 1920 6
  R 0 1921 6
  R 0 1922 6
  R 0 1923 6
  R 0 1924 6
  R 0 1925 6
  R 0 1926 6
  R 0 1927 6
  R 0 1928 6
  R 0 1929 6
  R 0 1930 6
  R 0 1931 6
  R 0 1932 6
  R 0 1933 6
  R 0 1934 6
  R 0 1935 6
  R 0 1936 6
  R 0 1937 6
  R 0 1938 6
  R 0 1939 6
  R 0 1940 6
  R 0 1941 6
  R 0 1942 6
  R 0 1943 6
  R 0 1944 6
* Entrance to the astral plane
 M 0 1900 1 1906         Load the Astral Guardian
 E 0 1900 0 16           He wields the slate-grey sledgehammer
 D 0 1906 0 1            Close the astral gate
 D 0 1907 2 1
* The astral plane
 * nightmares
  M 0 1901 2 1933        Load 2 nightmares
  G 0 1904 0             And give them demon amulets
  M 0 1901 2 1934
  G 0 1904 0
 * night hag
  M 0 1902 1 1946        Load a night hag
  G 0 1905 0             And give it a devilish talisman
 * invisible stalkers
  M 0 1903 4 1920        Load 4 invisible stalkers
  G 0 1914 0             And give each some astral powder
  M 0 1903 4 1924
  G 0 1914 0
  M 0 1903 4 1926
  G 0 1914 0
  M 0 1903 4 1930
  G 0 1914 0
 * soulless ones
  M 0 1904 10 1913       Load 10 soulless ones
  E 0 1926 0 16               Each wields a long sword
  M 0 1904 10 1914
  E 0 1926 0 16
  M 0 1904 10 1915
  E 0 1926 0 16
  M 0 1904 10 1916
  E 0 1926 0 16
  M 0 1904 10 1917
  E 0 1926 0 16
  M 0 1904 10 1918
  E 0 1926 0 16
  M 0 1904 10 1919
  E 0 1926 0 16
  M 0 1904 10 1920
  E 0 1926 0 16
  M 0 1904 10 1921
  E 0 1926 0 16
  M 0 1904 10 1922
  E 0 1926 0 16
 * githyanki hunters
  M 0 1905 8 1918        Load 4 (maximum of 8) githyanki hunters
  E 0 1907 0 16               Each wields a silvery dagger
  M 0 1905 8 1920
  E 0 1907 0 16
  M 0 1905 8 1922        Notice all the githyanki
  E 0 1907 0 16               in the astral plane have a variable
  M 0 1905 8 1924        number of mobiles present after each load,
  E 0 1907 0 16               from a maximum value to 1/2 that value.
 * githyanki warriors
  M 0 1906 6 1923        Load 2 (max. 6) githyanki warriors.
  E 0 1909 0 16               Each wields a thin razor-sharp sword
  E 0 1915 0 5           And wears a splint mail vest
  M 0 1906 6 1927
  E 0 1909 0 16
  E 0 1915 0 5
 * githyanki knights
  M 0 1908 3 1930        Load 1 (max. 3) githyanki knight.
  E 0 1909 0 16               He wields a thin two-handed sword
  E 0 1915 0 5           And wears all the splint mail armor
  E 0 1916 0 7
  E 0 1917 0 10               (There's also a knight in the keep)
 * githyanki gish
  M 0 1910 6 1929        Load 2 (max. 6) githyanki gish
  E 0 1906 0 16               Each wields a silvery knife
  M 0 1910 6 1931
  E 0 1906 0 16
 * ghosts
  M 0 1915 3 1945        Load 3 ghosts
  G 0 1921 0             Give each one a murky potion
  M 0 1915 3 1947
  G 0 1921 0
  M 0 1915 3 1949        Do you believe in ghosts?
  G 0 1921 0
* Close all the doors in the githyanki keep
 * the steel door to get in
  D 0 1950 0 1
  D 0 1951 2 1
 * the other doors in the guard station
  D 0 1951 1 1
  D 0 1951 3 1
 * the doors on the grey road
  D 0 1952 1 1
  D 0 1953 1 1
  D 0 1953 3 1
  D 0 1955 0 1
  D 0 1956 2 1
  D 0 1957 0 1
  D 0 1958 1 1
  D 0 1960 1 1
  D 0 1961 0 1
  D 0 1961 3 1
 * the doors in the small buildings and large dwellings
  D 0 1962 3 1
  D 0 1963 2 1
  D 0 1964 0 1
  D 0 1973 2 1           Ok, that building is out of place, so what?
 * the doors to the armoury, weaponry, and the furnace
  D 0 1965 3 1
  D 0 1966 1 1
  D 0 1967 3 1
  D 0 1968 3 1
 * the doors in the prison
  D 0 1969 1 1
  D 0 1970 0 1
  D 0 1970 2 1
  D 0 1971 2 1           I know, the cell doors are unlocked, but
  D 0 1972 0 1           the guards are mean, and the food's good.
 * the doors in the great hall
  D 0 1974 2 1           close the silvery metal door
  D 0 1975 0 1           close the mist door in the archway (south side)
  D 0 1976 2 1           close the mist door in the archway (north side)
  D 0 1977 5 1           close the hole from above
  D 0 1978 4 1           close the hole from below
  D 0 1978 5 2           close and LOCK the gateway (1 way only)
* The githyanki keep
 * githyanki guardians
   M 0 1907 8 1951       Load 8 githyanki guardians
   E 0 1908 0 16         Each wields a thin razor-sharp sword
   E 0 1915 0 5               And wears a splint mail vest
   M 0 1907 8 1951       2 at the entrance
   E 0 1908 0 16
   E 0 1915 0 5
   M 0 1907 8 1965       2 at the weaponry
   E 0 1908 0 16
   E 0 1915 0 5
   M 0 1907 8 1965
   E 0 1908 0 16
   E 0 1915 0 5
   M 0 1907 8 1967       2 at the armoury
   E 0 1908 0 16
   E 0 1915 0 5
   M 0 1907 8 1967
   E 0 1908 0 16
   E 0 1915 0 5
   M 0 1907 8 1969       2 in the prison
   E 0 1908 0 16
   E 0 1915 0 5
   M 0 1907 8 1969
   E 0 1908 0 16
   E 0 1915 0 5
 * githyanki knights
   M 0 1908 3 1955       Load the githyanki knight
   E 0 1909 0 16         Give him his thin two-handed sword
   E 0 1915 0 5               and
   E 0 1916 0 7               his
   E 0 1917 0 10         splint mail
 * githyanki gish
   M 0 1911 6 1953       Load 6 githyanki gish (these guys are aggro)
   E 0 1906 0 16         Each wields a silvery knife
   M 0 1911 6 1959
   E 0 1906 0 16
   M 0 1911 6 1962
   E 0 1906 0 16
   M 0 1911 6 1963
   E 0 1906 0 16
   M 0 1911 6 1962       Bonus!  The last 2 have silvery potions!
   E 0 1906 0 16
   G 0 1922 0
   M 0 1911 6 1963
   E 0 1906 0 16
   G 0 1922 0
 * githyanki warlocks
   M 0 1912 4 1964       Load 4 githyanki warlocks
   E 0 1910 0 16         Each wields a silvery sword
   G 0 1903 0            And carries a githyanki scroll
   M 0 1912 4 1973
   E 0 1910 0 16
   G 0 1903 0
   M 0 1912 4 1974
   E 0 1910 0 16
   G 0 1903 0
   M 0 1912 4 1974
   E 0 1910 0 16
   G 0 1903 0
  * githzerai and mindflayer in prison
   M 0 1916 1 1972
   M 0 1917 1 1971
  * enslaved red dragon and 6 furnace flames
   M 0 1918 1 1968
   E 0 1913 0 0               the red dragon holds a flaming stone as light
   M 0 1919 6 1968
   M 0 1919 6 1968
   M 0 1919 6 1968
   M 0 1919 6 1968
   M 0 1919 6 1968
   M 0 1919 6 1968       hot furnace!
  * githyanki knights
   M 0 1909 2 1976       two githyanki protectors
   E 0 1909 0 16         with the usual knight eq
   E 0 1915 0 5
   E 0 1916 0 7
   E 0 1917 0 10
   E 0 1918 0 9               plus each has ornate gauntlets
   M 0 1909 2 1977
   E 0 1909 0 16
   E 0 1915 0 5
   E 0 1916 0 7
   E 0 1917 0 10
   E 0 1918 0 9
  * the githyanki lich-queen
   M 0 1913 1 1977
   E 0 1911 0 16         She wields the barbed flail
   E 0 1924 0 17         and holds the pentagram
   G 0 1902 0            and carries a black etched tablet
  * lord gith
   M 0 1914 1 1979
   E 0 1912 0 16         He wields the unholy sword of the githyanki
   E 0 1919 0 5               and wears a cracked leather vest
   G 0 1925 0            and carries a rotting pouch

M  1902 spec_cast_mage     night hag
M  1905 spec_thief         githyanki hunter
M  1910 spec_cast_mage     githyanki gish (mobile)
M  1911 spec_cast_mage     githyanki gish (stationary)
M  1912 spec_cast_mage     githyanki warlock
M  1913 spec_cast_mage     githyanki lich-queen
M  1913 spec_cast_undead   githyanki lich-queen
M  1914 spec_cast_undead   Lord Gith
M  1915 spec_cast_undead   ghost
M  1917 spec_cast_mage     mind flayer
M  1918 spec_breath_fire   red dragon
M  1918 spec_cast_mage     red dragon
M  1919 spec_breath_fire   furnace flames

* updated 1/6/95 by Zelda
* Spelling fixes:

  *            Object #1904   Unpronouncable changed to Unpronounceable
  *            Object #1913   Brighty changed to bright
  *            Every reference to Colour was changed to Color
  *            Room#1901      Defie changed to Defy
  *            Room#1916      Disorenting changed to Disorienting
  *            Room#1972      Throught changed to Through
