 * DikuMUD (C) 1990, 1991 by:                                                *
 *   Sebastian Hammer, Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik Staefeldt, Tom Madsen,   *
 *   and Katja Nyboe.                                                        *
 * MERC 2.1 (C) 1992, 1993 by:                                               *
 *   Michael Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                       *
 * SMAUG 1.4 (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998 by: Derek Snider.                    *
 *   Team: Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Rennard, Swordbearer, *
 *         gorog, Grishnakh, Nivek, Tricops, and Fireblade.                  *
 * SMAUG 1.7 FUSS by: Samson and others of the SMAUG community.              *
 *                    Their contributions are greatly appreciated.           *
 * LoP (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 by: the LoP team.                                *
 *                         Wizard/god command module                         *

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "h/mud.h"
#include "h/sha256.h"

#define RESTORE_INTERVAL 21600

char *show_big_nums( int millions, int amount );

/* from comm.c */
bool write_to_descriptor( int desc, char *txt, int length );
bool check_parse_name( char *name, bool newchar );

/* from boards.c */
void note_attach( CHAR_DATA *ch );

int get_defenseflag( char *flag );
int get_attackflag( char *flag );

/* from tables.c */
void write_race_file( int ra );

/* Local functions. */
void close_area( AREA_DATA *pArea );
int get_color( char *argument ); /* function proto */

/* Global variables. */
extern OBJ_INDEX_DATA *obj_index_hash[MAX_KEY_HASH];
extern MOB_INDEX_DATA *mob_index_hash[MAX_KEY_HASH];
extern ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room_index_hash[MAX_KEY_HASH];

 * Toggle "Do Not Disturb" flag. Used to prevent lower level imms from
 * using commands like "trans" and "goto" on higher level imms.
CMDF( do_dnd )
   if( is_npc( ch ) || !ch->pcdata )
      send_to_char( "huh?\r\n", ch );
   xTOGGLE_BIT( ch->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_DND );
   ch_printf( ch, "Your 'do not disturb' flag is now %s.\r\n",
      xIS_SET( ch->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_DND ) ? "on" : "off" );

/* Check if the name prefix uniquely identifies a char descriptor */
CHAR_DATA *get_waiting_desc( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *name )
   CHAR_DATA *ret_char = NULL;
   static unsigned int number_of_hits;

   number_of_hits = 0;
   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
      if( d->character && ( !str_prefix( name, d->character->name ) ) && is_waiting_for_auth( d->character ) )
         if( ++number_of_hits > 1 )
            ch_printf( ch, "%s does not uniquely identify a char.\r\n", name );
            return NULL;
         ret_char = d->character;   /* return current char on exit */
   if( number_of_hits == 1 )
      return ret_char;
      send_to_char( "No one like that waiting for authorization.\r\n", ch );
      return NULL;

/* 02-07-99  New auth messages --Mystaric */
CMDF( do_authorize )
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   bool first = true;

   set_char_color( AT_LOG, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
   if( arg1[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: authorize <player> [name/no]\r\n", ch );
      for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
         if( ( victim = d->character ) && is_waiting_for_auth( victim ) )
            if( first )
               send_to_char( "Pending authorizations:\r\n", ch );
               send_to_char( " Character Name\r\n", ch );
               send_to_char( "---------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
            first = false;
            ch_printf( ch, " %s@%s new %s %s (%s)...\r\n",
               victim->name, victim->desc->host, dis_race_name( victim->race ),
               dis_class_name( victim->Class ), is_pkill( victim ) ? "Deadly" : "Peaceful" );
      if( first )
         send_to_char( "There currently is no one waiting to be authorized.\r\n", ch );

   if( !( victim = get_waiting_desc( ch, arg1 ) ) )

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   if( !arg2 || arg2[0] == '\0' )
      victim->pcdata->auth_state = 3;
      STRSET( victim->pcdata->authed_by, ch->name );
      to_channel_printf( "auth", PERM_IMM, "%s: authorized", victim->name );
      ch_printf( ch, "You have authorized %s.\r\n", victim->name );
      ch_printf( victim, "\r\n&GThe MUD Administrators have accepted the name %s.\r\n"
         "You are authorized to enter the Realms at the end of this area.\r\n", victim->name );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg2, "no" ) )
      send_to_char( "&RThe name you have chosen and/or the actions you have taken have\r\n"
         "been deemed grossly unacceptable to the administration of this mud.\r\n"
         "We ask you to discontinue such behaviour, or suffer possible banishmemt\r\n"
         "from this mud.\r\n", victim );
      to_channel_printf( "auth", PERM_IMM, "%s: denied authorization", victim->name );
      ch_printf( ch, "You have denied %s.\r\n", victim->name );
      do_quit( victim, "" );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg2, "name" ) )
      to_channel_printf( "auth", PERM_IMM, "%s: name denied", victim->name );
      ch_printf( victim, "&R\r\nThe MUD Administrators have found the name %s to be unacceptable.\r\n", victim->name );
      ch_printf( ch, "You requested %s change names.\r\n", victim->name );
      send_to_char( "Invalid argument.\r\n", ch );
   victim->pcdata->auth_state = 2;

CMDF( do_bamfin )
   if( is_npc( ch ) )
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   STRSET( ch->pcdata->bamfin, argument );
   if( !ch->pcdata->bamfin ||  ch->pcdata->bamfin[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Bamfin set to nothing.\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Bamfin set.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_bamfout )
   if( is_npc( ch ) )
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   STRSET( ch->pcdata->bamfout, argument );
   if( !ch->pcdata->bamfout || ch->pcdata->bamfout[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Bamfout set to nothing.\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Bamfout set.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_rank )
   if( is_npc( ch ) )
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   STRSET( ch->pcdata->rank, argument );
   if( !ch->pcdata->rank || ch->pcdata->rank[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Rank set to nothing.\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Rank set.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_retire )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Retire whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't succeed against them.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) < PERM_LEADER )
      send_to_char( "The minimum level for retirement is leader.\r\n", ch );
   xTOGGLE_BIT( victim->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_RETIRED );
   if( is_retired( victim ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is now a retired immortal.\r\n", victim->name );
      ch_printf( victim, "Courtesy of %s, you are now a retired immortal.\r\n", ch->name );
      ch_printf( ch, "%s returns from retirement.\r\n", victim->name );
      ch_printf( victim, "%s brings you back from retirement.\r\n", ch->name );

CMDF( do_guest )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Whom would you like to make a guest?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't succeed against them.\r\n", ch );
   xTOGGLE_BIT( victim->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_GUEST );
   if( is_guest( victim ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is now a guest immortal.\r\n", victim->name );
      ch_printf( victim, "Courtesy of %s, you are now a guest immortal.\r\n", ch->name );
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is no longer a guest.\r\n", victim->name );
      ch_printf( victim, "%s stops you from being a guest.\r\n", ch->name );

CMDF( do_delay )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   char arg[MIL];
   int delay;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage:  delay <victim> <# of rounds>\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "No such character online.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Mobiles are unaffected by lag.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You haven't the power to succeed against them.\r\n", ch );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "For how long do you wish to delay them?\r\n", ch );
   if( ( delay = atoi( arg ) ) < 0 || delay > 999 )
      send_to_char( "Delay range is 0 to 999.\r\n", ch );
   wait_state( victim, delay * PULSE_VIOLENCE );
   ch_printf( ch, "You've delayed %s for %d rounds.\r\n", victim->name, delay );

CMDF( do_deny )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Deny whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You failed.\r\n", ch );
   xSET_BIT( victim->act, PLR_DENY );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   send_to_char( "You are denied access!\r\n", victim );
   ch_printf( ch, "You have denied access to %s.\r\n", victim->name );
   stop_fighting( victim, true );
   do_quit( victim, "" );

CMDF( do_disconnect )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Disconnect whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( !victim->desc )
      act( AT_PLAIN, "$N doesn't have a descriptor.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
   if( get_trust( ch ) <= get_trust( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "They might not like that...\r\n", ch );
   close_socket( victim->desc, false );
   send_to_char( "Ok.\r\n", ch );

/* Force a level one player to quit. Gorog */
CMDF( do_fquit )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Force whom to quit?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( victim->level != 1 )
      send_to_char( "They aren't level one!\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   send_to_char( "The MUD administrators force you to quit...\r\n", victim );
   stop_fighting( victim, true );
   do_quit( victim, "" );
   ch_printf( ch, "You have forced %s to quit.\r\n", victim->name );

void do_forceclose( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   int desc;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' || !is_number( argument ) )
      send_to_char( "Usage: forceclose <descriptor #>\r\n", ch );

   desc = atoi( argument );
   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
      if( d->descriptor == desc )
         if( d->character && get_trust( d->character ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
            send_to_char( "They might not like that...\r\n", ch );
         close_socket( d, false );
         send_to_char( "Ok.\r\n", ch );
   send_to_char( "Not found!\r\n", ch );

void echo_to_all( short AT_COLOR, char *argument, short tar )

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )

   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
      if( d->connected == CON_PLAYING || d->connected == CON_EDITING )
         if( tar == ECHOTAR_PC && is_npc( d->character ) )
         else if( tar == ECHOTAR_IMM && !is_immortal( d->character ) )
         set_char_color( AT_COLOR, d->character );
         ch_printf( d->character, "%s\r\n", argument );

void do_echo( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg[MIL];
   short color;
   int target;
   char *parg;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   if( xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_NO_EMOTE ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't do that right now.\r\n", ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Echo what?\r\n", ch );

   if( ( color = get_color( argument ) ) )
      argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   parg = argument;
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !str_cmp( arg, "pc" ) )
      target = ECHOTAR_PC;
   else if( !str_cmp( arg, "imm" ) )
      target = ECHOTAR_IMM;
      target = ECHOTAR_ALL;
      argument = parg;
   if( !color && ( color = get_color( argument ) ) )
      argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !color )
      color = AT_IMMORT;
   one_argument( argument, arg );
   echo_to_all( color, argument, target );

void echo_to_room( short AT_COLOR, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, char *argument )
   CHAR_DATA *vic;

   for( vic = room->first_person; vic; vic = vic->next_in_room )
      set_char_color( AT_COLOR, vic );
      send_to_char( argument, vic );
      send_to_char( "\r\n", vic );

CMDF( do_recho )
   char arg[MIL];
   short color;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   if( xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_NO_EMOTE ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't do that right now.\r\n", ch );
   if( argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Recho what?\r\n", ch );
   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( ( color = get_color( argument ) ) )
      argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
      echo_to_room( color, ch->in_room, argument );
      echo_to_room( AT_IMMORT, ch->in_room, argument );

ROOM_INDEX_DATA *find_location( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *arg )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   OBJ_DATA *obj;

   if( is_number( arg ) )
      return get_room_index( atoi( arg ) );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "pk" ) ) /* "Goto pk", "at pk", etc */
      return get_room_index( last_pkroom );

   if( ( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      return victim->in_room;

   if( ( obj = get_obj_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      return obj->in_room;

   return NULL;

 * This function shared by do_transfer and do_mptransfer
 * Immortals bypass most restrictions on where to transfer victims.
 * NPCs can't transfer victims who are:
 * 1. Not authorized yet.
 * 2. Outside of the level range for the target room's area.
 * 3. Being sent to private rooms.
void transfer_char( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *location )
   if( !victim->in_room )
      bug( "%s: victim in NULL room: %s", __FUNCTION__, victim->name );

   if( is_npc( ch ) && room_is_private( location ) )
      progbug( "Mptransfer - Private room", ch );

   if( !can_see( ch, victim ) )

   if( is_npc(ch) && not_authed( victim ) && location->area != victim->in_room->area )
      char buf[MSL];

      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "Mptransfer - unauthed char (%s)", victim->name );
      progbug( buf, ch );

   /* If victim not in area's level range, do not transfer */
   if( is_npc(ch) && !in_hard_range( victim, location->area )
   && !xIS_SET( location->room_flags, ROOM_PROTOTYPE ) )

   stop_fighting( victim, true );

   if( !is_npc(ch) )
      act( AT_MAGIC, "$n disappears in a cloud of swirling colors.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      victim->retran = victim->in_room->vnum;
   char_from_room( victim );
   char_to_room( victim, location );
   if( !is_npc(ch) )
      act( AT_MAGIC, "$n arrives from a puff of smoke.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      if( ch != victim )
         act( AT_IMMORT, "$n has transferred you.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );
      do_look( victim, "auto" );
      if( !is_immortal( victim ) && !is_npc( victim ) && !in_hard_range( victim, location->area ) )
         act( AT_DANGER, "Warning:  this player's level is not within the area's level range.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );

void do_transfer( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL];
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *location;
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );

   if( !arg1 || arg1[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Transfer whom (and where)?\r\n", ch );

   if( arg2 && arg2[0] != '\0' )
      if( !( location = find_location( ch, arg2 ) ) )
         send_to_char( "That location does not exist.\r\n", ch );
      location = ch->in_room;

   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg1 ) ) )
      if( !str_cmp( arg1, "all" ) && get_trust( ch ) >= PERM_HEAD )
         for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
            if( d->connected != CON_PLAYING || !d->character || d->character == ch )
            if( !is_npc( d->character ) )
               if( get_trust( ch ) < get_trust( d->character ) )
               if( xIS_SET( d->character->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_DND ) )
            transfer_char( ch, d->character, location );
         send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );

   if( !is_npc( victim ) && get_trust( ch ) < get_trust( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "You should ask them to come to you instead of transfering them around.\r\n", ch );

   if( !is_npc( victim ) && get_trust( ch ) < get_trust( victim ) && victim->desc
   && ( victim->desc->connected == CON_PLAYING || victim->desc->connected == CON_EDITING )
   && xIS_SET( victim->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_DND ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "Sorry. %s does not wish to be disturbed currently.\r\n", victim->name );
      pager_printf( victim, "Your DND flag just foiled %s's transfer command.\r\n", ch->name );

   transfer_char( ch, victim, location );

CMDF( do_retran )
   char buf[MSL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Retransfer whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( !victim->retran )
      send_to_char( "No place to retransfer them to.\r\n", ch );
   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "'%s' %d", victim->name, victim->retran );
   do_transfer( ch, buf );

CMDF( do_regoto )
   char buf[MSL];

   if( !ch->regoto )
      send_to_char( "No place to go back to.\r\n", ch );
   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%d", ch->regoto );
   do_goto( ch, buf );

/*  Added do_at and do_atobj to reduce lag associated with at  --Shaddai */
void do_at( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg[MIL];
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *location = NULL, *original;
   CHAR_DATA *wch = NULL, *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( arg[0] == '\0' || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "At where what?\r\n", ch );
   if( is_number( arg ) )
      location = get_room_index( atoi( arg ) );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg, "pk" ) )
      location = get_room_index( last_pkroom );
   else if( !( wch = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) || !wch->in_room )
      send_to_char( "No such mobile or player in existance.\r\n", ch );
   if( !location && wch )
      location = wch->in_room;

   if( !location )
      send_to_char( "No such location exists.\r\n", ch );

    * The following mod is used to prevent players from using the 
    * at command on a higher level immortal who has a DND flag    
   if( wch && !is_npc( wch )
   && xIS_SET( wch->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_DND ) && get_trust( ch ) < get_trust( wch ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "Sorry. %s does not wish to be disturbed.\r\n", wch->name );
      pager_printf( wch, "Your DND flag just foiled %s's at command.\r\n", ch->name );

   if( room_is_private( location ) )
      if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_LEADER )
         send_to_char( "That room is private right now.\r\n", ch );
         send_to_char( "Overriding private flag!\r\n", ch );

   if( ( victim = room_is_dnd( ch, location ) ) )
      send_to_pager( "That room is \"do not disturb\" right now.\r\n", ch );
      pager_printf( victim, "Your DND flag just foiled %s's atmob command\r\n", ch->name );

   set_char_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );
   original = ch->in_room;
   char_from_room( ch );
   char_to_room( ch, location );
   interpret( ch, argument );

   if( !char_died( ch ) )
      char_from_room( ch );
      char_to_room( ch, original );

CMDF( do_atobj )
   char arg[MIL];
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *location = NULL, *original;
   OBJ_DATA *obj;
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( arg[0] == '\0' || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "At where what?\r\n", ch );

   if( !( obj = get_obj_world( ch, arg ) ) || !obj->in_room )
      send_to_char( "No such object in existance.\r\n", ch );
   location = obj->in_room;
   if( room_is_private( location ) )
      if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_LEADER )
         send_to_char( "That room is private right now.\r\n", ch );
         send_to_char( "Overriding private flag!\r\n", ch );

   if( ( victim = room_is_dnd( ch, location ) ) )
      send_to_pager( "That room is \"do not disturb\" right now.\r\n", ch );
      pager_printf( victim, "Your DND flag just foiled %s's atobj command\r\n", ch->name );

   set_char_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );
   original = ch->in_room;
   char_from_room( ch );
   char_to_room( ch, location );
   interpret( ch, argument );

   if( !char_died( ch ) )
      char_from_room( ch );
      char_to_room( ch, original );

CMDF( do_rat )
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL];
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *location, *original;
   int Start, End, vnum;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
   if( arg1[0] == '\0' || arg2[0] == '\0' || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: rat <start> <end> <command>\r\n", ch );

   Start = atoi( arg1 );
   End = atoi( arg2 );
   if( Start < 1 || End < Start || Start > End || Start == End || End > MAX_VNUM )
      send_to_char( "Invalid range.\r\n", ch );
   if( !str_cmp( argument, "quit" ) )
      send_to_char( "I don't think so!\r\n", ch );

   original = ch->in_room;
   for( vnum = Start; vnum <= End; vnum++ )
      if( !( location = get_room_index( vnum ) ) )
      char_from_room( ch );
      char_to_room( ch, location );
      interpret( ch, argument );

   char_from_room( ch );
   char_to_room( ch, original );
   send_to_char( "Done.\r\n", ch );

void do_rstat( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char buf[MSL], arg[MIL];
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *location;
   OBJ_DATA *obj;
   CHAR_DATA *rch;
   EXIT_DATA *pexit;
   int cnt;
   static char *dir_text[] = { "n", "e", "s", "w", "u", "d", "ne", "nw", "se", "sw", "?" };

   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !str_cmp( arg, "ex" ) || !str_cmp( arg, "exits" ) )
      location = ch->in_room;

      ch_printf( ch, "&cExits for room '&W%s&c'  Vnum &W%d\r\n", location->name, location->vnum );
      for( cnt = 0, pexit = location->first_exit; pexit; pexit = pexit->next )
         ch_printf( ch, "&W%2d) &w%2s to %-5d  &cKey: &w%d  &cFlags: &w%s  ",
            ++cnt, dir_text[pexit->vdir],
            pexit->to_room ? pexit->to_room->vnum : 0,
            pexit->key, ext_flag_string( &pexit->exit_info, ex_flags ) );
         ch_printf( ch, "&cKeywords: '&w%s&c'\r\n     Exdesc: &w%s     &cBack link: &w%d  ",
            pexit->keyword ? pexit->keyword : "(Not Set)",
            pexit->description ? pexit->description : "(Not Set).\r\n",
            pexit->rexit ? pexit->rexit->vnum : 0 );
         ch_printf( ch, "&cVnum: &w%d  &cPulltype: &w%s  &cPull: &w%d\r\n",
            pexit->rvnum, pull_type_name( pexit->pulltype ), pexit->pull );
   location = ( arg[0] == '\0' ) ? ch->in_room : find_location( ch, arg );
   if( !location )
      send_to_char( "No such location.\r\n", ch );

   if( ch->in_room != location && room_is_private( location ) )
      if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_LEADER )
         send_to_char( "That room is private right now.\r\n", ch );
         send_to_char( "Overriding private flag!\r\n", ch );

   ch_printf( ch, "&cName: &w%s\r\n&cArea: &w%s  &cFilename: &w%s\r\n",
      location->name, location->area ? location->area->name : "None????",
      location->area ? location->area->filename : "None????" );

   ch_printf( ch, "&cVnum: &w%d   &cSector: &w(%s)   &cLight: &w%d",
      location->vnum, sect_flags[ch->in_room->sector_type], location->light );
   if( location->tunnel > 0 )
      ch_printf( ch, "   &cTunnel: &W%d", location->tunnel );
   send_to_char( "\r\n", ch );
   if( location->tele_delay > 0 || location->tele_vnum > 0 )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cTeleDelay: &R%d   &cTeleVnum: &R%d\r\n", location->tele_delay, location->tele_vnum );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cRoom flags: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &location->room_flags, r_flags ) );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cDescription:\r\n&w%s", location->description ? location->description : "(Not Set)\r\n" );
   if( location->first_extradesc )

      send_to_char( "&cExtra description keywords: &w'", ch );
      for( ed = location->first_extradesc; ed; ed = ed->next )
         send_to_char( ed->keyword, ch );
         if( ed->next )
            send_to_char( " ", ch );
      send_to_char( "'\r\n", ch );

   send_to_char( "&cCharacters: &w", ch );
   for( rch = location->first_person; rch; rch = rch->next_in_room )
      if( can_see( ch, rch ) )
         send_to_char( " ", ch );
         one_argument( rch->name, buf );
         send_to_char( buf, ch );

   send_to_char( "\r\n&cObjects:&w\r\n", ch );
   for( obj = location->first_content; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
      send_to_char( format_obj_to_char( obj, ch, true ), ch );
      send_to_char( "\r\n", ch );

   if( location->first_exit )
      send_to_char( "&c------------------- &wEXITS &c-------------------\r\n", ch );
   for( cnt = 0, pexit = location->first_exit; pexit; pexit = pexit->next )
      if( !pexit->to_room )
         bug( "%s: NULL to_room for exit %2d) %-2s", __FUNCTION__, cnt, dir_text[pexit->vdir] );

      ch_printf( ch, "%2d) %-2s to %-5d. Name: %-10.10s",
         cnt, dir_text[pexit->vdir], pexit->to_room->vnum,
         pexit->to_room->name ? pexit->to_room->name : "(UNKNOWN)" );
      if( pexit->key > 0 )
         ch_printf( ch, " Key: %d", pexit->key );
      if( !xIS_EMPTY( pexit->exit_info ) )
         ch_printf( ch, " Flags: [%s]", ext_flag_string( &pexit->exit_info, ex_flags ) );
      if( pexit->keyword )
         ch_printf( ch, " Keywords: %s", pexit->keyword );
      send_to_char( "\r\n", ch );

/* Face-lift by Demora */
void do_ostat( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg[MIL];
   AFFECT_DATA *paf;
   OBJ_DATA *obj;
   int stat, count = 0;

   set_char_color( AT_CYAN, ch );
   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Ostat what?\r\n", ch );
   if( arg[0] != '\'' && arg[0] != '"' && strlen( argument ) > strlen( arg ) )
      mudstrlcpy( arg, argument, sizeof( arg ) );

   if( !( obj = get_obj_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "Nothing like that in hell, earth, or heaven.\r\n", ch );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cName: &w%s\r\n", obj->name ? obj->name : "Not Set" );
   if( str_cmp( obj->name, obj->pIndexData->name ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Name: &r%s\r\n", obj->pIndexData->name );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cVnum: &w%d\r\n", obj->pIndexData->vnum );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cType: &w%d&c[&w%s&c]\r\n", obj->item_type, o_types[obj->item_type] );
   if( obj->item_type != obj->pIndexData->item_type )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Type: &r%d&c[&r%s&c]\r\n", obj->pIndexData->item_type, o_types[obj->pIndexData->item_type] );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cCount:  &w%d&c(&r%d&c)\r\n", obj->count, obj->pIndexData->count );

   ch_printf( ch, "&cShort description: &w%s\r\n", obj->short_descr ? obj->short_descr : "Not Set" );
   if( str_cmp( obj->short_descr, obj->pIndexData->short_descr ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Short description: &r%s\r\n", obj->pIndexData->short_descr ? obj->pIndexData->short_descr : "Not Set" );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cLong description : &w%s\r\n", obj->description ? obj->description : "Not Set" );
   if( str_cmp( obj->description, obj->pIndexData->description ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Long description : &r%s\r\n", obj->pIndexData->description ? obj->pIndexData->description : "Not Set" );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cAction description: &w%s\r\n", obj->action_desc ? obj->action_desc : "Not Set" );
   if( str_cmp( obj->action_desc, obj->pIndexData->action_desc ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Action description: &r%s\r\n", obj->pIndexData->action_desc ? obj->pIndexData->action_desc : "Not Set" );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cWear flags : &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &obj->wear_flags, w_flags ) );
   if( !xSAME_BITS( obj->wear_flags, obj->pIndexData->wear_flags ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Wear flags : &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &obj->pIndexData->wear_flags, w_flags ) );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cExtra flags: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &obj->extra_flags, o_flags ) );
   if( !xSAME_BITS( obj->extra_flags, obj->pIndexData->extra_flags ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Extra flags: &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &obj->pIndexData->extra_flags, o_flags ) );

   ch_printf( ch, "&cNumber: &w%d/%d   ", 1, get_obj_number( obj ) );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cWeight: &w%d/%d   ", obj->weight, get_obj_weight( obj ) );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cLayers: &w%d\r\n", obj->pIndexData->layers );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cWear_loc: &w%d(%s)\r\n", obj->wear_loc, obj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE ? wear_locs[obj->wear_loc] : "Not Worn" );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cCost: &w%d&c(&r%d&c)\r\n", obj->cost, obj->pIndexData->cost );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cTimer: &w%d&c\r\n", obj->timer );

   send_to_char( "&cRequirements:\r\n", ch );
   ch_printf( ch, "&c%12s: &w%3d&c(&r%3d&c) ", "Level", obj->level, obj->pIndexData->level );
   /* Since displaying level as a requirement put count to 1 before loop */
   for( stat = 0; stat < STAT_MAX; stat++ )
      ch_printf( ch, "&c%12s: &w%3d&c(&r%3d&c)", capitalize( stattypes[stat] ), obj->stat_reqs[stat],
         obj->pIndexData->stat_reqs[stat] );
      if( ++count == 3 )
         count = 0;
         send_to_char( "\r\n", ch );
         send_to_char( " ", ch );
   if( count != 0 )
      send_to_char( "\r\n", ch );

   if( !xIS_EMPTY( obj->class_restrict ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cClass Restrictions:\r\n&w%s\r\n", ext_class_string( &obj->class_restrict ) );
   if( !xSAME_BITS( obj->class_restrict, obj->pIndexData->class_restrict ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Class Restrictions:\r\n&r%s\r\n", ext_class_string( &obj->pIndexData->class_restrict ) );
   if( !xIS_EMPTY( obj->race_restrict ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cRace Restrictions:\r\n&w%s\r\n", ext_race_string( &obj->race_restrict ) );
   if( !xSAME_BITS( obj->race_restrict, obj->pIndexData->race_restrict ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Race Restriction:\r\n&r%s\r\n", ext_race_string( &obj->pIndexData->race_restrict ) );

   if( obj->in_room )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cIn room: &w%d&c(&w%s&c)\r\n", obj->in_room->vnum,
         obj->in_room->name ? obj->in_room->name : "Not Set" );

   if( obj->carried_by )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cCarried by: &w%s\r\n", obj->carried_by->name );

   if( obj->in_obj )
      OBJ_DATA *tobj = NULL;

      ch_printf( ch, "&cIn object: &w%s\r\n", obj->in_obj->short_descr );

      tobj = obj->in_obj;
      while( tobj->in_obj )
         ch_printf( ch, "&cIn object: &w%s\r\n", tobj->in_obj->short_descr );
         tobj = tobj->in_obj;
      if( tobj )
         if( tobj->in_obj )
            ch_printf( ch, "&cIn object: &w%s\r\n", tobj->in_obj->short_descr );
         if( tobj->in_room )
            ch_printf( ch, "&cIn room: &w%d&c(&w%s&c)\r\n", tobj->in_room->vnum,
               tobj->in_room->name ? tobj->in_room->name : "Not Set" );
         if( tobj->carried_by )
            ch_printf( ch, "&cCarried by: &w%s\r\n", tobj->carried_by->name );

   ch_printf( ch, "&cIndex Values : &w%d %d %d %d %d %d.\r\n",
      obj->pIndexData->value[0], obj->pIndexData->value[1],
      obj->pIndexData->value[2], obj->pIndexData->value[3],
      obj->pIndexData->value[4], obj->pIndexData->value[5] );
   ch_printf( ch, "&cObject Values: &w%d %d %d %d %d %d.\r\n",
      obj->value[0], obj->value[1], obj->value[2], obj->value[3], obj->value[4], obj->value[5] );
   if( obj->pIndexData->first_extradesc )
      send_to_char( "Primary description keywords:   '", ch );
      for( ed = obj->pIndexData->first_extradesc; ed; ed = ed->next )
         send_to_char( ed->keyword, ch );
         if( ed->next )
            send_to_char( " ", ch );
      send_to_char( "'.\r\n", ch );
   if( obj->first_extradesc )
      send_to_char( "Secondary description keywords: '", ch );
      for( ed = obj->first_extradesc; ed; ed = ed->next )
         send_to_char( ed->keyword, ch );
         if( ed->next )
            send_to_char( " ", ch );
      send_to_char( "'.\r\n", ch );
   for( paf = obj->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cAffects &w%s &cby &w%d. (extra)\r\n", affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->modifier );
   for( paf = obj->pIndexData->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
      ch_printf( ch, "&cAffects &w%s &cby &w%d.\r\n", affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->modifier );

void do_mstat( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg[MIL];
   AFFECT_DATA *paf;
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   SKILLTYPE *skill;
   int x, stat;
   MOB_INDEX_DATA *mindex;

   set_pager_color( AT_CYAN, ch );
   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_pager( "Mstat whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( arg[0] != '\'' && arg[0] != '"' && strlen( argument ) > strlen( arg ) )
      mudstrlcpy( arg, argument, sizeof( arg ) );

   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_pager( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( ch ) < get_trust( victim ) && !is_npc( victim ) )
      set_pager_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
      send_to_pager( "Their godly glow prevents you from getting a good look.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) && get_trust( ch ) < PERM_LEADER && xIS_SET( victim->act, ACT_STATSHIELD ) )
      set_pager_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
      send_to_pager( "Their godly glow prevents you from getting a good look.\r\n", ch );

   mindex = victim->pIndexData;

   send_to_pager( "&WAll Data:\r\n", ch );

   pager_printf( ch, "&c%s: &w%-20s\r\n", is_npc( victim ) ? "Mobile name" : "Name", victim->name );
   if( mindex && str_cmp( victim->name, mindex->name ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Mobile Name: &r%-20s\r\n", mindex->name );

   pager_printf( ch, "&cSex: &w%s", sex_names[victim->sex] );
   if( mindex && victim->sex != mindex->sex )
      pager_printf( ch, "&c(&r%s&c)", sex_names[mindex->sex] );

   pager_printf( ch, " &cRoom: &w%d &cKilled: &w%d\r\n",
      victim->in_room ? victim->in_room->vnum : 0,
      mindex ? mindex->killed : victim->pcdata->mdeaths + victim->pcdata->pdeaths );

   pager_printf( ch, "&cLevel: &w%d", victim->level );
   if( mindex && victim->level != mindex->level )
      pager_printf( ch, "&c(&r%d&c)", mindex->level );
   send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

   for( stat = 0; stat < STAT_MAX; stat++ )
      pager_printf( ch, "&c(%3.3s: &w%d&c", capitalize( stattypes[stat] ), get_perm_stat( stat, victim ) );
      if( mindex && get_perm_stat( stat, victim ) != mindex->perm_stats[stat] )
         pager_printf( ch, "[&r%d&c]", mindex->perm_stats[stat] );
      send_to_pager( ")", ch );
   send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

   pager_printf( ch, "&cHps: &w%d&c/&w%d &c%s: &w%d&c/&w%d &cMove: &w%d&c/&w%d\r\n",
      victim->hit, victim->max_hit, is_vampire( victim ) ? "Blood" : "Mana",
      victim->mana, victim->max_mana, victim->move, victim->max_move );

   pager_printf( ch, "&cHitroll: &C%5d ", get_hitroll( victim ) );
   if( mindex && get_hitroll( victim ) != mindex->hitroll )
      pager_printf( ch, "&c[&R%5d&c] ", mindex->hitroll );
   pager_printf( ch, "&cAlign: &w%-5d &cArmorclass: &w%d\r\n", victim->alignment, get_ac( victim ) );

   pager_printf( ch, "&cDamroll: &C%5d ", get_damroll( victim ) );
   if( mindex && get_damroll( victim ) != mindex->damroll )
      pager_printf( ch, "&c[&R%5d&c] ", mindex->damroll );
   pager_printf( ch, "&cWimpy: &w%-5d &cPosition: &w%d[%s]\r\n",
      victim->wimpy, victim->position, pos_names[victim->position] );

   pager_printf( ch, "&cFighting: &w%-13s   &cMaster: &w%-13s   &cLeader: &w%s\r\n",
      victim->fighting ? victim->fighting->who->name : "(none)",
      victim->master ? victim->master->name : "(none)", victim->leader ? victim->leader->name : "(none)" );

   pager_printf( ch, "&cMentalState: &w%-3d\r\n", victim->mental_state );
   pager_printf( ch, "&cSave versus: &w%d %d %d %d %d       &cItems: &w(%d/%d)  &cWeight &w(%d/%d)\r\n",
      victim->saving_poison_death, victim->saving_wand, victim->saving_para_petri,
      victim->saving_breath, victim->saving_spell_staff, victim->carry_number,
      can_carry_n( victim ), victim->carry_weight, can_carry_w( victim ) );
   pager_printf( ch, "&cYear: &w%-5d  &cSecs: &w%d  &cTimer: &w%d  &cGold: &w%s\r\n",
      get_age( victim ), ( int )victim->played, victim->timer, show_big_nums( victim->mgold, victim->gold ) );
   if( get_timer( victim, TIMER_PKILLED ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cTimerPkilled:  &w%d\r\n", get_timer( victim, TIMER_PKILLED ) );
   if( get_timer( victim, TIMER_RECENTFIGHT ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cTimerRecentfight:  &w%d\r\n", get_timer( victim, TIMER_RECENTFIGHT ) );
   if( get_timer( victim, TIMER_ASUPRESSED ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cTimerAsupressed:  &w%d\r\n", get_timer( victim, TIMER_ASUPRESSED ) );

   if( victim->morph )
      if( victim->morph->morph )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cMorphed as : (&w%d&c) &w%s    &cTimer: &w%d\r\n",
                             victim->morph->morph->vnum, victim->morph->morph->short_desc, victim->morph->timer );
         send_to_pager( "&cMorphed as: Morph was deleted.\r\n", ch );
   pager_printf( ch, "&cAffected by: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->affected_by, a_flags ) );
   if( mindex && !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->affected_by ) && !xSAME_BITS( victim->affected_by, mindex->affected_by ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Affected By: &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &mindex->affected_by, a_flags ) );

   pager_printf( ch, "&cSpeaks: &w%s", ext_flag_string( &victim->speaks, lang_names ) );
   if( mindex && !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->speaks ) && !xSAME_BITS( victim->speaks, mindex->speaks ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&c(&r%s&c)", ext_flag_string( &mindex->speaks, lang_names ) );
   pager_printf( ch, " &cSpeaking: &w%s", ext_flag_string( &victim->speaking, lang_names ) );
   if( mindex && !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->speaking ) && !xSAME_BITS( victim->speaking, mindex->speaking ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&c(&r%s&c)", ext_flag_string( &mindex->speaking, lang_names ) );
   pager_printf( ch, " &cExperience: &w%.f", victim->exp );
   send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

   send_to_pager( "&cLanguages  : &w", ch );
   for( x = 0; lang_array[x] != LANG_UNKNOWN; x++ )
      if( knows_language( victim, lang_array[x] ) )
         if( xIS_SET( victim->speaking, lang_array[x] ) )
            send_to_pager( "&[red]", ch );
         send_to_pager( lang_names[x], ch );
         send_to_pager( "&D ", ch );
      else if( xIS_SET( victim->speaking, lang_array[x] ) )
         send_to_pager( "&[pink]", ch );
         send_to_pager( lang_names[x], ch );
         send_to_pager( "&D ", ch );
   send_to_pager( "&D\r\n", ch );

   if( victim->short_descr )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cShortdesc: &w%s\r\n", victim->short_descr );
   if( mindex && mindex->short_descr && str_cmp( victim->short_descr, mindex->short_descr ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Shortdesc: &r%s\r\n", mindex->short_descr );
   if( victim->long_descr )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cLongdesc: &w%s", victim->long_descr );
   if( mindex && victim->long_descr && str_cmp( victim->long_descr, mindex->long_descr ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Longdesc: &r%s", mindex->long_descr );

   if( !xIS_EMPTY( victim->resistant ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cResistant  : &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->resistant, ris_flags ) );
   if( mindex && !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->resistant )
   && !xSAME_BITS( mindex->resistant, victim->resistant ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Resistant: &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &mindex->resistant, ris_flags ) );

   if( !xIS_EMPTY( victim->immune ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cImmune: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->immune, ris_flags ) );
   if( mindex && !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->immune )
   && !xSAME_BITS( mindex->immune, victim->immune ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Immune: &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &mindex->immune, ris_flags ) );

   if( !xIS_EMPTY( victim->susceptible ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cSusceptible: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->susceptible, ris_flags ) );
   if( mindex && !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->susceptible )
   && !xSAME_BITS( mindex->susceptible, victim->susceptible ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Susceptible: &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &mindex->susceptible, ris_flags ) );

   for( paf = victim->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
      if( ( skill = get_skilltype( paf->type ) ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "&c%s: &w'%s' mods %s by %d for %d rnds with bits %s.\r\n",
            affect_loc_name( paf->location ),
            paf->modifier, paf->duration, ext_flag_string( &paf->bitvector, a_flags ) );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cVnum: &w%-5d &cCount: &w%d\r\n",
         victim->pIndexData->vnum, victim->pIndexData->count );

      if( victim->hating )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cHating: &w%s\r\n", victim->hating->name );
      if( victim->hunting )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cHunting: &w%s\r\n", victim->hunting->name );
      if( victim->fearing )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cFearing: &w%s\r\n", victim->fearing->name );

      pager_printf( ch, "&cMob hit min/max: &r%d&c-&r%d&c\r\n", mindex->minhit, mindex->maxhit );

      pager_printf( ch, "&cNumAttacks : &w%d", victim->numattacks );
      if( mindex->numattacks != victim->numattacks )
         pager_printf( ch, "(&r%d)", mindex->numattacks );
      send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

      if( victim->spec_fun )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cMobile has spec fun: &w%s\r\n", victim->spec_funname );

      if( !xIS_EMPTY( victim->xflags ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cBody Parts: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->xflags, part_flags ) );
      if( !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->xflags ) && !xSAME_BITS( mindex->xflags, victim->xflags ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Body Parts: &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &mindex->xflags, part_flags ) );

      if( !xIS_EMPTY( victim->attacks ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cAttacks: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->attacks, attack_flags ) );
      if( !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->attacks ) && !xSAME_BITS( mindex->attacks, victim->attacks ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Attacks: &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &mindex->attacks, attack_flags ) );

      if( !xIS_EMPTY( victim->defenses ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cDefenses: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->defenses, defense_flags ) );
      if( !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->defenses ) && !xSAME_BITS( mindex->defenses, victim->defenses ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Defenses: &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &mindex->defenses, defense_flags ) );

      if( !xIS_EMPTY( victim->act ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cAct Flags: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->act, act_flags ) );
      if( !xIS_EMPTY( mindex->act ) && !xSAME_BITS( mindex->act, victim->act ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cIndex Act Flags: &r%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &mindex->act, act_flags ) );
      pager_printf( ch, "&cStatus: &w%-10s", can_pkill( victim ) ? "Deadly" :
         is_pkill( victim ) ? "Pre-Deadly" : "Non-Deadly" );
      if( victim->pcdata && victim->pcdata->bestowments )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cBestowments: &w%s\r\n", victim->pcdata->bestowments );
      if( victim->pcdata->clan )
         pager_printf( ch, "   &c%s: &w%s",
            victim->pcdata->clan->clan_type == CLAN_NATION ? "Nation" : "Clan",
            victim->pcdata->clan->name );
      send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );
      if( get_trust( ch ) >= PERM_HEAD && victim->desc )
         if( victim->desc )
            pager_printf( ch, "&cHost: &w%s   &cDescriptor: &w%d   ",
               victim->desc->host, victim->desc->descriptor );
         pager_printf( ch, "&cTrust: &w%d  &cAuthBy: &w%s\r\n",
            victim->trust, victim->pcdata->authed_by ? victim->pcdata->authed_by : "(No One)" );
      pager_printf( ch, "&cClass: &w%-2.2d/%-10s   &cRace: &w%-2.2d/%-10s\r\n",
         victim->Class, dis_class_name( victim->Class ),
         victim->race, dis_race_name( victim->race ) );
      if( victim->pcdata->deity )
         pager_printf( ch, "&CDeity: &w%s   ", victim->pcdata->deity->name );
      pager_printf( ch, "&cFavor: &w%-5d   &cGlory: &w%u\r\n",
         victim->pcdata->favor, victim->pcdata->quest_curr );
      pager_printf( ch, "&cThirst: &w%d   &cFull: &w%d   &cDrunk: &w%d\r\n",
         victim->pcdata->condition[COND_DRUNK] );
      pager_printf( ch, "&cPlayerFlags: &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->act, plr_flags ) );
      pager_printf( ch, "&cPcflags    : &w%s\r\n", ext_flag_string( &victim->pcdata->flags, pc_flags ) );
      if( victim->wait )
         pager_printf( ch, "   &cWaitState: &R%d\r\n", victim->wait / 12 );

CMDF( do_mfind )
   char arg[MIL];
   MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobIndex;
   int hash;
   int nMatch;
   bool fAll;

   set_pager_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );

   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Mfind whom?\r\n", ch );

   fAll = !str_cmp( arg, "all" );
   nMatch = 0;

    * This goes through all the hash entry points (1024), and is therefore
    * much faster, though you won't get your vnums in order... oh well. :)
    * Tests show that Furey's method will usually loop 32,000 times, calling
    * get_mob_index()... which loops itself, an average of 1-2 times...
    * So theoretically, the above routine may loop well over 40,000 times,
    * and my routine bellow will loop for as many index_mobiles are on
    * your mud... likely under 3000 times.
    * -Thoric
   for( hash = 0; hash < MAX_KEY_HASH; hash++ )
      for( pMobIndex = mob_index_hash[hash]; pMobIndex; pMobIndex = pMobIndex->next )
         if( fAll || nifty_is_name( arg, pMobIndex->name ) )
            pager_printf( ch, "[%5d] %s\r\n", pMobIndex->vnum, capitalize( pMobIndex->short_descr ) );

   if( nMatch )
      pager_printf( ch, "Number of matches: %d\n", nMatch );
      send_to_char( "Nothing like that in hell, earth, or heaven.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_ofind )
   char arg[MIL];
   OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex;
   int hash, nMatch;
   bool fAll;

   set_pager_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );

   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Ofind what?\r\n", ch );

   fAll = !str_cmp( arg, "all" );
   nMatch = 0;

    * This goes through all the hash entry points (1024), and is therefore
    * much faster, though you won't get your vnums in order... oh well. :)
    * Tests show that Furey's method will usually loop 32,000 times, calling
    * get_obj_index()... which loops itself, an average of 2-3 times...
    * So theoretically, the above routine may loop well over 50,000 times,
    * and my routine bellow will loop for as many index_objects are on
    * your mud... likely under 3000 times.
    * -Thoric
   for( hash = 0; hash < MAX_KEY_HASH; hash++ )
      for( pObjIndex = obj_index_hash[hash]; pObjIndex; pObjIndex = pObjIndex->next )
         if( fAll || nifty_is_name( arg, pObjIndex->name ) )
            pager_printf( ch, "[%5d] %s\r\n", pObjIndex->vnum, capitalize( pObjIndex->short_descr ) );

   if( nMatch )
      pager_printf( ch, "Number of matches: %d\n", nMatch );
      send_to_char( "Nothing like that in hell, earth, or heaven.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_mwhere )
   char arg[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   bool found;
   int vnum = 0;

   set_pager_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );

   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Mwhere whom?\r\n", ch );

   if( is_number( arg ) )
      vnum = atoi( arg );

   found = false;
   for( victim = first_char; victim; victim = victim->next )
      if( !is_npc( victim ) || !victim->in_room )
      if( vnum > 0 && victim->pIndexData->vnum != vnum )
      else if( vnum <= 0 && !nifty_is_name( arg, victim->name ) )
      found = true;
      pager_printf( ch, "[%5d] %-28s [%5d] %s\r\n",
         victim->pIndexData->vnum, victim->short_descr, victim->in_room->vnum, victim->in_room->name );

   if( !found )
      act( AT_PLAIN, "You didn't find any $T.", ch, NULL, arg, TO_CHAR );

CMDF( do_gwhere )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL], arg3[MIL];
   bool found = false, pmobs = false;
   int low = 1, high = MAX_LEVEL, count = 0;

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
   if( arg1[0] != '\0' )
      if( arg1[0] == '\0' || arg2[0] == '\0' )
         send_to_pager( "\r\n&wUsage:  gwhere | gwhere <low> <high> | gwhere <low> <high> mobs\r\n", ch );
      low = atoi( arg1 );
      high = atoi( arg2 );
   if( low < 1 || high < low || low > high || high > MAX_LEVEL )
      send_to_pager( "&wInvalid level range.\r\n", ch );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg3 );
   if( !str_cmp( arg3, "mobs" ) )
      pmobs = true;

   pager_printf( ch, "\r\n&cGlobal %s locations:&w\r\n", pmobs ? "mob" : "player" );
   if( !pmobs )
      for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
         if( ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING || d->connected == CON_EDITING )
         && ( victim = d->character ) && !is_npc( victim ) && victim->in_room
         && can_see( ch, victim ) && victim->level >= low && victim->level <= high )
            found = true;
            pager_printf( ch, "&c(&C%2d&c) &w%-12.12s   [%-5d - %-19.19s]   &c%-25.25s\r\n",
                                victim->level, victim->name, victim->in_room->vnum, victim->in_room->area->name,
                                victim->in_room->name );
      for( victim = first_char; victim; victim = victim->next )
         if( is_npc( victim ) && victim->in_room && can_see( ch, victim ) && victim->level >= low && victim->level <= high )
            found = true;
            pager_printf( ch, "&c(&C%2d&c) &w%-12.12s   [%-5d - %-19.19s]   &c%-25.25s\r\n",
                                victim->level, victim->name, victim->in_room->vnum, victim->in_room->area->name,
                                victim->in_room->name );
   pager_printf( ch, "&c%d %s found.\r\n", count, pmobs ? "mobs" : "characters" );

CMDF( do_gfighting )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL], arg3[MIL];
   bool found = false, pmobs = false, phating = false, phunting = false;
   int low = 1, high = MAX_LEVEL, count = 0;

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
   if( arg1[0] != '\0' )
      if( arg1[0] == '\0' || arg2[0] == '\0' )
         send_to_pager( "\r\n&wUsage:  gfighting | gfighting <low> <high> | gfighting <low> <high> mobs\r\n", ch );
      low = atoi( arg1 );
      high = atoi( arg2 );
   if( low < 1 || high < low || low > high || high > MAX_LEVEL )
      send_to_pager( "&wInvalid level range.\r\n", ch );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg3 );
   if( !str_cmp( arg3, "mobs" ) )
      pmobs = true;
   else if( !str_cmp( arg3, "hating" ) )
      phating = true;
   else if( !str_cmp( arg3, "hunting" ) )
      phunting = true;

   pager_printf( ch, "\r\n&cGlobal %s conflict:\r\n", pmobs ? "mob" : "character" );
   if( !pmobs && !phating && !phunting )
      for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
         if( ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING || d->connected == CON_EDITING )
         && ( victim = d->character ) && !is_npc( victim ) && victim->in_room
         && can_see( ch, victim ) && victim->fighting && victim->level >= low && victim->level <= high )
            found = true;
            pager_printf( ch, "&w%-12.12s &C|%2d &wvs &C%2d| &w%-16.16s [%5d]  &c%-20.20s [%5d]\r\n",
               victim->name, victim->level, victim->fighting->who->level,
               is_npc( victim->fighting->who ) ? victim->fighting->who->short_descr : victim->fighting->
               who->name, is_npc( victim->fighting->who ) ? victim->fighting->who->pIndexData->vnum : 0,
               victim->in_room->area->name, !victim->in_room ? 0 : victim->in_room->vnum );
   else if( !phating && !phunting )
      for( victim = first_char; victim; victim = victim->next )
         if( is_npc( victim )
         && victim->in_room && can_see( ch, victim )
         && victim->fighting && victim->level >= low && victim->level <= high )
            found = true;
            pager_printf( ch, "&w%-12.12s &C|%2d &wvs &C%2d| &w%-16.16s [%5d]  &c%-20.20s [%5d]\r\n",
               victim->name, victim->level, victim->fighting->who->level,
               is_npc( victim->fighting->who ) ? victim->fighting->who->short_descr : victim->fighting->
               who->name, is_npc( victim->fighting->who ) ? victim->fighting->who->pIndexData->vnum : 0,
               victim->in_room->area->name, !victim->in_room ? 0 : victim->in_room->vnum );
   else if( !phunting && phating )
      for( victim = first_char; victim; victim = victim->next )
         if( is_npc( victim )
         && victim->in_room && can_see( ch, victim ) && victim->hating && victim->level >= low && victim->level <= high )
            found = true;
            pager_printf( ch, "&w%-12.12s &C|%2d &wvs &C%2d| &w%-16.16s [%5d]  &c%-20.20s [%5d]\r\n",
               victim->name, victim->level, victim->hating->who->level, is_npc( victim->hating->who ) ?
               victim->hating->who->short_descr : victim->hating->who->name, is_npc( victim->hating->who ) ?
               victim->hating->who->pIndexData->vnum : 0, victim->in_room->area->name,
               !victim->in_room ? 0 : victim->in_room->vnum );
   else if( phunting )
      for( victim = first_char; victim; victim = victim->next )
         if( is_npc( victim )
         && victim->in_room && can_see( ch, victim )
         && victim->hunting && victim->level >= low && victim->level <= high )
            found = true;
            pager_printf( ch, "&w%-12.12s &C|%2d &wvs &C%2d| &w%-16.16s [%5d]  &c%-20.20s [%5d]\r\n",
               victim->name, victim->level, victim->hunting->who->level, is_npc( victim->hunting->who ) ?
               victim->hunting->who->short_descr : victim->hunting->who->name,
               is_npc( victim->hunting->who ) ? victim->hunting->who->pIndexData->vnum : 0,
               victim->in_room->area->name, !victim->in_room ? 0 : victim->in_room->vnum );
   pager_printf( ch, "&c%d %s conflicts located.\r\n", count, pmobs ? "mob" : "character" );

/* Added 'show' argument for lowbie imms without ostat -- Blodkai */
/* Made show the default action :) Shaddai */
/* Trimmed size, added vict info, put lipstick on the pig -- Blod */
CMDF( do_bodybag )
   char buf2[MSL], arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *owner;
   OBJ_DATA *obj;
   bool found = false, bag = false;

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   if( !arg1 || arg1[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "&PUsage: bodybag <character> | bodybag <character> yes\r\n", ch );
      if( is_npc( ch ) )
         progbug( "Bodybag - called w/o enough argument(s)", ch );

   snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "the corpse of %s", arg1 );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "yes" ) )
      bag = true;

   if( is_npc( ch ) )
      if( !( owner = get_char_room( ch, arg1 ) ) )
         send_to_char( "Victim must be in the same room as you.\r\n", ch );
         progbug( "Bodybag: victim not in same room", ch );
      if( is_npc( owner ) )
         progbug( "Bodybag: bodybagging a npc corpse", ch );
      bag = true;
   pager_printf( ch, "\r\n&P%s remains of %s ... ", bag ? "Retrieving" : "Searching for", capitalize( arg1 ) );
   for( obj = first_corpse; obj; obj = obj->next_corpse )
      if( obj->pIndexData->vnum != OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_PC || str_cmp( buf2, obj->short_descr ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "\r\n&P%sCorpse: &w%-12.12s %2s ",
         bag ? "Bagging " : "", capitalize( arg1 ),
         is_obj_stat( obj, ITEM_CLANCORPSE ) ? "&RPK" : "" );
      if( obj->in_room )
         pager_printf( ch, "&PIn Room: &w%-22.22s &P[&w%5d&P] ", obj->in_room->area->name, obj->in_room->vnum );
      else if( obj->in_obj )
         pager_printf( ch, "&PIn Obj:  &w%-22.22s &P[&w%5d&P] ", obj->in_obj->short_descr, obj->in_obj->pIndexData->vnum );
      else if( obj->carried_by )
         pager_printf( ch, "&PCarried: &w%-30.30s ", obj->carried_by->name );
         pager_printf( ch, "&P%-39.39s ", "Unknown Location!!!" );
      pager_printf( ch, "&PTimer: &w%d\r\n", obj->timer );

      /* Maybe we should only move the ones in a room */
      if( bag && obj->in_room )
         obj = obj_to_char( obj, ch );
         obj->timer = -1;
         save_char_obj( ch );
   if( !found )
      send_to_pager( "&PNo corpse was found.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( ch ) )
   send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );
   for( owner = first_char; owner; owner = owner->next )
      if( is_npc( owner ) )
      if( can_see( ch, owner ) && !str_cmp( arg1, owner->name ) )
   if( !owner )
      pager_printf( ch, "&P%s is not currently online.\r\n", capitalize( arg1 ) );

   pager_printf( ch, "&P%s (%d) has ", owner->name, owner->level );
   if( owner->pcdata->deity )
      pager_printf( ch, "%d favor with %s (needed to supplicate: %d)\r\n",
         owner->pcdata->favor, owner->pcdata->deity->name, owner->pcdata->deity->scorpse );
      send_to_pager( "no deity.\r\n", ch );

/* New owhere by Altrag, 03/14/96 */
CMDF( do_owhere )
   OBJ_DATA *obj;
   int icnt = 0, cnt, x;

   set_pager_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Owhere what?\r\n", ch );

   for( obj = first_object; obj; obj = obj->next )
      if( !nifty_is_name( argument, obj->name ) )

      pager_printf( ch, "(%3d) [%5d] %-28s ", ++icnt, obj->pIndexData->vnum, obj_short( obj ) );

      if( obj->in_room )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cIn room: &w[%5d] &c(&w%s&c)\r\n", obj->in_room->vnum,
            obj->in_room->name ? obj->in_room->name : "Not Set" );

      if( obj->carried_by )
         pager_printf( ch, "&cCarried by: &w[%5d] %s\r\n",
            is_npc( obj->carried_by ) ? obj->carried_by->pIndexData->vnum : 0, PERS( obj->carried_by, ch ) );

      if( obj->in_obj )
         OBJ_DATA *tobj = NULL;

         pager_printf( ch, "&cIn object: &w[%5d] %s\r\n", obj->in_obj->pIndexData->vnum, obj_short( obj->in_obj ) );

         tobj = obj->in_obj;
         cnt = 1;
         while( tobj->in_obj )
            for( x = 0; x < cnt; x++ )
               send_to_pager( "  ", ch );
            pager_printf( ch, "&cIn object: &w[%5d] %s\r\n", tobj->in_obj->pIndexData->vnum, obj_short( tobj->in_obj ) );
            tobj = tobj->in_obj;
         if( tobj )
            for( x = 0; x < cnt; x++ )
                send_to_pager( "  ", ch );
            if( tobj->in_obj )
               pager_printf( ch, "&cIn object: &w[%5d] %s\r\n",
                  tobj->in_obj->pIndexData->vnum, obj_short( tobj->in_obj ) );
            if( tobj->in_room )
               pager_printf( ch, "&cIn room: &w[%5d] &c(&w%s&c)\r\n", tobj->in_room->vnum,
                  tobj->in_room->name ? tobj->in_room->name : "Not Set" );
            if( tobj->carried_by )
               pager_printf( ch, "&cCarried by: &w[%5d] %s\r\n",
                  is_npc( tobj->carried_by ) ? tobj->carried_by->pIndexData->vnum : 0, PERS( tobj->carried_by, ch ) );

   if( !icnt )
      act( AT_PLAIN, "You didn't find any $T.", ch, NULL, argument, TO_CHAR );
      pager_printf( ch, "%d matches.\r\n", icnt );

CMDF( do_reboot )
   char buf[MSL];
   CHAR_DATA *vch;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   if( str_cmp( argument, "mud now" ) && str_cmp( argument, "nosave" ) )
      send_to_char( "Usage: reboot [mud now/nosave]\r\n", ch );

   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "Reboot by %s.", ch->name );
   do_echo( ch, buf );

   /* Save all characters before booting. */
   if( str_cmp( argument, "nosave" ) )
      for( vch = first_char; vch; vch = vch->next )
         if( !is_npc( vch ) )
            save_char_obj( vch );

   mud_down = true;

CMDF( do_shutdown )
   char buf[MSL];
   CHAR_DATA *vch;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   if( str_cmp( argument, "mud now" ) && str_cmp( argument, "nosave" ) )
      send_to_char( "Usage: shutdown [mud now/nosave]\r\n", ch );

   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "Shutdown by %s.", ch->name );
   append_file( ch, SHUTDOWN_FILE, buf );
   mudstrlcat( buf, "\r\n", sizeof( buf ) );
   do_echo( ch, buf );

   /* Save all characters before booting. */
   if( str_cmp( argument, "nosave" ) )
      for( vch = first_char; vch; vch = vch->next )
         if( !is_npc( vch ) )
            save_char_obj( vch );

   mud_down = true;

CMDF( do_snoop )
   char arg[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Snoop whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( !victim->desc )
      send_to_char( "No descriptor to snoop.\r\n", ch );
   if( victim == ch )
      send_to_char( "Cancelling all snoops.\r\n", ch );
      for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
         if( d->snoop_by == ch->desc )
            d->snoop_by = NULL;
   if( victim->desc->snoop_by )
      send_to_char( "Busy already.\r\n", ch );

    * Minimum snoop level... a secret mset value
    * makes the snooper think that the victim is already being snooped
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) || ( victim->pcdata && victim->pcdata->min_snoop > get_trust( ch ) ) )
      send_to_char( "Busy already.\r\n", ch );

   if( ch->desc )
      for( d = ch->desc->snoop_by; d; d = d->snoop_by )
         if( d->character == victim )
            send_to_char( "No snoop loops.\r\n", ch );

   victim->desc->snoop_by = ch->desc;
   send_to_char( "Ok.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_statshield )
   char arg[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( is_npc( ch ) || get_trust( ch ) < PERM_HEAD )
      send_to_char( "Huh?\r\n", ch );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Statshield which mobile?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "No such mobile.\r\n", ch );
   if( !is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "You can only statshield mobiles.\r\n", ch );
   xTOGGLE_BIT( victim->act, ACT_STATSHIELD );
   if( !xIS_SET( victim->act, ACT_STATSHIELD ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "You have lifted the statshield on %s.\r\n", victim->short_descr );
      ch_printf( ch, "You have applied a statshield to %s.\r\n", victim->short_descr );

CMDF( do_minvoke )
   char arg[MIL], arg3[MIL];
   MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobIndex;
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   int vnum, mcount = 1, x;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg3 );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage:  minvoke <vnum>\r\n", ch );

   if( !is_number( arg ) )
      char arg2[MIL];
      int hash, cnt;
      int count = number_argument( arg, arg2 );

      vnum = -1;
      for( hash = cnt = 0; hash < MAX_KEY_HASH; hash++ )
         for( pMobIndex = mob_index_hash[hash]; pMobIndex; pMobIndex = pMobIndex->next )
            if( nifty_is_name( arg2, pMobIndex->name ) && ++cnt == count )
               vnum = pMobIndex->vnum;
      if( vnum == -1 )
         send_to_char( "No such mobile exists.\r\n", ch );
      vnum = atoi( arg );

   if( arg3 && is_number( arg3 ) )
      mcount = URANGE( 1, atoi( arg3 ), 10000 );

   if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_LEADER )
      AREA_DATA *pArea;

      if( is_npc( ch ) )
         send_to_char( "Huh?\r\n", ch );
      if( !ch->pcdata || !( pArea = ch->pcdata->area ) )
         send_to_char( "You must have an assigned area to invoke this mobile.\r\n", ch );
      if( vnum < pArea->low_vnum || vnum > pArea->hi_vnum )
         send_to_char( "That number is not in your allocated range.\r\n", ch );
   if( !( pMobIndex = get_mob_index( vnum ) ) )
      send_to_char( "No mobile has that vnum.\r\n", ch );

   for( x = 0; x < mcount; x++ )
      victim = create_mobile( pMobIndex );
      char_to_room( victim, ch->in_room );
   act( AT_IMMORT, "$n invokes $N!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_ROOM );
   ch_printf( ch, "&YYou invoke %s (&W#%d &Y- &W%s &Y- &Wlvl %d&Y)\r\n",
      pMobIndex->short_descr, pMobIndex->vnum, pMobIndex->name, victim->level );

CMDF( do_oinvoke )
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL];
   OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex;
   OBJ_DATA *obj;
   int vnum, level;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
   if( !arg1 || arg1[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: oinvoke <vnum> <level>.\r\n", ch );
   if( !arg2 || arg2[0] == '\0' )
      level = ch->level;
      if( !is_number( arg2 ) )
         send_to_char( "Usage:  oinvoke <vnum> <level>\r\n", ch );
      level = atoi( arg2 );
      if( level < 0 || level > ch->level )
         send_to_char( "Limited to your trust level.\r\n", ch );
   if( !is_number( arg1 ) )
      char arg[MIL];
      int hash, cnt;
      int count = number_argument( arg1, arg );

      vnum = -1;
      for( hash = cnt = 0; hash < MAX_KEY_HASH; hash++ )
         for( pObjIndex = obj_index_hash[hash]; pObjIndex; pObjIndex = pObjIndex->next )
            if( nifty_is_name( arg, pObjIndex->name ) && ++cnt == count )
               vnum = pObjIndex->vnum;
      if( vnum == -1 )
         send_to_char( "No such object exists.\r\n", ch );
      vnum = atoi( arg1 );

   if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_LEADER )
      AREA_DATA *pArea;

      if( is_npc( ch ) )
         send_to_char( "Huh?\r\n", ch );
      if( !ch->pcdata || !( pArea = ch->pcdata->area ) )
         send_to_char( "You must have an assigned area to invoke this object.\r\n", ch );
      if( vnum < pArea->low_vnum || vnum > pArea->hi_vnum )
         send_to_char( "That number is not in your allocated range.\r\n", ch );
   if( !( pObjIndex = get_obj_index( vnum ) ) )
      send_to_char( "No object has that vnum.\r\n", ch );

   if( level == 0 )
      AREA_DATA *temp_area;

      if( !( temp_area = get_area_obj( pObjIndex ) ) )
         level = ch->level;
         level = URANGE( 0, pObjIndex->level, MAX_LEVEL );

   if( !( obj = create_object( pObjIndex, level ) ) )
      send_to_char( "Failed to create object.\r\n", ch );
      bug( "%s: Failed to create_object for %d.\r\n", __FUNCTION__, pObjIndex->vnum );
   if( !can_wear( obj, ITEM_NO_TAKE ) )
      obj = obj_to_char( obj, ch );
      obj = obj_to_room( obj, ch->in_room );
      act( AT_IMMORT, "$n fashions $p from ether!", ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
   ch_printf( ch, "&YYou invoke %s (&W#%d &Y- &W%s &Y- &Wlvl %d&Y)\r\n",
      pObjIndex->short_descr, pObjIndex->vnum, pObjIndex->name, obj->level );

CMDF( do_purge )
   char arg[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim = NULL;
   OBJ_DATA *obj = NULL, *obj_next = NULL;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   one_argument( argument, arg );
   /* 'purge' the room */
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      CHAR_DATA *vnext = NULL;

      if( !ch->in_room )
         bug( "%s: (%s) in NULL room.", __FUNCTION__, ch->name );

      for( victim = ch->in_room->first_person; victim; victim = vnext )
         vnext = victim->next_in_room;
         if( is_npc( victim ) && victim != ch )
            extract_char( victim, true );

      for( obj = ch->in_room->first_content; obj; obj = obj_next )
         obj_next = obj->next_content;
         extract_obj( obj );

      act( AT_IMMORT, "$n purges the room!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      act( AT_IMMORT, "You have purged the room!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );

    * fixed to get things in room first -- i.e., purge portal (obj),
    * * no more purging mobs with that keyword in another room first
    * * -- Tri 
   if( !( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) && !( obj = get_obj_here( ch, arg ) ) )
      if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) && !( obj = get_obj_world( ch, arg ) ) )
         send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );

   /* Single object purge in room for high level purge - Scryn 8/12*/
   if( obj )
      separate_obj( obj );
      if( ( victim = obj->carried_by ) && victim != ch )
         act( AT_IMMORT, "$n purges $p.", ch, obj, victim, TO_VICT );
         act( AT_IMMORT, "$n purges $p.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      act( AT_IMMORT, "You make $p disappear in a puff of smoke!", ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
      extract_obj( obj );

   if( !is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't purge a PC.\r\n", ch );

   if( victim == ch )
      send_to_char( "You can't purge yourself!\r\n", ch );

   act( AT_IMMORT, "$n purges $N.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
   act( AT_IMMORT, "You make $N disappear in a puff of smoke!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
   extract_char( victim, true );

CMDF( do_low_purge )
   char arg[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim = NULL;
   OBJ_DATA *obj = NULL;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Purge what?\r\n", ch );

   if( !( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) && !( obj = get_obj_here( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't find that here.\r\n", ch );

   if( obj )
      separate_obj( obj );
      if( ( victim = obj->carried_by ) && victim != ch )
         act( AT_IMMORT, "$n purges $p.", ch, obj, victim, TO_VICT );
         act( AT_IMMORT, "$n purges $p!", ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      act( AT_IMMORT, "You make $p disappear in a puff of smoke!", ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
      extract_obj( obj );

   if( !is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't purge a PC.\r\n", ch );

   if( victim == ch )
      send_to_char( "You can't purge yourself!\r\n", ch );

   act( AT_IMMORT, "$n purges $N.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
   act( AT_IMMORT, "You make $N disappear in a puff of smoke!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
   extract_char( victim, true );

CMDF( do_advance )
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   int level, iLevel;

   if( !is_immortal( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "Huh?\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
   if( !arg1 || arg1[0] == '\0' || !arg2 || arg2[0] == '\0' || !is_number( arg2 ) )
      send_to_char( "Usage:  advance <character> <level>\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg1 ) ) )
      send_to_char( "That character is not in the room.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't advance a mobile.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( ch ) <= get_trust( victim ) || ch == victim )
      send_to_char( "You can't do that.\r\n", ch );
   if( ( level = atoi( arg2 ) ) < 1 || level > MAX_LEVEL )
      ch_printf( ch, "Level range is 1 to %d.\r\n", MAX_LEVEL );
   if( ch->level < victim->level )
      send_to_char( "You can't advance someone that is the same level as you or higher.\r\n", ch );

    * Lower level:
    * *   Reset to level 1.
    * *   Then raise again.
    * *   Currently, an imp can lower another imp.
    * *   -- Swiftest
    * *   Can't lower imms >= your trust (other than self) per Narn's change.
    * *   Few minor text changes as well.  -- Blod
   if( level <= victim->level )
      int sn;

      set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );

      if( level < victim->level )
         ch_printf( ch, "Demoting %s from level %d to level %d!\r\n", victim->name, victim->level, level );
         send_to_char( "Cursed and forsaken!  The gods have lowered your level...\r\n", victim );
         ch_printf( ch, "%s is already level %d.  Re-advancing...\r\n", victim->name, level );
         send_to_char( "Deja vu!  Your mind reels as you re-live your past levels!\r\n", victim );
      victim->level = 1;
      victim->exp = 0;
      set_base_stats( victim );
      for( sn = 0; sn <= MAX_SKILL; sn++ )
         victim->pcdata->learned[sn] = 0;
      victim->practice = 0;
      advance_level( victim );
      STRFREE( victim->pcdata->rank );
      victim->pcdata->wizinvis = get_trust( victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "Raising %s from level %d to level %d!\r\n", victim->name, victim->level, level );
      send_to_char( "The gods feel fit to raise your level!\r\n", victim );
   for( iLevel = victim->level; iLevel < level; iLevel++ )
      victim->level += 1;
      advance_level( victim );
   victim->exp = 0;

CMDF( do_elevate )
   char arg[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: elevate <char>\r\n", ch );

   if( !( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "That player is not here.\r\n", ch );

   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   if( victim == ch )
      send_to_char( "You can't elevate yourself.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't do anything with someone higher or the same trust as you.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) < PERM_IMM )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s isn't an immortal yet.\r\n", victim->name );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      int temp;

      temp = get_flag( arg, perms_flag, PERM_MAX );
      if( temp < 0 || temp > get_trust( ch ) || temp >= PERM_MAX )
         send_to_char( "Invalid permission.\r\n", ch );
      victim->trust = temp;
   ch_printf( ch, "Elevating %s to %s.\r\n", victim->name, perms_flag[victim->trust] );
   act( AT_IMMORT, "$n begins to chant softly... then makes some arcane gestures...", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   ch_printf( victim, "%s made you %s.\r\n", ch->name, perms_flag[victim->trust] );
   save_char_obj( victim );
   make_wizlist( );

CMDF( do_immortalize )
   char arg[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   int iLevel;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage:  immortalize <char>\r\n", ch );

   if( !( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "That player is not here.\r\n", ch );

   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );

   if( get_trust( victim ) >= PERM_IMM )
      ch_printf( ch, "Don't be silly, %s is already immortal.\r\n", victim->name );

   send_to_char( "Immortalizing a player...\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   act( AT_IMMORT, "$n begins to chant softly... then raises $s arms to the sky...", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
   set_char_color( AT_WHITE, victim );
   send_to_char( "You suddenly feel very strange...\r\n\r\n", victim );
   set_char_color( AT_WHITE, victim );

   if( victim->level < MAX_LEVEL )
      for( ; victim->level < MAX_LEVEL; victim->level++ )
         advance_level( victim );
      victim->exp = 0;

   for( iLevel = 0; iLevel < top_sn; iLevel++ )
      victim->pcdata->learned[iLevel] = 100;
   send_to_char( "You know all available spells/skills/tongues/weapons now.\r\n", victim );
   send_to_char( "All available spells/skills/tongues/weapons have been set on them.\r\n", ch );

   for( iLevel = 0; iLevel < STAT_MAX; iLevel++ )
      victim->perm_stats[iLevel] = ( MAX_LEVEL + 25 );
   send_to_char( "You now have the max stats an immortal can have.\r\n", victim );
   send_to_char( "Their stats have been set to the max an immortal can have.\r\n", ch );

   victim->max_hit = 30000;
   victim->hit = victim->max_hit;
   victim->max_move = 30000;
   victim->move = victim->max_move;
   victim->max_mana = 30000;
   victim->mana = victim->max_mana;

   victim->trust = PERM_IMM;
   save_char_obj( victim );
   make_wizlist( );

CMDF( do_strip )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   OBJ_DATA *obj_next, *obj_lose;
   int count = 0;

   set_char_color( AT_OBJECT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Strip who?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They're not here.\r\n", ch );
   if( victim == ch )
      send_to_char( "Kinky.\r\n", ch );
   if( !is_npc( victim ) && get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You haven't the power to succeed against them.\r\n", ch );
   act( AT_OBJECT, "Searching $N ...", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
   for( obj_lose = victim->first_carrying; obj_lose; obj_lose = obj_next )
      obj_next = obj_lose->next_content;
      obj_from_char( obj_lose );
      obj_to_char( obj_lose, ch );
      pager_printf( ch, "  &G... %s (&g%s) &Gtaken.\r\n", capitalize( obj_lose->short_descr ), obj_lose->name );
   if( !count )
      send_to_pager( "&GNothing found to take.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_restore )
   char arg[MIL];
   bool boost = false;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Restore whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( argument && !str_cmp( argument, "boost" ) && get_trust( ch ) >= PERM_HEAD )
      send_to_char( "Boosting!\r\n", ch );
      boost = true;
   if( !str_cmp( arg, "all" ) )
      CHAR_DATA *vch, *vch_next;

      if( !ch->pcdata )

      if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_HEAD )
         if( is_npc( ch ) )
            send_to_char( "You can't do that.\r\n", ch );
            if( current_time - last_restore_all_time < RESTORE_INTERVAL )
               send_to_char( "Sorry, you can't do a restore all yet.\r\n", ch );
               do_restoretime( ch, "" );
      last_restore_all_time = current_time;
      ch->pcdata->restore_time = current_time;
      save_char_obj( ch );
      send_to_char( "Beginning 'restore all' ...\r\n", ch );
      for( vch = first_char; vch; vch = vch_next )
         vch_next = vch->next;

         if( !is_npc( vch ) && !is_immortal( vch ) && !can_pkill( vch ) && !in_arena( vch ) )
            if( boost )
               vch->hit = ( short )( vch->max_hit * 1.5 );
               vch->hit = vch->max_hit;
            vch->mana = vch->max_mana;
            vch->move = vch->max_move;
            update_pos( vch );
            act( AT_IMMORT, "$n has restored you.", ch, NULL, vch, TO_VICT );
      send_to_char( "Restored.\r\n", ch );
      CHAR_DATA *victim;

      if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
         send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );

      if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_LEADER && victim != ch && !( is_npc( victim ) && xIS_SET( victim->act, ACT_PROTOTYPE ) ) )
         send_to_char( "You can't do that.\r\n", ch );

      if( boost )
         victim->hit = ( short )( victim->max_hit * 1.5 );
         victim->hit = victim->max_hit;
      victim->mana = victim->max_mana;
      victim->move = victim->max_move;
      update_pos( victim );
      if( ch != victim )
         act( AT_IMMORT, "$n has restored you.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );
      send_to_char( "Restored.\r\n", ch );

void do_restoretime( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   long int time_passed;
   int hours = 0, minutes = 0, days = 0;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   if( !last_restore_all_time )
      send_to_char( "There has been no restore all since reboot.\r\n", ch );
      time_passed = current_time - last_restore_all_time;
      days = ( int )( time_passed / 43200 );
      time_passed -= ( days * 43200 );
      hours = ( int )( time_passed / 3600 );
      time_passed -= ( hours * 3600 );
      minutes = ( int )( time_passed / 60 );
      time_passed -= ( minutes * 60 );
      send_to_char( "The last restore all was ", ch );
      if( days )
         ch_printf( ch, "%d day%s ", days, days > 1 ? "s" : "" );
      if( hours )
         ch_printf( ch, "%d hour%s ", hours, hours > 1 ? "s" : "" );
      if( minutes )
         ch_printf( ch, "%d minute%s ", minutes, minutes > 1 ? "s" : "" );
      if( time_passed )
         ch_printf( ch, "%ld second%s ", time_passed, time_passed > 1 ? "s" : "" );
      send_to_char( "ago.\r\n", ch );

   if( !ch->pcdata )

   if( !ch->pcdata->restore_time )
      send_to_char( "You have never done a restore all.\r\n", ch );

   time_passed = current_time - ch->pcdata->restore_time;
   days = ( int )( time_passed / 43200 );
   time_passed -= ( days * 43200 );
   hours = ( int )( time_passed / 3600 );
   time_passed -= ( hours * 3600 );
   minutes = ( int )( time_passed / 60 );
   time_passed -= ( minutes * 60 );
   send_to_char( "Your last restore all was ", ch );
   if( days )
      ch_printf( ch, "%d day%s ", days, days > 1 ? "s" : "" );
   if( hours )
      ch_printf( ch, "%d hour%s ", hours, hours > 1 ? "s" : "" );
   if( minutes )
      ch_printf( ch, "%d minute%s ", minutes, minutes > 1 ? "s" : "" );
   if( time_passed )
      ch_printf( ch, "%ld second%s ", time_passed, time_passed > 1 ? "s" : "" );
   send_to_char( "ago.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_freeze )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_LBLUE, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Freeze whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_LBLUE, victim );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You failed, and they saw...\r\n", ch );
      ch_printf( victim, "%s is attempting to freeze you.\r\n", ch->name );
   xTOGGLE_BIT( victim->act, PLR_FREEZE );
   if( !xIS_SET( victim->act, PLR_FREEZE ) )
      send_to_char( "Your frozen form suddenly thaws.\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is now unfrozen.\r\n", victim->name );
      send_to_char( "A godly force turns your body to ice!\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "You have frozen %s.\r\n", victim->name );
   save_char_obj( victim );

CMDF( do_log )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Log whom?\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "all" ) )
      fLogAll = !fLogAll;
      if( !fLogAll )
         send_to_char( "Log ALL off.\r\n", ch );
         send_to_char( "Log ALL on.\r\n", ch );

   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );

   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );

   if( victim == ch )
      send_to_char( "You can't log/unlog yourself.\r\n", ch );

   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You don't have the power to log them.\r\n", ch );

   victim->pcdata->logged = !victim->pcdata->logged;
   if( !victim->pcdata->logged )
      ch_printf( ch, "LOG removed from %s.\r\n", victim->name );
      ch_printf( ch, "LOG applied to %s.\r\n", victim->name );
   save_char_obj( victim );

CMDF( do_noemote )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Noemote whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You failed.\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   xTOGGLE_BIT( victim->act, PLR_NO_EMOTE );
   if( !xIS_SET( victim->act, PLR_NO_EMOTE ) )
      send_to_char( "You can emote again.\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "NOEMOTE removed from %s.\r\n", victim->name );
      send_to_char( "You can't emote!\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "NOEMOTE applied to %s.\r\n", victim->name );

CMDF( do_notell )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Notell whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You failed.\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   xTOGGLE_BIT( victim->act, PLR_NO_TELL );
   if( !xIS_SET( victim->act, PLR_NO_TELL ) )
      send_to_char( "You can use tells again.\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "NOTELL removed from %s.\r\n", victim->name );
      send_to_char( "You can't use tells!\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "NOTELL applied to %s.\r\n", victim->name );

CMDF( do_notitle )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Notitle whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You failed.\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   xTOGGLE_BIT( victim->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_NOTITLE );
   if( !xIS_SET( victim->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_NOTITLE ) )
      send_to_char( "You can set your own title again.\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "NOTITLE removed from %s.\r\n", victim->name );
      set_title( victim, "can't set their title now." );
      send_to_char( "You can't set your own title!\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "NOTITLE set on %s.\r\n", victim->name );

CMDF( do_silence )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Silence whom?", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You failed.\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   if( xIS_SET( victim->act, PLR_SILENCE ) )
      send_to_char( "Player already silenced, use unsilence to remove.\r\n", ch );
      xSET_BIT( victim->act, PLR_SILENCE );
      send_to_char( "You can't use channels!\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "You SILENCE %s.\r\n", victim->name );

/* Much better than toggling this with do_silence, yech --Blodkai */
CMDF( do_unsilence )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Unsilence whom?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, argument ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );
   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch );
   if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You failed.\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   if( xIS_SET( victim->act, PLR_SILENCE ) )
      xREMOVE_BIT( victim->act, PLR_SILENCE );
      send_to_char( "You can use channels again.\r\n", victim );
      ch_printf( ch, "SILENCE removed from %s.\r\n", victim->name );
      send_to_char( "That player is not silenced.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_peace )
   CHAR_DATA *rch;

   act( AT_IMMORT, "$n booms, 'PEACE!'", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
   act( AT_IMMORT, "You boom, 'PEACE!'", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
   for( rch = ch->in_room->first_person; rch; rch = rch->next_in_room )
      if( rch->fighting )
         stop_fighting( rch, true );
         do_sit( rch, "" );

      /* Added by Narn, Nov 28/95 */
      stop_hating( rch );
      stop_hunting( rch );
      stop_fearing( rch );

   send_to_char( "&YOk.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_users )
   int count = 0;

   set_pager_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );
   send_to_pager( "Desc|     Constate      |Idle|    Player    | HostIP          | Port\r\n", ch );
   send_to_pager( "----+-------------------+----+--------------+-----------------+-------\r\n", ch );
   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
      if( d->character && !can_see( ch, d->character ) )
      if( argument && argument[0] != '\0' )
         if( str_prefix( argument, d->host ) && ( !d->character || str_prefix( argument, d->character->name ) ) )
      pager_printf( ch, " %3d| %-17s |%4d| %-12s | %-15s | %d\r\n", d->descriptor, con_state( d->connected ),
         d->idle, d->character ? d->character->name : "(None!)", d->host, d->port );
   pager_printf( ch, "%d user%s.\r\n", count, count == 1 ? "" : "s" );

/* Thanks to Grodyn for pointing out bugs in this function. */
void do_force( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg[MIL];
   bool mobsonly;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( arg[0] == '\0' || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Force whom to do what?\r\n", ch );

   mobsonly = get_trust( ch ) < sysdata.perm_forcepc;

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "all" ) )
      CHAR_DATA *vch;
      CHAR_DATA *vch_next;

      if( mobsonly )
         send_to_char( "Force whom to do what?\r\n", ch );

      for( vch = first_char; vch; vch = vch_next )
         vch_next = vch->next;

         if( !is_npc( vch ) && get_trust( vch ) < get_trust( ch ) )
            act( AT_IMMORT, "$n forces you to '$t'.", ch, argument, vch, TO_VICT );
            interpret( vch, argument );
      CHAR_DATA *victim;

      if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
         send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );

      if( victim == ch )
         send_to_char( "Aye aye, right away!\r\n", ch );

      if( ( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) ) || ( mobsonly && !is_npc( victim ) ) )
         send_to_char( "Do it yourself!\r\n", ch );

      if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_LEADER && is_npc( victim ) && !str_prefix( "mp", argument ) )
         send_to_char( "You can't force a mob to do that!\r\n", ch );
      act( AT_IMMORT, "$n forces you to '$t'.", ch, argument, victim, TO_VICT );
      interpret( victim, argument );

   send_to_char( "Ok.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_invis )
   int level;

   if( !ch || is_npc( ch ) )

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      if( ch->pcdata->wizinvis < 1 )
         ch->pcdata->wizinvis = get_trust( ch );
      xTOGGLE_BIT( ch->act, PLR_WIZINVIS );
      if( xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_WIZINVIS ) )
         act( AT_IMMORT, "$n slowly fades into thin air.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
         send_to_char( "You slowly vanish into thin air.\r\n", ch );
         act( AT_IMMORT, "$n slowly fades into existence.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
         send_to_char( "You slowly fade back into existence.\r\n", ch );

   if( !is_number( argument ) )
      send_to_char( "Usage: invis | invis <level>\r\n", ch );

   if( ( level = atoi( argument ) ) < 1 || level > get_trust( ch ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "Invalid permission level...valid range for you is 1 to %d.\r\n", get_trust( ch ) );

   ch->pcdata->wizinvis = level;
   ch_printf( ch, "Wizinvis level set to %d.\r\n", ch->pcdata->wizinvis );

CMDF( do_holylight )
   if( is_npc( ch ) )
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   ch_printf( ch, "Holylight mode %s.\r\n", xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_HOLYLIGHT ) ? "on" : "off" );

CMDF( do_cmdtable )
   int hash, cnt = 0;
   CMDTYPE *cmd;
   bool lag = false;

   if( !strcmp( argument, "lag" ) )
      lag = true;
   set_pager_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   ch_printf( ch, "Commands and Number of %s This Run:\r\n", lag ? "Lags" : "Uses" );
   set_pager_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );
   for( hash = 0; hash < 126; hash++ )
      for( cmd = command_hash[hash]; cmd; cmd = cmd->next )
         if( ( lag && !cmd->lag_count ) || ( !lag && !cmd->userec.num_uses ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "%-10.10s ", cmd->name );
         pager_printf( ch, "%4d ", lag ? cmd->lag_count : cmd->userec.num_uses );
         if( ++cnt == 4 )
            send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );
            cnt = 0;
   if( cnt != 0 )
      send_to_char( "\r\n", ch );

void mortalize( CHAR_DATA *victim )
   char buf[MSL], buf2[MSL];
   AREA_DATA *pArea, *next_pArea;

   if( !victim )
   victim->trust = PERM_ALL;
   STRFREE( victim->pcdata->rank );
   victim->pcdata->wizinvis = PERM_ALL;
   xREMOVE_BIT( victim->act, PLR_WIZINVIS );

   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s%s", GOD_DIR, capitalize( victim->name ) );
   if( !remove( buf ) )
      log_string( "Player's immortal data destroyed. " );
   snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s.are", capitalize( victim->name ) );
   for( pArea = first_build; pArea; pArea = next_pArea )
      next_pArea = pArea->next;

      if( !str_cmp( pArea->filename, buf2 ) )
         if( IS_SET( pArea->status, AREA_LOADED ) )
            fold_area( pArea, buf2, false );
         close_area( pArea );
         snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s%s", BUILD_DIR, buf2 );
         snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s.bak", buf );
         if( !rename( buf, buf2 ) )
            log_string( "Player's area data destroyed.  Area saved as backup." );
   victim->pcdata->area = NULL;
   make_wizlist( );

CMDF( do_mortalize )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   char name[256];
   int old_room_vnum;
   bool loaded;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   one_argument( argument, name );
   if( !name || name[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: mortalize <player>\r\n", ch );

   for( victim = first_char; victim; victim = victim->next )
      if( is_npc( victim ) )
      if( can_see( ch, victim ) && !str_cmp( name, victim->name ) )

   if( victim )
      if( get_trust( victim ) < PERM_IMM )
         send_to_char( "They are already mortal.\r\n", ch );
      if( get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
         send_to_char( "I think you'd better leave that player alone!\r\n", ch );
         ch_printf( ch, "%s just tried to mortalize you!\r\n", ch->name );
      mortalize( victim );

   name[0] = UPPER( name[0] );
   if( !valid_pfile( name ) )
      send_to_char( "No such player.\r\n", ch );

   d->next = NULL;
   d->prev = NULL;
   d->connected = CON_GET_NAME;
   d->outsize = 2000;
   CREATE( d->outbuf, char, d->outsize );

   loaded = load_char_obj( d, name, false, false );
   add_char( d->character );
   if( get_trust( d->character ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      do_say( d->character, "Do *NOT* disturb me again!" );
      send_to_char( "I think you'd better leave that player alone!\r\n", ch );
      d->character->desc = NULL;
      do_quit( d->character, "" );
   if( get_trust( d->character ) < PERM_IMM )
      send_to_char( "They are already mortal.\r\n", ch );
      d->character->desc = NULL;
      do_quit( d->character, "" );
   old_room_vnum = d->character->in_room->vnum;
   char_to_room( d->character, ch->in_room );
   d->character->desc = NULL;
   victim = d->character;
   d->character = NULL;
   DISPOSE( d->outbuf );
   DISPOSE( d );
   mortalize( victim );
   do_quit( victim, "" );

/* Load up a player file */
CMDF( do_loadup )
   CHAR_DATA *temp;
   char name[256], buf[MSL];
   bool loaded;
   int old_room_vnum;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   one_argument( argument, name );
   if( !name || name[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: loadup <playername>\r\n", ch );
   for( temp = first_char; temp; temp = temp->next )
      if( is_npc( temp ) )
      if( can_see( ch, temp ) && !str_cmp( name, temp->name ) )
   if( temp )
      send_to_char( "They are already playing.\r\n", ch );

   name[0] = UPPER( name[0] );
   if( !valid_pfile( name ) )
      send_to_char( "&YNo such player exists.\r\n", ch );

   d->next = NULL;
   d->prev = NULL;
   d->connected = CON_GET_NAME;
   d->outsize = 2000;
   CREATE( d->outbuf, char, d->outsize );

   loaded = load_char_obj( d, name, false, false );
   add_char( d->character );
   if( get_trust( d->character ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "I think you'd better leave that player alone!\r\n", ch );
      d->character->desc = NULL;
      do_quit( d->character, "" );
   old_room_vnum = d->character->in_room->vnum;
   char_to_room( d->character, ch->in_room );
   d->character->desc = NULL;
   d->character->retran = old_room_vnum;
   d->character = NULL;
   DISPOSE( d->outbuf );
   DISPOSE( d );
   ch_printf( ch, "Player %s loaded from room %d.\r\n", capitalize( name ), old_room_vnum );
   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s appears from nowhere, eyes glazed over.\r\n", capitalize( name ) );
   act( AT_IMMORT, buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
   send_to_char( "Done.\r\n", ch );

 * Extract area names from "input" string and place result in "output" string
 * e.g. "aset joe.are sedit susan.are cset" --> "joe.are susan.are" - Gorog
void extract_area_names( char *inp, char *out )
   char buf[MIL], *pbuf = buf;
   int len;

   *out = '\0';
   while( inp && *inp )
      inp = one_argument( inp, buf );
      if( ( len = strlen( buf ) ) >= 5 && !strcmp( ".are", pbuf + len - 4 ) )
         if( *out )
            mudstrlcat( out, " ", MSL );
         mudstrlcat( out, buf, MSL );

 * Remove area names from "input" string and place result in "output" string
 * e.g. "aset joe.are sedit susan.are cset" --> "aset sedit cset" - Gorog
void remove_area_names( char *inp, char *out )
   char buf[MIL], *pbuf = buf;
   int len;

   *out = '\0';
   while( inp && *inp )
      inp = one_argument( inp, buf );
      if( ( len = strlen( buf ) ) < 5 || strcmp( ".are", pbuf + len - 4 ) )
         if( *out )
            mudstrlcat( out, " ", MSL );
         mudstrlcat( out, buf, MSL );

 * Allows members of the Area Council to add Area names to the bestow field.
 * Area names mus end with ".are" so that no commands can be bestowed.
void do_bestowarea( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg[MIL], buf[MSL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   int arg_len;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: bestowarea <victim> <filename>.are\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Usage: bestowarea <victim> [list]\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "Usage: bestowarea <victim> none\r\n", ch );

   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );

   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't give special abilities to a mob!\r\n", ch );

   if( get_trust( victim ) < PERM_IMM )
      send_to_char( "They aren't an immortal.\r\n", ch );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' || !str_cmp( argument, "list" ) )
      if( victim->pcdata->bestowments )
         extract_area_names( victim->pcdata->bestowments, buf );
         buf[0] = '\0';
      ch_printf( ch, "Bestowed areas: %s\r\n", buf );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "none" ) )
      if( !victim->pcdata->bestowments )
         send_to_char( "They have no bestowments.\r\n", ch );
      remove_area_names( victim->pcdata->bestowments, buf );
      STRSET( victim->pcdata->bestowments, buf );
      send_to_char( "Done.\r\n", ch );

   arg_len = strlen( argument );
   if( arg_len < 5
   || argument[arg_len - 4] != '.' || argument[arg_len - 3] != 'a'
   || argument[arg_len - 2] != 'r' || argument[arg_len - 1] != 'e' )
      send_to_char( "You can only bestow an area name\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "E.G. bestow joe sam.are\r\n", ch );

   if( victim->pcdata->bestowments )
      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s %s", victim->pcdata->bestowments, argument );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s", argument );
   STRSET( victim->pcdata->bestowments, buf );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   ch_printf( victim, "%s has bestowed you the area: %s\r\n", ch->name, argument );
   send_to_char( "Done.\r\n", ch );

void do_bestow( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg[MIL], buf[MSL], arg_buf[MSL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   CMDTYPE *cmd;
   bool fComm = false;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Bestow whom with what?\r\n", ch );

   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );

   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't give special abilities to a mob!\r\n", ch );

   if( victim == ch || get_trust( victim ) >= get_trust( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "You aren't powerful enough...\r\n", ch );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' || !str_cmp( argument, "show list" ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "Current bestowed commands on %s: %s.\r\n", victim->name, victim->pcdata->bestowments );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "none" ) )
      STRFREE( victim->pcdata->bestowments );
      ch_printf( ch, "Bestowments removed from %s.\r\n", victim->name );
      ch_printf( victim, "%s has removed your bestowed commands.\r\n", ch->name );

   arg_buf[0] = '\0';

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

   while( arg && arg[0] != '\0' )
      char *cmd_buf, cmd_tmp[MIL];
      bool cFound = false;

      if( !( cmd = find_command( arg ) ) )
         ch_printf( ch, "No such command as %s!\r\n", arg );
         argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
      else if( cmd->perm > get_trust( ch ) )
         ch_printf( ch, "You can't bestow the %s command!\r\n", arg );
         argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

      cmd_buf = victim->pcdata->bestowments;
      cmd_buf = one_argument( cmd_buf, cmd_tmp );
      while( cmd_tmp && cmd_tmp[0] != '\0' )
         if( !str_cmp( cmd_tmp, arg ) )
            cFound = true;
         cmd_buf = one_argument( cmd_buf, cmd_tmp );

      if( cFound == true )
         argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

      snprintf( arg, sizeof( arg ), "%s ", arg );
      mudstrlcat( arg_buf, arg, sizeof( arg_buf ) );
      argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
      fComm = true;
   if( !fComm )
      send_to_char( "Good job, you just bestowed them with 'NOTHING!'\r\n", ch );

   if( arg_buf[strlen( arg_buf ) - 1] == ' ' )
      arg_buf[strlen( arg_buf ) - 1] = '\0';

   if( victim->pcdata->bestowments )
      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s %s", victim->pcdata->bestowments, arg_buf );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s", arg_buf );
   STRSET( victim->pcdata->bestowments, buf );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   ch_printf( victim, "%s has bestowed on you the command(s): %s\r\n", ch->name, arg_buf );
   send_to_char( "Done.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_form_password )
   char *pwcheck;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: formpass <password>\r\n", ch );

   /* This is arbitrary to discourage weak passwords */
   if( strlen( argument ) < 5 )
      send_to_char( "Usage: formpass <password>\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "New password must be at least 5 characters in length.\r\n", ch );

   if( argument[0] == '!' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: formpass <password>\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "New password can't begin with the '!' character.\r\n", ch );

   pwcheck = sha256_crypt( argument );
   ch_printf( ch, "%s results in the encrypted string: %s\r\n", argument, pwcheck );

/* Purge a player file.  No more player.  -- Altrag */
/* This could have other applications too.. move if needed. -- Altrag */
void close_area( AREA_DATA *pArea )
   CHAR_DATA *ech, *ech_next;
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *rid, *rid_next;
   OBJ_INDEX_DATA *oid, *oid_next;
   MOB_INDEX_DATA *mid, *mid_next;
   NEIGHBOR_DATA *neighbor, *neighbor_next;
   int icnt;

   for( ech = first_char; ech; ech = ech_next )
      ech_next = ech->next;

      stop_fighting( ech, true );
      if( is_npc( ech ) )
         /* if mob is in area, or part of area. */
         if( URANGE( pArea->low_vnum, ech->pIndexData->vnum, pArea->hi_vnum ) == ech->pIndexData->vnum
         || ( ech->in_room && ech->in_room->area == pArea ) )
            extract_char( ech, true );
      if( ech->in_room && ech->in_room->area == pArea )
         do_recall( ech, "" );
   for( icnt = 0; icnt < MAX_KEY_HASH; icnt++ )
      for( rid = room_index_hash[icnt]; rid; rid = rid_next )
         rid_next = rid->next;

         if( rid->area != pArea )
         delete_room( rid );
      pArea->first_room = pArea->last_room = NULL;

      for( mid = mob_index_hash[icnt]; mid; mid = mid_next )
         mid_next = mid->next;

         if( mid->vnum < pArea->low_vnum || mid->vnum > pArea->hi_vnum )
         delete_mob( mid );

      for( oid = obj_index_hash[icnt]; oid; oid = oid_next )
         oid_next = oid->next;

         if( oid->vnum < pArea->low_vnum || oid->vnum > pArea->hi_vnum )
         delete_obj( oid );
   if( pArea->weather )
      for( neighbor = pArea->weather->first_neighbor; neighbor; neighbor = neighbor_next )
         neighbor_next = neighbor->next;
         UNLINK( neighbor, pArea->weather->first_neighbor, pArea->weather->last_neighbor, next, prev );
         STRFREE( neighbor->name );
         DISPOSE( neighbor );
      DISPOSE( pArea->weather );
   STRFREE( pArea->name );
   STRFREE( pArea->filename );
   STRFREE( pArea->resetmsg );
   STRFREE( pArea->author );
   if( xIS_SET( pArea->flags, AFLAG_PROTOTYPE ) )
      UNLINK( pArea, first_build, last_build, next, prev );
      UNLINK( pArea, first_bsort, last_bsort, next_sort, prev_sort );
      UNLINK( pArea, first_area, last_area, next, prev );
      UNLINK( pArea, first_asort, last_asort, next_sort, prev_sort );
      UNLINK( pArea, first_area_name, last_area_name, next_sort_name, prev_sort_name );
   DISPOSE( pArea );

void close_all_areas( void )
   AREA_DATA *area, *area_next;

   for( area = first_area; area; area = area_next )
      area_next = area->next;
      close_area( area );
   for( area = first_build; area; area = area_next )
      area_next = area->next;
      close_area( area );

CMDF( do_destroy )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   char buf[MSL], buf2[MSL], *name;

   set_char_color( AT_RED, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Destroy what player file?\r\n", ch );

   /* Set the file points. */
   name = capitalize( argument );
   if( !valid_pfile( name ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "No player exists by the name %s.\r\n", name );

   for( victim = first_char; victim; victim = victim->next )
      if( !is_npc( victim ) && !str_cmp( victim->name, name ) )

   if( !victim )

      /* Make sure they aren't halfway logged in. */
      for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
         if( ( victim = d->character ) && !is_npc( victim ) && !str_cmp( victim->name, name ) )
      if( d )
         close_socket( d, true );
      quitting_char = victim;
      save_char_obj( victim );
      saving_char = NULL;
      extract_char( victim, true );

   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, tolower( name[0] ), name );
   if( !remove( buf ) )
      AREA_DATA *pArea;

      set_char_color( AT_RED, ch );
      ch_printf( ch, "Player %s destroyed.\r\n", name );

      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s%s", LOCKER_DIR, name );
      if( !remove( buf ) )
         send_to_char( "Player's locker data destroyed.\r\n", ch );
      else if( errno != ENOENT )
         ch_printf( ch, "Unknown error #%d - %s (locker data).\r\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
         snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s destroying %s", ch->name, buf );
         perror( buf2 );

      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s%s", GOD_DIR, name );
      if( !remove( buf ) )
         send_to_char( "Player's immortal data destroyed.\r\n", ch );
      else if( errno != ENOENT )
         ch_printf( ch, "Unknown error #%d - %s (immortal data).\r\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
         snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s destroying %s", ch->name, buf );
         perror( buf2 );

      snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s.are", name );
      for( pArea = first_build; pArea; pArea = pArea->next )
         if( !str_cmp( pArea->filename, buf2 ) )
            snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s", buf2 );
            if( IS_SET( pArea->status, AREA_LOADED ) )
               fold_area( pArea, buf, false );
            close_area( pArea );
            snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s.bak", buf );
            set_char_color( AT_RED, ch ); /* Log message changes colors */
            if( !rename( buf, buf2 ) )
               send_to_char( "Player's area data destroyed. Area saved as backup.\r\n", ch );
            else if( errno != ENOENT )
               ch_printf( ch, "Unknown error #%d - %s (area data).\r\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
               snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s destroying %s", ch->name, buf );
               perror( buf2 );
   else if( errno == ENOENT )
      set_char_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );
      send_to_char( "Player does not exist.\r\n", ch );
      set_char_color( AT_WHITE, ch );
      ch_printf( ch, "Unknown error #%d - %s.\r\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s destroying %s", ch->name, name );
      perror( buf );

CMDF( do_delete )
   char buf[MSL], buf2[MSL], *name;

   if( !ch || is_npc( ch ) )

   set_char_color( AT_RED, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: delete <password>\r\n", ch );

   name = capitalize( ch->name );
   if( !valid_pfile( name ) )
      send_to_char( "You don't have a player file saved yet.\r\n", ch );

   if( str_cmp( sha256_crypt( argument ), ch->pcdata->pwd ) )
      send_to_char( "Wrong password entered.\r\n", ch );

   quitting_char = ch;
   save_char_obj( ch );
   saving_char = NULL;
   extract_char( ch, true );

   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, tolower( name[0] ), name );
   if( !remove( buf ) )
      AREA_DATA *pArea;

      log_printf( "Player %s destroyed.", name );

      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s%s", LOCKER_DIR, name );
      if( !remove( buf ) )
         send_to_char( "Player's locker data destroyed.\r\n", ch );
      else if( errno != ENOENT )
         ch_printf( ch, "Unknown error #%d - %s (locker data).\r\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
         snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s destroying %s", ch->name, buf );
         perror( buf2 );

      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s%s", GOD_DIR, name );
      if( !remove( buf ) )
         log_string( "Player's immortal data destroyed." );
      else if( errno != ENOENT )
         log_printf( "Unknown error #%d - %s (immortal data).", errno, strerror( errno ) );
         snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s destroying %s", ch->name, buf );
         perror( buf2 );

      snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s.are", name );
      for( pArea = first_build; pArea; pArea = pArea->next )
         if( !str_cmp( pArea->filename, buf2 ) )
            snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s%s", BUILD_DIR, buf2 );
            if( IS_SET( pArea->status, AREA_LOADED ) )
               fold_area( pArea, buf, false );
            close_area( pArea );
            snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s.bak", buf );
            if( !rename( buf, buf2 ) )
               log_string( "Player's area data destroyed. Area saved as backup." );
            else if( errno != ENOENT )
               log_printf( "Unknown error #%d - %s (area data).", errno, strerror( errno ) );
               snprintf( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ), "%s destroying %s", ch->name, buf );
               perror( buf2 );
   else if( errno == ENOENT )
      log_string( "Player does not exist." );
      log_printf( "Unknown error for [%s] #%d - %s.", buf, errno, strerror( errno ) );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s destroying %s", ch->name, name );
      perror( buf );

 * Super-AT command:
 * FOR ALL <action>
 * FOR MORTALS <action>
 * FOR GODS <action>
 * FOR MOBS <action>
 * FOR EVERYWHERE <action>
 * Executes action several times, either on ALL players (not including yourself),
 * MORTALS (including trusted characters), GODS (characters with level higher than
 * L_HERO), MOBS (Not recommended) or every room (not recommended either!)
 * If you insert a # in the action, it will be replaced by the name of the target.
 * If # is a part of the action, the action will be executed for every target
 * in game. If there is no #, the action will be executed for every room containg
 * at least one target, but only once per room. # can't be used with FOR EVERY-
 * WHERE. # can be anywhere in the action.
 * Example: 
 * FOR ALL SMILE -> you will only smile once in a room with 2 players.
 * FOR ALL TWIDDLE # -> In a room with A and B, you will twiddle A then B.
 * Destroying the characters this command acts upon MAY cause it to fail. Try to
 * avoid something like FOR MOBS PURGE (although it actually works at my MUD).
 * FOR MOBS TRANS 3054 (transfer ALL the mobs to Midgaard temple) does NOT work though :)
 * The command works by transporting the character to each of the rooms with target in them.
 * Private rooms aren't violated.

 * Expand the name of a character into a string that identifies THAT
 *  character within a room. E.g. the second 'guard' -> 2. guard
const char *name_expand( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   int count = 1;
   CHAR_DATA *rch;
   char name[MIL];  /*  HOPEFULLY no mob has a name longer than THAT */
   static char outbuf[MIL];

   if( !is_npc( ch ) )
      return ch->name;

   one_argument( ch->name, name );  /* copy the first word into name */
   if( !name || !name[0] ) /* weird mob .. no keywords */
      mudstrlcpy( outbuf, "", sizeof( outbuf ) );  /* Do not return NULL, just an empty buffer */
      return outbuf;

   /* ->people changed to ->first_person -- TRI */
   for( rch = ch->in_room->first_person; rch && ( rch != ch ); rch = rch->next_in_room )
      if( is_name( name, rch->name ) )

   snprintf( outbuf, sizeof( outbuf ), "%d.%s", count, name );
   return outbuf;

void do_for( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char range[MIL];
   char buf[MSL];
   bool fGods = false, fMortals = false, fMobs = false, fEverywhere = false, found;
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, *old_room;
   CHAR_DATA *p, *p_prev;  /* p_next to p_prev -- TRI */
   int i;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, range );
   if( !range || range[0] == '\0' || !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )  /* invalid usage? */
      send_to_char( "Usage: for <all/mobs/gods/mortals/everywhere> <command> [<target>]\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_prefix( "quit", argument ) )
      send_to_char( "Are you trying to crash the MUD or something?\r\n", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( range, "all" ) )
      fMortals = true;
      fGods = true;
   else if( !str_cmp( range, "gods" ) )
      fGods = true;
   else if( !str_cmp( range, "mortals" ) )
      fMortals = true;
   else if( !str_cmp( range, "mobs" ) )
      fMobs = true;
   else if( !str_cmp( range, "everywhere" ) )
      fEverywhere = true;
      do_for( ch, "" );   /* show Usage */

   /* do not allow # to make it easier */
   if( fEverywhere && strchr( argument, '#' ) )
      send_to_char( "Can't use FOR EVERYWHERE with the # thingie.\r\n", ch );

   set_char_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );
   if( strchr( argument, '#' ) ) /* replace # ? */
      /* char_list - last_char, p_next - gch_prev -- TRI */
      for( p = last_char; p; p = p_prev )
         p_prev = p->prev;
         found = false;

         if( !( p->in_room ) || room_is_private( p->in_room ) || ( p == ch ) )

         if( is_npc( p ) && fMobs )
            found = true;
         else if( !is_npc( p ) && get_trust( p ) >= PERM_IMM && fGods )
            found = true;
         else if( !is_npc( p ) && get_trust( p ) < PERM_IMM && fMortals )
            found = true;

         /* It looks ugly to me.. but it works :) */
         if( found ) /* p is 'appropriate' */
            char *pSource = argument;  /* head of buffer to be parsed */
            char *pDest = buf;   /* parse into this */

            while( *pSource )
               if( *pSource == '#' )   /* Replace # with name of target */
                  const char *namebuf = name_expand( p );

                  if( namebuf )  /* in case there is no mob name ?? */
                     while( *namebuf ) /* copy name over */
                        *( pDest++ ) = *( namebuf++ );

                  *( pDest++ ) = *( pSource++ );
            }  /* while */
            *pDest = '\0'; /* Terminate */

            /* Execute */
            old_room = ch->in_room;
            char_from_room( ch );
            char_to_room( ch, p->in_room );
            interpret( ch, buf );
            char_from_room( ch );
            char_to_room( ch, old_room );

         }  /* if found */
      }  /* for every char */
   else  /* just for every room with the appropriate people in it */
      for( i = 0; i < MAX_KEY_HASH; i++ ) /* run through all the buckets */
         for( room = room_index_hash[i]; room; room = room->next )
            found = false;

            /* Anyone in here at all? */
            if( fEverywhere ) /* Everywhere executes always */
               found = true;
            else if( !room->first_person )   /* Skip it if room is empty */
             * ->people changed to first_person -- TRI 
             * Check if there is anyone here of the requried type 
             * Stop as soon as a match is found or there are no more ppl in room 
             * ->people to ->first_person -- TRI 
            for( p = room->first_person; p && !found; p = p->next_in_room )

               if( p == ch )  /* do not execute on oneself */

               if( is_npc( p ) && fMobs )
                  found = true;
               else if( !is_npc( p ) && ( get_trust( p ) >= PERM_IMM ) && fGods )
                  found = true;
               else if( !is_npc( p ) && ( get_trust( p ) < PERM_IMM ) && fMortals )
                  found = true;
            }  /* for everyone inside the room */

            if( found && !room_is_private( room ) )   /* Any of the required type here AND room not private? */
                * This may be ineffective. Consider moving character out of old_room
                * once at beginning of command then moving back at the end.
                * This however, is more safe?
               old_room = ch->in_room;
               char_from_room( ch );
               char_to_room( ch, room );
               interpret( ch, argument );
               char_from_room( ch );
               char_to_room( ch, old_room );
            }  /* if found */
         }  /* for every room in a bucket */
   }  /* if strchr */
}  /* do_for */

CMDF( do_vsearch )
   OBJ_DATA *obj, *in_obj;
   int obj_counter = 0;
   int argi;

   set_pager_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' || !is_number( argument ) )
      send_to_char( "Usage: vsearch <vnum>.\r\n", ch );

   if( ( argi = atoi( argument ) ) < 1 || argi > MAX_VNUM )
      send_to_char( "Vnum out of range.\r\n", ch );
   for( obj = first_object; obj; obj = obj->next )
      if( !can_see_obj( ch, obj ) || !( argi == obj->pIndexData->vnum ) )

      for( in_obj = obj; in_obj->in_obj; in_obj = in_obj->in_obj );

      pager_printf( ch, "#%2d> ", ++obj_counter );
      if( obj->level != obj->pIndexData->level )
         pager_printf( ch, "Level (%2d) ", obj->level );
      pager_printf( ch, "%s ", obj_short( obj ) );
      if( in_obj->carried_by )
         pager_printf( ch, "%s by %s.", in_obj->wear_loc == -1 ? "carried" : "worn", PERS( in_obj->carried_by, ch ) );
      else if( in_obj->in_room )
         pager_printf( ch, "in room vnum [%4d].", in_obj->in_room->vnum );
         send_to_pager( "not in a room or being carried by anyone?", ch );
      send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

   if( !obj_counter )
      send_to_char( "Nothing like that in hell, earth, or heaven.\r\n", ch );

 * Simple function to let any imm make any player instantly sober.
 * Saw no need for level restrictions on this.
 * Written by Narn, Apr/96 
CMDF( do_sober )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Who would you like to make sober?\r\n", ch );
   if( !( victim = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) || is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "No player by that name is here.\r\n", ch );
   victim->pcdata->condition[COND_DRUNK] = 0;
   send_to_char( "They are now sober.\r\n", ch );
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   send_to_char( "You feel sober again.\r\n", victim );

 * quest point set - TRI
 * Usage is: qpset char give/take amount
CMDF( do_qpset )
   char arg[MIL], arg2[MIL], arg3[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   int amount;
   bool give = true;

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   if( is_npc( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "NPCs can't use qpset.\r\n", ch );

   if( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_IMM )
      send_to_char( "Huh?\r\n", ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: qpset <character> [give/take <amount>]\r\n", ch );

   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) )
      send_to_char( "There is no such player currently playing.\r\n", ch );

   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "Glory can't be given to or taken from a mob.\r\n", ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
   if( !arg2 || arg2[0] == '\0' )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s has %u glory.\r\n", victim->name, victim->pcdata->quest_curr );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg3 );
   amount = atoi( arg3 );
   if( amount <= 0 )
      send_to_char( "Amount must be a positive number greater than 0.\r\n", ch );

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, victim );
   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "give" ) )
      give = true;
      if( ch->pcdata->council && str_cmp( ch->pcdata->council->name, "Quest Council" ) && ( get_trust( ch ) < PERM_LEADER ) )
         send_to_char( "You must be a member of the Quest Council to give qp to a character.\r\n", ch );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg2, "take" ) )
      give = false;
      do_qpset( ch, "" );

   if( give )
      victim->pcdata->quest_curr += amount;
      ch_printf( victim, "Your glory has been increased by %d.\r\n", amount );
      ch_printf( ch, "You have increased the glory of %s by %d.\r\n", victim->name, amount );
      if( ( victim->pcdata->quest_curr - amount ) < 0 )
         ch_printf( ch, "%s does not have %d glory to take.\r\n", victim->name, amount );
         victim->pcdata->quest_curr -= amount;
         ch_printf( victim, "Your glory has been decreased by %d.\r\n", amount );
         ch_printf( ch, "You have decreased the glory of %s by %d.\r\n", victim->name, amount );

CMDF( do_fshow )
   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage:  fshow moblog\r\n", ch );
   if( !str_cmp( argument, "moblog" ) )
      set_char_color( AT_LOG, ch );
      send_to_char( "\r\n[Date_|_Time]  Current moblog:\r\n", ch );
      show_file( ch, MOBLOG_FILE );
      send_to_char( "No such file.\r\n", ch );

char *show_weather( AREA_DATA *area );

CMDF( do_showweather )
   AREA_DATA *pArea;
   char arg[MIL];

   if( !ch )

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   ch_printf( ch, "&[blue]%-40s     %-8s %-8s     %-8s\r\n", "Area Name:", "Temp:", "Precip:", "Wind:" );
   for( pArea = first_area; pArea; pArea = pArea->next )
      if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' || nifty_is_name_prefix( arg, pArea->name ) )
         ch_printf( ch, "&[green]%-40s &[white]%3d &[blue](&[lblue]%3d&[blue])  &[white]%3d &[blue](&[lblue]%3d&[blue])  &[white]%3d &[blue](&[lblue]%3d&[blue])\r\n",
            pArea->name, pArea->weather->temp, pArea->weather->temp_vector, pArea->weather->precip,
            pArea->weather->precip_vector, pArea->weather->wind, pArea->weather->wind_vector );
         ch_printf( ch, "&[blue]%s\r\n", show_weather( pArea ) );

/* Command to control global weather variables and to reset weather */
CMDF( do_setweather )
   char arg[MIL];

   set_char_color( AT_BLUE, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      ch_printf( ch, "%15s %14s\r\n", "Parameters:", "Current Value:" );
      ch_printf( ch, "%15s %14d\r\n", "random", rand_factor );
      ch_printf( ch, "%15s %14d\r\n", "climate", climate_factor );
      ch_printf( ch, "%15s %14d\r\n", "neighbor", neigh_factor );
      ch_printf( ch, "%15s %14d\r\n", "unit", weath_unit );
      ch_printf( ch, "%15s %14d\r\n", "maxvector", max_vector );

      send_to_char( "\r\nResulting values:\r\n", ch );
      ch_printf( ch, "Weather variables range from %d to %d.\r\n", -3 * weath_unit, 3 * weath_unit );
      ch_printf( ch, "Weather vectors range from %d to %d.\r\n", -1 * max_vector, max_vector );
      ch_printf( ch, "The maximum a vector can change in one update is %d.\r\n",
         rand_factor + 2 * climate_factor + ( 6 * weath_unit / neigh_factor ) );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg, "random" ) )
      if( !is_number( argument ) )
         send_to_char( "Set maximum random change in vectors to what?\r\n", ch );
         rand_factor = atoi( argument );
         ch_printf( ch, "Maximum random change in vectors now equals %d.\r\n", rand_factor );
         save_weatherdata( );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg, "climate" ) )
      if( !is_number( argument ) )
         send_to_char( "Set climate effect coefficient to what?\r\n", ch );
         climate_factor = atoi( argument );
         ch_printf( ch, "Climate effect coefficient now equals %d.\r\n", climate_factor );
         save_weatherdata( );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg, "neighbor" ) )
      if( !is_number( argument ) )
         send_to_char( "Set neighbor effect divisor to what?\r\n", ch );
         neigh_factor = URANGE( 1, atoi( argument ), 1000 );
         ch_printf( ch, "Neighbor effect coefficient now equals 1/%d.\r\n", neigh_factor );
         save_weatherdata( );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg, "unit" ) )
      if( !is_number( argument ) )
         send_to_char( "Set weather unit size to what?\r\n", ch );
         weath_unit = URANGE( 1, atoi( argument ), 1000 );
         ch_printf( ch, "Weather unit size now equals %d.\r\n", weath_unit );
         save_weatherdata( );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg, "maxvector" ) )
      if( !is_number( argument ) )
         send_to_char( "Set maximum vector size to what?\r\n", ch );
         max_vector = atoi( argument );
         ch_printf( ch, "Maximum vector size now equals %d.\r\n", max_vector );
         save_weatherdata( );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg, "reset" ) )
      init_area_weather( );
      send_to_char( "Weather system reinitialized.\r\n", ch );
   else if( !str_cmp( arg, "update" ) )
      int i, number;

      number = URANGE( 1, atoi( argument ), 100 );
      for( i = 0; i < number; i++ )
         weather_update( );

      ch_printf( ch, "Weather system updated %d times.\r\n", number );
      send_to_char( "You may only use one of the following fields:\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "  random\r\n  climate\r\n  neighbor\r\n  unit\r\n  maxvector\r\n", ch );
      send_to_char( "You may also reset or update the system using the fields 'reset' and 'update' respectively.\r\n", ch );

CMDF( do_khistory )
   MOB_INDEX_DATA *tmob;
   CHAR_DATA *vch;
   char arg[MIL];
   int track;

   if( is_npc( ch ) || !is_immortal( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "Huh?\r\n", ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: khistory <player>\r\n", ch );
      if( get_trust( ch ) >= PERM_HEAD )
         send_to_char( "Usage: khistory <player> clear\r\n", ch );

   if( !( vch = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) || is_npc( vch ) )
      send_to_char( "They aren't here.\r\n", ch );

   ch_printf( ch, "&[dred]Kill history for %s:&D\r\n", vch->name );

   if( get_trust( ch ) >= PERM_HEAD && !str_cmp( argument, "clear" ) )
      for( track = 0; track < MAX_KILLTRACK; track++ )
         vch->pcdata->killed[track].vnum = 0;
         vch->pcdata->killed[track].count = 0;
      send_to_char( "&[red]   Has been cleared.&D\r\n", ch );

   for( track = 0; track < MAX_KILLTRACK; track++ )
      if( !vch->pcdata->killed[track].vnum )
      if( !( tmob = get_mob_index( vch->pcdata->killed[track].vnum ) ) )
         bug( "%s: (%s) had an unknown mob vnum [%d]", __FUNCTION__, vch->name, vch->pcdata->killed[track].vnum );
         vch->pcdata->killed[track].vnum = 0;
         vch->pcdata->killed[track].count = 0;
      ch_printf( ch, "&[red]   %2d> %-30s&[dred](&[red]%-5d&[dred])&[red]   - killed %d times.&D\r\n",
         track, capitalize( tmob->short_descr ), tmob->vnum, vch->pcdata->killed[track].count );

 * Command to check for multiple ip addresses in the mud.
 * --Shaddai
 * Added this new struct to do matching
 * If ya think of a better way do it, easiest way I could think of at
 * 2 in the morning :) --Shaddai
typedef struct ipcompare_data IPCOMPARE_DATA;
struct ipcompare_data
   struct ipcompare_data *next, *prev;
   char *host;
   int count;
   bool pkill;

void free_ipc_data( IPCOMPARE_DATA *ipc )
   if( !ipc )
   STRFREE( ipc->host );
   DISPOSE( ipc );

CMDF( do_ipcompare )
   int count = 0, repeat = 0, total = 0;
   IPCOMPARE_DATA *first_ip = NULL, *last_ip = NULL, *hmm, *hmm_next, *temp;
   bool fMatch, pkill;

   set_pager_color( AT_PLAIN, ch );

   if( is_npc( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "Huh?\r\n", ch );

   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
      fMatch = false;

      if( d->character && can_pkill( d->character ) )
         pkill = true;
         pkill = false;

      for( hmm = first_ip; hmm; hmm = hmm->next )
         if( !str_cmp( hmm->host, d->host ) )
            fMatch = true;
            if( pkill )
               hmm->pkill = true;
      if( fMatch )

      CREATE( temp, IPCOMPARE_DATA, 1 );
      temp->count = 1;
      temp->host = STRALLOC( d->host );
      temp->pkill = pkill;
      LINK( temp, first_ip, last_ip, next, prev );
   ch_printf( ch, "There is a total of %d descriptor%s.\r\n", total, total != 1 ? "s" : "" );
   ch_printf( ch, "There is %d unique ip address%s.\r\n", count, count != 1 ? "es" : "" );
   if( repeat > 0 )
      ch_printf( ch, "There is %d repeat ip address%s.\r\n", repeat, repeat != 1 ? "es" : "" );
   for( hmm = first_ip; hmm; hmm = hmm_next )
      hmm_next = hmm->next;

      if( hmm->count > 1 )
         send_to_char( "  ", ch );
         if( hmm->pkill )
            send_to_char( "[PKILLER MULTIPLAYING]", ch );
         ch_printf( ch, "%s has %d connections.\r\n", hmm->host, hmm->count );
      UNLINK( hmm, first_ip, last_ip, next, prev );
      free_ipc_data( hmm );

CMDF( do_pcrename )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL], newname[MSL], oldname[MSL];

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   one_argument( argument, arg2 );

   if( is_npc( ch ) )

   if( !arg1 || arg1[0] == '\0' || !arg2 || arg2[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: pcrename <victim> <new name>\r\n", ch );

   if( !check_parse_name( arg2, true ) )
      send_to_char( "Illegal name.\r\n", ch );

   /* Just a security precaution so you don't rename someone you don't mean too --Shaddai */
   if( !( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg1 ) ) )
      send_to_char( "That person is not in the room.\r\n", ch );

   if( is_npc( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "You can't rename a NPC using pcrename.\r\n", ch );

   if( get_trust( ch ) < get_trust( victim ) )
      send_to_char( "I don't think they would like that!\r\n", ch );

   snprintf( newname, sizeof( newname ), "%s%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, tolower( arg2[0] ), capitalize( arg2 ) );
   snprintf( oldname, sizeof( oldname ), "%s%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, tolower( victim->pcdata->filename[0] ),
      capitalize( victim->pcdata->filename ) );
   if( access( newname, F_OK ) == 0 )
      send_to_char( "That name already exists.\r\n", ch );

   /* Have to remove the old god entry */
   if( is_immortal( victim ) )
      char godname[MSL];

      snprintf( godname, sizeof( godname ), "%s%s", GOD_DIR, capitalize( victim->pcdata->filename ) );
      remove( godname );

   /* Remember to change the names of the areas */
   if( victim->pcdata->area )
      char filename[MSL];
      char newfilename[MSL];

      snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s%s.are", BUILD_DIR, victim->name );
      snprintf( newfilename, sizeof( newfilename ), "%s%s.are", BUILD_DIR, capitalize( arg2 ) );
      rename( filename, newfilename );

   STRSET( victim->name, capitalize( arg2 ) );
   STRSET( victim->pcdata->filename, capitalize( arg2 ) );
   if( remove( oldname ) )
      log_printf( "Error: Couldn't delete file %s in do_rename.", oldname );
      send_to_char( "Couldn't delete the old file!\r\n", ch );

   /* Time to save to force the affects to take place */
   save_char_obj( victim );

   /* Now lets update the wizlist */
   if( is_immortal( victim ) )
      make_wizlist( );
   send_to_char( "Character was renamed.\r\n", ch );

bool check_area_conflict( AREA_DATA *area, int low_range, int hi_range )
   if( low_range < area->low_vnum && area->low_vnum < hi_range )
      return true;
   if( low_range < area->hi_vnum && area->hi_vnum < hi_range )
      return true;
   if( ( low_range >= area->low_vnum ) && ( low_range <= area->hi_vnum ) )
      return true;
   if( ( hi_range <= area->hi_vnum ) && ( hi_range >= area->low_vnum ) )
      return true;
   return false;

/* Runs the entire list, easier to call in places that have to check them all */
bool check_area_conflicts( int lo, int hi )
   AREA_DATA *area;

   for( area = first_area; area; area = area->next )
      if( check_area_conflict( area, lo, hi ) )
         return true;

   for( area = first_build; area; area = area->next )
      if( check_area_conflict( area, lo, hi ) )
         return true;

   return false;

 * Consolidated *assign function. 
 * Assigns room/obj/mob ranges and initializes new zone - Samson 2-12-99 
/* Bugfix: Vnum range would not be saved properly without placeholders at both ends - Samson 1-6-00 */
CMDF( do_vassign )
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL], arg3[MIL];
   int lo = -1, hi = -1;
   CHAR_DATA *victim, *mob;
   MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobIndex;
   OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex;
   OBJ_DATA *obj;
   AREA_DATA *tarea;
   char filename[256];

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 );
   argument = one_argument( argument, arg3 );
   lo = atoi( arg2 );
   hi = atoi( arg3 );

   if( arg1[0] == '\0' || lo < 0 || hi < 0 )
      send_to_char( "Usage: vassign <who> <low> <high>\r\n", ch );

   if( !( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg1 ) ) )
      send_to_char( "They don't seem to be around.\r\n", ch );

   if( is_npc( victim ) || get_trust( victim ) < PERM_BUILDER )
      send_to_char( "They wouldn't know what to do with a vnum range.\r\n", ch );

   if( lo == 0 && hi == 0 )
      if( victim->pcdata->area )
         close_area( victim->pcdata->area );
      victim->pcdata->area = NULL;
      victim->pcdata->range_lo = 0;
      victim->pcdata->range_hi = 0;
      ch_printf( victim, "%s has removed your vnum range.\r\n", ch->name );
      save_char_obj( victim );

   if( victim->pcdata->area && lo != 0 )
      send_to_char( "You can't assign them a range, they already have one!\r\n", ch );

   if( lo == 0 && hi != 0 )
      send_to_char( "Unacceptable vnum range, low vnum can't be 0 when hi vnum is not.\r\n", ch );

   if( lo > hi )
      send_to_char( "Unacceptable vnum range, low vnum must be smaller than high vnum.\r\n", ch );

   if( check_area_conflicts( lo, hi ) )
      send_to_char( "That vnum range conflicts with another area. Check the zones or vnums command.\r\n", ch );

   victim->pcdata->range_lo = lo;
   victim->pcdata->range_hi = hi;
   assign_area( victim );
   send_to_char( "Done.\r\n", ch );
   ch_printf( victim, "%s has assigned you the vnum range %d - %d.\r\n", ch->name, lo, hi );
   assign_area( victim );  /* Put back by Thoric on 02/07/96 */

   if( !victim->pcdata->area )
      bug( "%s: assign_area failed", __FUNCTION__ );

   tarea = victim->pcdata->area;

   /* Initialize first and last rooms in range */
   if( !( room = make_room( lo, tarea ) ) )
      bug( "%s: make_room failed to initialize first room.", __FUNCTION__ );

   if( !( room = make_room( hi, tarea ) ) )
      bug( "%s: make_room failed to initialize last room.", __FUNCTION__ );

   /* Initialize first mob in range */
   if( !( pMobIndex = make_mobile( lo, 0, "first mob" ) ) )
      bug( "%s: make_mobile failed to initialize first mob.", __FUNCTION__ );
   mob = create_mobile( pMobIndex );
   char_to_room( mob, room );

   /* Initialize last mob in range */
   if( !( pMobIndex = make_mobile( hi, 0, "last mob" ) ) )
      bug( "%s: make_mobile failed to initialize last mob.", __FUNCTION__ );
   mob = create_mobile( pMobIndex );
   char_to_room( mob, room );

   /* Initialize first obj in range */
   if( !( pObjIndex = make_object( lo, 0, "first obj" ) ) )
      bug( "%s: make_object failed to initialize first obj.", __FUNCTION__ );
   obj = create_object( pObjIndex, 0 );
   obj_to_room( obj, room );

   /* Initialize last obj in range */
   if( !( pObjIndex = make_object( hi, 0, "last obj" ) ) )
      bug( "%s: make_object failed to initialize last obj.", __FUNCTION__ );
   obj = create_object( pObjIndex, 0 );
   obj_to_room( obj, room );

   /* Save character and newly created zone */
   save_char_obj( victim );

   if( !IS_SET( tarea->status, AREA_DELETED ) )
      xSET_BIT( tarea->flags, AFLAG_PROTOTYPE );
      SET_BIT( tarea->status, AREA_LOADED );
      snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s", tarea->filename );
      fold_area( tarea, filename, false );

   set_char_color( AT_IMMORT, ch );
   ch_printf( ch, "Vnum range set for %s and initialized.\r\n", victim->name );

CMDF( do_marry )
   char arg[MIL], buf[MSL];
   CHAR_DATA *vict, *vict2;

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: marry <player> <player>.\r\n", ch );
   if( !( vict = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s doesn't seem to be in the room with you.\r\n", arg );
   if( is_npc( vict ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is an npc.\r\n", arg );
   if( vict->pcdata->spouse )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is already married to %s.\r\n", vict->name, vict->pcdata->spouse );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: marry <player> <player>.\r\n", ch );
   if( !( vict2 = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s doesn't seem to be in the room with you.\r\n", arg );
   if( is_npc( vict2 ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is an npc.\r\n", arg );
   if( vict2->pcdata->spouse )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is already married to %s.\r\n", vict2->name, vict2->pcdata->spouse );

   if( vict == ch || vict2 == ch )
      send_to_char( "You need to have someone else preform the wedding ceremony.\r\n", ch );

   vict->pcdata->spouse = STRALLOC( vict2->name );
   ch_printf( vict, "You are now married to %s.\r\n", vict->pcdata->spouse );
   save_char_obj( vict );

   vict2->pcdata->spouse = STRALLOC( vict->name );
   ch_printf( vict2, "You are now married to %s.\r\n", vict2->pcdata->spouse );
   save_char_obj( vict2 );

   ch_printf( ch, "%s and %s are now married.\r\n", vict->name, vict2->name );

   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s and %s are now married.", vict->name, vict2->name );
   echo_to_all( AT_ACTION, buf, ECHOTAR_ALL );

CMDF( do_divorce )
   char arg[MIL], buf[MSL];
   CHAR_DATA *vict, *vict2;

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: divorce <player> <player>.\r\n", ch );
   if( !( vict = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s doesn't seem to be in the room with you.\r\n", arg );
   if( is_npc( vict ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is an npc.\r\n", arg );
   if( !vict->pcdata->spouse )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s isn't married to anyone.\r\n", vict->name );

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Usage: divorce <player> <player>.\r\n", ch );
   if( !( vict2 = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s doesn't seem to be in the room with you.\r\n", arg );
   if( is_npc( vict2 ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s is an npc.\r\n", arg );
   if( !vict2->pcdata->spouse )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s isn't married to anyone.\r\n", vict2->name );

   if( str_cmp( vict->pcdata->spouse, vict2->name ) || str_cmp( vict2->pcdata->spouse, vict->name ) )
      ch_printf( ch, "%s and %s aren't married to each other.\r\n", vict->name, vict2->name );

   if( vict == ch || vict2 == ch )
      send_to_char( "You need to have someone else preform the divorce.\r\n", ch );

   ch_printf( vict, "You are no longer married to %s.\r\n", vict->pcdata->spouse );
   STRFREE( vict->pcdata->spouse );
   save_char_obj( vict );

   ch_printf( vict2, "You are no longer married to %s.\r\n", vict2->pcdata->spouse );
   STRFREE( vict2->pcdata->spouse );
   save_char_obj( vict2 );

   ch_printf( ch, "%s and %s are no longer married.\r\n", vict->name, vict2->name );

   snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s and %s are now divorced.", vict->name, vict2->name );
   echo_to_all( AT_ACTION, buf, ECHOTAR_ALL );

/* Used so the first immortal can be created by a simple command after creation */
CMDF( do_firstimm )
   struct stat fst;
   int iLevel;

   if( !ch || is_npc( ch ) || ch->level != 1 )

   if( stat( "system/firstimm", &fst ) == -1 )

   send_to_char( "Immortalizing you...\r\n", ch );
   for( ; ch->level < MAX_LEVEL; ch->level++ )
      advance_level( ch );
   ch->exp = 0;

   for( iLevel = 0; iLevel < top_sn; iLevel++ )
      ch->pcdata->learned[iLevel] = 100;
   send_to_char( "You know all available spells/skills/tongues/weapons now.\r\n", ch );

   for( iLevel = 0; iLevel < STAT_MAX; iLevel++ )
      ch->perm_stats[iLevel] = ( MAX_LEVEL + 25 );
   send_to_char( "You now have the max stats an immortal can have.\r\n", ch );

   ch->max_hit = 30000;
   ch->hit = ch->max_hit;
   ch->max_move = 30000;
   ch->move = ch->max_move;
   ch->max_mana = 30000;
   ch->mana = ch->max_mana;

   ch->trust = PERM_IMP;
   save_char_obj( ch );
   make_wizlist( );

   /* Should only be around for one use. */
   remove_file( "system/firstimm" );