Added in gemote (Global emote)
Modified emote
Modified socials (so it could do Global socials)
Added some colors
Modified channels to work with ignore
Modified permission levels on some channels
Modified permission levels on some commands
Updated source headers to include 2008
Updated skill code to handle correct when adding skills/spells/etc...
Modified highscore code
Modified hint code
Added and updated help files
Modified cook code
Modified eat code
Modified board code
Modified auction code
Modified do_areas code
Modified starting channels
Fixed a lot of bugs
Added in lockers
Modified shop code
Modified repair code
Modified help_fix code
Added un_fix_help code
Modified help code
Modified dig code
Modified pick code
Modified rlist olist mlist code
Added vlist code
Added Darkhaven area (manually)
(DEFINED) Room vnums can be set useing cset
Added so pkill can be picked on creation
Modified new_damage_message

Added fish code, commands and help files
Modified act_string in comm.c
Updated VARIABLES help file
Added changes.lst (this file) to release
Changed whats shown when you hold an object in your hands
Fixed an issue in disenchanting a weapon
Fixed an issue in the transfer code

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Added in transfer code
Modified color code
Changed autogold
Added autosplit
Updated races
Added back in picking classes on creation
Added in cset option so picking classes can be skipped
Added max_stats for races
Added in similar command code
Made compress a useable command
Made race wherenames settable online
Added NOPDELETE code
Added holiday code
Removed tamp code
Updated help files

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Updated help files
Modified skills
Modified commands
Modified channels
Modified consider
Added smartsac, noinduct code
Removed findnote code
Removed rolldie code
Added corpse retrieve code
Modified owhere code
Modified restore code
Modified ipcompare code
Modified board code
Modified triggers
Modified clan code
Modified council code
Modified hint code
Modified speed code
Added multiplaying limit code
Modified damage messages
Modified deity code

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Added groupaffects
Added hint code
Added firstimm code
Removed admin pfile
Modified gold handling
Modified bank code
Modified armor code
Modified color code
Modified quest code
Modified highscore code
Modified commands
Modified time data
Updated help files

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Modified gold handling
Modified bank code
Added highscore code
Modified deity code
Modified pick code
Modified commands
Updated help files

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Added in so objects can have an owner
Added in compass, suicide, solo, noassist, noscrap code
Added locate, claim, call, gift code
Modified areas
Removed economy in areas
Changed auction code to use auction board
Modified channel code
Removed hum, dark, evil, lootable on objects
Added shieldblock, counter code
Removed mp_deposit, mp_withdrawl code
Modified mud wide reset code
Modified hide code
Modified mud time data to be dynamic
Added calendar and calendarcheck code
Modified commands
Updated help files
Modified skills

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Updated help files
Modified commands
Removed watch code
Added quest code
Added reward code
Modified auction code
Removed spec_guard
Removed spec_executioner
Added chop code
Added makefire code
Modified practice
Changed how logging a character is handled
Added msn, yahoo, gtalk, email fields
Added rchance code for resets
Changed how commands are coded (Uses CMDF(command))
Removed project code
Modified score code
Modified worth code
Added mud wide reset code
Added open and close programs
Modified hotboot code
Removed code for orders and guilds
Modified item code
Modified channel code
Modified color code
Modified source headers
Removed attacker, thief, killer flags
Modified area format
Modified editor code
Modified board code
Modified bank and gold code
Modified ban code
Removed hell and unhell code
Removed litterbug code
Removed balzhur code
Removed fixchar code
Removed pardon and mppardon code

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Updated help files
Modified channel code
Modified commands
Added speed code
Added birthday code
Added marriage code
Removed absorb code (was like immune/resistant/suscept)

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Removed switch code
Removed nuisance code
Removed loadarea code
Removed comments code
Modified class code
Modified race code
Modified council code
Modified skill code
Modified mapout code
Added corpses command
Added pfile cleanup code
Added some socials
Modified commands
Updated help files

Alot of minor changes to code format
Found and fixed various bugs
Modified clan code
Modified nation code
Updated help files
Updated commands
Updated spells/skills
Updated languages

Alot of minor changes to code format
Removed fixed code
Found and fixed various bugs
Removed alot of socials
Removed services.c
Removed simple_damage
Made it so you can't use create spring in a nodrop room
Made it so you can't use create fire in a nodrop room
Made it so you can't use create food in a nodrop room
Changed social indexing
Modified clan code

Alot of minor changes to code format
Removed planes
Changed immortal host to just host for everyone
Modified last command
Found and fixed various bugs

Alot of minor changes to code format
Added more checks to keep down possible problems
Found and fixed various bugs

Alot of minor changes to code format
Added in bank code
Added in nations code
Modified bug, typo, idea to bti
Added in sudoku game
Found and fixed various bugs