The Castle of Desire - Honeybear~
   The Castle Of Desire - Zone.  Hello, This zone is somewhere in between the
Newbie Zone and the Chessboard of Midgarrd in difficulty.  In fact the
charactersitics of most of the mobiles was cloned from these.  Due to the
"adult/ sexually oriented nature" of some of the objects.  This zone as it
stands would be oriented toward an adult user base.  However it would be easily
modified to change those few items which some people might find offensive.  
The Zone was created as a replica of our talker - The Castle of Desire.  
Please visit us by coming to our Home Page at: http://www.  Bcl.  Net/desire
New Players are always welcome and I'm happy to help talker and mud
administrators all i can.  You can reach me on my talker or in my mud or email
me at: brussell@@specent.  Com.  Have fun and good luck.  Bill (Honeybear)
298 0 0 0 0 0
   You enter a large Foyer and are greeted by a Butler who Welcomes you to the
Castle of Desire it is the home of Shimmer your Queen and Honeybear your King..
Out infront of you, a dark mysterious corridor lies to your left, and on your
right, a beautiful large winding stairwell leading upwards....  You wonder
where to start in exploring the forbidden secrets that this Castle must
hold....  Enjoy your stay..  And all your desires that you fulfill here..  The
vision of an Oak Tree appears before you in the corner of the room.    
298 156 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29802
0 -1 29804
0 0 26203
0 -1 29803
The Castle Moat~
0 -1 29835
Great Hall~
   This large Public Scening Hall is a cavernous room with a vaulted ceiling
upon which a fresco depicts angels, cherubs and robed figures in postures of
ecstacy as they dispense or receive pleasure.  A blazing fireplace at one end
of the room is flanked by chairs in which slaves writhe in pleasure, impaled on
their masters' laps.  In the centre of the room is a pole to which slaves may
be tethered as they submit to exquisite punishment.  A basket holding riding
crops, whips, switches and paddles is near at hand.  At the far end of the room
is a bed-sized platform between two tall columns.  On the platform, a slave is
lying on her back, her arms chained to rings set in the columns.  Her legs are
bent back and suspended in midair by a chain fastened to a hook in the ceiling,
awaiting her Master.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29813
2 29822 29807
0 -1 29801
2 29822 29805
   You have entered a dark corridor that is dimly lit with candles...  There
are old paintings of past Kings, Queens, and Royalty lining the walls...  
Cobwebs hang from the ceiling, drapping around you.  You peer down the corridor
and see a small door to what you think might be the servants quarters..  You
wonder if you should take a closer look to see where it leads..    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29801
0 -1 29808
   -An enormous stairwell looms before you....  You gaze up the winding stairs
to see the light of the moon shining through the stain glass windows...  The
light fills the stairwell with dark and mysterious pattrens, giving you a sense
of someone watching from the shadows....    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29806
0 -1 29801
   You smell faint traces of sandal wood and leather, and the fragrence of oils
and a touch of honey as you enter the Masters chamber.  The room is dominated
by a huge, heavy, mahogony bed...  Covered in black satin covers.  In front of
a large stone fireplace are two overstuffed leather chairs, inviting you for a
brief period of contemplation..  Perhaps you sip a brandy from the well stocked
bar, or gaze on the shelves on the wall containing all the gadgets and toys
that a true Master and gentlman might need to entertain himself with a willing
companion or Sub...  Whom you may see the shadow of her figure lurking in the
shadows...  Waiting on her Master
298 668 0 0 0 0
2 29822 29802
   -This is a long, cobweb covered passage, many years of dust are settled on
the antiques, walls and floors...  The passage leads from the stairwell, to the
entrance of the Secret Tunnel of the Ocean Tower...  As you travel through the
passageway there are many doors to rooms on the right of you, which behind
these closed doors are the private quarters of the Kings and Queens of Castle
of Desire...    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29826
0 -1 29804
0 -1 29828
   This is the mistress' chamber.  A large canopied bed graces the center of
the room.  On a small table are bottles of scented oils and lotions and a
basket holding nipple clamps and cock rings, and leather straps of different
lengths delicately carved chest at the foot of the bed contains an assortment
of switches, crops and paddles along with a strap-on dildo and a double headed
dildo.  Many things to pleasure both Mistress and Sub.    
298 668 0 0 0 0
2 29822 29802
Servant's Quarters~
   Here in this room you see a very humble abode.  A simple place where the
servants live having only the necessities of life.  There are rows of simple
cots with thin bedding and blankets, little privacy for any who share this
place.  Some have draped old moth eaten blankets between thier cots for some
semblence of a place of privacy.  There is little time spent her for the
servents..  Only for a few limited hours of sleep before they are called on for
thier duties to be performed for the Master and Mistress of the Castle.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29803
0 -1 29809
   Walking among the catacombs is quite disorienting.  One dark corridor looks
like another : dry and dusty.  You would become forever lost should your torch
falter.  The darkness could possibly be the deadliest thing down here.  The
catacombs are rumored to lead to many things, including the Wizard's den.  You
chuckle at the thought of following the echos of incantations bouncing from
hall to hall.  You also deduce that the lowest part of the stle's domain must
hold the dungeon.  Perhaps you should keep the draft in your face so as you do
not accidentally wander into the dungeon.  Who knows what wanders in that area.
If you are lucky you might be able to find a exit leading to one of the
Castle's rooms.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29811
0 -1 29808
0 -1 29810
   The atmosphere of this enormous stone-vaulted underground chamber is dark
and oppressive.  Manacles dangle from iron rings set deeply in the stone walls.
A pair of leather ankle restraints is fastened to the end of a chain which is
looped over a pulley set in an oak beam in the ceiling of the dungeon.  
Through the bars of a dark cell in the corner, you see the form of a softly
sobbing slave.  The pillory in the center of the dungeon is occupied by a slave
her e she is bound, bruised and swollen waits as her master left her.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29809
   Here you enter the this very large room you see that it stores all the
weapons and equipment for war.  You see polished and shiny..  The metal coats
of armour worn my the army lined up along one wall..  Hanging on the other
walls and about the benches are different styles of weapons.  You see long
bows, and swords, spears and lances..  Maces and sheilds and battleaxes..  
Large numbers of them in neat and organized fashion ready for battle when the
need arises....    
298 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29812
0 -1 29809
Trophy Room~
   As you enter the trophy room you are blinded by light reflected from goblets
and bowls of precious metal, inlaid with rare stones.  Oil paintings on the
wall tell of past victories, parchments speak of victories to come.  Magical
objects wrestled from evil creatures are on display behind strong walls forged
by strong spells.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29816
0 -1 29813
0 -1 29811
0 -1 29814
Dining Hall~
   Entering this chamber a long solid wood table greets your gaze...  The table
has twenty large, oversized, velvet covered chairs, which line both sides of
the table...  Candelabras line the table and the walls of the dinning hall,
giving off a gentle and soothing glow...  Although this room is enormous, it is
also easily converted into a quiet spot for a romantic candle lit dinner with
that special someone...    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29817
0 -1 29821
0 -1 29802
0 -1 29812
   Welcome to the Library!  You enter through two huge wooden doors and are
immediately overcome by the odor of old books.  There are long wooden tables to
either side of you lighted softly by the glow of candlelight and the warm fire.
Around the fireplace you see a huge rug with all of your friends sitting on it
reading there favorite novels.  You decide to pick out a book and join them...
Beside the rug on either side of the fireplace you see two over stuffed
chairs...  And a special shelf with Leather bound books...    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29815
0 -1 29812
East Balcony~
   As you enter this balcony you see the glow of the rising sun orange and reds
against the clouds.  You look over the railing out across the country and you
see the gardens in bloom, with moisture drops of dew on them glistening in the
early morning lite..  As you look across the field you see doe and thier young
drinking at the stream.  This is a pleasant place with comfy wooden chairs to
sit and watch the day break.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29814
0 -1 29826
Game Room~
   As you enter you see many different types of equipment...  Used in the games
of the Knights...  You see Jousting equipment...  And Riding gear..  Helmets
and shields and lances...  YOu see great sized discs and long steel posts..  
Tossed for sport and skill.  Many other items of game lay about the room..  
Choose..  What is it you enjoy most in the games of bravery and skill?    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29818
0 -1 29812
   You stand in a room with octagonal marble floor tiles.  Looking up, you see
a ceiling covered with glass mirrors, reflecting the dance.  Along the center
of the ceiling of this enormous room are three large, silver candlabras,housing
hundreds of delicate white candles.  Tall glass doors, covered by billowing
white curtains lead outside to small marble balconies, where people may talk
privately and enjoy the view.  The left side of the room is covered by a thin
white curtain concealing the twenty piece orchestra, as they play concertos and
waltzes.  To the right is a mural of a ball from ages past.  Forest green love
seats line the walls, for those wishing to relax and listen to the music.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29822
0 -1 29813
0 -1 29818
Knight's Room~
   You Enter the KNIGHTS_ROOM As you walk in 2 guards point their spears at you
and ask, "WHO GOES THERE?  "" You show them your pass and walk in.  As you walk
in you see a large wooden round table with Castle Desires Emblem on it.  About
298 wooden chairs surrounding the table.  You take a seat and begin to chat.  
You notice a few golden thrones for the kings and queens and princes and
princesses.  So, please, make yourself comfy and servants will come and serve
you drinks.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29819
0 -1 29817
0 -1 29816
   You have descended into an intimate amphitheatre of abandon where
exhibitionists and voyeurs are welcome (and encouraged) to play.  Far above
you, a large crack in the domed ceiling reveals a myriad of dark
constellations.  The morning star winks mischieveously on the horizon.  A low
stage, covered with soft, luxurious cushions, is surrounded by a reviewing
stand rising above it on all sides.  The stands are padded and cozy, allowing
watchers to lounge or indulge themselves in the shadows.  The stage is
surrounded by soft, low candlelights, the players move slow to the music.  Two
large thrones sit at the front of the stage for the King and his Queen to view
the scenes.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29820
0 -1 29818
   This cozy bedroom is tucked away from prying eyes; small, yet wonderful in
its capacity.  Dimmed lighting set into the floors gives your eyes just enough
to move around by, as you notice the enormous king-sized bed taking up much of
floor space.  Complete with black satin sheets, you and your lover rest
comfortably on its surface, the water-filled mattress relaxing you.  The
mellifluous sound of breakers rumbling and crashing against the shore seeps
from hidden speakers, you and your lover's chests rising and falling in sync.
A pair of elegant black orchids rest in an onyx vase upon the small night table
next to you.  From all around, a dozen airy voices whisper, "Set me afire with
your touch, my love, and quench me with your kiss ...  "
298 156 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29834
0 -1 29819
0 -1 29833
   -You enter a world of delicious smells...  Bread is baking in the old stone
ovens...  The Roast is turning on the spit in the hickory fire...  A long
oblong, oval shaped table stands in the middle of the culinary, which is
equiped with all the neccessities...  A variety of cabinets and shelving line
the walls full of food supplies...  A large metal rack hangs over the middle
table, with pots and and utensils hanging from it...    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29823
0 -1 29813
Wine Cellar~
   You decend a narrow stairway after opening a thick wooden door with a loud
creek.  To the left and right are rooms containing countless bottles of vintage
wines, sent from all over the country to stock the King and Queens cellar.  In
the main central room you see many rows of huge barrels filled with the most
delicious wines of all parts of the realm..  And along the far wall are shelves
holding the countless bottles of various brands of brandy ..  Especially
select..  For the King.  To the right sits the winemaster, always ready to help
to choose the right wine for the right occasion..  And to keep the supplies in
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29824
0 -1 29817
   -You walk into a very spacious pantry, which is lined with dozens of wooden
shelves...  There stocked full of a variety of foods...  There is a wooden
stepping stool against the shelf, and hooks with aprons hanging from the line
the one wall...    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29821
North Passageway~
           .;;;, .;;;,                   .;;;, .;;;,           
        .;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,.;;;,       .;;;.,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;.
       ;;;;oOOoOOoOOoOOoOOo;;;. .,. .;;;oOOoOOoOOoOOoOOo;;;;
   .,,.`oOOo'           `OoOOo,;;;;;,oOOoO'          `oOOo;',,.
  `;;OOoO'    ;;;'             `OOO'             `;;;   `OoOO;;'
 ;;;;OOoO     `;     ,;;.                          ;'    OoOO;;;;
    ;;;;OOoO,          ;;    ;  ; `; ;' ;..'         ,OoOO;;;;
     ```.;OOoO,        ;,;;, `;;'  `;'  `;;'       ,OoOO;,'''
IN HONOR    ;;;;OOoO,.                     .,OoOO;;;;    IN MEMORY OF 
OF OSITANEGRA```,;OOoO,.                 .,OoOO;, '''     BLUEDRAGON 
AND SPOILA'S       ;;;;;OOoO,.        .,OoOO;;;;  FOR ALL WHO LOVED HER
WEDDING JULY 3RD 1997   ;;;;;OOoOOoOO;;;;;    PASSED AWAY JULY 4TH 1997
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29825
0 -1 29822
Ocean Tower~
   As you enter the tower, you see many windows, one of which is a huge stained
glass window that showers the whole room with a rainbow of colors.  You walk
over to an open window and you can hear the pounding of the waves below and the
screaming of the sea gulls above.  Suddenly there is a breeze of cool, salty,
ocean air that calms your body...  Relax and enjoy the view..    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29826
0 -1 29824
Secret Tunnel~
   As you step into the darkness your torch throws a bright light that is
caught by thousands of sparkling crystals that amplify the shimmering light
into a magical carpet of color that entrances and makes you hold your breath
with delight.  The floor is smooth under your feet and thesoft warm breeze
carries a delightful fragrance that sets your senses tingling with delight.  
There are places this tunnel leads to..  Mysterious, perhaps dangerous, or
perhaps tantalizing to all your sensual senses....  Continue here..  At your
own risk.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29825
0 -1 29815
0 -1 29827
0 -1 29801
West Balcony~
   As you open the doors to the balcony, the beautiful smell of the warm night
fills your soul until your all warm inside.  You decide to sit and relax before
doing anything further.  You begin to close your eyes, when all of a sudden you
see the most beautiful thing happening in the sky.  A flashing light goes from
one side of the dark sky to the other.  You finally close your eyes with
happiness and excitement.  Knowing that you have just seen a shooting star, you
begin to make a wish...  The next morning you wake up and find yourself at the
same spot as you were the night before and figured you must have drifted off to
sleep....  But as you start to get up, you see something different, something
strange, something new...  You noticed that your wish come true...    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29826
0 -1 29829
Hot Tub~
   The moon has turned a translucent silver and casts a light that illuminates
the outlines of the bodies in the hot tub.  This is the place to relax and get
to know the one sitting across from you.  The hot tub is cozy, almost magical
as the pulsing jet stream of water makes direct contact in your most secret
places and those strong, smooth bubbles massage reality away.  Soft music, with
a steady beat fills the air, touches your soul and strikes an almost primal
urge in you.  You drift in a secure and sensual place as your body responds to
the steamy water, the feather-light touches of someone and you enter a
dreamlike state.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29830
0 -1 29806
0 -1 29831
South Tower~
   As you enter my tower, you are greeted by the warm glow of a fire in the
fireplace.  The east is adorned with bookcases, filled with books both old and
new.  The north has a rather quaint, and cozy sofa, with a small refrigerator
on the side.  The west is also adorned, not with bookcases, but with my coat of
arms, and my fabulous sword collection.  The south, where you entered, has a
door leading to the spirial staircase that lead you to the tower.  In the
center of the room, there is a round table with 6 chairs around it, in the
center of the table, there are fresh roses in a vase.  As you enter, I look up
from my desk in the northwestern part of the tower, put down my quill pen, and
properly greet you into the tower.    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29827
   If you have choosen here you feel a pleasent light feeling come over you..
You feel content and happy as you feel you are floating on air..  There is a
lite blue mist about you and shimmering lites of color everywhere....  Almost a
twinkling of stars of lights all around you...  This is a good place..  And
from here you can return to reality...    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29828
0 -1 29831
0 -1 29832
   If this is the way you have choosen you can feel the fires of Hell around
you.  As you open your mouth to gasp for air you feel the heat searing your
lungs.  You feel the burning but your flesh is in tact you feel the flames but
you see only darkness...  There is no light..  It is as though you are hanging
in limbo you can not touch nor feel anything around you including the floor if
there is one...  You can not go forward nor can you retrace your steps in...  
And you hear the anguish of other souls as they linger here...  You are
alone...  You are lost...  All you feel is desperation..  There is no where
else you can go...  You poor lost soul.......    
298 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29832
0 -1 29830
0 -1 29828
   You suddenly find yourself seemingly floating through a white void.  There
is a hint of landscape, almost tangible like a cloud, yet seemingly no more
real than a dream.  Where are you?  In your dazed state you conclude you have a
choice of going in one of two directions.  Which will it be?  In one direction
you see brightness and feel warmth, from the other direction there is darkness
but a burning heat, and sounds of anguish.  You can not speak here or .tell or
.shout you are in a limbo state untill a wiz or higher talks to you..  You must
decide if you are willing to cooperate and behave here.....  Smiles then you
will be freed.  YOU ARE DEAD!    
298 8 0 0 0 0
   To My Honeybear My Hairy Bear - Love Always - Shimmer Here I stand, and my
spirits rise..  All my feelings...  I feel I have many loves.  Loves that I can
not live with out..  I have many desires, which are what I Iam all about..  I
love walking on beaches and warm summer breezes..  I love sunsets and laughter
and star filled skies..  *My life is complicated, My loving is deep If you are
part of that life you KNOW...  If you have my heart...  You have my mind..  My
soul..  My love..  And I will share my life with you..  I am a gentle and
caring woman and would cherish your friendship forever..    
298 2716 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29820
   To my Darling Shimmer My Moonlight - Love Always - Honeybear In the darkest
of times, if you look up, you can find your way by the shimmering light of the
moon.  In a dark time in my life, I looked up and there she was, my Shimmer, my
Light of the Moon!  Oh there have been many lights in my life, most of which
have faded.  Im sure there will be others, but none will be more precious to me
as She.  To her I pledge my undying love and affection for as long as she
chooses to light my way!    
298 2716 0 0 0 0
0 -1 29820
0 -1 29801
The Castle Moat~
   As you go down into the Castle Moat you are pleasantly surprised that you
can swim.  The water is cold and muky with all manners of yuky stuff floating
about.  Could be trash dumped from the windows of the Castle by the staff or,
could be parts of bodies of those who have dared attack the Castle.  The Moat
continues East and West accross the front and sides of the Castle.  You can
also go down if you can hold your breath and arent afraid of deep dark cold
places.  A slippery ladder leads back up to the Foyer!    
298 0 0 0 0 0
The Eastern side of the Moat~
0 -1 29836
The Western Side of the Mote~
0 -1 29837
The Castle of Desire Foyer~
0 -1 29801
Under Water in the Moat~
0 -1 29838
The Eastern Side of the Moat~
   As you continue swimming you finally come to a solid wall which signals the
end of this side of the moat.  Your only choice is to go back from where you
298 8 0 0 0 0
The Castle Moat~
0 -1 29835
The Western Side of the Moat~
   As you continue swimming you finally come to a solid wall which signals the
end of this side of the moat.  Your only choice is to go back from where you
298 0 0 0 0 0
The Castle Moat~
0 -1 29835
Under Water in the Moat~
   You are under the water in the Moat.  Its very dark and you almost choke
from the muck that surrounds you.  You have a feeling you should go back from
where you came.  If you go down futher you will surely die!    
298 1 0 0 0 0
The Castle Moat~
0 -1 29835
The Deadly Depths of the Moat~
0 -1 29839
The Deadly Depths of the Moat~
   The pressure is too much for you to handle.  You better go up before you
298 0 0 0 0 0
Under water in the Moat~
0 -1 29838