#AREA   Adari - Baituh City~

#AUTHOR Merth~

10 30 0 103


#ECONOMY 0 5000206

officer customs smotsuk~
Smotsuk, a customs officer is here.
He is a big burly Adarian.  His only intention is to keep weapons
from being imported or exported from Adari.
67 0 350 Z
40 0 0 4d40+0 4d20+0
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 524289 524288 0
8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> time_prog 12~
mpecho A deputy leaves in a rush.
mpgoto 29030
drop all
mpgoto 29065
mpecho A deputy has arrived.
shop keeper shopkeeper baszturd~
A shop keeper works here.
He is an elderly Adarian shop keeper. 
16777283 0 -400 Z
20 0 0 2d20+0 2d10+0
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 524288 524288 0
4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
scholar old saavy professor sumaretie~
Professor Sumaretie~
A saavy, old scholar studies here.
This old Adarian may not know a great deal about fighting, but he
knows many languages and other academic fields.  He might be able to
help you learn another language. 
34603075 0 450 Z
20 0 60 2d20+0 2d10+0
0 0
8 8 1
13 18 18 13 13 18 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 1589830 1589831 0
4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
droid innkeeper keeper r2 unit~
An Innkeeper Droid~
An Innkeeper Droid idles here.
A red astromech R2 unit idles here waiting to help you.  If you would
like  to rent a room for the evening, give 50 credits to this R2
83886147 0 -400 Z
30 0 0 3d30+0 3d15+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 1 524288 0
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 75~
mpecho A little red R2 Unit whistles happily towards you.
> bribe_prog 18~
mpgoto 29110
mptransfer $n
mpechoat $n The R2 Unit escorts you to a room.
bartender hutt puttzu~
A Hutt Bartender works here.
33554435 0 -500 Z
50 0 0 5d50+0 5d25+0
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 524305 524288 0
10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
droid astromech bouncer~
An Astromech Droid~
An Astromech Droid acts as a bouncer here.
This Astromech Droid is acting as a bouncer to the bar south of here.
Only 'adults' can enter.  If you would like to enter the bar, tell
the droid 'hutts rule!'. 
67108931 0 -500 Z
65 0 0 7d65+0 6d37+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 524289 1 0
13 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog p hutts rule!~
mpgoto puttzu
mptransfer $n
mpechoat $n The Droid ushers you into the bar.
mpecho $n is ushered into the bar.
mpgoto 29081
bailjfk boxjfk~
a bail box~
A Bail Box has been installed in the wall here.
1 0 0 Z
50 0 -100 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> bribe_prog 30~
mpechoaround $n $n exits the jail.
mpgoto 29103
mptransfer $n
mpechoat $n The doors opens and you are released.
mpechoaround $n $n exits the jail.
mpgoto 29108
deputy snopaew~
Deputy Snopaew~
A deputy partols the area.
Deputy Snopaew is a tall and gangly looking Adarian.  It is his job to
keep weapons out of the city.
33554497 0 300 Z
30 0 0 3d30+0 3d15+0
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 524288 524288 0
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> entry_prog 50~
mpecho Deputy Snopaew surveys the area.
> all_greet_prog 75~
glare $n
deputy young~
a young deputy~
A deputy patrols the area.
A young Adarian deputy.  You can see it is his dream to enforce
laws.  He is a decent and moral being.
65 0 300 Z
15 0 0 2d15+0 1d8+0
15 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 524288 524288 0
3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
adarian townie~
a Townie~
An Adarian Townie wanders about here.
Not the brightest nor most beautiful Adarian.  This is one of the
citizens of the town.  She lives day to day.
16777281 0 -100 Z
15 0 75 1d10+0 1d5+0
0 0
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 524288 524288 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
draagax crazed omnivore~
a Draagax~
A crazed omnivore sniffs about.
Ears similar to a rabbit, eyes of a fly, teeth of a lion, body of an
ape. This can be a very frightening beast to stumble upon.
33816645 0 -100 Z
22 0 65 2d22+0 2d12+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 5 13 18 13 13 18
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 524288 524288 0
4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 75~
if ispc($n) 
if level($n) >= 15 
mpkill $n 
mpecho A Draagax snorts loudly.
dirty old man~
Dirty old man ~
A man dressed in an old overcoat.
This guy looks alot like bleeds.
3 0 0 Z
70 0 -75 14d10+3000 7d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 512 524290
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
' ya got me
mpoload 7316
a newly created bookend~
Some god abandoned a newly created bookend here.
1073741825 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

sign welcome~
a sign~
A Large sign has been posted here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
5000 1 0
sign welcome~
-  Welcome to Baituh City  -
Please follow our laws:
1. No Weapons Permitted
2. No Drugs Permitted
3. No "Adult Entertainment"
bail box~
a Bail Box~
A Bail Box has been built into the wall.~
15 1 0
500 0 0 0
5000 0 0
bail box~
To be released from jail you must apologize for your crimes.  Hint,
say 'sorry' to be released. 
bail box~
> speech_prog sorry~
mpgoto 29103
mptransfer $n
mpechoat $n The doors opens and you are released.
mpecho $n exits the jail.
mpgoto 29108
> bribe_prog 30~
mpgoto 29103
mptransfer $n
mpechoat $n The doors opens and you are released.
mpecho $n exits the jail.
mpgoto 29108
whiskey bottle~
a bottle of whiskey~
A bottle of whiskey spills drops on the ground.~
17 8192 16385
10 10 5 0
1 50 5
beer bottle~
a bottle of beer~
A small bottle, tipped on its side, drips on the ground.~
17 8192 16385
5 5 1 0
1 100 10
mug ale~
a mug of ale~
A large mug of ale sits here.~
17 8192 16385
12 12 4 0
1 75 7
playhutt trashy magazine~
a copy of PlayHutt magazine~
A copy of PlayHutt magazine has been left here.~
79 16 16385
0 0 0 0
2 50 5
playhutt trashy magazine~
Be careful! You might go blind looking at such filth!

Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Baituh City Road~
This is the northern most entrance and exit of Baituh City.  Jagged
rocks prevent your travel in most directions.  The air is thick and
full of dirt and soil.  You can continue to either the north or the
south from here.
0 8324 1
0 -1 29112
0 -1 29062
Baituh City Road~
Baituh City is known all over Adari for its city design.  Baituh
City is completely unique in its city structure.  When the city was
founded, they did not have proper equipment to remove some of the
thicker rock.  As a result, Large pieces of mountain and volcano
still stand in the center of each city block.  You can continue
north, east or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29061
0 -1 29064
0 -1 29063
R M 0 29069 1 29062
  R E 1 29004 1 12
Baituh City Road~
The path is fairly wide here.  The black soil is soft and moist
beneath you.  Baituh City seems pretty desolate and devoid of
intelligent life.  This once thriving city fell on hard times shortly
after the fall of the Empire. It has been a struggle to keep most
cities on this planet alive.  You can continue east or south from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29062
0 -1 29066
Baituh City Road~
The path is fairly wide here.  The black soil is soft and moist
beneath you.  Baituh City seems pretty desolate and devoid of
intelligent life.  This once thriving city fell on hard times shortly
after the fall of the Empire. It has been a struggle to keep most
cities on this planet alive.  You can continue west or south from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29067
0 -1 29062
R M 0 29007 10 29064
Baituh City Landing Strip~
This barren little area is used for private space vessels to come
and go.  This is not a nice or well kept facility, but it does serve
a very useful purpose for the cities inhabitants.  This is not a bus
stop. Commercial transportation does not and cannot dock here.  You
can continue east from here.
0 262164 1
0 -1 29066
R M 0 29060 1 29065
  R E 1 29008 1 8
  R E 1 29007 1 7
  R E 1 29009 1 16
  R E 1 29006 1 5
R O 0 29060 1 29065
Baituh City Road~
The path is very wide here.  It would be possible for small vehicles
to easily pass one another here.  Baituh City is now largely
inhabited by vermin and rodents.  The intelligent beings who reside
here are scoundrels and thugs primarily.  You can continue north,
south, or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29063
0 -1 29069
0 -1 29065
R M 0 29067 1 29066
  R E 1 29009 1 16
  R E 1 29006 1 5
  R E 1 29007 1 7
  R E 1 29008 1 8
Baituh City Road~
The path is very wide here.  It would be possible for small vehicles
to easily pass one another here.  Baituh City is now largely
inhabited by vermin and rodents.  The intelligent beings who reside
here are scoundrels and thugs primarily.  You can continue north,
south, or east from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29064
0 -1 29068
0 -1 29071
Baituh City Cafeteria~
You are just inside a cave.  The room is very well lit and well
kept. Whoever runs the shop is very clean and meticulous.  The floor
is made up of smoothed marble like rock and has very little dirt on
it. You can exit to the west.
0 9224 1
0 -1 29067
R M 0 29061 1 29068
  R G 1 29002 1
  R G 1 10313 1
  R G 1 10314 1
  R G 1 10317 1
Baituh City Road~
There is thick volcanic ash beneath you.  It black and grainy.  The
ash seems to stick to everything and gets onto all of your clothes. 
Be careful not to breathe in too much of this ash saturated  air. 
You can continue north or east from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29066
0 -1 29070
R M 0 29068 1 29069
  R E 1 29006 1 5
  R E 1 29007 1 7
  R E 1 29008 1 8
  R E 1 29009 1 16
Baituh City Road~
Baituh City is known all over Adari for its city design.  Baituh
City is completely unique in its city structure.  When the city was
founded, they did not have proper equipment to remove some of the
thicker rock.  As a result, Large pieces of mountain and volcano
still stand in the center of each city block.  You can continue
south, east or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29071
0 -1 29072
0 -1 29069
Baituh City Road~
There is thick volcanic ash beneath you.  It black and grainy.  The
ash seems to stick to everything and gets onto all of your clothes. 
Be careful not to breathe in too much of this ash saturated  air. 
You can continue north or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29067
0 -1 29070
R M 0 29069 2 29071
  R E 1 29004 1 12
Baituh City Road~
This road is covered in thick black volcanic ash.  The ash is heavy
and very clingy.  Ash floats through the air and attaches its self to
your clothing and other belonings. You can continue north or south
from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29070
0 -1 29073
Baituh City Road~
This is the main intersection for Baituh City.  There are city
blocks in all directions from here.  Each direction leads to
something completely different than the other three.  Feel free to
look around.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29072
0 -1 29086
0 -1 29098
0 -1 29074
R M 0 29069 4 29073
  R E 1 29004 1 12
Baituh City Road~
This road is covered in thick black volcanic ash.  The ash is heavy
and very clingy.  Ash floats through the air and attaches its self to
your clothing and other belonings. You can continue east or west from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29073
0 -1 29075
Baituh City Road~
The path is very wide here.  It would be possible for small vehicles
to easily pass one another here.  Baituh City is now largely
inhabited by vermin and rodents.  The intelligent beings who reside
here are scoundrels and thugs primarily.  You can continue north,
south, or east from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29076
0 -1 29074
0 -1 29082
Baituh City Road~
The path is fairly wide here.  The black soil is soft and moist
beneath you.  Baituh City seems pretty desolate and devoid of
intelligent life.  This once thriving city fell on hard times shortly
after the fall of the Empire. It has been a struggle to keep most
cities on this planet alive.  You can continue west or south from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29075
0 -1 29077
Baituh City Road~
Baituh City is known all over Adari for its city design.  Baituh
City is completely unique in its city structure.  When the city was
founded, they did not have proper equipment to remove some of the
thicker rock.  As a result, Large pieces of mountain and volcano
still stand in the center of each city block.  You can continue
north, east or west from here.
0 8320 1
0 -1 29083
0 -1 29076
0 -1 29078
Baituh City Road~
The path is fairly wide here.  The black soil is soft and moist
beneath you.  Baituh City seems pretty desolate and devoid of
intelligent life.  This once thriving city fell on hard times shortly
after the fall of the Empire. It has been a struggle to keep most
cities on this planet alive.  You can continue east or south from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29077
0 -1 29079
R M 0 29068 2 29078
  R E 1 29007 1 7
  R E 1 29008 1 8
  R E 1 29006 1 5
  R E 1 29009 1 16
Baituh City Road~
The path is very wide here.  It would be possible for small vehicles
to easily pass one another here.  Baituh City is now largely
inhabited by vermin and rodents.  The intelligent beings who reside
here are scoundrels and thugs primarily.  You can continue north,
south, or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29078
0 -1 29080
0 -1 29084
Baituh City Road~
There is thick volcanic ash beneath you.  It black and grainy.  The
ash seems to stick to everything and gets onto all of your clothes. 
Be careful not to breathe in too much of this ash saturated  air. 
You can continue north or east from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29079
0 -1 29081
R M 0 29069 3 29080
  R E 1 29004 1 12
Baituh City Road~
Baituh City is known all over Adari for its city design.  Baituh City
is completely unique in its city structure.  When the city was
founded, they did not have proper equipment to remove some of the
thicker rock.  As a result, Large pieces of mountain and volcano
still stand in the center of each city block.  You can continue
south, east or west from here. To the south is a 'bar'.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29082
7 -1 29085
0 -1 29080
R M 0 29065 1 29081
R D 0 29081 2 2
Baituh City Road~
There is thick volcanic ash beneath you.  It black and grainy.  The
ash seems to stick to everything and gets onto all of your clothes. 
Be careful not to breathe in too much of this ash saturated  air. 
You can continue north or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29075
0 -1 29081
R M 0 29007 12 29082
Baituh City Academia~
At one time Baituh City produced the best and brightest Adarians in
their state of the art academy.  Since the planet and town have hit
hard times, things have changed.  Now students must travel to Alfuh
to work on their fighting skills. Most of the faculty from the old
school have also left.  This lone room now acts as a tutoring
facility for the one remaining faculty member.
0 8 1
0 -1 29077
R M 0 29062 1 29083
Baituh City Inn~
Welcome to the Baituh City Inn.  Those who need to rest and such
can do so here.  But, you have to purchase a room of course.  This is
not the largest hotel on the planet by any means.  But if you need to
rest, this place is as good as any other.  You can exit to the east.
0 42112 1
0 -1 29079
8388615 -1 29110
R M 0 29063 1 29084
R D 0 29084 3 2
Baituh City Bar~
This dank fouls smelling hole in the ground is one of the few
businesses able to survive these times of hardship.  It is a bar. 
Beings come here to forget about how miserable their lives are.  Feel
free to join them.  But watch your step.  You can exit to the north.
0 8200 1
1 -1 29081
R M 0 29064 1 29085
  R G 1 32230 1
  R G 1 10487 1
  R G 1 29065 1
  R G 1 29063 1
  R G 1 29062 1
  R G 1 29064 1
R M 0 29071 1 29085
  R E 1 50 1 16
R D 0 29085 0 0
Baituh City Road~
This road is covered in thick black volcanic ash.  The ash is heavy
and very clingy.  Ash floats through the air and attaches its self to
your clothing and other belonings. You can continue east or west from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29087
0 -1 29073
Baituh City Road~
The path is very wide here.  It would be possible for small vehicles
to easily pass one another here.  Baituh City is now largely
inhabited by vermin and rodents.  The intelligent beings who reside
here are scoundrels and thugs primarily.  You can continue north,
south, or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29088
0 -1 29094
0 -1 29086
Baituh City Road~
The path is fairly wide here.  The black soil is soft and moist
beneath you.  Baituh City seems pretty desolate and devoid of
intelligent life.  This once thriving city fell on hard times shortly
after the fall of the Empire. It has been a struggle to keep most
cities on this planet alive.  You can continue east or south from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29089
0 -1 29087
R M 0 29007 11 29088
Baituh City Road~
Baituh City is known all over Adari for its city design.  Baituh
City is completely unique in its city structure.  When the city was
founded, they did not have proper equipment to remove some of the
thicker rock.  As a result, Large pieces of mountain and volcano
still stand in the center of each city block.  You can continue
north, east or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29095
0 -1 29090
0 -1 29088
Baituh City Road~
The path is fairly wide here.  The black soil is soft and moist
beneath you.  Baituh City seems pretty desolate and devoid of
intelligent life.  This once thriving city fell on hard times shortly
after the fall of the Empire. It has been a struggle to keep most
cities on this planet alive.  You can continue west or south from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29091
0 -1 29089
R M 0 29068 3 29090
  R E 1 29006 1 5
  R E 1 29007 1 7
  R E 1 29008 1 8
  R E 1 29009 1 16
Baituh City Road~
The path is very wide here.  It would be possible for small vehicles
to easily pass one another here.  Baituh City is now largely
inhabited by vermin and rodents.  The intelligent beings who reside
here are scoundrels and thugs primarily.  You can continue north,
south, or east from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29090
0 -1 29096
0 -1 29092
Baituh City Road~
There is thick volcanic ash beneath you.  It black and grainy.  The
ash seems to stick to everything and gets onto all of your clothes. 
Be careful not to breathe in too much of this ash saturated  air. 
You can continue north or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29091
0 -1 29093
R M 0 29069 5 29092
  R E 1 29004 1 12
Baituh City Road~
Baituh City is known all over Adari for its city design.  Baituh
City is completely unique in its city structure.  When the city was
founded, they did not have proper equipment to remove some of the
thicker rock.  As a result, Large pieces of mountain and volcano
still stand in the center of each city block.  You can continue
south, east or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29092
0 -1 29097
0 -1 29094
Baituh City Road~
There is thick volcanic ash beneath you.  It black and grainy.  The
ash seems to stick to everything and gets onto all of your clothes. 
Be careful not to breathe in too much of this ash saturated  air. 
You can continue north or east from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29087
0 -1 29093
Baituh City Governmental Offices~
This is not quite as elegant as one would expect of a government.
 It would seem the government has been struggling a lot too during
this time of hardship for the planet.  The room is well lit.  The
walls are covered in dirt and filth, the floor is even worse.  You
can escape to the south.
0 8200 1
0 -1 29089
Baituh City Post Office~
Baituh City is still capable of communicating with other cities and
planets. This was once a thriving postal service serving Baituh City
and its the suburbs. Today, no one oversees the post office.  It is
all done electronically.  You can exit to the west.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29091
R O 0 38 1 29096
Lava Resevoir~
It is extremely warm here.  There is a large pool of lava
directly south of here.  To continue south would almost certainly be
instant death.  It would be best to get as far away from here as
possible.  This is not a safe area.  Go north if you cherish life.
0 9216 1
0 -1 29093
If you go south, you will surely die!
0 -1 29111
Baituh City Road~
This road is covered in thick black volcanic ash.  The ash is heavy
and very clingy.  Ash floats through the air and attaches its self to
your clothing and other belonings. You can continue north or south
from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29073
0 -1 29099
Baituh City Road~
Baituh City is known all over Adari for its city design.  Baituh
City is completely unique in its city structure.  When the city was
founded, they did not have proper equipment to remove some of the
thicker rock.  As a result, Large pieces of mountain and volcano
still stand in the center of each city block.  You can continue
north, east or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29098
0 -1 29101
0 -1 29100
Baituh City Road~
The path is fairly wide here.  The black soil is soft and moist
beneath you.  Baituh City seems pretty desolate and devoid of
intelligent life.  This once thriving city fell on hard times shortly
after the fall of the Empire. It has been a struggle to keep most
cities on this planet alive.  You can continue east or south from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29099
0 -1 29102
R M 0 29068 4 29100
  R E 1 29006 1 5
  R E 1 29007 1 7
  R E 1 29008 1 8
  R E 1 29009 1 16
Baituh City Road~
The path is fairly wide here.  The black soil is soft and moist
beneath you.  Baituh City seems pretty desolate and devoid of
intelligent life.  This once thriving city fell on hard times shortly
after the fall of the Empire. It has been a struggle to keep most
cities on this planet alive.  You can continue west or south from
0 8192 1
0 -1 29103
0 -1 29099
R M 0 29007 13 29101
Baituh City Road~
The path is very wide here.  It would be possible for small vehicles
to easily pass one another here.  Baituh City is now largely
inhabited by vermin and rodents.  The intelligent beings who reside
here are scoundrels and thugs primarily.  You can continue north,
south, or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29100
0 -1 29104
0 -1 29107
Baituh City Road~
The path is very wide here.  It would be possible for small vehicles
to easily pass one another here.  Baituh City is now largely
inhabited by vermin and rodents.  The intelligent beings who reside
here are scoundrels and thugs primarily.  You can continue north,
south, or east from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29101
75498503 -1 29108
0 -1 29106
Baituh City Road~
There is thick volcanic ash beneath you.  It black and grainy.  The
ash seems to stick to everything and gets onto all of your clothes. 
Be careful not to breathe in too much of this ash saturated  air. 
You can continue north or east from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29102
0 -1 29105
R M 0 29069 6 29104
  R E 1 29004 1 12
Baituh City Road~
Baituh City is known all over Adari for its city design.  Baituh
City is completely unique in its city structure.  When the city was
founded, they did not have proper equipment to remove some of the
thicker rock.  As a result, Large pieces of mountain and volcano
still stand in the center of each city block.  You can continue
south, east or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29106
0 -1 29109
0 -1 29104
Baituh City Road~
There is thick volcanic ash beneath you.  It black and grainy.  The
ash seems to stick to everything and gets onto all of your clothes. 
Be careful not to breathe in too much of this ash saturated  air. 
You can continue north or west from here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 29103
0 -1 29105
R M 0 29068 5 29106
  R E 1 29006 1 5
  R E 1 29007 1 7
  R E 1 29008 1 8
  R E 1 29009 1 16
Baituh City Police Station~
This is the Baituh City Police Station.  A large marble desk sits in
the corner of the room.  The floor is covered in dirt and volcanic
ash. Several communication terminals have been built into the walls
around you.
0 0 1
0 -1 29102
R M 0 29068 6 29107
  R E 1 29006 1 5
  R E 1 29007 1 7
  R E 1 29008 1 8
  R E 1 29009 1 16
Baituh City Jail~
This is a dank foul smelling armpit of a cell.  To be locked in this
room means you must have broken the law.  Thick rocks make up the
walls and ceiling. 
0 41032 1
75498503 -1 29103
R M 0 29066 1 29108
R D 0 29108 3 2
bail box~
This is a bail box.  To bereleased from jail, you must give 30 credits
worth of bail to the box.  You will promptly be freed if you pay the
30credit fine. 
Baituh City Road~
This road is very wide and seems to be in fairly decent condition. 
However, a large rock-like boulder blocks you from continuing any
further south. 
0 8192 1
0 -1 29105
Baituh City Hotel~
This is where you can safely sleep and exit the game.  When you
reenter the game, this is the room you will start in.  Be sure to
thank the hotel staff for putting up with you.  Enjoy your stay.  You
can exit to the east. 
0 8396800 1
0 -1 29084
Lava Lake~
It is unbelievably hot here.  You are in a lake of lava.  To be
here is  almost certainly suicide.  If you can still escape to the
north, do so! 
0 73734 1
0 -1 29097
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.  To the south is Baituh
0 335872 1
0 -1 29158
0 -1 29061
2048 -1 29113
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29112
0 -1 29114
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29115
0 -1 29113
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29116
0 -1 29114
R M 0 29070 17 29115
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29117
0 -1 29115
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29118
0 -1 29116
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29119
0 -1 29117
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29120
0 -1 29118
R M 0 29070 18 29119
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29121
0 -1 29119
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29122
0 -1 29120
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29123
0 -1 29121
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29124
0 -1 29125
2048 -1 29122
Outskirts of Alfuh City~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335876 1
0 -1 29049
0 -1 29123
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here. 
0 335872 1
0 -1 29126
0 -1 29123
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29127
0 -1 29125
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29130
0 -1 29128
0 -1 29126
R M 0 29070 1 29127
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29127
0 -1 29129
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29128
0 -1 29130
R M 0 29070 2 29129
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29129
0 -1 29131
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29130
0 -1 29132
0 -1 29138
R M 0 29070 3 29131
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29131
0 -1 29133
0 -1 29128
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29134
0 -1 29132
R M 0 29070 4 29133
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29140
0 -1 29135
0 -1 29128
0 -1 29133
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29136
0 -1 29134
R M 0 29070 5 29135
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29143
0 -1 29131
0 -1 29137
0 -1 29135
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29136
0 -1 29132
0 -1 29138
R M 0 29070 6 29137
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29137
0 -1 29139
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29138
0 -1 29140
R M 0 29070 7 29139
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29139
0 -1 29136
0 -1 29141
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29140
0 -1 29142
R M 0 29070 8 29141
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29141
0 -1 29143
0 -1 29136
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29142
0 -1 29139
0 -1 29144
R M 0 29070 9 29143
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29143
0 -1 29145
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29146
0 -1 29144
R M 0 29070 10 29145
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29147
0 -1 29145
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29148
0 -1 29146
R M 0 29070 11 29147
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29151
0 -1 29149
0 -1 29147
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29139
0 -1 29150
0 -1 29148
R M 0 29070 12 29149
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29149
0 -1 29151
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29152
0 -1 29150
R M 0 29070 13 29151
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29151
0 -1 29147
0 -1 29153
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29152
0 -1 29154
R M 0 29070 14 29153
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29155
0 -1 29153
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29154
0 -1 29156
R M 0 29070 15 29155
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29155
0 -1 29157
Enclosed Dirt Path~
The road is covered in thick ash.  You are surrounded by mountains
and jagged rocks.  It is difficult to know exactly where you are.  It
would be pretty easy to get lost out here.
0 335872 1
0 -1 29156
0 -1 29147
0 -1 29158
R M 0 29070 16 29157
Enclosed Dirt Path~
It would be pretty easy to get lost out here on this ash  covered
pathway.  You are surrounded by mountains  and jagged rocks.  It is
difficult to know exactly where you are.   
0 335872 1
0 -1 29157
0 -1 29112

 29061    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Baszturd
 29064    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Puttzu


M  29060 spec_customs_spice
M  29060 spec_police_jail
M  29067 spec_customs_weapons
M  29067 spec_police_jail
M  29068 spec_customs_alcohol
M  29068 spec_police_attack
