Mindcloud 2.5 Code Release November 11, 2005
Its been 2 years since I released 2.0, wow  anyway, my original goal was to just
fix it up for gcc4, but I figured why not give a little better codebase.
Here is a short list of changes:
- Hint OLC (hint, nohint)
- Removed some areas
- Removed Hobbit class
- Fixed bugs
- Cleaned up help files
- Added intelligent mobs code (Tell Pinhead something and see how it replies)
- Fixed up Makefile
- New Version Command
- Mud Will Backtrace when it crashes now showing what failed
- Added safe sprintf and strcat called xprintf and xcatf (From my 1.4 release)
- Loads artifacts on mkills now instead of on boot (See mudstat)
- Added bones and mkills variables to ccenter
- Update now skips empty areas so it should save on cpu a bit
- Changes list now pages when it gets big
- More I forgot I'm sure

-- Below is original 2.0 release doc --
Ok, here it is for all you folks who have been waiting.  As with
all muds its unfinished code, and I don't appologize for it, you'll 
just have to live with it, fix it and enjoy it.  There are many
improvements in the code which you'll see if you play with it.  There
are also many unfinished projects in there as well.  I will leave
it up to the capable coders out there to figure it out.  If you contact
me, I will try and help you if its a simple matter.  Enjoy the code, I
put a lot of work into it and its been fun, so hopefully, I'll continue
to put out code as long as people enjoy it.

--- Zarius, Coder of Mindcloud and Dreamer of Dreams



See the file 'license.txt' in your mcloud2/doc directory. Read, obey.
Downloading and installing this code implies your agreement to the terms.
It also affords a few fringe benifits you might want to take advantage of.
You must also obey all the other license files in that folder as well if
you want to run this code.  As far as my stuff is concerned, feel free
to use it however you want, only thing I ask is that if you use it, don't
be a jackass and say you wrote it, that keeps people from releasing code.

Installation Notes

There are somethings that you need to be aware of prior to installing the game.
Please read this stuff BEFORE you try and run the game. You'll avoid alot of
hassle, and we'll be asking if you checked this stuff anyway.

First Immortal

You will need to edit the kav_wiz.c file and look for a function called do_relevel
and replace Admin with your name.  Create a char and once in the game type Relevel
and thats it.

Credits for Code used
If I used code and there is no credit given, its because I didn't know where it
came from and if notified I will add your name to the codecredits if you
need that kind of recognition in your life :)

The Makefile

The Makefile has some suggestions on what to comment out if you get certain errors during
your compile. If you encounter any, refer there to see if there's a fix for it.
The usual 'make clean' command will remove the executable and .o files.


The code comes with the Intermud-3 protocol installed. This is basically a chat network
with other muds connected. It is primarily used by the LPMud community, but Diku muds
are making their pressence known. You will need to configure the settings for this
prior to connecting or things will more than likely not work right.

If your mudhost does not allow outbound connections from your mud you can't use it.

An option in the Makefile allows you to disable it from compiling.

Before enabling I3, make sure you edit the settings in the I3 directory or from in
the game by using I3Config.

MSP - Mud Sound Protocol

MSP has been a feature of this base for some time, but only now is it's potential beginning
to be tapped. 

MSP is typically only available under Zmud, and further information on the protocol can be
found at: