GreedMud Release 0.99.5
Friday, 11th February 2000

Zen             <>

=== Disclaimer

If your name isn't in here, and you think it should be; or if your name IS
in here and you prefer a different name or anonymity; then just e-mail me
and i'll fix it in the next release.

=== Information

Almost all of the features of GreedMud were heavily based on work done by
someone else, so they are who deserve your credits not me. I mostly limited
myself to porting the code to the Envy 2.2 code base, fixing bugs, and
usually rewriting some code. I wrote some details to the porting work
bellow so you can use them for your reference.

=== The GreedMud Contributions

Erwin S. A:	Scan(.v1) skill for Thieves (
		Save classes info in file idea
		Save socials info in file idea
		prinf_to_char( ), bugf( ), logf( ) and advatoi( ).
		More accurate string hashing function.

Jason Huang:	Brew & Scribe skills for caster classes (

Lope:		ANSI Colour support using ColoUr_V1.2 (
		The code had a couple of bugs on. I shall give you my patch
		someday; well... maybe... i don't have much spare time and can't
		remember most changes i made by now.

Sandman:	Shield Block skill for all classes (??)
aka Morpheus	Fast Healing skill for all classes
		Fourth Attack skill for Warriors

Slash:		Falling code (  Also know for his most
		excellent MZF editor.

Christopher S:	OLC for Envy20 port and a nice e-mail reminding me of his new
		  release and its changes. Thanks! (

Stimpy:		Whirlwind skill for Warriors

TFC:		Jester class and all related code, helps

MOBProgs 2.1:	Written by J Murphy, N'Atas-Ha of ThePrincedom and
		  based on a concept created on Worlds of Carnage by
		  Aaron Buhr.

MOM_Envy:	A couple of OLC features were ported from this Envy10 based
		  source. (

ILAB OLC B1.1:	By Jason Dinkel (
		  Original by Surreality ( and
		  Locke ( of TheIsles.

Mythran 3.1.11:	WIZNET.
		Plague spell, Cure disease spell, flower social, Seven dice
		game, High dice game, WIZNET, #GAMES support code was also based
		on this codebase.

		Mythran Mud is (C) 1996 by Mark Janssen and Jeroen van der Maat.

		Spell "nexus", "portal" idea.
		IRV flags system idea & some code.

		ROM consortium:
		  Russ Taylor (Alander), Gabrielle Taylor, and Brian Moore
		e-mail: Alander (

SMAUG team:	Social table structure in memory and social table hashing idea.
		Score and Who commands new look.  New Clans code idea.
		A couple of functions were also taken from SMAUG code.
		SMAUG is a great code base. It has loads of inovating features.

		SMAUG code team: Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn,
		    Rennard, Swordbearer, Gorog, Grishnakh and Tricops
		e-mail: Thoric (

TheIsles:	Great unusual features and compact, clean code.
		HIT_FUN's, improved weather system, ranged weapons, weapon
		proficiencies, gems, mana types & ridable mobs code was based on
		this one.  Also know as NiMUD.  Great dual hand system.
		Btw i tried to contact Locke at the address below but all my
		email bounced back.
		TheIsles by Locke ( and Surreality (