Greed FAQ, last revised: 8 November 1999

These are questions people ask me quite often. Hopefully now that they're
answered here that won't be the case. :^)


Q: You were the UltraEnvy coder right?
Q: When is a more recent UltraEnvy version coming out?

A: Yes, i was the UltraEnvy coder.  In fact GreedMud is based on UltraEnvy code
   so if it's a more recent UltraEnvy version you're looking for: use GreedMud.


Q: Why the name change?  I think that the UltraEnvy name is pretty cool...

A: Yeah, maybe.  But the fact is that the name 'UltraEnvy' makes it sound like
   this codebase is just a hyped up Envy.  In later releases i have added
   features that make the mud look very different from Envy, though retaining
   some of that original feel.  That's the reason for the 'Greed' name change.


Q: I got the mud up, but how do i make an Immortal character with all immortal

A: Read "How to create your first immortal" at 'immortal.txt' in the doc/
   directory.  Then enter the game and write 'imtlset self + all'.


Q: I have Linux XXX and when i try to compile the mud it sends out some
   'undefined reference to crypt' errors.

A: Try 'make linux2'.  If that still doesn't work, email me the error dump.


Q: How the hell does the clan system work?
Q: How do i create a new clan?

A: Read 'clans.txt' in the doc/ directory.


Q: What happened to all the other areas?

A: I'm using this codebase to build my own mud.
   Of course, me and my builders decided that all stock areas should go.
   Players over here are sick of the same tired old areas, and i for one
   don't blame them.  If you really want the old areas download Envy_22.tar.gz
   from and use the areas from that.  GreedMud converts them
   automagically.  - some important info on this is in 'area.txt'.


Q: This mud seems to have a higher system load than other Merc muds.  Why?

A: 1. This mud has SSM (Shared String Management).
   2. This mud has MobPrograms.

   Still, there seems to be something i'm missing here.  Maybe list_update()?
   Even Envy 2.0 without SSM & MobPrograms is slower than Rot with a similar
	number of areas.  However, Rot uses more mem than Greed.

The motto of the day is: read the *.txt files in the doc/ directory!
