This file is going to be a simple document explaining some things about auction in LoP...

Usage: auction
Usage: auction <#>
Usage: auction <#> close
Usage: auction <#> cancel
Usage: auction <#> bid <amount>
Usage: auction <object> <autowin>
Usage: auction list <start #>

With no arguments what's on auction will be displayed.
With a # argument it will show you the stats for that auction.
With a # and close argument it will close that auction.
   (Note: can only stop auctions you started.)
   (Note: you only get the object back if no bids were made on it.)
   (Note: only the one who put the object on auction can close it.)
With a # and cancel argument it will cancel the auction.
   (Note: the object will be returned to you.)
   (Note: all bids will be returned to the bidder.)
   (Note: only the one who put the object on auction can cancel it.)
With an object argument you place the object on auction.
   You may specify an autowin for a quicker auction.
With list and a starting # it will start at that auction and
   show up to 15 auctions.
Max gold for bids and autowins is 2,000,000,000,000,000,000 (2 Quintillion).
All bids are saved and gave back when outbidded, closed, canceled or won.