15 Apr, 2009, David Haley wrote in the 61st comment:
Votes: 0
Crat, I always knew you were a freedom hater. At least now you're wearing all those evil badges on your sleeve.
15 Apr, 2009, Guest wrote in the 62nd comment:
Votes: 0
Right, so I wondered when ol nhung the spammer would find his way here. He can go join all his copies in the void now. Looks like my lazy ass is gonna need to work Akismet into the registration system.
15 Apr, 2009, Hades_Kane wrote in the 63rd comment:
Votes: 0
I guess I missed something?
15 Apr, 2009, David Haley wrote in the 64th comment:
Votes: 0
Samson (or another admin) deleted the spam post, as well as Crat's post quoting it.
16 Apr, 2009, Guest wrote in the 65th comment:
Votes: 0
Indeed. The spammer has been making his rounds on all the QSF/QSFP based sites lately and I was wondering when they'd get around to showing up here. The bot is even smart enough to validate the email during registration. The whole process takes it just under 5 minutes to complete. Obviously we'll be keeping an eye out for it to return.
16 Apr, 2009, Tyche wrote in the 66th comment:
Votes: 0
They are rather persistent little critters. I'm getting spam member registrations for my forums which run my TeensyWeb software. And AFAIK I'm the only one running it. The forums generate and send the user a password in email. So far they aren't smart enough to read the email and use the password.
16 Apr, 2009, Cratylus wrote in the 67th comment:
Votes: 0
There appears to be a trend to defeat forum anti-spam measures with human
bulk registrants from countries where pay that is unacceptable to westerners
is a living wage.

I've read analyses of this trend that suggest that this is a very cost-effective
strategy for big spammers.

Even if it is not an especially fast growing trend, I think I've seen a little of it. It's hard to countermeasure
a living breathing forum spammer automatically. You have to stay on top of em personally. :(

08 Jan, 2010, bbailey wrote in the 68th comment:
Votes: 0
Samson said:
Derek Snider, aka Thoric, has sold the game.org domain. All outbound links will need to be adjusted.

With his permission, here's the announcement:


I have sold the domain name "game.org", and henceforth all links
pointing to game.org and game.org subdomains will have to be changed to
new locations.

The domains smaug.org and realmsofdespair.com have existed for a number
of years, so these will be available to update any links specifically
referring to the SMAUG code, or Realms of Despair.

I have created the domain "ftpgame.org" to take over for the
ftp.game.org site. Links can be either "http://ftpgame.org/" for the
web interface, or "ftp://ftpgame.org" for the ftp interface.

For links to the original "portal" site that was at www.game.org, you
may link to: http://www.realmsofdespair.com/portal/

Thank-you and sorry for the inconvenience.

-Derek (aka Thoric)

Time is short. The www.game.org domain is going to be switched over within the next day or two. The other subdomains such as realms.game.org and ftp.game.org will be switched over in January to allow time to track down and change those to the new subdomains.

So, sorry for the necro, but I just noticed ftpgame.org (the replacement site for ftp.game.org) has effectively disappeared. I'm guessing that the domain expiration was simply overlooked, as I haven't been able to find any formal announcements about the site anywhere. The Realms of Despair portal (www.realmsofdespair.com/portal/) still points to it, in fact.

Does anyone have any information regarding this? Alternatively, is anyone aware of an unmodified mirror of ftpgame.org's content? I'm interested in reacquiring some original packages that have either been removed or modified in the mudbytes and mudmagic code repositories.
08 Jan, 2010, Davion wrote in the 69th comment:
Votes: 0
Tyche's Sourcery would have it all, wouldn't it? It has everything!
08 Jan, 2010, bbailey wrote in the 70th comment:
Votes: 0
Davion said:
Tyche's Sourcery would have it all, wouldn't it? It has everything!

I wish. The archive at ftp://sourcery.dyndns.org/ is pretty conservative. Is there a significant archive elsewhere in there somewhere?

Edit: Ah, found more in /archive, though it's still not what I'd call complete. The 'conservative' comment refers to what's in /pub.
08 Jan, 2010, Tyche wrote in the 71st comment:
Votes: 0
bbailey said:
Edit: Ah, found more in /archive, though it's still not what I'd call complete. The 'conservative' comment refers to what's in /pub.

Yeah most people go look in /pub first, however /pub just contains my own goodies and mods.
/archive certainly does have everything that was on ftpgame.org except for certain questionable bits of code.

Unfortunately on the Diku side, if your looking for DragonBallZ, GodWarz, StarWarz, Locke or Samson stuff you probably won't find it on my site for various reasons.
09 Jan, 2010, bbailey wrote in the 72nd comment:
Votes: 0
Tyche said:
Unfortunately on the Diku side, if your looking for DragonBallZ, GodWarz, StarWarz, Locke or Samson stuff you probably won't find it on my site for various reasons.

Yea, original archives of the first few nimud releases and related files (Holly's starter kit, e.g.) are part of what I'm looking for. The one package by Samson that I cared about (an older intermud3 package for Diku derivatives before everyone got a hard-on for IMC2) was still in mudmagic's repository at least.