apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
./configure –host=i686-linux-gnu "CFLAGS=-m32" "LDFLAGS=-m32"
mkdir /usr/svmud/
chown MUDUSER /usr/svmud/
2016.10.15 16:11:21 LDMud 3.2.15 (Build 2325) (development)
2016.10.15 16:11:21 Random seed: 0x58028d69
2016.10.15 16:11:21 Attempting to start erq '/usr/svmud/ldbin/erq'
2016.10.15 16:11:21 [erq] Amylaar ERQ Oct 15 2016: Path 'erq', debuglevel 0
2016.10.15 16:11:21 Hostname 'XXXXX' address ''
2016.10.15 16:11:21 Failed to load master object 'secure/master'.
]Failed to load master object 'secure/master'!
2016.10.15 16:11:21 [erq] read: EOF
2016.10.15 16:11:21 [erq] Read 0, should be 9!
2016.10.15 16:11:21 [erq] Giving up.
apt-get install convmv
convmv –notest -r -f utf8 -t iso-8859-1 /usr/svmud/mudlib/
Of course, everything immediately went wrong. What follows is everything we've gleaned about what the problem is:
The core issue is that the MUD we've aquired is in Swedish and so it uses the scandic characters å, ä and ö. It was also made by a group of people not perhaps following best practice, so those characters are all over file and method names. This used to work in the original MUD, but it was written in the ISO 8859-1 charset, while the standard today is UTF-8. What this basically means is that the file system for the computer always takes whatever bytes you send it and looks for matching bytes in UTF-8, but those three characters have different numbers in the two charsets, so it fails to load any file with those three characters in it.
Amazingly, a few years ago someone tried to start up another Swedish MUD and ran into very similar issues, receiving very helpfull replies here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/ld...
Converting the entire library to UTF-8 and recompiling the driver with some slight changes should theoretically fix the MUD, at least well enough for our purposes.
This leads me to our second problem:
The MUD in question runs on a slightly older version of LDMud, with quite a few changes, many of which are concerned with allowing the problematic characters in the game. And no matter what we do, we just cannot get the driver to compile. Every issue that we solve leads to a new one. The first major problem is that the driver will not accept a 'make' command without running 'configure' first. And 'configure' resets every single change the creators made to the driver to LDMud defaults. We have some documentation for what those changes were, but with our lack of coding experience this makes every attempt take hours, and we never know if we just made a mistake somewhere or if it just didn't work.
We also ran into issues where apparently our versions of Ubuntu are 64-bit, but the MUD was written for 32-bit. I think we've solved this one by installing the correct architecture and running a 'make clean' command before 'make' to solve input/output problems that aborted the compiling. At least I managed to compile something named LDMud, but when I run that version I just get a "segmentation fault (core dumped)" message.
We're at wits' end here and I figured that since this is a community for MUDs that actually appears to have some active members it couldn't hurt to ask for help. I'm sorry for being so long-winded and probably not knowing what information is/isn't important, but you guys are our greatest hope.