29 Dec, 2012, Splork wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0


In the Coliseum, players can battle against challenging waves of mobs in
a fierce struggle for honor, glory, drachma, and bragging rights. Loot
can also be found on the corpses of your enemies, in the form of unique
potions and other expendible items. The Coliseum is located on Thordfalan,
w2n2e3n6e3nw6n3en from West Gate.

Currently there are two modes. In the individual competition, the gladiator
enters into one of nine level-based pit challenges. They battle against a
stream of enemies, who appear one at a time. The high score is based on how
many enemies you can dispatch before time (or hp) run out. In the event that
you are dealt a mortal blow, coliseum medics will save you from death, but
your time immediately expires.

The nine level-based challenges correspond to the number of '40s' you have.
High level gladiators cannot enter the low level pits. For example:
A 3x40 gladiator can enter pit 3-9, but cannot enter pit 0, 1, or 2.

There are special items for sale east of Proximo, to aid you in your combat.
You can examine the items and 'read tag' to find out more about their usage.
Some enemies are nearly invincible if you don't bring the right weapons.
There are 125 unique npc gladiators, with dozens of special abilties and procs.

<pull chain> To enter or exit the pit.
<push button> To face your next opponent.
<look sign> To show an update of your status while in the pit.
<check hourglass> To see how long before you may re-enter pit.
<look scores> To see how you measure up to the other gladiators.

Signs in the area give more detailed information.

** You may not use any outside help while in the Coliseum area including:
** charmed mobs, potions, scrolls, wands, and rods.

For more information about the group competition, see help Chaos Pit.



The Chaos Pit allows groups of gladiators to challenge an increasingly
difficult flood of npc gladiators. All group members must be at least level 40
to enter the Chaos Pit. The total number of '40s' in your group cannot
exceed 18. For example, a group consisting of a 4x40, a 6x40, anda 9x40
add up to 19 '40s', and so cannot compete together.

There are two waves of enemies from each of the nine individual pits. If your
group completes all 18 waves, you will be awarded 25 drachma for your valor.

The rules are as follows:
* You must be level 40 in your primary class and be grouped with at least one other person.
* You may use any potion, stave, rod, wand, scroll, sidhe charm or similar device, except for
anything that teleports you out of the pit.
* Charming mobs is allowed.
* Thunderbird and nightmare supplicants can not be used.
* If your entire group is dead, you will be automatically revived at the entrance.
* Your group may consist of any combination of players such that the # of level 40's is 18 or less.
* You may retrieve your corpse from the pit by typing <retrieve corpse> at this location.
* If you are shocked or your corpse times out, normal xp loss occurs. You may not re-enter the ongoing match.
* Unretrieved player corpses will automatically come to the entrance of the Chaos Pit at the end of a match.
* Belongings accidentally left behind in the pit will be transferred to the entrance.
* Type <acquiesce> in the pit to concede the match and be returned to the entrance.
* If you acquiesce your name will be removed from the group list.
* If the entire group surrenders no score will be recorded.
* Do not smuggle or attempt to smuggle players into or out of the pit.
* Do not transfer the leadership of your group.
* Use <page> if you need assistance.
* <Pull chain> to enter the arena, along with your pets.