We are looking for more staff for our mud. The positions we are are looking for are as follows: Admin, Head Coder & Builder, Watchers, extra coder, builders, RP imms, and newbie council. If your interested in helping out you can reach our app on our website listed below. Or you can formally ask a staff member on the game its self.
The theme of our mud is: Anime. You are all welcome to come visit us at any of the following.
We are looking for more staff for our mud. The positions we are are looking for are as follows:
Admin, Head Coder & Builder, Watchers, extra coder, builders, RP imms, and newbie council.
If your interested in helping out you can reach our app on our website listed below. Or you can
formally ask a staff member on the game its self.
The theme of our mud is: Anime.
You are all welcome to come visit us at any of the following.
themudhost.net port 2300 (connection info)
fsmud.webs.com (Our website)
fsmud.yuku.com (our Forums site)
Come Joins Us!
Terraco (owner/admin/builder)