<!–This is XML-formatted pseudo-code of MurkMUD++'s game loop–> <game_loop> <!–input–> <show_string> page pause next page refresh scroll back </show_string> <interpret> <!–commands or socials–> <command> <cmd_table> do_north //common movement do_east do_south do_west do_up do_down do_buy //common other do_cast do_exits do_get do_inventory do_kill do_look do_order do_rest do_sleep do_stand do_tell do_wear do_wizhelp do_areas //informational do_bug do_commands do_compare do_consider do_credits do_equipment do_examine do_help do_idea do_report do_pagelen do_score do_slist do_socials do_time do_typo do_weather do_who do_wizlist do_auto //configuration do_autoexit do_autoloot do_autosac do_blank do_brief do_channels do_combine do_config do_description do_password do_prompt do_title do_wimpy do_answer //communication do_auction do_chat do_chat (".") do_emote do_emote (",") do_gtell do_gtell (";") do_music do_note do_question do_reply do_say do_say ("'") do_shout do_yell do_gag do_gag ("ignore") do_brandish //object manipulation do_close do_drink do_drop do_eat do_fill do_give do_wear do_list do_lock do_open do_pick do_put do_quaff do_recite do_remove do_sell do_get do_sacrifice do_unlock do_value do_wear do_zap do_backstab //combat do_backstab ("bs") do_disarm do_flee do_kick do_murde do_murder do_rescue do_follow //miscellaneous do_group do_hide do_practice do_qui do_quit do_recall do_recall ("/") do_rent do_save do_sleep do_sneak do_spells do_split do_steal do_train do_visible do_wake do_where do_advance //immortal do_trust do_allow do_ban do_deny do_disconnect do_freeze do_hotboo do_hotboot do_shutdow do_shutdown do_users do_wizify do_wizlock do_force do_mload do_mset do_noemote do_notell do_oload do_oset do_owhere do_pardon do_peace do_purge do_restore do_rset do_silence do_sla do_slay do_sset do_transfer do_mpstat do_at do_bamfin do_bamfout do_echo do_goto do_holylight do_memory do_mfind do_mstat do_mwhere do_ofind do_ostat do_recho do_return do_rstat do_slookup do_switch do_immtalk do_immtalk (":") do_mpasound //MOBprogram do_mpjunk do_mpecho do_mpechoat do_mpechoaround do_mpkill do_mpmload do_mpoload do_mppurge do_mpgoto do_mpat do_mptransfer do_mpforce </cmd_table> </command> <social> check_social </social> <charInProperPosition yes = "dispatch_command" /> </interpret> <nanny> CON_GET_NAME CON_GET_OLD_PASSWORD CON_CONFIRM_NEW_NAME CON_GET_NEW_PASSWORD CON_CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD CON_GET_NEW_SEX CON_GET_NEW_CLASS CON_READ_MOTD (message of the day) </nanny> <!–autonomous game motion–> <update_handler> <area_update> send a message to players that the area reset check age and reset </area_update> <violence_update> <multi_hit> <one_hit> is target there and alive? what type of damage message (pound, slice, etc.) <THAC0vAC> <hit> <npc> from lev/2 to level * 1.5 +50% if armed </npc> <pc> armed = low to high of wielded weapon unarmed = 1d4 </pc> <bonuses> damroll enhanced damage (+0-66%) double damage on sleeping target backstab (double damage + ch lev/8) </bonuses> if dam less than 1, dam is 1 </hit> <miss> damage 0 message </miss> </THAC0vAC> <damage> limit 1000 what if stunned, charmed or invis sanctuary halves the damage prot from evil 1/4's the damage if damage is less than 0 damage = 0 if npc disarm check if npc trip check <check_parry> npc chance lesser of 60 or level x 2 pc chance 0-50% + lev difference as % points </check_parry> <check_dodge> same calc as parry </check_dodge> <dam_message> miss…*** ANNIHILATES ***! </dam_message> </damage> </one_hit> </multi_hit> </violence_update> <mobile_update> skip if a pc, in no room at all or charmed <spec_fun> <spec_breath> any acid fire frost gas lightning </spec_breath> <spec_cast> <adept> armor bless cure blindness cure light cure poison refresh </adept> <cleric> blindness cause serious earthquake cause critical dispel evil curse change sex flamestrike harm dispel magic </cleric> <judge> high explosive </judge> <mage> blindness chill touch weaken teleport colour spray change sex energy drain fireball acid blast </mage> <undead> curse weaken chill touch blindness poison energy drain harm teleport gate </undead> </spec_cast> <spec_mob> <executioner> attack thieves and killers create two cityguards </executioner> <fido> devours corpses </fido> <guard> attack theives, killers or sufficiently evil characters </guard> <janitor> picks up trash </janitor> <mayor> opens and closes Midguaard with comments along the way </mayor> <poison> bites and poisons </poison> <thief> steals gold </thief> </spec_mob> </spec_fun> skip if asleep or busy randomly trigger MOBprogram <mob_prog> <in_file> <!–read prg's in .are files–> mprog_read_programs </in_file> mprog_read_file <!–read a .prg file–> </mob_prog> scavenge wander flee </mobile_update> <weather_update> send new weather to players </weather_update> <char_update> hit mana mov light/dark source use idle chars go to limbo less drunk less full more thirsty affects wear off poison damage autosave and autoquit </char_update> <obj_update> timers/deterioration </obj_update> <aggr_update> attack the pc or equally from among pc's </aggr_update> <extract_dead_characters /> </update_handler> <!–output–> <process_output> write_to_descriptor </process_output> </game_loop>
I plan to include details of the commands to then really be able to see what's running. Indenting was good enough for me, but then I thought if I send the file the formatting might not hold, or what if I accidentally mess it up.
Something I notice is that only from having been a text MUDer was I able to know what some of the code means, for example, show_string is the "page pause" selections like next and scroll back when there's more text to see.
Coding for text MUDs might not fit on a resume yet it sure prepared me for class!
I plan to include details of the commands to then really be able to see what's running. Indenting was good enough for me, but then I thought if I send the file the formatting might not hold, or what if I accidentally mess it up.
Something I notice is that only from having been a text MUDer was I able to know what some of the code means, for example, show_string is the "page pause" selections like next and scroll back when there's more text to see.
Coding for text MUDs might not fit on a resume yet it sure prepared me for class!