#define ORG_RACE(ch) (IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->race : ch->pcdata->race)
(IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->race : ch->pcdata->race) = race_lookup("human");
if (IS_NPC(ch))
ch->pIndexData->race = race_lookup("human");
ch->pcdata->race = race_lookup("human");
#define ORG_RACE(ch) (IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->race : ch->pcdata->race)
(IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->race : ch->pcdata->race) = race_lookup("human");
if (IS_NPC(ch))
ch->pIndexData->race = race_lookup("human");
ch->pcdata->race = race_lookup("human");
save.c:780: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
save.c: In function fread_char:
save.c:1239: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
save.c: In function fread_pet:
save.c:1535: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
whats wrong about this save.c
779 if (ORG_RACE(ch) == 0)
780 ORG_RACE(ch) = race_lookup("human");
781 if (RACE(ch) == 0)
782 RACE(ch) = race_lookup("human");
1237 {
1238 RACE(ch) = race_lookup(fread_string(fp));
1239 ORG_RACE(ch) = RACE(ch);
1240 fMatch = TRUE;
1241 break;
1242 }
1533 {
1534 RACE(pet) = race_lookup(fread_string(fp));
1535 ORG_RACE(pet) = RACE(pet);
1536 fMatch = TRUE;
1537 break;
1538 }